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牛津小学英语1A 单元基础知识、拓展内容、认读练习说明:单词、句型要求“三会”,听懂、会说、认读;补充内容只要求听懂,会说更好。Unit 1 Hello一、 单词:Su Hai 苏海 Wang Bing 王宾 Helen 海伦 Mike 麦克 Tommy 汤米Amy艾米hello / hi 你好二、 句型:Hello/ Hi, Im你好,我叫 三、 补充内容: 缩写:Im = I am 询问名字:Whats your name? 回答:My name is Follow me(跟我做): listen, look, eat, drinkOrders(简单口令): 老师:One, two, three. 学生:Three, two, one.Up, up, stand up; Down, down, sit down. 四、 拓展认读练习:1. Hello, Im Wang Bing.2. Hi, Im Su Hai.3. Hello, Mike. Hi, Helen.Unit 2 Good morning一、 单词:morning 早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 good 好 Miss Li 李老师二、 句型:Good morning. 早上好Good afternoon. 下午好Good evening. 晚上好Good morning to you.Good morning, Miss Li/ teacher/ 人名.三、 补充内容:(要求:听懂。会说则更好)Vocabulary(单词): sun 太阳,moon 月亮,star 星星,wind 风.Sentence (句子): Good night. 晚安Follow me: listen, look, sleep, wake up, eat, drink, smile, cry.Orders: Open your book. Close your book. Turn to page.Train, train, go, go, go.四、 拓展认读练习1. Good morning, Mike.2. Good afternoon, teacher.3. Good afternoon, Miss Li.4. Good evening to you.Unit 3 This is my mum一、 单词:mum 妈妈 dad 爸爸 teacher 老师mummy 妈妈 daddy 爸爸 I 我 you 你love 爱 my 我的 二、 句型:This is my 这是我的I love you. 我爱你。三、 补充内容:Vocabulary: mother 妈妈father 父亲 sister 姐姐 brother 哥哥 grandpa 祖父 grandma 祖母 uncle 叔叔 aunt 阿姨 ruler 尺 rubber 橡皮 pencil 铅笔 pencil box 铅笔盒 bag 包fat 胖的,thin 瘦的,tall 高的,short 矮的Sentence: 介绍自己的物品:This is my bag, pencil, book, pencil box, ruler, rubber.知道在介绍名字时用This is.不能加上my。如:This is Mike.四、 拓展认读练习:1. This is my mum.2. This is my dad.3. This is my mummy.4. This is my daddy.5. This is Mike.6. This is Helen.7. I love you, mum.8. I love you, dad.Unit 4 My bag一、 单词:book 书 bag包 pencil 铅笔 pencil box 铅笔盒 box 盒子 a 一个 one 一 two 二 three 三 put 放 the 指定的这个或那个in 在里面二、 句型:This is a 这是一(个)in the 在里Put the.in the.把.放进.里。三、 补充内容:Vocabulary:Bb开头: ball 球, bird 鸟, bug 昆虫, box 盒子, boy 男孩四、 拓展认读练习:1 This is a book2 This is a bag.3 This is a pencil box.4 This is a pencil.5 This is a teacher.6 This is my teacher.7 A pencil in the pencil box.8 A book in the bag.9 Put the book in the bag.10 Put a book in the bag.Unit 5 Fruit一、 单词:banana 香蕉 pear梨 mango芒果 peach桃子 fruit 水果 for 给 Joe 乔(人名) 二、 句型:Is this a ? 这是一(个)吗?Yes,it is. 是的,它是。One for 一个给三、 补充内容:Vocabulary:Apple 苹果,pineapple 菠萝,melon 瓜,watermelon 西瓜, orange 橘子,cherry 樱桃, lemon 柠檬,kiwi 猕猴桃Sentence: Is this Mike/ Helen/ Su Hai/ Wang Bing? 人名前不加a。Is this my.? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 四、 拓展认读练习:1. Is this a banana? Yes, it is.2. One for Tommy, one for joe.3. Is this a pear?4. Is this a peach? 5. Is this a mango?6. Is this Helen?7. Is this Miss Li?8. Is this my bag?9. Is this my book?10. No, it isnt.11. One for Mike, one for Su Hai.Unit 6 On a farm一、 单词:cow 牛 (叫声:moo) duck 鸭子 (叫声:quack) pig 猪 (叫声:oink)cat 猫 (叫声:miaow) dog 狗 (叫声:woof) farm农场 on a farm 在农场里what 什么二、 句型:Whats this? 这是什么?Its a 它是一(只)I am a .我是一(只).三、 补充内容:Vocabulary: Big 大的,small 小的,long 长的,short 短的Sentence:Its my I am Mike.四、 拓展认读练习:1. Whats this? Its a duck.2. I am a pig, oink, oink.3. I am Mike.4. Its my cat.5. This is my cat.6. This is a cow.Unit 7 Follow me一、 单词:a mouth一张嘴 a nose一个鼻子 an ear一只耳朵 an eye一只眼睛 touch 摸 your 你的 hands 手(复数) up 向上 down 向下二、 句型:Follow me. 跟我做。Touch your . 摸摸你的.Hands up. 举手。Hands down. 手放下。And 然后再Turn around.转一个圈。三、 补充内容:Vocabulary: head 头 face脸 shoulders 肩膀 knees 膝盖 toes 脚趾an 通常情况下接在开头字母为a, e, i, o, u的名词前,如an apple, an eye, an ear, an ice-cream, an orange, an umbrella. Sentence: Touch your . OK.Touch my up. 把举起来。 down. 把放下来。This is yourIs this your ?Its your.四、 拓展认读练习:1. Touch your nose.2. Touch your eye.3. Touch your mouth.4. Touch your book.5. Hands up.6. Hands down.7. Turn around.8. Touch my nose.9. Follow me.10. This is your book.11. This is your pencil.12. Is this your mango?13. Is this your dog?14. Its your bag.15. Its your pencil.Unit 8 What can your do?一、 单词:run 跑 jump 跳 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 can 能 what 什么二、 句型:What can you do? 你能/会做什么?I can 我能/会.三、 补充内容:Vocabulary:listen 听, look看, read 读, write 写, walk 走, swim 游泳, fly飞, climb 攀登、爬Sentence:I can learn to say/ look and learn/ sing a song/ say a rhyme /play a game/ make and play/ make a card.Mike can run.Can you ? 你能/会吗?Yes./ No.Go to 1. 走到1。Go to 5. 走到5.Go back to 3. 返回到3。四、 拓展认读练习:1. What can you do? 2. Whats this?3. I can sing.4. Can you sing? Yes, I can.5. Mike can jump.6. Helen can sing.7. Su Hai can dance.8. Wang Bing can run.Unit 9 Happy New Year!一、 单词:happy 快乐 new 新的 year 年 New Year 新年card 贺卡 doll 玩偶 red packet 红包 packet 小包裹、小纸包we 我们二、 句型:Happy New Year! 新年快乐!Thank you! 谢谢你!Happy New Year to you all. 祝福大家新年快乐。We are singing. We are dancing. 我们唱歌,我们跳舞。三、 补充内容:Vocabulary:sad 伤心的 tired疲劳的 angry 生气的 shy 害羞的 cheeky 脸皮厚的Phrase:a new bag. 一个新的包a red 一个红色的 Sentence:Im happy.for you. 给你A red packet for you. 给你一个红包。Thank you. 谢谢。Youre welcome. 不客气。Happy birthday. Happy Teachers Day Happy Childrens Day.Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Halloween. Happy Spring Festival.Merry Christmas.四、 拓展认读练习:1. Happy New Year!2. Happy New Year to you all.3. We are singing. We are dancing.4. Thank you.5. a new bag.6. Its a new book.7. This is a new pencil box.8. Im happy !9. Its a happy dog.10. a red cat11. Its a red pencil box.Unit 10 What colour?一、 单词:Colour 颜色 what 什么 red 红色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 blue 蓝色 brown 棕色white 白色 black 黑色 and 和二、 词组、句型:What colour? 什么颜色?Its 这是(色)。A white cat. A black dog.A cat and a dog.三、 补充内容:Vocabulary:orange 橙色 pink 粉色 purple 紫色 grey 灰色Sentence:Its a white cat. Its + a/an + 颜色 + 东西。This is a green banana. This is + a/an + 颜色 + 东西。Its black and white. 它是黑白相间的。四、 拓展认读练习1. What colour?2. What can you do?3. Whats this?4. Its black.5. Its black and white.6. A cat and a dog.7. A book and a pencil.8. A duck and a packet.9. This is a green peach.10. Its a blue eye.11. Its a black pencil.12. Its a brown pear.


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