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大连理工大学21秋ACAD船舶工程应用复习考核试题库答案参考1. _是世界上最毒的鱼类之一。A.鲨鱼B.鲉鱼C.刺魨_是世界上最毒的鱼类之一。A.鲨鱼B.鲉鱼C.刺魨正确答案:B2. You are on a multiple-product chemical tanker and will carry cargoes of isophorone,ethylenYou are on a multiple-product chemical tanker and will carry cargoes of isophorone,ethylenediamine,and creosote. Which of the following is TRUE?A.All of these cargoes are compatibleB.Isophorone is incompatible with ethylenediamine but may be stowed adjacent to creosoteC.All of these cargoes are incompatibleD.Ethylenediamine is compatible with isophorone but both are incompatible with creosote正确答案:A3. AutoCAD中调整文字比例采用scale命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B4. 孤岛检测有多个填充方式,包括下列( )等。A.普通B.外部C.内部D.忽略参考答案:ABD5. AutoCAD中调整视图显示有4种方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. On vessels over 100 gross tons,whose responsibility is it to ensure that all able seamen iOn vessels over 100 gross tons,whose responsibility is it to ensure that all able seamen in the vessels crew have the documents and qualifications required by law and regulation?A.Master of the vesselB.USCG Officer in Charge of Marine InspectionC.Owner or operator of the vesselD.Companys personnel director正确答案:A7. 调用dimedit命令可以实现哪些功能?( )A.编辑标注文字B.编辑尺寸界线的倾斜角度C.修改标注文字D.修改标注文字的位置E.标注更新参考答案:ABC8. 钢索操作舱口盖主要借助于( )。A.起货设备B.油缸C.液压马达D.开仓机参考答案:A9. 通用报警系统都可以在船舶驾驶台和其他要害位置操作。通用报警系统都可以在船舶驾驶台和其他要害位置操作。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:10. 以下哪项是按照相对极坐标方式输入的?( )A.“10,10”B.“10,10”C.“10D.“1010”参考答案:D11. At _ an occasional survey has been carried outA.the remind of the masterB.the referAt _ an occasional survey has been carried outA.the remind of the masterB.the refer of the masterC.the render of the masterD.the request of the master正确答案:D12. 27空气泡沫群中的气体是空气27空气泡沫群中的气体是空气此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:13. Which method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?A.ExhauWhich method is used to supply inert gas from a flue gas system to the cargo tanks?A.Exhaust gas pressure from the stackB.High capacity fanC.Inert gas compressorD.Natural aspiration正确答案:B14. 绘制圆可调用何命令?( )A.circleB.arcC.ellipse参考答案:A15. The stability which remains after a compartment is flooded is called _.A.intact stabiThe stability which remains after a compartment is flooded is called _.A.intact stabilityB.initial stabilityC.immersion stabilityD.damage stability正确答案:D16. If a fixed foam firefighting system on a ship is not of the premix type,a sample of the foIf a fixed foam firefighting system on a ship is not of the premix type,a sample of the foam liquid must be tested by _.A.a Coast Guard inspection officerB.the safety man aboard the unitC.the designated person in charge of the unitD.the manufacturer or his authorized representative正确答案:D17. AutoCAD软件中,调用区域填充命令,选择绘图-曲面下拉菜单中的三维填充命令。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B18. AutoCAD编辑文字采用什么何命令?( )A.ddeditB.scaletextC.JustifytextD.qtext参考答案:A19. 在命令提示过程中不可取消前一步操作。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B20. 某层气温直减率小于湿绝热直减率,则该气层为: A绝对不稳定 B中性稳定 C条件性不稳定 D绝对稳定某层气温直减率小于湿绝热直减率,则该气层为:A绝对不稳定B中性稳定C条件性不稳定D绝对稳定D21. 在运动中,_起杠杆作用。A.骨骼肌B.骨C.关节在运动中,_起杠杆作用。A.骨骼肌B.骨C.关节正确答案:B22. Repairing damage to the hull of a ship at or above the waterline reduces the threat of _Repairing damage to the hull of a ship at or above the waterline reduces the threat of _.A.free surface effectsB.capsizing the shipC.continued progressive floodingD.wind overturning moments正确答案:C23. 当海上风大浪高导致无法进行_,使海面平稳,便于顺利进行救助。A.润滑油B.镇浪油C.动力油当海上风大浪高导致无法进行_,使海面平稳,便于顺利进行救助。A.润滑油B.镇浪油C.动力油正确答案:B24. The granting of radio pratique _ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of HealthThe granting of radio pratique _ the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concernedA.clearB.clearsC.clearingD.is cleared正确答案:B25. A light used to signal passing intentions must be an _.A.all-round yellow light onlyBA light used to signal passing intentions must be an _.A.all-round yellow light onlyB.all-round white light onlyC.all-round blue light onlyD.alternating red and yellow light正确答案:B26. 保温救生服和防暴露服的织物表面有破损,应该取来备用布,用聚氨酯胶液粘上。保温救生服和防暴露服的织物表面有破损,应该取来备用布,用聚氨酯胶液粘上。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:27. 船舶上防止一切工具从高处跌落,包括皮鞋后跟加铁钉,也是油轮所不允许的。船舶上防止一切工具从高处跌落,包括皮鞋后跟加铁钉,也是油轮所不允许的。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:28. 依靠活塞往复运动,引起缸内容积变化实现吸、排液体的机械属:A.速度式泵B.回转式泵C.容积式泵D.喷依靠活塞往复运动,引起缸内容积变化实现吸、排液体的机械属:A.速度式泵B.回转式泵C.容积式泵D.喷射式泵正确答案:C29. What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?A.ManningWhat will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tanker?A.Manning requirementsB.Minimum freeboard permittedC.Grade(s) of cargoes that the vessel may carryD.Waters upon which the vessel may be operated正确答案:B30. 在船舶甲板上进行热工工作,会导致舱内货物受热自燃。在船舶甲板上进行热工工作,会导致舱内货物受热自燃。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:31. 靠工作流体产生的高速射流引射流体,然后再通过动量交换使被引射流体的能量增加,从而输送流体的泵靠工作流体产生的高速射流引射流体,然后再通过动量交换使被引射流体的能量增加,从而输送流体的泵是:A.容积式B.叶轮泵C.喷射泵D.活塞泵正确答案:C32. 当发现负责因疲劳的影响难以保证安全值班时,船长应调整值班的安排,使之得到适当的休息,以利于下当发现负责因疲劳的影响难以保证安全值班时,船长应调整值班的安排,使之得到适当的休息,以利于下一个班次时能够胜任职责的要求。A.值班的高级船员B.值班的普通船员C.驾驶台所有人员D.负责值班的驾驶员正确答案:A33. AutoCAD软件中,定数插入图块执行measure命令。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B34. AutoCAD中,根据当前屏幕显示范围,最大限度地将图形全部显示在屏幕中称为“动态缩放”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A35. 在AutoCAD软件中,定义块之后,要定义块的属性。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B36. AutoCAD中除了可使用arc命令绘制弧线外,还可以使用多段线pline命令绘制弧线。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A37. 对换向阀性能方面的错误叙述是:A.换向冲击小B.油口间的泄漏损失要小C.阀进出口间的压力损失要小D对换向阀性能方面的错误叙述是:A.换向冲击小B.油口间的泄漏损失要小C.阀进出口间的压力损失要小D.换向频率要低正确答案:D38. 船用起重机俗称克令吊。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A39. 在块及其属性中,有大量的数据,其中包括( )等等。A.块名B.块的插入点坐标C.插入比例D.各个属性值参考答案:ABCD40. 昏厥是没有预兆的。昏厥是没有预兆的。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:41. The grip of a joint represents the _.A.thickness of the connected membersB.diameter oThe grip of a joint represents the _.A.thickness of the connected membersB.diameter of the headC.entire length of the rivetD.diameter of the shank正确答案:A42. In the case of new crude oil tankers,the additional ballast permitted shall be carried inIn the case of new crude oil tankers,the additional ballast permitted shall be carried in cargo tanks only if such tanks have been _ before departure from an oil unloading port or terminal.A.inertedB.crude oil washedC.dilutedD.cleaned正确答案:B43. 船舶机舱舱底的易燃液体起火,产生大面积火灾并正不断扩大,应先用手提灭火器灭火。船舶机舱舱底的易燃液体起火,产生大面积火灾并正不断扩大,应先用手提灭火器灭火。此题为判断题(对,错)。正确答案:44. 系泊有多种方式,最普通的方式是( )。A.码头系泊B.旁靠系泊C.单点系泊D.浮筒系泊参考答案:A45. 在内陆地区,绝对湿度a和相对湿度f的日变化规律是: Aa和f白天大,夜间小 B白天a大f小,夜间a小f大 Ca和在内陆地区,绝对湿度a和相对湿度f的日变化规律是:Aa和f白天大,夜间小B白天a大f小,夜间a小f大Ca和f白天小,夜间大D白天a小f大,夜间a大f小B46. AutoCAD软件中,输出图形时必须关闭“文字快显”命令,否则输出后图形的文字部分依然以线框显示。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A47. 你船夜间全速前进时,发现舵叶丢失,应。A.立即关闭舷灯尾灯B.立即关闭桅灯,并显示两盏红灯C.A、你船夜间全速前进时,发现舵叶丢失,应。A.立即关闭舷灯尾灯B.立即关闭桅灯,并显示两盏红灯C.A、B均正确D.A、B均不正确正确答案:B48. 以下说法正确的是( )。A.属性是块中的文本对象B.属性包括属性标志和属性值C.在定义块之前,先定义块的属性D.插入块后可以编辑块的属性参考答案:ABCD49. AutoCAD在图形显示功能中,为用户提供了几个轴测视图?( )A.2B.3C.4D.5参考答案:C50. AutoCAD软件中,创建新图形文件可采用( )快捷键。A.Ctrl+NB.Ctrl+OC.Ctrl+SD.Ctrl+F4参考答案:A


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