2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《Will you help me》教案 (新版)外研版

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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1Will you help me教案 (新版)外研版教学内容Module8 Unit1 Will you help me?授课时间教 学目 标1.New words and drills.2.Talking with the future tense.3.Drawing their interests and training their habits.重 点难 点1.New words and drills2.Using the future tense correctly.教学方法讲授法、情景教学法、练习法教学具准备tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.教学过程Step 1 warm up1.Greeting:2. Listen and do. fly kites play football play chess ride a bike take photos wear a Tshirt read books play the violin play puter games eat eggs and sausages3.Free talk What day is it today?Whats the weather like in Qingdao? Where are you going this weekend?Step 2 presentation 1. Children, well learn Module 8, will you help me? (出示课题)Lets watch CD-ROM and think two questions.Q1: Where is Daming going? Listen and choose.Q2: Whats Damings cousins name? listen and answer.(出示课件) 2. Q3: If youre Daming, what present will you take? Watch it again.(板书) I think Ill .S: I think Ill make a Chinese kite!Listen and repeat. Pair work.(出示课件) s: I think Ill make a bird/dragon/few kite!3. T: I think youll have a picnic next week. What will you do? (出示课件) group work.S1: I think Ill wear a T-shirt.S2: I think Ill wear a T-shirt and play football.S3: I think Ill wear a T-shirt, play football and eat a hamburger.S4: I think Ill wear a T-shirt, play football, eat a hamburger and fly a kite.4. Oh, wheres my book? I havent got a book, will you help me?Ss: yes, I will.Daming will make a kite, who will help him? Watch it again.(板书)Will you help me? Of course, I will.Listen and repeat. Pair work.5. play a guessing game.(出示课件) I choose a picture, then let the students to ask.Will you?Then guess the students.6. read the words, listen and make the sentences. Then stand in line.7. Listen, point and find “will”. Read the sentences with will Listen and repeat 2 times. Then read it in pairs.8. Listen and judge. Then do the activity book.Step 3 consolidation and extension.(出示课件) read it. Then write your plan.Step 4 summary Read the base sentences together.Step 5 homework:1.Listen and repeat the dialogue 5 times.2.Copy the sentences 2 times.3. Finish your plan.4 .Write your summer plan, send email to me.板 书设 计 Module 8 Unit 1 Will you help me?Of course = Yes, I will. No, I wont. = will not I think Ill make a Chinese kite. I will 教后记


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