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北京语言大学21秋英语语法在线作业一答案参考1. 【C20】Aput up withBkeep up withCcome up withDcatch up with【C20】Aput up withBkeep up withCcome up withDcatch up with正确答案:Aputupwith意为“忍受”,相当于bear,stand。keepupwith与catchupwith为近义词,表示“赶上,跟上”,两者的细微差别在于前者指两物体之间没有距离,后者暗示两物体之间有距离,一前一后。comeupwith意为“产生”,例如:Icameupwithagoodidea(我想出了一个好主意。)2. For an amount of insurance like this, it is impossible for us to get both the hull and machinery _For an amount of insurance like this, it is impossible for us to get both the hull and machinery _ .AinsuredBissuedCensuredDassuredA3. The test is for students _ native language is not English.A.whoseB.who参考答案:A4. Miss Green saw the robbery and she reported it to the police.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A5. As the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen thAs the most important environmental conference in more than a decade gets under way in Copenhagen this week,much of the talk,as usual,is on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.But theres another issue that needs to be addressed-one that is crucial for reaching an overall agreement,but doesnt get nearly as much attention.That issue is adaptation.十几年来最重要的环境会议本周即将在哥本哈根召开,和以往一样,讨论大多集中在温室气体的减排上。然而,还有另一个问题急需解决这个问题对能否达成一个整体协议至关重要,但尚未引起人们足够的关注。这就是适应机制问题。这则新闻采用了英语新闻语言的表达习惯,使用复合句。译者通过对原文的理解,将adaptation译为“适应机制问题”,使译文便于理解。6. Please make sure the terms _ the L/C are exactly the same as those _ our contract so thatPlease make sure the terms _ the L/C are exactly the same as those _ our contract so that there is no need for amendment, which is costly and time consuming.in,in7. The result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadn&39;t expected. A) when B) thatThe result of the experiment was very good, _ we hadnt expected.A) whenB) thatC) whichD) whatC本题考查非限制性定语从句中关系词的用法。根据句意可以知道:定语从句中的关系词指代整个主句“the result of the experiment was very good”,并且该关系词在定语从句中充当及物动词expect的宾语,因此该空中需要填入一个关系代词,而that不能用于非限制性定语从句中,故C为正确答案。句意:实验的结果非常好,这一点我们没有想到。8. Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. All apparatus _ (test)before the experiment began.All apparatus _ (test)before the experiment began.had been tested10. Although he is poor nevertheless, he is satisfied with his situation.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11. Early yesterday, an accident was occurred on Xuezhe Road.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12. In the Great Fire of London in 1666, people managed to feel the heat miles away.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A13. I decided to go to the library as soon as I _.A.finished what I was doingB.finished what I didC.would finish what I was doingD.finish what I did参考答案:A14. There are four candidates for this job.There are four candidates for this job.参考答案这个工作职位有4个候选人。15. A: Good morningMy name is MrBrownI&39;m from AustraliaHere is my card. B: Thank youI&39;m plA: Good morningMy name is MrBrownIm from AustraliaHere is my card.B: Thank youIm pleased to meet you, MrBrownMy name is Kathy Perless, the representative of GREen Textile Import and Export Corporation.A: Pleased to meet you too, MsPerlessI travel a lot every year on business, but this is my first visit to your countryI must say I have been much impressed by your friendly people.B: Thank you for saying soHave you seen the exhibition halls? On display are most of our products, such as silk, woolen knitwear, cotton piece goods, and garments.A: Oh, yesI had a look yesterdayI found some of the exhibits to be fine in quality and beautiful in designThe exhibition has successfully displayed to me what your corporation handlesIve gone over the catalogue and the pamphlets enclosed in your last letterIve got some idea of your exportsIm interested in your silk blouses.B: Our silk is known for its good qualityIt is one of our traditional exportsSilk blouses are brightly colored and beautifully designedTheyve met with great favor overseas and are always in great demand.A: Some of them seem to be of the latest styleNow Ive a feeling that we can do a lot of trade in this lineWe wish to establish relations with you.B: Your desire coincides with ours.A: Concerning our financial position, credit standing and trade reputation, you may refer to Bank of Hong Kong, or to our local Chamber of Commerce or inquiry agencies.B: Thank you for your informationAs you know, our corporation is a state-owned oneWe always trade with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefitEstablishing business relations between us will be to our mutual benefitI have no doubt that it will bring about closer ties between us.A: That sounds interestingIll send a fax homeAs soon as I receive a definite answer, Ill make a specific inquiry.B: Well then make an offer as soon as possibleI hope a lot of business will be conducted between us.A: So do I.早上好!我叫布朗,澳大利亚人。这是我的名片。 谢谢。布朗先生,见到您非常高兴。我是凯茜佩利丝,是格林纺织品进出口公司的代表。 佩利丝小姐,见到您我也很高兴。我每年出差跑很多地方,但是,到中国来还是头一次。你们这里的人非常友好,给我留下了深刻的印象。 谢谢夸奖。您参观过展览厅了吗?展出的大部分是我们的产品,比如丝绸、毛织品、棉、布匹和服装等。 哦,对,昨天我去看过。有些产品质量好、设计美观。展览会成功向我介绍了贵公司所经营的各种产品。我已看过你上次在信中所附的目录和小册子,对贵公司的出口产品有了一些了解。我对你们的丝绸女衫颇感兴趣。 我们的丝绸以质量好著称。丝绸是我们的传统出口商品之一。丝绸女衫色彩鲜艳、设计美观,在国外很受欢迎,需求量一直都很大。 有些看来还是最新的式样。现在我感觉我们在这方面可以做不少买卖。我们希望同贵公司建立业务关系。 我们双方的愿望是一致的。 关于我们的财务状况、信用及声誉,你们可以向香港银行或我们在当地商会或咨询社进行了解。 谢谢你所提供的情况。我们公司是国有公司,我们一向是在平等互利的基础上进行外贸交易,我们之间建立业务关系将对双方有利。我相信业务关系的建立也将使我们之间的关系更为密切。 太好了,我会发一份传真回去。一收到肯定的答复,我就提供具体的询价。 到时我们一定尽快报价。我希望我们之间能做成很多生意。 我也一样。 16. It would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract _.Aare interested in UFO spotIt would appear that the public Sagan hopes to attract _.Aare interested in UFO spottingBare only interested in science fictionCare unable to write science fictionDhave a reasonable grounding in science正确答案:D17. l rn enjoying the long surnrner evenings. _arn I. A.So B. Neither- l rn enjoying the long surnrner evenings.- _arn I.A.SoB. NeitherC. Nor参考答案A18. quiet A. jkwaiat B. jkwait C. jkaiatquiet A. jkwaiat/ B. jkwait/ C. jkaiat/参考答案:A( )19. The dish is tasted very delicious.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. In the spin shop the floor was over a hectare in size.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A21. -I will come to attend your lecture at 10:00 tomorrow. -I&39;m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _ my guests in my office.A.is being metB.will meetC.will be meetingD.will have met参考答案:C22. Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B23. Don&39;t live in the world, I would rather (I would just as soon) you die.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B24. I had been splitting up with my girlfriend and I was feeling very upset.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A25. Don&39;t bother to look for my dictionary. -it _ some day.A.turns upB.has turned upC.will turn upD.is going to turn up参考答案:C26. Have you been to New Zealand? -No, I&39;d like to, _.A.tooB.thoughC.yetD.either参考答案:D27. Write an order letter according to the following order sheet From: ABC CoLtd. 108 North StrWrite an order letter according to the following order sheetFrom: ABC CoLtd.108 North StreetNew York, America12 May 2008Order No288To: China National Import and Export Corp.111 south street Shanghai, ChinaQnty ItemCatalogue NoN/P(CIF New York Net)200 Bed Sheets, 150, blueAC66US $600 each300 Bed Sheets, 200, pinkAC68US $650 each500 Pillow cases, blueACT0US $200 each500 Pillow cases, pinkAC76US $200 eachUS $2315.00Packing: In cotton cloth BalesShipment : Prompt Shipment From shanghaiPayment: By China National Import and Export CorpPurchase managerDear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of May 12 and are glad to inform you that your samples are satisfactoryEnclosed please find our order No288 for four of the following items. Our customers urgently require all these itemsWe therefore, hope you will make delivery at an early date. Yours faithfully, ABC Co, Ltd Manager 28. Who&39;s got all the money? He _. A) does B) is C) was D) hasWhos got all the money?He _.A) doesB) isC) wasD) hasDHe has是He has go all your money的省略说法。29. When and where to build the new school _ yet Ais not decided Bare not decided Chas not dWhen and where to build the new school _ yetAis not decidedBare not decidedChas not decided Dhave not decidedAdecide是及物动词,此题要用被动语态。又因为是副词+不定式作主语,故谓语动词用单数。30. “Where is Wu Dong?”“He_ Shanghai”A.has gone toB.will goC.has bee“Where is Wu Dong?”“He_ Shanghai”A.has gone toB.will goC.has beenD.went正确答案:A31. Three-fifths of his pay were spent on food and clothing.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A32. The order came _ the soldiers _ the small village the next morning.A.that,had to leaveB.that,should leaveC./,must leaveD.when,should leave参考答案:B33. The word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifThe word it in the second sentence of the second paragraph refers toAmicrobeBsmall lifeCworld of microbesDword正确答案:C“it”这个代词应该是代替本句中前面提到的theworld(ofmicrobes)。34. You have been drinking at least ten cups.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A35. It goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have _ us in the past. AeIt goes without saying that we very much appreciate the support you have _ us in the past.AexpandedBexpectedCextendedDexecutedC36. If you want to change a double room, you will have to pay ( ) $25.A、eachB、moreC、otherD、another参考答案:D37. An air accident happened to the plane, nobody alive.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B38. I _ so busily recently that I _ no time to help you with your math. That&39;s OK. I can manage it by myself.A.have been working/haveB.have worked/hadC.am working/will haveD.had been working/had had参考答案:A39. They asked him question whether an electric current can be produced by magnetism.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A40. In a tenyear ( ) from 1976 to 1985, the total world fish catch increased 29%.A、expanseB、expenseC、stanceD、span参考答案:D41. As he is a farmer, he is suspicious of all governmental interference.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B42. He warned the public not to approach the men, who armed and dangerous.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A43. 【C6】AteacherBdoctorCwinnerDfool【C6】AteacherBdoctorCwinnerDfool正确答案:D根据下一句话中“我会做得很差”可知在这种实践性较强的考试中我会显得像傻瓜一样,故应选D项。44. The Olympic Games are held _ Aevery four years Bevery fourth years Cevery four year DeverThe Olympic Games are held _Aevery four years Bevery fourth yearsCevery four year Devery four-yearsA45. Henry wasn&39;t paid because he was the _ secretary of the association. A) honorable B) hoHenry wasnt paid because he was the _ secretary of the association.A) honorableB) honorC) honoredD) honoraryDhonorary名誉的;honorable荣誉的,光荣的;honor是名词,荣誉,光荣;honored尊敬的。46. The bank is opposite the newsagents.The bank is opposite the newsagents.参考答案银行在报刊亭对面。47. ( ) does it cost? Three hundred. A. HowB. How muchC. How many( ) does it cost? Three hundred. A. HowB. How muchC. How many参考答案:B( )48. Mrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two nationalMrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for paintingshe has won two national prizes.A) a, aB) an, theC) an, aD) the, theC8(eight)的发音是元音,前要用an;have a gift for意思为“有做某事的天赋”,相当于have a talent for。49. I&39;ll pay for the meal, and you pay for the taxi, or perhaps I&39;ll pay for both.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B50. You must give it back to _ it belongs to.A.thatB.whoC.whomeverD.what参考答案:C51. Entering the room, the headmaster said, Everyone_quiet, please. AkeepBkeepsCis kEntering the room, the headmaster said, Everyone_quiet, please. AkeepBkeepsCis keepingDto keep正确答案:A52. I cant help_.AlaughingBlaughCto laughDto laugh atI cant help_.AlaughingBlaughCto laughDto laugh at正确答案:A53. _do you go to see your Granny? Four times a month.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD._do you go to see your Granny? Four times a month.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How many答案:B54. A.manyB.dealC.numberD.quantityA.manyB.dealC.numberD.quantity正确答案:A55. The linguistic aspects of communicative competence include orthography, grammar, vocaThe linguistic aspects of communicative competence include orthography, grammar, vocabulary and_.A. functionsB. variationsC. discourseD. interaction参考答案C56. It was_for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many neIt was_for Jim to finish the test paper within an hour because there were too many new words in it.Aout of questionBwithout questionCno questionDout of the question正确答案:D57. _team accomplishes all the tasks in the shortest period of time will go through to th_team accomplishes all the tasks in the shortest period of time will go through to the national championships.ANo matter whatBNo matter whichCWhateverDWhichever正确答案:D58. As I had worked more than half hour, I was a little tired.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A59. 一 I feel like singing! ( )A. How come?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? T一 I feel like singing! ( )A. How come?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? That s terrible.参考答案:B60. Mary was neither happy, and was she sad.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A


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