2022年(秋)三年级英语上册 Unit7 Would you like a pie教案1 译林版

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2022年(秋)三年级英语上册 Unit7 Would you like a pie教案1 译林版单 元Unit7课 题Would you like a pie ?课 时主备学校主备人执教人授课时间教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会拼读单词a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a hamburger,an egg2.能初步听懂、会说并且会读Would you like?/What about?以及应答语Yes, please.和No , thank you.明白如何征询别人的意见3. 能初步听懂、会说并且会读Nice to meet you.,并且明白回答是Nice to meet you,too.4.学生继续了解一些介绍朋友时的礼节以及“Nice to meet you.”的适用范围。重点难点1.能听懂、会说、会拼读单词a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a hamburger2.能初步听懂、会说并且会读Would you like?/What about?以及应答语Yes, please.和No , thank you.教具学具卡片,PPT,单词小图片(用来奖励学生以及句型单词复习用)Unit 7 Would you like a pie?Nice to meet you. A: Would you like a? a cake a pieB: No, thank you. a hot dog a hamburgerA: What about a ?B: Yes, please.预习要求教学过程个性化设计Step 1 Greeting 1.GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss:Hello, Miss Zhang.2.Sing songs and say some rhymes.a.Sing songs:At the market Row ,row ,row your boatEg:T:Miss Zhang can sing At the market.Can you sing it?Ss:Yes,I can.b.Say rhymesAre you Mike? At a snack bar At a snack barA pie, a cake, a hot dog please.And a hamburger with cheese.For Tom, for Marry, for Jack and me.Thank you, Mr Lee.这些小诗都是学生学过的,尤其是配上动作的,学生不容易忘记,但是也需要反复复习。At a snack bar这首小诗是学生最喜欢说的。通过这首小诗导入本课的学习。T:Well done. You have a good memory.Step 2 PresentationT: I like the nice food(PPT:我喜欢美味食物).Do you like the nice food?S Yes, I do.T: I would like to have a picnic.(2AUnit 6课题出现过picnic的单词,PPT再次出示)导题:Today, well learn Unit7 Would you like a pie?出示课题:Unit7 Would you like a pie?教读课题T:Would you like to have a picnic?(PPT出示,并显示中文意思,让学生再次感知上一单元would you like这个句型)Ss: Ok./All right.T:Firstly,lets choose some food. Lets go to the snack bar.1.教授并且复习本单元部分单词a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger, an egg和本课重点句型Would you like a ?以及回答Yes, please. /No, thank you.出示snack bar和一些小诗中出现的食物的图片,并教授食物单词,说的好的给有单词的食物小图片做奖励。 T: Look,this is a snack bar. What can you see?S: I can see a 根据学生说的顺序教授单词:a cake, a pie, a hot dog,a hamburger, an egg。T: Would you like a ?(出示句型,教读,并板书)出示Learning tips:Would you like? 你想要吗?Yes,please. 是的。/No, thank you.不,谢谢。出示句型,并且教读:Yes,please.和No, thank you.S: Yes,please./No, thank you.(提示学生回答)2.Story time a.课文内容学习T: There are so many nice food. I like them. And my friends like them, too. Lets go to have a picnic now.教学过程个性化设计Look, my friends are ing.出示课文图片T:I can see Mike. Who can you see?Ss:I can see(Liu Tao, Wang Bing)T:Look, Mike is introducing his sister to his friends. What is he saying? How does Yang Ling greet to her new friend? Lets watch the cartoon.Mike: This is my sister ,Helen.Yang Ling: Nice to meet you . 教师出示句型并且教读:Nice to meet you.Learning tips:Nice to meet you. 用于第一次见面时说的话,一般的场合都可以,比较正式。回答是:Nice to meet you, too.T: Helen is their new friend. How do they guest (招待) Helen. Would Helen like a pie or a cake? Lets watch the cartoon again.PPT: What would Helen like, a pie or a cake? 海伦想要什么,一个馅饼还是一个蛋糕? Shed like a cake T:How do they guest(招待) Helen?Su Hai: Would you like a pie?Helen: No , thank you.读句子,同桌之间练习。Yang Ling: What a cake? Helen: Yes, please.出示句型:What about? 怎么样?about ou /au/ 渗透ou 字母组合发音:blouse mouse mouth(1) Read one by one(2) Read together.Learning tips:What about?这是常用的一句口语。实际上是一个省略句,既What is it about?“(关于)怎么样”。这个句子一般情况下是不单独使用得,一定得有上文的,在述说了某一事情之后,转向另一事物时,才用到这一句式。用于向对方提出建议或请求和征询对方的看法或意见等。同义句:How about ?b.课文复习(1)Read after the tape(注意模仿语音语调)(2)Read together(3)角色扮演Step 3 Consolidation复习单词a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger,an egga. Puzzles(遮去部分,猜是什么)b.看图说拼单词2.Work in pairs根据PPT出示的提示和句型完成对话:S1:Would you like a?S2: No, thank you.S1:What about a ?S2: Yes, please.例如:1. S1:Would you like a cake?S2: No, thank you.S1:What about a hot dog?S2: Yes, please.3.Summary(1)今天我们学了一些食物类的单词:a cake, a pie, a hot dog, a hamburger,an egg(2)和别人第一次见面时,可以说:Nice to meet you. 你可以回答:Nice to meet you, too.(3)征求别人意见时可以说:Would you like?和What about?4.Eating too much is not healthy.吃得太多不利于健康。Step 4 Homework1.Recite Story time2.Copy the new words 4 times.(下节课默写)作业:1.Recite Story time2.Copy the new words 4 times.(下节课默写)教 后 记附送:2022年(秋)三年级英语上册 Unit7 Would you like a pie教案2 译林版单 元Unit7课 题Would you like a pie ?课 时主备学校主备人执教人授课时间教学目标1 继续巩固单词a cake , a pie ,a hot dog, a hamburger, an egg.能听懂、灰度、会说、会拼写单词:a sweet,an ice cream.2 能熟练地会运用举行:Would you like ?What about?以及应答语Yes,please和 No, thank you .3 渗透原因字母A E I O U。重点难点1 继续巩固单词a cake , a pie ,a hot dog, a hamburger, an egg.能听懂、灰度、会说、会拼写单词:a sweet,an ice cream.2 能熟练地会运用举行:Would you like ?What about?以及应答语Yes,please和 No, thank you .3 渗透原因字母A E I O U。教具学具卡片、PPT、单词小图片(学生自己画的图片)预习要求教学过程个性化设计Step1 Greeting1 Greeting T:Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello, Miss Kong.2 Sing songs and say some rhymes.Step2 Warm up1 Play a game_Rabbit, go!游戏规则:全班分成四组,每个组一个名称:a cake, a pie, a hot dog, an egg, 老师是hamburger.例如:口令:Rabbit, rabbit, eat, eat Eat a cake.()听到cake一组马上站起来。没有说出来的一组,拼写两个组的单词。2 Summary1)出示所有上节课学的单词:a cake, a pie ,a hot dog, a hamburger, an egg.并拼写单词。2)句型复习:Would you like ?What about?T: There are so many nice food. Would you like a ?S:Yes, please./No, thank you .PPT:出示图片和句型,work in pairs.A: Would you like ? What about?B:Yes,please./No,thank you.3)课文复习story time1. T(出示课文图片):I like them. I want to have a 教学过程个性化设计picnic. Look, they are having a picnic. Lets read after the tape.A. 全班读。B. 纠正个别学生的发音。C. 角色扮演,读得好的奖励小糖果。(T:This sweet is for you.感知for you)Step3 Presentation1 教授单词a sweet.T:You did very well. And I gave you some sweets.Look, I have a sweet here.教师出示糖果,和单词a sweet.Meet sweet ee/i:/PPT:The sweet is sweet.(这个糖果是甜的 )让学生明白sweet可以表示糖果,还可以表示甜的。T-ST:Would you like a sweet?S:Yes, please./No, thank you.I like sweets. They are sweet. And I like ice creams,too.2 出示单词an ice cream.ea/i:/强调anPay attention An egg an ice creamLearning tips:元音字母A E I O U T-ST:Would you like 。?S:Yes, please./No, thank you.S-T3 Rhyme time_for you and me 1)Magic eyes_快速闪现图片2)There are so nice food for you and me .a.听录音第一段,初步感知。b.配上动作,说小诗C.小组竞赛。Step4 Consolidation1. Fun time_Make and cat.2. 让学生拿出图片来活动对话T:Would you like a sweet?S:Yes, please./No, thank you.Step5 HomeworkCopy the new words 4 times.Finish the exercises.教 后 记


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