2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10《Where were you yestoday》集备教案 (新版)湘少版

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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10《Where were you yestoday》集备教案 (新版)湘少版_第1页
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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10《Where were you yestoday》集备教案 (新版)湘少版_第2页
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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10《Where were you yestoday》集备教案 (新版)湘少版_第3页
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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10Where were you yestoday集备教案 (新版)湘少版教学目标:1.Able to understand and read the new words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, at work , at home ,weekdays, sick, railway, station; in bed, in hospital2.Able to understand and read the text3.Use “Where were you?” “I was.” to require what people did in past time.教学重点及难点:重点:Grasp new words难点:Act out the dialogue教学方法:解释法,对话法教学准备:a calendar, some picture word cards, tape etc. 教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing English songsStep 2 Presentation and drill1. Show a calendar. T: What day is it today? / How many days are there in a week? What are they? S: . T: The days from Monday to Friday are Weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekends. Today is .And yesterday was Point to the calendar to help students to understand what new words mean, write and teach.2.Put pictures of places under the days. T: Today is.and Im at school. Yesterday was and I was at the library/ sick and in the hospital/ .Where were you? S: Encourage students answer with what they know.3.Listen to Part A, understand the main idea, and answer.Where was Mingming yesterday?4.Help students to understand: sick,better give me5.Listen to the tape and repeat.6.Practice the dialogue.Step 3 Practice Game-Chain gameStep 4 Consolidation1.Make a small survey.2.Give assessment板书:yesterday today weekdays sickrailway station Where were you, Mingming?I was.Period 2教学目标:1. Able to understand Part D, and finish the questions教学重点及难点:重点:Understand Part D, and finish the questions难点:retell the part D教学方法:操练法教学准备:some pictures of scenery, word cards, tape etc.教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Show pictures of scenery or photos, pin them on a blank paper)T: Hello, boys and girls. I like traveling very much. Ive been to many places, for example, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou.They are all beautiful places. I took many pictures. Hand in the photos to the students; write the new words and phrases on the Bb.2.Read part D, and answer the questionsWhere was Mr White last week?Why did he feel happy in Hangzhou?Did he like the food in Guangzhou?Why did Mr White love China?3.Explain “cities visited saw weather sunny went said” to students.4.Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 3 Practice1.Talk out Part D. 2.Discuss and finish the form.WeekdaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayPlaces3.Finish the questions, and then practice with your partner.Step 4 Consolidation1.Retell Part D2.Give assessment.3.Homework: Repeat the text.板书:Where were you yesterday?Where were you on ?I was on .WeekdaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayPlacesPeriod 3教学目标:1.Grasp the new words, sentences, grammar in the unit2.Able to describe where you went 3.sing the song教学重点及难点:重点:Grasp and use the words难点:Use the knowledge to talk about where you went.教学方法:解释法,对话法教学准备:pictures, photos, word cards tape etc.教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing English song.3.Dictate the words and phrases in the unit.Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Point to Part E, and fill in the blanks.2.Check their answers.Step 3 Practice1.learn the song“Where Were You?”2.Change the lyrics “little lady, at home, sir” into “dear sir, at school, girl”. And sing the song.3.Sing by boys and girls separately.Step 4 Consolidation Game-Travel in the dream. Teacher plays a piece of piano, let students act as sleepingHomework板书:Where were you?附送:2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 11Who was first教案 (新版)湘少版课题: Who was first ?教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词2、能用“Who was first ?”“Mary was first .”描述顺序,能用新学的单词对过去发生的事情做简单的描述重点难点重点:能用“Who was first ?”“Mary was first .”描述顺序难点:序数词中th的发音教具准备教学课件、有关图标的卡片教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Sing a song and say some chants2. Free talk让学生说说自己的生日是哪一天,以及节日的时间,以复习已学过的序数词教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Presentation 1. Elicit the ordinal number1stfirst 2ndsecond 3rdthird4thfourth 5thfifth 6thsixth7thseventh 8theighth 9thninth10thtenth2. Read the words3. Game : Whats missing ?学生朗读单词卡片, 教师抽走一张卡片,让学生猜是哪一张4. Quick response5. Play a game :choose the card and do the action教师制作10张卡片, 卡片的正面写上110,背面写上随机的110分分值及英文动作单词,学生抽取卡片,按照卡片背面的提示做出相应的动作,并获得相应分值。6. Learn the new word : cheercheered7. Read the words8. Learn part A(1)导入A部分,学习单词sports day , race 和meter(2)听A部分的录音,理解课文大意(3)Check the answers(4)Read after the tape , then practice in groups .The students read the text in groups and help each other .Step 3 Consolidation连线练习(1)将节日与相应日期连线Childrens Day the twenty-fifth of DecemberChristmas Day the fist of OctoberTeachersDay the first of JuneNational Day the eighth of MayWomens Day the tenth of September(2)将动词与相应的过去式连起来e go sit sing stand run cheerran stood sang went cheered sat came本课教学后记第2课时 总第 教时2014 201 5 学年度第二学期教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词2、能用新学的单词对过去发生的事情做简单的描述重点难点重点:能读懂、理解课文D部分短文难点:掌握序数词的用法教具准备单词卡片、教学课件等教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings2. Sing a song : Where Were You ?3. Say a chant教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Practice1. Lead-in2. Finish part C(1)Talk about the results of the race .(2)Fill in the blanks .NAMERESULTSORDERBob1330David1402Dick1209Frank1307Henry1208Mike1308Paul1401Peter1306Tom1302William1309Step 3 Presentation1. 创设情境引出阅读话题,初读课文,整体感知语篇2. 听读课文,抓信语篇大意3. 圈关键词,扫清阅读障碍4. 再次阅读,深入理解语篇What was the order of the PROGRAMS ?12345678Step 4 Consolidation1. Quick response2.To be a little host :请学生担任小主持人,使用序数词介绍节目顺序。本课教学后记课题: Who was first ?第3课时 总第 教时2014 201 5 学年度第二学期教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读、会写本单元新单词2、能感受英文诗的韵律重点难点重点:根据文字提示,完成作文The English party,并为作文配上图画难点:能诵读英语小诗教具准备单词卡片、教学课件等教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings2. Free talk3. 复习动词的过去式教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Lets have fun1. 听诗朗诵,感受语音和韵律2. 用诗中简单的语言及简笔画分别描述每个波浪和“我”的联系,并解释单词wave , swish , float , swell , shell的含义3. 听录音,跟读4. 诗朗诵Step 3 Lets write1. Brainstorming老师让学生谈谈自己最喜欢的节目,并将单词板书出来,供学生写作做参考2. English party请学生将课前准备的表演出来3. Talk about the English party教师用课件呈现问题,引导学生回答,然后让学生分组讨论这些问题4. 口头完成作文The English party5. 根据文字提示,完成作文The English party, 还可以为作文配上图画6. 学生展示自己的作文本课教学后记


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