2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10《Where were you yestoday》教案 (新版)湘少版

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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10《Where were you yestoday》教案 (新版)湘少版_第1页
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2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10Where were you yestoday教案 (新版)湘少版课题: Where were you yesterday ?教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读、会写yesterday , today , tomorrow , at work , at home , in bed , in hospital 。2、能听懂、会说、认读、会写“Where were you yesterday ?”“I was ”重点难点重点:能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词难点:感知并学习一般过去时的用法教具准备关于常见地点的图片若干,台历一个,单词卡片,教学课件等教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings2. A song : Fishes , Fishes , Where Are You ?教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Presentation1. 导入主题2. 单元词句板块的整体学习第一步:对比学习today , yesterday T: Today is Monday . Yesterday was Sunday .第二步:整体学习“You were ”的表达T: Im at school today . We are all at school today . Yesterday was Sunday . Where were I ?第三步:整体学习“I was ”的表达T: I was in the park on Sunday . I was in the tea house on Sunday . 第四步:学习句型“Where were you ?”“I was ”T: Where was I last Sunday or last Saturday ?T: You are right. Its your turn to tell me where you were last Sunday or last Saturday .T: Were you in the shopping centre ?Step 3 Learn the text课文学习:教师可分步骤循序渐进地引导学生熟悉课文第一步:Listen and answer the questions不打开书,只听录音,听录音前,给出任务,听对话后回答问题:明明昨天在哪里?第二步:Listen and find打开书,听录音,画出相关问题的答案,检查刚才自己听到的是否正确第三步:Listen and answer学生回答问题,教师可通过课文插图或图片引导学生核对问题答案,在学生回答的过程中,教师可继续提问,引导学生理解sick的意思,并出示单词卡片带读。第四步:Listen and repeat 听录音,跟读对话,引导学生正确模仿,提醒学生注意模仿语调,读出疑问、生气或抱歉的语气第五步:Read and dub出示课文插图,引导学生为对话配音。根据学生的水平,可先练习一幅图或多幅图,引导学生记忆对话,并完成配音的任务Step 4 Practice1. 学生四人一组,谈论上周末自己身在何处2. 学生进行接龙的chant 创编3. 学生分组上台进行chant接龙本课教学后记教学目标1、进一步复习巩固B部分词汇2、练习句型“Where were you yesterday ?”“I was ”重点难点重点:小结be动词过去式的构成难点:理解和感知一般过去时的用法教具准备图片若干、单词卡片、教学课件等教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. A song : Where Were You ?2. Revision(1)接力活动:每个学生念一行,一个接一个进行单词认读(2)短语连线:让学生将地点短语和其相符的图片连线教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Presentation1. 复习星期的名称2. 接龙游戏:T: I was busy last week . Where was I last week ? On Monday , I was sick and in the hospital . On Tuesday , I was better an I was at school . On Wednesday , I was in the park with my students . On Thursday morning , I was in the library . On Friday evening , I was in the shopping centre . On Saturday , I met my friends at the railway station . On Sunday , I was at home . Where were you last week ?教师边说边将一些表示地点的图片贴在表示星期的单词下方, 这样就可以给学生提供一个完整的范例。然后教师将这些表示地点的图片摆在黑板的边沿,请一名同学上来选择一张地点的图片说一说自己上周某一天在何处,并将该地点图片贴在相应的表示星期的单词下方。拉由该同学请下一位同学接着说Step 3 Practice1. 教师用课件或小黑板出示学生上周末活动的调查表格,并示范2. 学生五人一组进行游戏,选一人为小记者进行彩旗并填写表格3.选23个小组进行展示Step 4 Lets read第一步:听课文,抓主旨第二步:读课文,给图片排序(1)教师出示长城、西湖、广州及粤菜、昆明等图片,要学生根据从课文中获取的信息将这些风景图片或城市图片贴在相应的星期下(2)学生根据图片,并按时间顺序描述Mr White上周去了哪些地方第三步:读课文,找出文中动词的过去式(1)读课文,在文中动词的过去式下画线(2)完成动词原形与其过去式的配对练习第四步:学生观看D部分的VCD后回答问题,然后同桌间相互问答、检查。第五步:学生跟着VCD跟读D部分的课文Step 5 Task1. 教师出示旅游景点的照片或图片,向学生描述自己去过的地方2. 学生以24人为一组,谈论自己去过的旅游景点的照片或图片,并将自己的照片或图片粘贴在教师发的大白纸上3.学生以组为单位呈现自己去过的旅游景点的照片或图片,并向全班介绍自己或他人去过的地方。本课教学后记课题: Where were you yesterday ?教学目标1、巩固B部分的单词2、能听说读写“Where were you ?”“I was ”“Where was ”“He/She was ”重点难点能综合运用本单元所学知识教具准备单词卡片、图片、教学课件等教学过程设计备注课题引入:Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greetings2. Revision :可利用图片、谈论作业、情境对话等方式进行复习教学步骤及主要内容Step 2 Lets sing1. 教师先在黑板上出示两张图片:一张图片为一位外国女士,另一张图片为一位外国男士。帮助学生理解lady , sir的意思2. 听课文E部分歌曲,回答问题:Where was the little lady ?3. 跟教师朗读歌词4. 逐句跟唱英语歌曲5. 男女学生对唱英语歌曲6. 将歌词中little lady , at home , sir 分别改为dear sir , at school , girl ,教师和学生对唱该英语歌曲Step 3 Lets have fun游戏:梦之旅 教师播放一段贝多芬的月光曲,让学生们都伏在桌子上做睡觉状。同时教师将世界各地著名景点的图片和部分学生作品放在每个学生的课桌上。音乐停止后,学生就图片和教师进行交流,描述“所到之处”本课教学后记附送:2022年(春)五年级英语下册 Unit 10Where were you yestoday集备教案 (新版)湘少版教学目标:1.Able to understand and read the new words: yesterday, today, tomorrow, at work , at home ,weekdays, sick, railway, station; in bed, in hospital2.Able to understand and read the text3.Use “Where were you?” “I was.” to require what people did in past time.教学重点及难点:重点:Grasp new words难点:Act out the dialogue教学方法:解释法,对话法教学准备:a calendar, some picture word cards, tape etc. 教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing English songsStep 2 Presentation and drill1. Show a calendar. T: What day is it today? / How many days are there in a week? What are they? S: . T: The days from Monday to Friday are Weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are weekends. Today is .And yesterday was Point to the calendar to help students to understand what new words mean, write and teach.2.Put pictures of places under the days. T: Today is.and Im at school. Yesterday was and I was at the library/ sick and in the hospital/ .Where were you? S: Encourage students answer with what they know.3.Listen to Part A, understand the main idea, and answer.Where was Mingming yesterday?4.Help students to understand: sick,better give me5.Listen to the tape and repeat.6.Practice the dialogue.Step 3 Practice Game-Chain gameStep 4 Consolidation1.Make a small survey.2.Give assessment板书:yesterday today weekdays sickrailway station Where were you, Mingming?I was.Period 2教学目标:1. Able to understand Part D, and finish the questions教学重点及难点:重点:Understand Part D, and finish the questions难点:retell the part D教学方法:操练法教学准备:some pictures of scenery, word cards, tape etc.教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings2.Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Show pictures of scenery or photos, pin them on a blank paper)T: Hello, boys and girls. I like traveling very much. Ive been to many places, for example, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou.They are all beautiful places. I took many pictures. Hand in the photos to the students; write the new words and phrases on the Bb.2.Read part D, and answer the questionsWhere was Mr White last week?Why did he feel happy in Hangzhou?Did he like the food in Guangzhou?Why did Mr White love China?3.Explain “cities visited saw weather sunny went said” to students.4.Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 3 Practice1.Talk out Part D. 2.Discuss and finish the form.WeekdaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayPlaces3.Finish the questions, and then practice with your partner.Step 4 Consolidation1.Retell Part D2.Give assessment.3.Homework: Repeat the text.板书:Where were you yesterday?Where were you on ?I was on .WeekdaysMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayPlacesPeriod 3教学目标:1.Grasp the new words, sentences, grammar in the unit2.Able to describe where you went 3.sing the song教学重点及难点:重点:Grasp and use the words难点:Use the knowledge to talk about where you went.教学方法:解释法,对话法教学准备:pictures, photos, word cards tape etc.教学步骤:Step 1 Warming up1.Greetings.2.Sing English song.3.Dictate the words and phrases in the unit.Step 2 Presentation and drill1.Point to Part E, and fill in the blanks.2.Check their answers.Step 3 Practice1.learn the song“Where Were You?”2.Change the lyrics “little lady, at home, sir” into “dear sir, at school, girl”. And sing the song.3.Sing by boys and girls separately.Step 4 Consolidation Game-Travel in the dream. Teacher plays a piece of piano, let students act as sleepingHomework板书:Where were you?


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