2021-2022年四年级英语下册MODULE7 unit2(1)教案 外研版

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2021-2022年四年级英语下册 MODULE7 unit2(1)教案 外研版TitleUnite 2 Beijing is the Capital of China.NewLessonTwoPeriodLearning Objectsa. Key words and phrases: north, southb. Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China.c. Task aim:1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this. 2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice.Learning properties:map ,tape recorder ,picturesDesign idea:Learn about some simple English expression. And let students learn a little about America in order to increase interesting and foster the students consciousness of English.ProceduresStep Warming Up1. Singing a song together.2. Choose your favorite country and describe it ( position capital nice city)3. Teacher shows the picture of Beijing, Sanya, Washington, and San Francisco on TV.Step PresentationQ: Do you like Beijing? And look at itS: Describe it (position)Q: There is a famous city in China, What is it / Its very hot.S: Sanya and describe it.And use the same way to show Washington (to teach north, south, east, and west) We can use a map to learn four words.Step ConsolidateListen and match. Then point and say (consolidate to remember the four position words) Finish the part 1on Activity book.Give them 2 to remember the new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groupsPoint ,ask and answerShow some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard)Step PracticeA: Where is New York? B: Its in the east.( Look at pictures and describe the position of it )Show a map of China and deal with the part 3 on activity book.Step GameDo you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house?(Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in )StepSummary1. Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out)2. Important sentences ( make a simple translation)Step Home workMake some sentences like the module ones.( Chinese, speak , China) People speak English in America.( capital , Beijing , China ) Washing ton is the capital of America.DesignModule 7 Unite 2 Beijing is the capital of China.northwesteast south 附送:2021-2022年四年级英语下册 MODULE7 unit2(2)教案 外研版Contents: New Standard English B4, M7, U2, the 27th of the 21st Century Teens.Kids Edition Teaching Plan:I. Teaching aims an demands:A. Know about the four cities of “ Beijing, Sanya, Washington D.C. , San Francisco.B. Master the useful expressions of “ is the capital of. Its in the east/ west/ south/ north.”C. Learn about the country of “ Brazil”.D. Talk about ones own project and know about others. Important points:A. The useful expressions of “ is the capital of . Its in the east/ west/ south/ north.”B. Know about the four cities of “ Beijing, Sanya, Washington D.C. , San Francisco.”. Difficult points:A. Learn about the country of “Brazil.”B. Talk about ones project and know about others. Teaching aids: Some pictures, a puter, a recorder, some tapes and the 21st Century Teens. Kids Edition. Teaching time: Forty minutes. Teaching steps:(I). Organizations:A. Sing a song of “ I am the music man.”B. Greetings.(). Revision:A. Review the useful expressions of “ Where is? Its in the.”: Teacher says, “ Hello, boys and girls. I am a teacher. I e from Xiamen. Where are you from?” to ask some students to answer “ Im from Xiamen.” Teacher then say, “ Yes. Most of us are from Xiamen. Look at the map of Xiamen. Where is?” to let students answer “ Its in the east/ west/ south/ north.”( ). Presentation:A. Give the task: In last period, I have introduced Damings project to you. And in this period, Im also going to introduce four projects to you. They are Linglings, Sams, Amys and Damings.B. Teacher says, “ Look at the pictures, listen to the tape and answer the questions of “ How many projects are there? C. Present Picture 1 and listen to the tape, then answer, “ Whats the capital of China? Where is it?” Then talk about Beijing. D. Present Picture 2 and listen to the tape ,then answer, “ Is Sanya a famous city? Where is it?” Then talk about Sanya.E. Present Picture 3 and listen to the tape, then ask some students to ask some questions about Washington D.C. .F. Present Picture 4 and listen to the tape, then ask some students to ask some questions about San Francisco.G. Listen ,point and imitate.H. Listen and repeat.I. Introduce teachers project about Brazil.(a). Teacher introduces, “ This is my project. Its about Brazil. Its very big. The map looks like a head. Look, this is the eye. This is the nose. This is the mouth. This is the neck. Would you like to know something more about Brazil?”(b). Listen to the tape and call out “ Stop!” when they hear “ east/ west/ south/ north.”(c). Listen to the tape for one more time.(d) Answer teachers questions “ Where is Boa Vista/ Brasilia/ Rio Grande/ Rio Branco.”(e). Listen to the tape and answer, “ What is the capital of Brazil? Is it very young?”(f). Listen and imitate. (). Consolidation:A. Let each group introduce their own projects.B. Ask three or four groups to introduce their projects and ask other groups to ask them some questions.(). Homework:A. Practise the expressions of “Where is?Its in the .”B. Listen to the tape of M7, U2 for three times and imitate.C. Talk about your project in your group and in other groups.D. If you want to know more , you can read the 21st Century Teens. Kids Edition after class and write down your favourite city or country. Teaching notes:NSE B4, M7, U 2教学设计思路 三亚市第九小学 罗更觉一、 教材分析:本堂课使用的教材是由外语教学与研究出版社出版的New Standard English (供三年级起始用)第四册M7,U2 Beijing is the capital of China. 和由中国日报社主办的21世纪少年英文报0405学年第27期,总第75期的第4版奇妙世界(Magic World) 的Ella游世界 Flying to Brazil 飞向巴西。B4,M7,U2的主要语言功能是陈述地理知识,初步了解三个城市:北京,三亚,哥伦比亚特区华盛顿和旧金山以及它们的所在位置。本单元的主要语言结构是:Beijing is the capital of China. Washington D.C. is the capital of America. Sanya/ San Francisco is a famous city. Its in the east/ west/ south/ north.本单元的运用任务是了解与美国有很多相似的国家巴西,和以小组为单位介绍本组的综合实践活动,并与老师,同学们进行挑战,评出最佳代表队,参加即将到来的“六一”节文艺汇演。二、 教学设计意图:我校地处厦门东部,是厦门岛内的一个农村小学,学校各方面的硬件设施较不完善,可利用的课程资源极为有限;生源较差,大部分是农民或是渔民的子女,学生手头上的学习资料较缺乏。因此,21世纪少年英文报对他们来说真可谓是“雪中送炭”。所以,我从我校的客观实际出发,以兴趣为支点,充分调动学生的学习兴趣,激发他们的求知欲,有机地结合主教材和21世纪少年英文报,充分地利用课程资源。本堂课是B4, M7的第二课时。教学目标是在第一课时的基础上,继续学习和了解美国的地理知识以及拓展学习北京,三亚和其他城市,国家的相关知识,谈论各个小组的综合实践活动并与其他小组进行挑战。教学重点是复习、巩固句型 “Where is ? Its in the .” 教学难点是谈论各自小组的综合实践活动并听懂其他组的介绍以及向介绍的同学提出问题。因此,我是这样设计的:课前唱1首歌曲,既复习了所学知识,又营造了良好的英语学习氛围,接着师生问候,体现和谐、平等的师生关系,再由歌曲引出厦门,展示厦门地图复习方位词:east, west ,south, north。运用任务型教学法,提出本堂课的学习任务本堂课老师将向同学们介绍四个综合实践活动,并介绍自己关于巴西的综合实践活动,以及请各小组同学介绍自己本组的综合实践活动,与其他组进行挑战,评出最佳小组,代表本班参加“六一”节节目汇演。接着学习M7,U2。课文的教学以“听”为主(共4遍),引导“说”,循序渐进,逐步扩展,层层深入,激发学生的求知欲,培养学生的听说能力,让学生的思维在听说训练中得到发展,成就感得到满足,主体地位得到体现。然后充分并合理地利用教学资源21世纪少年英文报,学习,了解与美国有很多相似之处的国家,巴西,使本堂课的学习由课内拓展到课外,使课外巩固课内,既扩大了学生的知识面,又巩固了所学知识。接着再让各个小组介绍自己本组的综合实践活动,并能流利地回答其他组同学的提问,评出最佳组,培养学生的语言运用能力。最后,分层次地布置作业,让学生利用课余时间,合理地利用学习资源21世纪少年英文报,阅读,学习和摘抄自己喜欢的城市或国家。


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