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Unitl EncyclopaediasLook it up!Here are two articles from an encyclopaedia.Da Vinci, LeonardoLeonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) was an Italian painter, inventor, musician, engineer and scientist. Da Vinci was born in the countryside. From an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability. As he grew older he learnt to do many different things. His paintings are very famous, and one, the Mona Lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world. He also had many inventions.For example, his notebooks includesome interesting drawings of flying machines. (See Art)DinosaursDinosaurs lived on Earth more than 60 million yearsbefore human beings. They lived everywhereonEarth. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some could even fly.Ma dinosaurs ate plants. However, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat.Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 million years. Then, suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why. However, we can learn about them from their fossils. (See Earth history)Module 1C VocabularyC1 The words in italics are from the two articles. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.1 When somebody is born, he/she.a comes out of his/her mothers body c leaves his/her parents b goes to see a doctor2 Bennys grandparents live in the countryside. They live the city. a inside b outside c in the centre of3 Birds have a musical ability. They sing.a can b cannot c are happy to4 The book includes some beautiful photos. These photos arethebook.apart of b at the end of c connected to5 A human being is a(n)aanimal b machine c personC2Complete the article below with the words from thebox. Change their forms ifnecessary.even however invention notebook perhaps scientistWhen I was young, I used to keep a.I wrote many poems and drew many pictures of different in it.They were not very good, but they helped me think and dream. Now I am a famous and I do many important things.my journey began when I was at school, with my studies, and my poems and pictures. I was a student just like you.you will do something important or become famous one day. Justremember to think and to dream.D ComprehensionD1 Below are some notes about the encyclopaedia articles, but some of the facts are wrong. Read the articles and correct the notes if necessary.1 Da Vinci, Leonardo a he lived from 1425 to 1519. b He was born in the city.c He showed great artistic ability from an early age.d He is famous for his paintings and books.2 Dinosaursa They lived on Earth more than 60 thousand years before human beings.b Some were Small;others were huge.c All of them ate meat.d Some died out Suddenly.D2 Read the articles again and complete the answers to the questions below.1 Who was Leonardo da Vinci?He was.2 What is his most famous painting?It is.3 What did dinosaurs eat?Many of them ate. Some liked to eat.4 How long did dinosaurs live on Earth before they disappeared?They lived on Earth for.5 Flow can we learn about dinosaurs today?We can learn about them.More practiceA Read the following encyclopaedia article about big attractions in Australia and answer the questions below.Australias big attractionsAustralia is a very big country. It also has many big attractions.The Big BananaThe Big Banana is in Coffs Harbour. It was made in 1964 by john Landy. Landy wanted somethingto make people come to his fruit shop, so he built the Big Banana. The idea worked. Many people visited his fruit shop and took pictures of the Big Banana. Soon people all over Australia began making big things.The Big MerinoThe Big Merino is in the city of Goulburn. Merinos are a type of sheep. They can live in dry weather. Some places in Australia are very dry, so these sheep are very important to the farmers there. Inside the Big Merino, there isa small muscun. about the history of wool in Australia. Visitors can also climb up to the Big Merinos head and look at the view through its eyes.1 When was the Big Banana built?2 Why was the Big Banana built?3 Why are merinos important to the farmers in Australia?4 What can you find inside the Big Merino?5 What can you do inside the Big Merinos head?Unit 2 NumbersThe king and the riceA long time ago, there was a king in India. The king s favourite game was chess.One day, a wise old man came to the palace and the king challenged him to a game. The king promised the old man, “ You can have any prize if you win the game.”The old man said, “ If I win the game, I d like one grain of rice for the first square of the chestwo for the second, four for the third, and then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares.“ Is that all? ” asked the king.“ Wouldn t you like gold or silver instead?”No, just rice,replied the old man.The king and the old man played the game for a long time. Finally, the old man won. So the king ordered his men to collect a bag of rice. He put one grain on the first square, two on the second, and so on. The king quickly realized the problem - even with all the rice in the country, he would still not have enough rice to put on all the squares!C VocabularyC1 The words in italics are from the story. Match the two halves of these sentences to make them meaningful.1 When you ask a wise person for help, a you tell him/her that you will give him/her the present for sure.2 If you promise somebody a presentbyouknow something is wrong.3 If you get a prize in a game,cyou get the number 4.4 When you double the number 2.dyou want him/her to give yougood advice.5 When you realize the problem, e you win something for doing very well.C2 Complete the story below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. double prize promise realize wiseA young man once talked to a old man. I won a and have a little gold now, but I wantmuch more, he said. Can you help me?The old man looked at him. I can teach you how to make more money if you to follow myadvice. he said.The young man agreed. Then the old man took the young man to a window. Look outside, he said. I can see nothing but an empty field, the young man said.Use your money to buy this field, said the old man, and grow some cotton. In a year, you can sell the cotton and your money.The young man what the old man meant. From then on he was not lazy any more. He worked hard all year round.D ComprehensionD1 Read the story on page 19 and complete the table below.Where the story took place.Who was in the storythe king and a.What happened in thestoryThe beginningThe king challengedto a game. Theking promised to give himif he won thegame.The middleThey played the game for.The ending won the game, but the kingdid not haveto give him.D2 Find facts in the story to support these statements about the king. Write down the facts.1 The king loved to play games. (The kings favourite )2 The king thought the old man asked too little for the prize. (Is that all?)3 The king did not have enough rice for the old man. (The king quickly realized )More practiceRead the online article and then complete the flow chart about the development ofcounting methods.Counting before numbersBefore the invention of written numbers, people used many different ways to count things.At first, people used their fingers, and eveii their toes. However,they could only count small numbers in this way.After that, they began to make small marks on sticks and bones. This helped them count bigger numbers. They used them to count things like the days of the month, the amount of food and the number of animals they had.Then people began to use tokens made from clay or small stones. This helped them count even bigger numbers. They often put the tokens on pieces of string so that they could carry them around easily. This developed into tools like the abacus.Finally, people began to develop systems of written marks to show different numbers, and this led to the Hindu-Arabic system (0-9). We are still using this system today.First, people used.After that, they made.Then they used.finally, they began to develop.This led to.Unit 3 ComputersComputer factsSmaller and betterIn the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and better.Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize.What can we do with computers?We can use computers to calculate. They can calculate at a faster speed than we can and almost never give wrong answers. We can also type and draw things with them. In addition, computers can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships.Is a computer cleverer than me?The answeris “ No” . Your brain can produce new ideas but computers cannot. However, one day computers may be able to a better job than human beings. For example, they may bGetter than doctors at doing their job.What will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs? W川 we have nothing to do? Computers may change our lives, but will they make them better?C VocabularyC1 The words in italics explain the meanings of some words. Find these words to complete the sentences. Change their forms if necessary.1 if something is very small, it is2 Some voting people always need help from their parents. They should learn to themselves.3 We had fun and learnt something new as well. We had a good time.,we learnt a lot.4 When we make a machine work, weit.C2 Complete the conversation below with the words from the box. depend on expensive in addition speedMark: I bought a new computer.Helen: Why?Mark: I bought my first computer five years ago. I used it almost every day, and it became really slow.Helen: I see. So hows your new computer?Mark: It was really,but it works at a much faster than my old one. ,ithas a larger monitor.Helen: I also my computer a lot these days. I use it to write reports, and to get on the Internettoo. My computer works well, so Im not going to buy a new one.D ComprehensionD 1 Read the article and complete the answers with the examples from the article.1S1: There may be tiny computers in your home.S2: Where, for example?51: Inside your or.2S1: We can do many things with computers in our daily life.52: For example?51: We can,and with them.3 Sl: Computers can do some important jobs.52: For example?51: They can and.4 Si: One day, computers may be able to do a better job than human beings.52: For example?51: They.D2 Read the article again and answer the questions below in complete sentences.1 What were the first computers like?2 Why are we unaware of some computers?3 Are computers cleverer than you and me? Why or why not?More practiceA Read the script of a speech by a head teacher and answer the questions below.Computer game problemsGood afternoon, parents and teachers. Thank you for attending this meeting.Last weekend, one of our students went to hospital. The student played computer games on the Internet all day Saturday without stopping to drink, eat or sleep. Finally, he became very ill.Some students play computer games for too long. This is a serious problem. In the past, students used to play outside more often, but now they spend more time in front of computers. This is bad for their health. Tomorrow well have some experts here to talk to the students about the bad effects of playing computer games. Theyll also give some advice on how to use computers for studying.I hope we can all work together to stop students from spending too much time playing computer games. Thank you for your time.1 Who is attending the meeting?2 Why did the student become ill?3 What is the serious problem?4 Who will talk to the students tomorrow?5 What will they talk about?Unit 4 Inventions-Great inventionsGreat inventions change the world. They help people live a better life. The following are three of the most important inventions in history.The wheelThe wheel is perhaps the greatestinvention in history. After its invention, travelling becamefaster and more comfortable. A few thousand yearsago, people started to use wheels on carriages .In the early 19th century, the first trains began to carry passengers. At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular. Without the wheel, we would not have these inventions.The telephoneAlexander Graham Bell invented one of the first practical telephones in 1876. Since then, people have been able to speak to each other over long distances. Today millions of people across the world own mobile phones.They allow people to keep in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.The light bulbThomas Edison developedthe first practical light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light bulb, people had to use oil lamps, gas lamps or candles to see at night. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evening as they can in the daytime. Can you imagine living without them?C VocabularyC1 Find words from the article that have similar meanings to the words in italics below.1 My new shoes feltnice and soft 2 This modern city was only a small villagehundred years ago 3 All the people on the busgot excited when they arrived at the Great Wall.4 The companyproduced a new camera last year.5 The swimming pool is open during thday.C2 Complete the conversation below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary. anytime century comfortable daytime passengerBill: When did people first start using cars?Maggie: People developed the first cars in the 1880s, and they started using cars a lot in the early 20h.Bill:Im sure the people were very happy because cars are so fast and.Maggie: Not really. These early cars were very slow. They also created a lot of problems.Bill: What do you mean?Maggie: Most people still had horses then, and the new cars made loud noises and frightened them. Also, often got very dirty after a long ride, so many people didnt use them.Bill: I suppose that people could only drive in the because those cars didnt have lights.Maggie: Thats not true. They had lights, so people could drive themSkimmingSkimming meansto read an article quickly to get its generalidea. To skim an article, you should look at its introduction, title, sub-headings, photos or pictures, and the first and last sentences of each paragraph.D ComprehensionD1 Read the article and complete the table below.The wheelThe telephoneThe light bulbInventorDont know.Life after the inventionTravelling becamePeople canPeople canas they can in the daytimeD2 Read the article again and answer the questions below in complete sentences.1 Which of the three things was invented first?2 What inventions did the wheel make possible?3 How do mobile phones help people keep in touch with each other?4 How (lid people see at night before the invention of the light bulb?More practiceA Read the article about the inventor of the ballpoint pen, Laszlo Biro. Then answer the questions below.A pen giant整理Do you know Laszlo Biro? Maybe you do not, but you probably use his invention every day, and you may even have it in your hand right now!Biro (1899-1985) was the inventor of the ballpoint pen. He was born in Budapest, Hungary. In the 1930s, when he worked as a newspaper editor, he used a fountain pen almost every day. However, he had to refill it all the time. The ink also did not dry easily, and it sometimes made a mess on the. paper. Biro wanted a better pen. His brother, George, helped him develop a special ink. The ink dried easily. Then they developed a new type of pen.There was a tiny ball at the tip of the pen. The ball rolled ink onto paper as it moved. They called it the ballpoint pen.The ballpoint pen was a great success. Everyone loved it. Now millions of people use it all over the world every day.People will always remember Biro for his invention. Today in many English-speaking countries, people still use the word biro to refer to any kind of ballpoint pen.1 Why did Biro decide to invent the ballpoint pen?2 How did Biros brother help him invent the ballpoint pen?3 How does the ballpoint pen work?4 How do people remember Biro for his invention today?Unit 5 Educational exchangesAn exchange visit is educational and interesting!A group of British students from Woodpark School in London are visiting Xinhua Junior High School in Beijing on an educational exchange.“I was very nervous at first, says Sarah. “ However, my host family are really friendl)a guest in their home. I ve learnt to use chopsticks, and they re teaching me a littleThe students spend the weekdays studying with Chinese students. At the weekend, they tour around Beijing and visit places of interest with their host families.“ It s been a fantastic experience so far,“ says Eric. “ I ve learnt a bit of tit. We ve already ne ar lot about Chinese culture and history. The teachers have introduced us to Chinese painting as well. We ll also tried to paint some pictures ourselves! I haven tkeep trying. ”“ I ve made many new friends, says lSartohkeep in touch with them when I return home.We; ll see one another soon because they ll come over to the UK for the second part of the exchmonth. I can t wait! ”C VocabularyCl The words in italics explain the meanings of some words. Find these words to complete the sentences.1 1 am happy to meet you. I am we met.2 A person who is invited to stay at another persons home js a.3 Helen goes to school from Monday to Friday. She has classes on4 The cake was really excellent. It tasted.5 Bob has got good exam results. His parents are proud of hisC2 Complete the diary below with the words from the box.already exchange introduce culture experience tourFriday, 8 JulyTomorrow Im going to take part in an exchangeprogramme in London. Ill be there for two weeks. Over the two weeks. I hope to learn about British and practise my English. III be canstudent at a famous school in London. Ima little nervous becauseI dont know anyonethere.However, the british students are the same cage as me, so I think well become good friends. Theyll me to many new things. I also plan to around London. The next two weeksshould be a good -for me.D ComprehensionDl A reporter from a student newspaper interviewed Sarah on campus. Read the article and complete Sarahs answers.Reporter: Good morning. Im a reporter from a student newspapcr. Can I ask you a fcw questions?Sarah:Sure.Reporter: Why are you in Beijing?Sarah:.Reporter: Which school do you come from?Sarah:.Reporter: What do you and your classmates do in Beijing?Sarah:We spend the weekdays. At theweekend,.Reporter: Thats great. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Beij ing. Thank you and goodbye. Sarah:Youre welcome. Bye.D2 Miss Wilson came to Beijinq with the exchangestudents.Read the article again andcompleteher report below.The educational exchange visit to Beijing went well last month.The host families were very friendly. They taught our students how to use .They also taught our students to speak. Our students enjoyed their studies at the school. They learnt a lotabout Chinese culture and history. They learnt some tai chi.They also learnt.The students made in Beijing. They planto keep in touch with them.The Chinese students will come to our school for next month. We need to get ready soon.More practiceA Read the poster about educational exchanges and answer the questions below.Take part in oureducational exchangeDo you love to travel and meet new people? Yes? Have you ever lived and studied in another country? No? W


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