2022春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 5《What Are They Doing》教案3 (新版)冀教版

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2022春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 5《What Are They Doing》教案3 (新版)冀教版_第1页
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2022春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 5《What Are They Doing》教案3 (新版)冀教版_第2页
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2022春五年级英语下册 Unit 1 Going to Beijing Lesson 5《What Are They Doing》教案3 (新版)冀教版_第3页
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Lesson 5 What Are They Doing?一、教学目标:1、能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: What are / is _ doing? _ am/are/is _ing _. 2、学会正确的使用转盘;3、学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人二、教学重难点: 1、理解课文内容并能熟练的朗读;2、能正确理解并能熟练灵活地运用现在进行时态。三、教具、学具准备:多媒体课件、 师生自制转盘四、教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warm-up(课前互动)1. GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. Are you okay? Are you ready for new class? First, lets do a warm-up.2. Warm-up walking jumping running Step 2. Leading-in and showing the learning aims:(引出课题并出示目标) 1. Leading-in T: Just now, we have done a good warming-up. As we know that Jenny, Danny, Li Ming and Mrs. Li are on the train to Beijing. Lets see what are they doing now, Ok? Today lets learn Lesson 5: What Are They Doing? (引出并板书课题)2. Showing the learning aims Teacher opens the ppt. and reads to students.Step 3. The learning and teaching course:(先学后教)(一)、Learning and teaching(先学后教)1. Find the verb phrases in part. 1 (3 minutes), then call some students to report one by one.2. Add inT: What else verb phrases do you know? Please say out. (用PPT出示平时常见动词短语)3. Please find out the sentences about these phrases in part. 1, call someone to read out.4. Please look at these sentences, what can you find? 现在进行时态= 结构:主语+be动词+动词-ing5. Please find out the others sentences of the present continuous tense of part 1. (你还能在第一部分找出哪些现在进行时态的句子4组)(二)、Have a check-Part. 2 Lets do it!(当堂训练、检测)1. Teacher shows the big spin and asks: What are you/ they doing? What is he/she/it doing?2. Let students practice the present continuous tense sentences by the spin in groups, then call some students to show out.(三)、Read the text of part. 1(读课文,整体感知)1. Listen to the radio first time, then call some students to read the sentences one by one. (Have a check)2. Play a role to read the text. Boys-Li Ming Girls-Jenny The teacher-Miss Wei3. Retell the text of part. 1. Show the pictures of part. 1, let the students look and retell one by one.Step 5. Homework:用现在进行时态正确的问答身边的朋友或家人在做的事情Design the blackboard: Lesson 5 What Are They Doing?What are / is _ doing? _ am/are/is _ing _. 课后反思:


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