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高级英语 下 册Lesson One The Company in Which I work2 我工作的公司Lesson Two Eveline 伊芙林13Lesson Three Whats Wrong with Our Press22 我们的报纸问题何在Lesson Four The Tragedy of Old Age in America32 美国老龄的悲剧Lesson Five Trifles(Part One) 琐事(第一部分) 44Lesson Six Trifles(Part Two) 琐事(第二部分) 55Lesson Seven Ace in the Hole 埃斯身陷困境68Lesson Eight Science Has Spoiled My Supper 84 科学毁了我的晚餐Lesson one The Company in Which I Work 我工作的公司In the company in which I work, each of us is afraid of at least one person. The lower your position is, the more people you are afraid of. And all the people are afraid of the twelve men at the top who helped found and build the company and now own and direct it. 我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人。职位越低,所惧怕的人越多。所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公司,而且现在仍然大权在握。All these twelve men are elderly now and drained by time and success of energy and ambition. Many have spent their whole lives here. They seem friendly, slow, and content when I come upon them in the halls and always courteous and mute when they ride with others in the public elevators. They no longer work hard. They hold meetings, make promotions, and allow their names to be used on announcements that are prepared and issued by somebody else. Nobody is sure anymore who really runs the company (not even the people who are credited with running it), but the company does run. (横线句子翻译)所有这十二位都已经上了年纪,而且岁月的沧桑和对成功的执著追求使他们心力交瘁。他们中很多人在这儿干了一辈子。当我在大厅里遇见他们时,他们看上去非常友善、沉稳而心满意足,而且他们与别人一起乘坐公共电梯时又总是彬彬有礼、沉默不语。他们不再努力工作。他们主持会议,决定别人的晋升,任凭别人在准备发布的通告中使用他们的名字,没有人知道谁真正经营这家公司(甚至连人们认为现在经营着这家公司的那些人都不知道),然而公司的确在运转。In the normal course of a business day. I am afraid of Jack Green because my department is part of his department and Jack Green is my boss; Green is afraid of me because most of the work in my department is done for the Sales Department, which is more important than his department, and I am much closer to Andy Kagle and the other people in the Sales Department than he is. 在平常的工作日里,我很害怕杰克格林,这是因为我所在的部门属于他的部门,而杰克格林是我的上司。格林害怕我则是因为我的部门的绝大部分工作是为销售部所做的,而销售部比他的部门更重要,而且同他相比,我与迪卡葛勒以及销售部的其他人员的关系更加密切。 Green distrusts me fitfully. He makes it clear to me every now and then that he wishes to see everything coming out of my department before it is shown to other departments. I know he does not really mean this, he is too busy with his own work to pay that much attention to all of mine, and I will bypass him on most of our assignments rather than take up his time and delay their delivery to people who have an immediate need for them. Most of the work we do in my department is, in the long run, trivial. But Green always grows alarmed when someone from another department praises something that has come from my department. He turns scarlet with rage and embarrassment is he has not seen or heard of it. 格林偶尔也对我不信任,他有时会向我表示他希望我的部门的每一项工作在其他部门知道前要先让他知道。我知道这不是他真正的意思,他自己的工作非常忙,根本就无暇顾及我们所有的工作。我会将大部分工作绕过格林并直接交给需要它们的人,而不愿意占他的时间。毕竟我们部门绝大部分工作只是微不足道的。但是每当其他部门赞扬我们部门的工作时,格林就会变得不安,如果他从未看见或听到过的话,就更是恼羞成怒。 In my department, there are six people who are afraid of me, and one small secretary who is afraid of all of us. I have one other person working for me who is not afraid of me who is not afraid of anyone, not even me, and I would fire him quickly, but Im afraid of him.在我的部门里,有六个人害怕我,其中一个小秘书害怕我们所有的人。有一个为我工作的人,他对任何人都毫不惧怕,甚至连我也不怕,我真想尽快把他解雇掉,然而我害怕他。The people in the company who are most afraid of most people are the salesmen. They live and work under pressure that is extraordinary. When things are bad, they are worse for the salesmen; when things are good, they are not much better. 公司里非常惧怕大多数人的人是销售人员,他们都生活和工作在极大压力之下,当情况不好时,对销售人员来说就会更糟。而当情况较好时,他们也不会好到哪儿去。 They are always on trial, always on the verge of failure, collectively and individually. They strain even the most secure and self assured of them, to look good on paper; and there is much paper for them to look good on. Each week, for example, a record of the sales results of the preceding week for each sales office and for the Sales Department as a whole for each division of the company is kept and compared to the sales results for the corresponding week of the year before. The figures are photocopied and distributed throughout the company to all the people and departments whose work is related to selling. The result of the photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny and discussion throughout the company of how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given time. 不论是从整体上还是个人,他们总是在接受检查,总是处于不合格的边缘。他们工作非常努力(就连他们中那些很有保障的和充满自信的人都是这样)以使在书面评语上看上去好一些,况且要让他们看上去好的表格多得很。比如每星期为各部门准备的每个销售办事处及销售部所作的前一星期的销售业绩总记录加以保存并且与前一年同期的销售业绩相比较。这些数字被复印后发到公司的每位员工和与销售有关的部门。这样做的结果是公司几乎一直在对每一个分公司的销售办事处中的销售人员在某一既定时间内的工作业绩进行公开审查和评论。 When salesmen are doing well, there is pressure upon them to begin doing better, for fear they may start doing worse. When they are doing poorly, they are doing terribly. When a salesman lands a large order or brings in an important new account, his elation is brief, for there is danger he might lose that large order or important new account to a salesman from a competing company the next time around. It might even be canceled before it is filled, in which case no one is certain if anything was gained or lost. So there is crisis and alarm even in their triumphs. 当销售人员业绩好时,他们因为要开始使工作做得更好,以免不如以前,从而感到压力重重。当他们的业绩不佳时,他们就会做得一塌糊涂。当一个销售人员争取到了一份大订单或者得到了一笔大的应收的账款,他的兴奋也是短暂的,因为很可能他的那份大订单或者大笔的进账下一次有被竞争对手的公司拿去的危险,甚至在完成前被取消,对这种情况没有人能肯定谁输谁赢。因此即便在他们的喜悦中也存在着危机和惊慌。 Nevertheless, the salesmen love their work and would not choose any other kind. They are vigorous, fun-loving bunch when they are not suffering abdominal cramps or brooding miserably about the future. on the other hand, they often turn cranky without warning and complain a lot. Each of them can name at least one superior in the company who he feels has a grudge against him and is determined to wreck his career. 然而,销售人员热爱他们的工作,而绝不再选择其他职业。在没有消化不良的困扰或不再苦苦为未来忧虑时,他们是一群充满活力、爱说爱笑的人。另一方面他们会突然之间变得任性并且牢骚满腹,他们每个人都至少能说出公司的一个上层人物是令他极度不满并且觉得这个人会毁了他的前程的。The salesmen work hard and earn big salaries, with large personal expense accounts that they squander generously on other people in and out of the company, including me. They own good houses in good communities and play good games of golf on good private golf courses. The company encourages this. The company, in fact, will pay for their country club membership and all charges they incur there, and rewards salesmen who make a good impression on the golf course. (双横线完形填空)销售人员工作努力,薪金丰厚,还有个人经费,他们会把这笔个人经费挥霍在进出公司的其他人的身上,其中包括我本人。他们在豪宅区拥有自己的房子,在高级的私人高尔夫球场打球。公司鼓励这种做法。实际上,公司为他们支付乡村俱乐部会员费以及他们在那里的所有开支,并且对那些在高尔夫球上给人留下深刻印象的销售人员给予奖励。 Unmarried men are not wanted in the Sales Department, not even widowers, for the company has learned from experience that it is difficult and dangerous for unmarried salesmen to mix socially with prominent executives and their wives or participate with them in responsible civic affairs. If a salesmans wife dies and he is not ready to remarry, he is usually moved into an administrative position after several months of mourning. Bachelors are never hired for the sales force, and salesmen who get divorced, or whose wives die, know they had better remarry or begin looking ahead toward a different job. 销售部不要未婚男士,甚至连丧偶的也不要,因为公司根据以往的经验得出,对未婚销售人员来说与前程似锦的高级管理人员以及他们的太太们进行社交来往或者参与重大的活动不仅很困难而且危险。如果一位销售人员的妻子去世了,而他又没有准备再婚,那么通常在丧期后的几个月内他就会调去做行政管理工作。单身汉永远都不会做销售员。离婚或者丧偶的销售员都很清楚他们最好再婚或者去另谋他职。 (双横线完形填空)Strangely enough, the salesmen react very well to the constant pressure and rigid supervision to which they are subjected. They are stimulated and motivated by discipline and direction. They thrive on explicit guidance toward clear objectives. For the most part, they are cheerful, confident, and gregarious when they are not irritable, anxious, and depressed. There must be something in the makeup of a man that enables him not only to be a salesman, but to want to be one.非常奇怪的是,销售人员对长期压力和他们所受的严格管理能够坦然处之。他们受到纪律和上级指令的激励和促动。他们在上司的点拨下获得成功,业绩蒸蒸日上。当他们不是烦躁焦虑或者沮丧时,大多开朗、充满自信而且很合群。一个人一定是具备某种特殊的性格和气质才使他不但从事销售工作而且想做一名销售人员。The salesmen are proud of their position and of the status and importance they enjoy within the company, for the function of my department, and of most other departments, is to help the salesmen sell. The company exists to sell. Thats the reason we were hired, and the reason we are paid. 销售员们不仅对他们的岗位而且对他们在公司中享有的地位及重要性感到自豪。因此我的部门以及其他的大多数部门的职能就是协助销售人员的推销,公司就是靠销售生存。这就是我们受雇佣拿薪水的原因。 The people in the company who are least afraid are the few in our small Market Research Department, who believe in nothing and are concerned with collecting, organizing, interpreting, and reorganizing statistical information about the public, the market, the country, and the world. For one thing, their salaries are small, and they know they will not have much trouble finding jobs paying just as little in other companies if they lose their jobs here. Their budget, too, is small, for they are no longer permitted to undertake large projects. 公司里最不担惊受怕的人就是在我们这个小小的市场调研部工作的为数极少的几个人,他们从不担心任何事情,而只关心对公众、市场、国内以及世界的统计信息的收集、组织、解释以及重新组织。但有一点,他们的工资很少,而且他们也知道如果一旦失去这里的工作,这么少的工资,在其他公司找份工作并不困难,他们的预算也很少,因为他们从来没有得到允许承担过大项目。 Most of the information we use now is obtained free from trade associations and some governmental organizations, and there is no way of knowing anymore whether the information on which we base our own information for distribution is true or false. But that doesnt seem to matter; all that does matter is that the information come from a reputable source. People in the Market Research Department are never held to blame for conditions they discover outside the company that place us at a competitive disadvantage. They are not expected to change reality, but merely to find it if they can and suggest ingenious ways of disguising it. To a great extent, that is the nature of my own work, and all of us under Green work closely with the Sales Department and the Public Relations Department in converting whole truths into half truths and half truths into whole ones. 我们现在使用的绝大部分信息都是从贸易协会和一些政府机构免费得到的,而且对于我们所发布的信息的来源真实与否也无从知晓。然而这似乎并不太重要,重要的是这些信息出自一个信誉好的来源。市场调研部的人们从没有因为他们在公司外发现我们处于竞争劣势而受到责备。他们不能改变现实,而如果他们能的话,也只能发现它并提供巧妙的方法来掩盖它。在很大程度上,这就是我工作的性质。而且所有格林的属下与销售部和公共部密切合作,从而将全部的事实变成一半,而把一半事实变成全部。(横线句子翻译)I am very good at these techniques of deception, although I am not always able anymore to deceive myself. In fact, I am continuously astonished by people in the company who fall victim to their own propaganda. There are so many now who actually believe that what we do is really important. This happens not only to salesmen, but to the shrewd, capable executives in top management. It happens to people on my own level and lower. It happens to just about everybody in the company who graduated from a good business school with honors. Every time we launch a new advertising campaign, for example, people inside the company are the first ones to be taken in by it. Every time we introduce a new product, or an old product with a different cover, color, and name that we present as new, people inside the company are the first to rush to buy iteven when its no good. 虽然我不是总能欺骗我自己,但是却很擅长这些骗人的把戏。实际上,我经常为公司的人们被自己的宣传所欺骗而吃惊。现在有很多人相信我们所做的工作是非常重要的。不仅销售人员是这样,那些精明能干的高级管理人员也是这样。和我同级的人是这样,比我低的人也是这样。就连公司里几乎所有从高级商务学校以优秀成绩毕业的人们也不例外。比如,每当我们举行一个新的广告活动,公司内部的人总是最先被蒙骗的。每当我们介绍一种新的产品,或者换了外包装、颜色并起了新的品名的老产品,即使一点也不好,公司内部的人总是第一个赶着去买的。(第一句2012年1月真题翻译) (横线句子翻译) Its a wise person, I guess, who knows hes dumb, and an honest person who knows hes a liar. And its a dumb person whos convinced he is wise. We wise grownups here at the company go sliding in and out all day long, scaring each other at our desks and trying to evade the people who frighten us. We come to work, have lunch, and go home. We goose-step in and goose-step out, change our partners and wander all about, and go back home till we all drop dead. Really, I ask myself every now and then, depending on how well or poorly things are going at the office or at home with my wife, or with my retarded son, or with my other son, or my daughter, or the colored maid, or the nurse for my retarded son, is this all there is for me to do ? Is this really the most I can get from the few years left in this one life of mine?我想,知道自己愚蠢的人是聪明的,而知道自己撒谎的人是诚实的。只有愚蠢的人才会自作聪明。我们这些在公司这儿的聪明的成年人,整天悄悄地出没于办公室,大家互相惧怕并试图躲避令人生畏的人。我们上班,吃午饭,回家。我们迈着正规的步子进进出出,下班后和其他部门的伙伴一起外出,直到累得筋疲力尽才回家。实际上我时常问自己,仅取决于办公室情形的好坏,或者是家中我妻子、弱智的儿子、另一个儿子、我的女儿、黑人保姆以及照顾我的弱智儿子的护士情况的好坏,他们的情形如何,这就是我要做的全部吗? And the answer I get, of course, is alwaysYes! 难道这真的是我有生之年所能得到的最多的吗?我所得出的结论当然永远是是的! I am bored with my work very often now. Everything routine that comes in I pass along to somebody else. This makes my boredom worse. Its a real problem to decide whether its more boring to do something boring than to pass along everything boring that comes in to somebody else and then have nothing to do at all. 我现在经常对工作非常厌烦,每项常规的工作我总是交给其他人处理,而这使我更加感到厌烦。要判断究竟是干令人生厌的工作更加烦人,还是将令人生厌的工作交给他人处理,然后无所事事更烦人,这真是一个问题。 Actually, I enjoy my work when the assignments are large and urgent and somewhat frightening and will come to the attention of many people. I get scared, and am unable to sleep at night, but I usually perform at my best under this stimulating kind of pressure and enjoy my job the most. I handle all of these important projects myself, and I rejoice with tremendous pride and vanity in the compliments I receive when I do them well. But between such peaks of challenge and elation there is monotony and despair.实际上,当任务又大又紧而且有些令人生畏还会引起很多人的注意时,我就非常喜欢我的工作。我变得惴惴不安,而且夜不能寐。但在这种极有刺激的压力下,我的表现最佳,也最喜欢我的工作。我独自处理所有这些重大的项目,并且当我成功地完成时,我会因受到赞扬而沉浸在极大的自豪与虚荣之中。但在这些挑战与兴奋的巅峰之间是单调与绝望。 (双横线完形填空)And I find, too, that once Ive succeeded in impressing somebody, Im not much excited about impressing that same person again; there is a large, emotional letdown after I survive each crisis, a kind of empty, tragic disappointment, and last years threat, opportunity, and inspiration are often this years inescapable tedium. I frequently feel Im being taken advantage of merely because Im asked to do the work Im paid to do. 而且我也发现一旦我给某人留下了深刻的印象,我就不再为给同一个人留下深刻印象而感到兴奋不已在度过每次危机后,都会有一次大的情感失落,一种空虚和令人悲哀的失望。去年的威胁、机遇和鼓励经常会成为今年不可避免的冗长乏味。我常常觉得我被利用了,这只是因为我被要求做给我报酬的工作。 On days when Im especially melancholy, I began constructing tables of organization.classifying people in the company on the basis of envy, hope, fear, ambition, frustration rivalry, hatred, or disappointment. I call these charts my Happiness Charts. These exercises in malice never fail to boost my spiritsbut only for a while. I rank pretty high when the company is analyzed this way, because Im not envious or disappointed, and I have no expectations. At the very top, of course, are those people, mostly young and without dependents. To whom the company is not yet an institution of any sacred merit but still only a place to work, and who regard their present association with it as something temporary. I put these people at the top because if you asked any one of them if he would choose to spend the rest of his life working for the company, he would give you a resounding “No” ! regardless of what inducements were offered. I was that high once. if you asked me that same question today, I would also give you a resounding:No! and add: 在我极度悲伤的日子里,我便开始将公司的人员结构列入图表.根据嫉妒、希望、恐惧、雄心、烦恼、对手、痛恨或失望,将公司的人员分类。我把这些表格叫做我的“快乐图”。这些恶作剧总是使我精神振奋,然而都非常短暂。这样分析公司时,我的排名非常靠前,因为我既不嫉妒也不灰心,而且我胸无大志。排在前几名的当然是这些人,他们中大部分是年轻又没有靠山的人。对他们自己来说,公司还不是一个有重要价值的机构,而只是一个工作的地方,并且认为他们目前的状况只是短暂的。我之所以把这些人排在首位,是因为只要问他们中的任何一个人他们后半生是否为公司工作,不管有什么样的诱惑,他都会响亮地回答“不”!我也曾是这样。如果你今天问我同样的问题,我也给你一个响亮的回答:不!并且还要补充上: I think Id rather die now. But I am making no plans to leave. I have the feeling now that there is no place left for me to go.我想我宁可现在就死!然而我没有任何离开的打算。我现在有了一种感觉,那就是没有任何地方是我的容身之处。Lesson Two Eveline 伊芙林She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains, and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne. She was tired. 她坐在窗前看着黄昏涌上大街。她的头靠在窗帘上,鼻孔里满是提花窗帘布上的尘土气味。她累了。 Few people passed. The man out of the last house passed on his way home; she heard his footsteps clacking along the concrete pavement and afterwards crunching on the cinder pat before the new red houses. One time there used to be a field there in which they used to play every evening with other peoples children. Then a man from Belfast bought the field and built houses in itnot like their little brown houses, but bright brick houses with shining roofs. The children of the avenue used to play together in that fieldthe Devines, the Waters, the Dunns, little Keogh the cripple, she and her brothers and sisters. Ernest, however, never played:he was too grown up. Her father used often to hunt them in out of the field with his blackthorn stick; but usually little Keogh used to keep nix and call out when he saw her father coming. Still they seemed to have been rather happy then. Her father was not so bad then; and besides, her mother was alive. That was a long time ago; she and her brothers and sisters were all grown up; her mother was dead. Tizzie Dunn was dead, too, and the Waters had gone back to England. Everything changed. Now she was going to go away like the others, to leave her home. 很少有人走过。最后一所房子里的那个男人经过这里往家走;她听见他啪嗒啪嗒的脚步声走过水泥道,然后又嘎吱嘎吱地踩在新红房子前的煤渣小路上。过去那里曾经有一块空地,他们每晚都在空地上和其他家的孩子一起玩耍。后来一个贝尔法斯特来的男人买走了那块地并在那里建了房子与他们棕色的小房子不同,他的房子是明亮的砖房还有闪亮的屋顶。这条街的孩子们过去总是在那块地上玩迪瓦恩家的,沃特家的,邓恩家的,瘸子小基奥,她和她的兄弟姐妹。但是欧内斯特却从来没有玩过,他太大了。她的父亲经常用他那根黑刺李木的拐杖到地里把她们赶出去;但小基奥总是站岗,一看见她的父亲过来就大声喊。即使这样他们那时似乎还是很开心。她父亲还没有这么坏,而且她母亲也还活着。那是很久以前的事了,她和兄弟姐妹都已经长大了;她的母亲死了。迪齐邓恩也死了,沃特一家回英格兰了。所有的一切都变了。现在她也要像其他人那样离开自己的家。 Home! She looked round the room, reviewing all its familiar objects which she had dusted once a week for so many years, wondering where on earth all the dust came from. Perhaps she would never see again those familiar objects from which she had never dreamed of being divided. And yet during all those years she had never found out the name of the priest whose yellowing photograph hung on the wall above the broken harmonium beside the coloured print of the promises made to Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque. He had been a school friend of her father. whenever he showed the photograph to a visitor her father used to pass it with a casual word:He is in Melbourne now. (横线句子翻译)家!她环顾屋内,审视着这么多年来她每周都要掸擦一遍的一切熟悉的物品,心里奇怪究竟哪来的这么多灰尘。也许她再也见不到那些熟悉的东西了,她做梦也没想到过和它们分开。可是这么多年里她从来没有弄清楚那张泛黄的照片上的牧师的姓名,照片就挂在墙上,在破旧的风琴的上边,旁边是耶稣对圣玛利亚玛丽阿拉科特许诺的彩色图片。他是父亲的学友。每次父亲把照片递给到家里的朋友看时,总是不经意地带一句:他现在在墨尔本。She had consented to go away, to leave her home. Was what wise? She tried to weigh each side of the question. In her home anyway she had shelter and food; she had those whom she had known all her life about her. Of course she had to work hard, both in the house and at business. What would they say of her in the stores when they found out that she had run away with a fellow? Say she was a fool, perhaps; and her place would be filled up by advertisement. Miss Gavan would be glad. She had always had an edge on her, especially whenever there were people listening.她已经答应离开,离开自己的家。这样做明智吗?她试着权衡这个问题的每一个方面。在家里不管怎么说她有吃有住;有她认识了一辈子的人在她身边。当然她得拼命干活,不论是在家里还是在商店里。如果商店里的人知道她和一个男人跑了,她们会怎么说她呢?也许说她是一个傻瓜;她们会登广告找别人代替她的位置。加文小姐会很高兴。她总是要压她一头,尤其是有旁人听着的时候。 Miss Hill, dont you see these ladies are waiting? Look lively, Miss Hill, please. She would not cry many tears at leaving the stores.希尔小姐,难道你没有看见这些女士在等着吗?请精神点,希尔小姐。离开商店她不会掉多少眼泪的。 But in her new home, in a distant unknown country, it would not be like that. Then she would be marriedshe, Eveline. People would treat her with respect then. She would not be treated as her mother had been. Even now, though she was ove


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