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CONTRACT No 1201 SHENZHEN, CHINA 14.01.2012The company “SHENZHEN MAHAN TRADING CO.,LTD. ”, called in the further Seller, on behalf of the Commercial manager of company taoxiaomei, operating under the Charter, and IP Isabekov E.S., called in the further Buyer, on behalf of general director Isabekov E.S., operating under the certificate, have concluded the present Contract as follows: 1. The Subject of the contract1.1. The seller sells, and the Buyer buys curtain fittings (fastening, a ring, tips, etc.) in the further Production, on conditions stipulated in the present contract and appendices (specifications) and additions to it.2. Quality of Production2.1 Quality of production and packing should correspond to the standards specified in the Specification.3. The Price and quantity of Production3.1. The Unit of measure of quantity of Production is pieces.3.2. The Price and quantity of Production are specified in invoice and packing lists to the present contract.3.3. Cost of delivery of the goods from any port of China up to port of Novorossiysk city of the Russian Federation is included into cost of the goods. 3.4. The Total sum of the Contract makes- 19816.8 (NINETEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIXTEEN AND EIGHTY CENT) US dollars.3.5. Calculation for delivered Production is made by actually shipped quantity of Production on the basis of payment documents exposed by the Seller.4. Conditions of delivery and term of shipment 4.1. Delivery of production is carried out on conditions CFR port Novorossiysk 4.2. Term of shipment of the goods - in current of 90 working days from date of the conclusion of the contract.4.3. The Seller should inform the buyer in current of 2 working days about shipment of Production.5. Terms of payment (payments for production)5.1. Currency of payment for the goods is: US dollar.5.2. The buyer pays 100 % payment for production in current 120 (ONE HUNDRED TWENTY) calendar days after delivery of the goods.5.3. Date of payment is date of transfer of the sum for production in favor of the Seller per bank of the Buyer.5.4. The buyer is obliged in current of 5 days from the date of transfer of payment, to give to the seller a copy of the bank document given out by bank of the Buyer confirming the fact of realization of payment.5.5. The Seller is obliged in current of 5 days from the date of transfer on the account of means in payment for Production to inform the Buyer the date of receipt and the sum of the enlisted means by transfer of a copy of the corresponding bank document given out by bank of the Seller.6. Requirements to quality and quantity 6.1 Quality, packing and marks of Production should correspond to the characteristics specified in the Specification, applied to the present Contract. 6.2. The buyer has the right to involve at own expense the independent authorized inspection organization for quality check and quantities of Production on a place of loading. Check of quantity and quality of Production is made in this case with the notice of the representative or the authorized representative of the Seller. The result of check of production should be reflected in the Commercial Certificate. 6.3. At detection of shortage of weight and/or discrepancy of quality, the Buyer has the right to show to the Seller the claim not later than 60 calendar days from date of reception of the goods.6.4. Claims should send certified mails. Date of the postage stamp specified on an envelope of the Buyer, will be considered as date of presentation of claims.6.5. To the claim should be applied the reclamation act in duplicate with the instruction of the declared claim, and also following documents:A) The Original of the Commercial Certificate. B) The Certificate of the independent authorized inspection organization.C) Copy of the board bill of loading.6.6. The answer of the Seller to the claim of the Buyer should be given in current of 10 working days after the post notice (the Postage stamp on an envelope). 7. Force-major 7.1. Any of the parties will not answer before other party for default or partial performance of the present Contract, if this impracticable connect with force majeure circumstances: fires, flooding, earthquakes, military actions, strikes, restrictions, sanctions of the state, interdictions on export or import if these circumstances directly interfere with performance of the present Contract. Therefore term of performance of the present Contract is prolonged for the period of action of such circumstances. The untimely notice on force majeure circumstances deprives the corresponding party of the right to refer to them in the future. 7.2. The party which cannot carry out of the contract obligations is obliged to inform other party about approach and the termination of actions of the mentioned obligations in writing.7.3. Acknowledgement of approach of force-major circumstances will be the Certificate of Commercial and industrial chamber of the respondent.8. The responsibility of the parties8.1. If the seller has not made shipment or delivery of the coordinated party of Production to the terms specified in item 3 of the present Contract the Buyer has the right to refuse the Contract.8.2. If the buyer has not made payment for the coordinated party of Production in the terms specified in item 5 of the present Contract the Seller has the right to refuse the contract.9. Arbitration9.1. All disputes and disagreements which can arise from the present Contract or in connection with it, the Parties will aspire to resolve by negotiations and consultations.9.2. In case not achievement by the Parties of the consent disputes are a subject to the sanction Arbitration court on the location of company Seller according to its rules. 9.3. The decision of the specified arbitration court is final and obligatory for the Parties.10. Other conditions10.1. All the positions mentioned in the present Contract, are its integral parts10.2. Changes and additions of the present Contract are valid only in the event that they are made in writing and signed by both Parties.10.3. The present Contract is made in two identical copies in English languages with the appendices (specifications), being an integral part of the Contract, in one copy for each of the parties, each of which has an identical validity and is the basis for mutual calculations.11. Validity of the Contract. 11.1. The present Contract inures from the date of its signing and is valid up to 06.09.2013 and parts of mutual calculation - before full execution by the Parties of the obligations.12. Legal addresses of the parties.The sellerSHENZHEN MAHAN TRADING CO.,LTD.Address: zip code, 518028, ADD:3F,duilding 515.Bagua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China.Bank name: BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, JINHUABRANCH, YIWU SUB-BRANCHSWIFT: COMMCNSHJHABANK ADD: 518 NORTH CHOUZHOU ROAD, YIWU, P.R. CHINABENEFICIARY NAME: SHENZHEN MAHAN TRADING CO.,LTD.A/C NO.: 299000605018010175547General Commercial Manager: TAOXIAOMEI.signature _seal BuyerISABEKOV ELMAN SAIDMETOVICH RUSSIA, Dagestan, Makhachkala 367030, IRCHI KAZAKA 20 36 R INTERMEDIARY BANK: SWIFT: AVTBRUMM BANK URALSIB MOSCOW, RUSSIA BENEFICIARY BANK: acc. 30109840500012001196 SWIFT:EXPERU21 JSCB EXPRESS MAKHACHKALA, RUSSIA BENEFICIARY: For further credit acc.40802840800130000009General Director : Isabekov Elman Saidmetovichsignature _seal


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