2021-2022年二年级英语下册 2B unit3 What can…(3)教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年二年级英语下册 2B unit3 What can(3)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1、进一步巩固特殊疑问句What can you see?并能根据实际情况用I can see回答。2、进一步巩固单词plane,train,jeep和boat,发音正确。3、学习歌曲Row,row,row your boat。教学重点难点:1、进一步巩固特殊疑问句What can you see?并能根据实际情况用I can see回答。2、进一步巩固单词plane,train,jeep和boat,发音正确。教具准备及辅助活动:录音机、图片作业设计安排:课内:活动手册P12课外:听、唱C部分歌曲,朗读A、B部分主要板书计划Unit3 What can you see?What can you see?I can seel教学过程:A. Free talk:1、教师出示B图片,请学生根据图片来说说是什么交通工具。T:What can you see?引导学生用I can see来回答。2、结合以前学习的内容,如颜色、食物、动物、水果等单词的复习,进行对话扩展练习。T:Hello, What can you see? 鼓励学生根据实际情况回答。B. Act and say1、观察图片,相互用What can you see?I can see进行对话。2、分组活动,教师巡视指导。CSing a song 在学生朗读歌词的基础上,放音乐让学生跟唱歌曲,对容易出错的地方给予指导、练习。D. Practice 活动手册P12(1)观察图片理解图片大意。(2)教师引导学生进行尝试练习。E. Assign homework(1)朗读A、B部分至熟练。(2)鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。学有余力的学生学习其他的打招呼用语。 附送:2021-2022年二年级英语下册 2B Unit4 In the park教案 沪教牛津版Lets learnTeaching Aims: Basic aims:Using verbs to identify momentary actions: e.g. walk, climb, skip, swing, fly, rideDifficult points: Using the verbs to say sentencesEducation Aims: To love sports and deep a good healthMaterials: Picture and word cardsTeaching procedures:Pre-task preparation: 1. Sing a song 2. Listen and act: e.g. sing a song , sing, sing, sing 3. Daily Talk: e.g. What do you see? What do you hear? While-task procedure:1Learn to say “walk” a. T: look at me (Do action) I walk like this. walk walk Show the word card and say the wordb. T: I can walk. Can you walk?c. Say “I can walk.” ( Ask some pupils to act the model , old man to walk)2. Learn to say “ride”a. Look at the teachers actionb. Learn to say the wordc. Try to say: ride a bicycle3. Learn to say “climb”a. Look at the picture and ask: “Who is behind the tree?”b. Try to say the word cardc. Try to say : climb the treed. Say the sentences: The monkey can climb.4. Learn to say “fly”a. Look at the picture and say : Look at the sky. I can fly a kite in the sky. Look, its very high.b. Try to say “fly”c. Say a rhyme : Fly, fly, fly a kite. High, high, high in the sky.5. Learn to say “skip”a. Look at the teachers actionb. Try to say the wordc. Ask and answer one by one : e.g. Can you skip?6. Learn to say “swing”a. T: Look, I like to skip. I like to swing, too.b. Try to say “swing”c. Play a passing game: If you get the ball, please say the word properly.7Sing a songPost-task activity:1. Look and say:a. work in pairs :one acts,another says the wordb.Teacher acts, pupils say one by one2. Play a game : Which word card is change? Put the word card on the blackboard ,then teacher change one , pupils try to point the word 3. Do a survey: Using “What do you like to do?” to ask the other classmates. And we will see which activity is the most popular.Consolidation : Workbook Page 12a. Circle the correct picture for each wordHomework : 1.Read the new words2. Using the verbs to make sentencesPurpose歌曲能为学生营造一个良好的学习氛围。儿歌富有节奏,学生愿说,同时又复习了旧动词。让学生既动口又动手,这样能加强记忆,提高学生的学习兴趣。从单词到词组再到句子,从易到难,遵循学生的学习规律。儿歌能维持学生的积极性。进步巩固新单词。竞赛型的游戏能有效提高学生的竞争意识和协作能力。运用新学知识进行初步的交际,使学生更主动,大胆地参与英语教学活动。Teaching essayThe second periodLets actTeaching Aims :Basic aims: Using imperatives to express prohibition e.g. Dont walk on the grass.Difficult points : Using imperatives to express prohibitionEducation Aims : To protect the surroundingMaterials : PictureTeaching procedures:Pre-task preparation:1Sing a song2. Listen and act3. Free Talk : e.g. T: It is spring now. Do you like spring? Why? T: What can you see in spring? T: Oh, it is very beautiful. Lets walk to the park.While-task procedure:1. Learn to say “Dont walk on the grass.”a. Look at the pictureT: Look, May is walking on the grass. Oh, my God, I think the grass is sad. It is crying. So we must persuade May: “Dont walk on the grass.”b.Try to say the sentencec.Act the different roles to say: e.g. act an old man , an ugly man , an angry man2. Learn to say “Dont ride a bicycle here.”a. Look at the pictureT : What can he do? ( He can ride a bicycle)b. Try to say “ride a bicycle”c. Sam is wrong . He cant ride a bicycle here. So the man persuade him.d. Learn to say the sentence3. Learn to say “Dont climb the tree.”a. Look at the pictureb. Try to say “ climb the tree”c. T : Sam is very dangerous. Its terrible. Who can persuade him?d. Learn to say the sentencee. Say and act with deskmates:E.g. Dont climb the tree. Im sorry. That all right.Post-task activity:1. Listen to the tape and read after it.2. Teacher act, pupils try to say3. Act and say : Have some pupils take turns to act out one of the actionsthey have just learnt. Let them choose which one to act. The rest of theclass call out the correct prohibition.4. Free talk : The topic is “In the park” ( Four pupils a group) Ask pupils try to act and say: e.g. Good morning. Good morning. -Lets walk to the park. OK. -Theres a girl on the grass. Dont walk on the grass. -OK.Homework : 1.Listen to the tape and read after it. 2 Make a short dialogue with your deskmates.Purpose创造去公园的情境,能集中学生的注意力,还能引出新授知识。进行学生思想教育运用不同的语音语调去说同一句话,努力培养他们的语感,提高他们的口语水平创设情境启发学生用Dont的句型来说出这句新授句子自由操练,培养他们的合作能力和交际能力。在具体的情节中复习巩固所学的句型。将语言与真实生活紧紧联系在一起,达到“学以致用”的目的。Teaching essayThe third periodTeaching Aims:Basic aims : 1. Using the modal verb “can” to express abilitiese.g. I can climb. 2.Asking “Wh-“ questions to find out particular information about a person e.g. What can you do?Difficult points : Using verbs to indicate momentary actions e.g. I can skip.Education Aims : To love sportsMaterials : PicturesTeaching procedures: Pretask preparation :1.Sing a song2.Read the verb words: e.g. skip climb run sleep walk swing fly ride 3.Play a game :One pupil es to the front , face to the blackboard . The other pupil acts, then the first one try to guess.4.Say sentences:e.g. I like to skip. I like to walk.While task procedure:1. Learn to say “I can walk.”a. T: Look, I can walk. (Do action)b. Learn to say the sentencec. Ask and answer:e.g. T: What can you do? P: I can walk.d. Ask one by one2. Learn to say “I can climb.”a. T: This time , who can use “ I can” to say (Do action)b. Try to say “ I can climb.”c. (Point one pupil ) Ask pupils to say : She can climb. He can climb.3. Learn to say “I can climb.”a. T: I can walk. I can climb. I can skip,too.b. Try to say the sentencec. Ask and answer: What can you do? I can skip.d. Work in pairs4. Learn to say “ Spotty can run.”a. T: Look, this is Spotty. Spotty can run. ( Look at the picture)b. Ask and answer:e.g. T: What can Spotty do ? P : Spotty can run. c. Using the verbs, ask and answer Consolidation:1. Review the new sentencesa. Repeat or clap b. Ask one by onec. Play a missing game: Put the word cards on the blackboard , ask pupils to close their eyes , and then teacher puts down a card , they try to say the missing word2. Say and act :a. Show the pupils the pictures and say: -I am May . I am a girl. I can skip. Look ! “ One Two Three”b. Choose one picture try to sayc. Listen to the tape and try to read after it 3. Make a short dialogue:e.g. Look, whats this? Its a bicycle . I can ride the bicycle. (Do action) -Hey. Dont ride the bicycle on the grass. Im sorry. Thats all right.Homework: Listen to the tape and read after itPurpose复习有关动词,为新授内容作准备。在游戏中巩固旧知识,学生轻松愉快,效果也不错。通过师生间的问答来引出要学内容。接龙游戏能大面积操练,使大部分学生都能开口说。加大操练的密度训练学生的听力能力训练学生的记忆能力发挥想象,融合新旧知识来进行交流,努力提高会话能力。Teaching essayThe fourth periodTeaching aims:1) Using nouns to identify things. e.g. tree umbrella2) Learning the letters: T t, U uDifficult points:Writing the letters correctly.Materials:Pictures, cassette, word cardsTeaching process:Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song Alphabet song2. Ask and answer. T&P P&Pe.g. What do you see? I see a.3. Review the letters.a. Read the letters from Aa to Ss.b. Match the capital letters and small letters.c. Listen and raise the correct letter cards.While-task procedure1. Teach: treea. Show a tree and ask: What do you see?b. Pupils learn to say.c. Make sentences. e.g. tree, tree, tree, I see a tree.2. Teach: T t a. Point to the word card and say: tree, tree, t-r-e-e, t tb. Pupils read after the teacher.c. Show letter card T and say: Whats this? Its T. The capital letter T.Pupils read the letter one by one.d. pare the letters.e. Write the letters with the fingers.3. Teach: umbrella, U u(Using the same way)4. Play the cassette. Listen and repeat.5. Learn to write the letters.a. Teacher writes the letters on the board. Pupils look carefully.b. Ask the pupils to say how to write. c. Try to write.Post-task activities1. Sing a song.2. Read the Letters and words.a. Read the letters and words one by one.b. Clap or repeat.3. Listen and raise the letter cards.4. Play a game. Put some letter cards in the box.Ask: Which letter is on the top?5. Make a dialogue with the new words.歌曲使学生集中注意,活跃课堂气氛。字母歌既复习字母,又为新字母作铺垫。用造句的形式,使学生反复使用“tree”,达到操练的目的。通过单词引出新字母,有意识地培养学生拼单词的能力。书空教会学生正确书写笔顺。调节课堂气氛。通过快速反应,把音形结合起来。 Teaching essayThe fifth periodTeaching aims: 1. Using modal verb can to express abilities.e.g. Spotty can climb.2. Using verbs to indicate momentary actions.e.g. Spotty can skip.Difficult points:Using modal verb can to express abilities.e.g. Spotty can climb.Materials:Cassette, picture, dice, countersTeaching process:Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song2. Listen and acte.g. Walk on the grass. Walk,walk,walk.3. Match the wordsa. Put the pictures and cards on the board. Let pupils match the correct word with the picture.b. Ask pupils to read the word together.c. Make sentences with the words.歌曲创造英语氛围。培养学生的听力和语言能力。图片和单词相结合,训练学生认单词,并用单词造句的能力。While-task procedure1. Show the picture of page 20 and ask: What can Spotty do? To elicit : Spotty can climb.Pupils say it one by one.2. Ask the pupils to say and do the action.3. Select more able students to demonstrate the game.4. Let pupils open the books. Listen to the tape and point at the game.5. Listen and repeat.6. Give each pair of pupils two counters and a dice. Let them play the game in pairs.Post-task activities1. Sing a song2. Have a matchTo divide the pupils into two groups. The first to finish of the groups will give a star.3. Workbook page 13运用问答新式引出新句型,提高学生的交际能力。边说边做动作,创设真实的情景。运用比赛的形式调动学生的积极性。Teaching essayThe sixth periodTeaching aims:1. Using verbs to describe movements.e.g. Walk like a cat.2. Using prepositional phrases to describe locations.e.g. On the floor.Difficult point:Using modeled phrases to municate with other learners.Education aims:To love sports and the animals.Materials:Cassette, cassette player, picturesTeaching process:Pre-task preparation1. Sing a song2. Daily talke.g. What can you do? I can 3. Say and acte.g. Walk, walk, walk, I can walk.While-task procedure1. Learn: floora. Point to the floor and say slowly floor.Pupils repeatb. Put something on the floor and ask: Where.?Pupils answer: On the floor.c. Say the rhyme: Floor, floor, floor, on the floor.2. Learn: doora. Point to the door and say slowly doorPupils repeatb. Make sentences with doorc. Do the action to elicit: Out of the door.Pupils say it one by one.3. Using pictures to learn: In the sea. In the tree.4. Ask and answere.g. Where? On/In/Out of the5. Have a rest. Sing a song6. Show pictures of animals.e.g. a cat, a dog, a fish, a monkey Ask questions.e.g. Can a cat walk? Can you walk? Can you walk like a cat? To elicit: Walk like a cat, On the floor. Pupils repeat.7. Using the same way to learn: Run like a dog, Out of the door. Swim like a fish, In the sea. Swing like a monkey, In the tree.8. Listen and repeat.Post-task activities1. Get the pupils to say the rhyme and do the actions.(Using some masks)2. Show some cards walk, run, swim, climb and some animal pictures.Ask the pupils to match each animal in the rhyme with the correct word.3. Have a matchDivide the class into a cat, a dog, a fish, a monkey group. Let each group practise their lines from the rhyme. They then take turns to say their lines to the class.Encourage them to say the rhyme faster and faster. 问答复习can句型。边说边演,体现学生自主参与性。通过指教室中的地板教学生词,使外语与客观事物直接联系,激发学生兴趣。用形体动作表现out of the door,学生较易接受。由四种不同动物联想到四个动作,训练了学生的思维能力。运用头饰表演儿歌,富有童趣。比一比,赛一赛,促进学生熟练掌握儿歌。Teaching essay


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