2021-2022年一年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Hello教案 外研版

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2021-2022年一年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Hello教案 外研版时间课时授课人教学目标1.会说Hi,Hello,能使用Hi,Hello互相问好。2.会用Im介绍自己。教学重点正确使用Hi,Hello。教学难点The procuation of “Im”and “I am”教学准备CD-ROM教 学 过 程Step1.Warming up:The teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they e in the door.T: Hello,Hi,Hello,Hello,Hi.(1) 给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运用的环境。内容为“迪士尼英语”中第一课的片断(Magic English-Hello)。学生在他们喜爱的卡通节目中了解,学习打招呼的用语。 Hello,Hi (充分理解Hello的应用和Im 的用法。) (2)由于学生是第一次正式接受英语课的学习,教师在此基础上采取交谈的方式与学生讨论一下英语的作用以及学习英语的意义。不妨请学生谈谈他们在现实生活中已经了解的英语单词或日常用语。(在此过程教师可以简单了解一下同学们的英语基础)Step2.Presentation通过CD-ROM来展示Unit1,Listen and point部分教学内容。Step3.Practice(1)将学生分成四组,教师以开火车的方式,货车开到哪就以哪组同学同桌二人说“Hello,Im”“Hi,Im”.(在此过程中,教师应提示学生发音,引导学生区分正确,错误的发音,特别是Im 的发音,应为/aim/而不能成为/em/或/ai/。)(2) 让学生自己说说所学用语使用环境,并让学生自己拟定一个使用所学用语的场所,结合图片进一步控股场景。为学生处是情景图,让他们自己说说,在此情景中该说些什么? (情景1)清晨,两个小朋友在校门口相遇,猜猜看,他们说了些什么? (情景2)上课了,老师带一名新同学进教师,新生该怎样做自我介绍?(情景3)下课了,有好几名新同学与新生结石,他们是怎样说的呢?(情景4)放学了,同学们互相道别,他们彼此都说了些什么?(3) 两人一组,联系自我介绍,在此强调分手时说Goodbye/Bye-Bye。(4) 自由结合或自己下位子了解,届时新伙伴,再次练习Hello,Im/Hi,Im,Goodbye/Bye-Bye.课后反思 在Practice部分,一定要让学生做出相应的动作,这样既提高了学生的兴趣,也把目标达成了。可以在丰富一下教学手段,多运用多媒体的方式,播放与课文相关的歌曲让学生一边做动作一边学,提高学习英语的兴趣,同时加深学生对单词Hello的理解。板书设计随堂检测Hello/HiImGoodbye/Bye-bye.附送:2021-2022年一年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 2(2) 教案 外研版课题Module 3 Unit2 How many girls?课时2-1教材分析It contains numbers and a sentence pattern in unit 1. Count numbers from 1 to 10. And use “How many?” to municate with others. And the noun of plural form.教学目标1.Be able to tell the noun of plural form from the noun of singular form.2.Be able to municate with others by “How many?”3.Be able to have a sense a co-operation.课前准备Word cards, pictures, courseware, pointer板书设计Module 3 Unit 1 How many girls? girl boy dogHow many girls / boys / dogs?教 学 活 动 设 计设 计 意 图Warm-up1. Greet students and let students greet each other.2. Sing a song. (Ten little Indian boys)RevisionT: My friends are ing. (Raise hands which have smile faces on fingers.)Now lets count. One, two, three ten. How many girls? (Let students count them.)S: Nine. T: yes. Nine girls.Instruct students to count : one girl, two girls, three girls) Then, How many boys? S: One boy. Presentation1. Show the class some pictures on the page of students book .To show them the difference of “girl” and “girls”.2. Let students practice to ask and answer “How many” in chains. 3. Listen to the tape and repeat.4. Ask some questions about things in our classroom. ( How many books/pencils?)Practice1.Group co-operation municate with your partner.2. Activity: Group of girls and boys. When teacher says “girl” , Each girl stands up. When teacher says “girls”, Many girls stand together.Consolidation and extension 1. group co-operation .Practice “How many? ”2. Sing a song (Ten little Indian boys)3. Finish the activity book.When students say “one boys” , teacher waves her hand and show no “s”. In order to give them a deep impression.作 业设 计1. Singing and dancing the song.2. Count how many things in your house.教 学反 思本节课的重点是复数的教学,所以我采取了直观的教学方法,通过数一数班级男生女生的数量来学习复数,如one boy , two boys, three boys 同时注意纠正学生的发音,boys 和girls 后面的s要发/z/,效果不错,孩子们能够理解并自己数一数。


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