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Module 1 Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday.教案一、课时目标:1. 复习一般过去式和一般现在式第三人称单数的动词变化。2. 掌握英文书信的一般格式。3. 能够准确运用下列句型:Where does she live? She lives in.It was my birthday on Saturday.We were at Buckingham Palace.二、课时重、难点简析:1. 一般现在式第三人称单数的动词变化 (e)sWhere does she live? She lives in.学生对此语法掌握的不扎实,虽然2 3 年级都有学习和复习,但是在实际运用中会忘掉动词的相应变化。2. Where was he/she?特殊疑问句和第三人称单数的动词变化放在一起出现, 对应学生来说要通过多练习才能 掌握。三、学生认知分析:1. 学生对英文书信的格式有了解。2. 对于一般过去式和一般现在式的第三人称单数的动词变化有了解。3. 对于大地点(城市、国家前用in,在小地点home/park等前用at)都学过、练习过。四、教学准备:1. 学生:预习课文;拿自己过生日时的照片2. 老师:课件、单词卡片、照片五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-upGood morning, boys and girls.How are you?Did you have a good summer holiday?What did you do in summer holiday?I read some books, watched the film and did many other things.re havingWhat about you?You did so many things in summer holiday. The summer holiday passed. Now we class. We re having an English class.Who can ask me?What are you/is he/is she doing?I m/She s/Hes Step 2 Lead inS: What are you doing?T: I m eating noodles.Who can come here and do the action?Who can ask?Step 3 Presentation1. What is Amy doing? Let s watch to the video.If you are Amy, what is Amy doing?S: I m reading a letter.Great! What does the letter say?2. Let s watch the video again and answer the questions.1) Where does she live?She lives in London.2) What day was Zara s birthday?It was my birthday on Saturday.3) Where were they?We were at Buckingham Palace.3. Listen and repeat the text.4. Read in group.5. Show6. Practice:1) read and do.2) check the answer.7. Talk about your birthday.It was my birthday on Monday. We were at Guanxiangshan Park.Who can talk about yours?8. Book Practice.1) give an example.2) do in pairs.3) show.4) write down.六、板书:Module 1 Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday.What is she doing? She s reading a letter.What does she live? She lives in London.七、作业:1. Listen and repeat the text 5 times2. Retell the words.3. 4.


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