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Slide 1国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Management Research MethodologyDr. Xie XiaoyunSchool of Management, Zhejiang UniversitySlide 2国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任ContactnCell phone: ; 570214nEmail: nMgt Building: 805-11Slide 3国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任关于几个问题的个人看法关于几个问题的个人看法n无论研究生的职业方向选择如何,研究技能都是职业无论研究生的职业方向选择如何,研究技能都是职业技能的重要组成部分。技能的重要组成部分。n研究方法指的是方法论,不是统计技术。研究方法指的是方法论,不是统计技术。n研究方法,没有对错之分,也没有先进和落后之分。研究方法,没有对错之分,也没有先进和落后之分。北美北美vs.欧洲的定性之争欧洲的定性之争。n基础理论研究与应用研究在方法论层面没有实质性的基础理论研究与应用研究在方法论层面没有实质性的差异。差异。可口可乐、索斯比拍卖行等可口可乐、索斯比拍卖行等。n研究问题有宏观、中观和微观之分,但是研究方法没研究问题有宏观、中观和微观之分,但是研究方法没有。有。研究方法教学调研简介研究方法教学调研简介。n研究方法在研究方法在BA领域内没有学科差异。领域内没有学科差异。SMO等等Slide 4国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任教学模式教学模式n爱因斯坦:什么是教育?教育就是当你把所有死爱因斯坦:什么是教育?教育就是当你把所有死记硬背的内容忘记之后所剩下的记硬背的内容忘记之后所剩下的“Did you ask any question in your classroom that your teacher couldnt answer?” “Did you do anything creative in school that impressed your teacher?” 中国问什么?中国问什么?Slide 5国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任怎样才算一个好研究?怎样才算一个好研究?n令人感兴趣、好玩:反直觉的结论?令人感兴趣、好玩:反直觉的结论?n理论贡献:拒绝常识研究理论贡献:拒绝常识研究n情境化:扎根于本土现象,寻找差异化结论情境化:扎根于本土现象,寻找差异化结论概念的内涵情境化概念的内涵情境化因果关系情境化因果关系情境化Slide 6国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Management Research in ChinanWhats “empirical study”?nHistory & evolutionarynState-of-the-ArtnCommon pitfalls in dissertationsSlide 7国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 8国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 9国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 10国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 11国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 12国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 13国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 14国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 15国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任1. Theoretical contributionSlide 16国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任2. Data structure and puzzle:Common method variancenRange restriction?: mean, SDnSingle-dominant factor?nDistribution of loading?nReversed-scoring?nCorrelation matrix?nSound reliability or faking reliability?nHierarchical multiple regression and multiple regression?nControlled or Null effect?nSEM: Stupid Error Maker?Slide 17国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任3. Design puzzlesnRule of Thumb on research levelsnNested sampling and data-aggregationRwg, ICC, eta square均值均值极值:极值:disjunctive (problem solving)vs. conjunctive方差:个性倾向方差:个性倾向nSingle case designMultiple baseline case designSlide 18国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Internal validityn为了证明蜘蛛的听觉在脚上,专家做了一个实验为了证明蜘蛛的听觉在脚上,专家做了一个实验,先是把一只蜘蛛放在实验台上,然后冲蜘蛛大,先是把一只蜘蛛放在实验台上,然后冲蜘蛛大吼了一声,蜘蛛吓跑了!吼了一声,蜘蛛吓跑了!n之后把这只蜘蛛又抓了回来,然后把蜘蛛的脚全之后把这只蜘蛛又抓了回来,然后把蜘蛛的脚全部割掉,再冲蜘蛛大吼了一声,蜘蛛果然不动了部割掉,再冲蜘蛛大吼了一声,蜘蛛果然不动了!n于是专家发表论文,事实证明了蜘蛛的听觉在脚于是专家发表论文,事实证明了蜘蛛的听觉在脚上。上。Slide 19国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Good technological reports?nUnionnCSRnSlide 20国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任4. MeasurementnBehavioral rating: social desirability /lenience effect / halo effect /nProxy measurement: construct validity puzzlenArchival data: construct validity puzzleSlide 21国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任常见的数据与统计策略点评常见的数据与统计策略点评n以分析流程为例展示以分析流程为例展示Slide 22国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 23国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 24国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 25国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 26国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任请关注你的相关矩阵!请关注你的相关矩阵!Slide 27国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任一个常见的相关矩阵一个常见的相关矩阵Slide 28国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 29国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任例如例如Slide 30国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任现状现状1Slide 31国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任现状现状2Dklasjfldsjafjkda;fkjdaks;fjjdljfakldfsSlide 32国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 33国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Lajfdljsaflkdjal;kfjdlksajfldsjflkdsa;jfdsaljfd;lsajfdlsafjldsafdSlide 34国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 35国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任一些背景介绍一些背景介绍nAOMnTop-tiers JournalSlide 36国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Professional Divisions and Interest GroupnBusiness Policy & StrategynCareersnConflict ManagementnCritical Management StudiesnEntrepreneurshipnGender & Diversity in OrganizationsnHealth Care ManagementnHuman ResourcesnInternational ManagementSlide 37国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Professional Divisions and Interest GroupnManagement ConsultingnManagement Education & DevelopmentnManagement HistorynManagement Spirituality & ReligionnManagerial & Organizational CognitionnOperations ManagementnOrganization and Management TheorynOrganization Development & ChangenOrganizational BehaviornOrganizational Communication & Information SystemnOrganizations & the Natural EnvironmentSlide 38国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Professional Divisions and Interest GroupnPublic & NonprofitnResearch MethodsnSocial Issues in ManagementnStrategizing Activities and PracticenTechnology & Innovation ManagementnDivisions: 23nInterest Group:2Slide 39国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Tips for readingnAbstractnHow to extract the hypothesis and proposal?nHow to develop their measurement?nHow to validate the hypothesis based upon statistical method?nWhats limitation?Slide 40国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Aims and ScopenThe course is designed for the graduate students to understand the basic paradigm of empirical research under business administration field, nTo enable graduate students to:uunderstanding an overview of basic and advanced research method tools for conducting micro, macro, and meso-level organizational researches;umaking sense of causal inference and validation;udeveloping critical skills needed to plan for and evaluate empirical organizational research;udeveloping skills of actually using various organizational research methods in a scientific manner.Slide 41国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任SyllabusnThe course focus on enabling graduate students to develop scientific skills of conducting empirical studies, understand basic research paradigm under business context, and building a capability to choice appreciate method to actually conduct a empirical study in a scientific manner. nIn line with its goals, the course cover the areas as below:Slide 42国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任SyllabusIntroductionBasic paradigm: Causal reference and causality under business research setting;Research design, level of analysis, and theoretical contributionQualitative design & analysisMeasurement issues and common pitfallsExperimental & Quasi-experimental designStatistical evidence to support validationProposal developing and writtenSlide 43国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Scoring based uponLiterature readingRegular attendancesurveyProposal WritingSlide 44国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任ReferencenCooper DR & Schindler PS. Business Research Methods. McGraw-Hill & 机械工业出版社机械工业出版社Slide 45国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Basic paradigms of business researchTransformation from arts to science: overview and quality justificationSlide 46国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 47国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任The research process nChoosing a research topic nDefining the research problem based on literature and investigation,nExtracting the hypotheses,nConceptualizing design of the study, nChoosing the correct methodology, nDesigning measurement and data collection, nConducting data analysis, nWriting the research report, nDiscussing the results and new trends in the present field.Slide 48国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 49国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Dissertations are Like Castles, not Like the Great Wall of ChinaBuild an enclosed well defended argument to keep committee members and reviewers out. If the wall is too long, committee members and reviewers will have too many opportunities to breach it.Slide 50国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Issues before starting research agendanVariablenlevelnFrameworksnValidity Slide 51国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Variable listnRelationship: correlation vs. causality. roads amounts in euro and babies in U.S;在这些犯罪的在这些犯罪的孩子中,孩子中,80%热衷于玩暴力型游戏热衷于玩暴力型游戏nIndependent variablenDependent variablenControl variable: naturalization of potential independent variable. nIntervening variable: why and how? Mechanism? Moderating variable/moderatorMediating variable/mediatorSlide 52国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Level of designnIndividual levelnGroup levelnOrganizational levelnIndustrial levelnNational levelnRule of thumbSlide 53国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Research frameworksnAntecedents frameworknModerating frameworknMediating frameworknMultilevel frameworkSlide 54国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Liao H & Chuang A. A multilevel investigation of factors influencing employee service performance and customer outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 2004, 47(1): 41-58Slide 55国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任How to justify the “Science”?nRepeatability(可重复)(可重复)nTestable(可验证)(可验证)nFalsifiable(可证伪可证伪)nTechnical parameters(技术参数)(技术参数)Slide 56国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Technical parametersnConstruct validity(构思效度)(构思效度)nStatistical conclusion validity(统计结论效度)(统计结论效度)nInternal validity(内部效度)(内部效度)nExternal validity(外部效度)(外部效度)Slide 57国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Four Types of Design ValiditynStatistical conclusion validityAppropriate statistical method to make desired inferencenInternal validityCausal conclusions reasonable based on designnConstruct validityInterpretation of measuresnExternal validityGeneralizability to population of interestSlide 58国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Threats to ValiditynStatistical ConclusionStatistics used incorrectly: normal distribution.Low power: samplePoor measurement: reliabilitynInternal ValidityConfounds with other events, variables. T capability on organizational performance; Industrial policy on export under new rebatesGroup differences (pre-existing or attrition)Lack of temporal order. CSR on organizational performanceSlide 59国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Threats To Validity 2nConstruct ValidityInadequate specification of theoretical constructUnreliable measurementPoor content validitySubject measurement vs. objective measurementnExternal ValidityInadequate specification of populationPoor sampling of populationSlide 60国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Construct validitynConvergent validitynDiscriminant validitySlide 61国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 62国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任MTMM MatrixSlide 63国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Internal validitySlide 64国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任External validitySlide 65国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任The research design nCross-sectional designPuzzle in causality?nLongitudinal designTime-consuming & costSubjectIntervening factorsnPanel designSlide 66国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任如何看文章?如何看文章?nOriginalityuIs the article sufficiently novel and interesting to warrant publication? uDoes it add to the canon of knowledge? uDoes the article adhere to the journals standards? uIs the research question an important one? uIn order to determine its originality and appropriateness for the journal it might be helpful to think of the research in terms of what percentile it is in? Is it in the top 25% of papers in this field? You might wish to do a quick literature search using tools such as Scopus to see if there are any reviews of the area. If the research been covered previously, pass on references of those works to the editor.Slide 67国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任IntroductionnDoes it describe what the author hoped to achieve accurately, and clearly state the problem being investigated? nNormally, the introduction is one to two paragraphs long. It should summarize relevant research to provide context, and explain what findings of others, if any, are being challenged or extended. Slide 68国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任MethodologynDoes the author accurately explain how the data was collected? nIs the design suitable for answering the question posed? nIs there sufficient information present for you to replicate the research? nAre these ordered in a meaningful way? nWas the sampling appropriate? nHave the equipment and materials been adequately described? nDoes the article make it clear what type of data was recorded; has the author been precise in describing measurements?Slide 69国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任ResultsnThis is where the author/s should explain in words what he/she discovered in the research. It should be clearly laid out and in a logical sequence. You will need to consider if the appropriate analysis been conducted. Are the statistics correct? nIf you are not comfortable with statistics, advise the editor when you submit your report. Interpretation of results should not be included in this section.Slide 70国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Conclusion/DiscussionnAre the claims in this section supported by the results, do they seem reasonable? Have the authors indicated how the results relate to expectations and to earlier research? Does the article support or contradict previous theories? Does the conclusion explain how the research has moved the body of scientific knowledge forward?Slide 71国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Previous Research nIf the article builds upon previous research does it reference that work appropriately? Are there any important works that have been omitted? Are the references accurate?Slide 72国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任The research process nChoosing a research topic slideshow; my experiencenDefining the research problem based on literature and investigation,nAbstracting the hypothesis,nConceptualizing design of the study, nChoosing the correct methodology, nDesigning measurement and data collection, nConducting data analysis, nWriting the research report, nDiscussing the results and new trends in the present field.Slide 73国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任The art of writing a review articleDr. Xie XiaoyunSchool of Management, ZJUSlide 74国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任In-class readingnJeremy Short (2009)Slide 75国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任文献综述的特征文献综述的特征n自上而下的认知加工自上而下的认知加工n文献来源是全面、权威文献来源是全面、权威n客观公正的评价,不应该体现太多的个人色彩客观公正的评价,不应该体现太多的个人色彩n综述:各个流派综述:各个流派n最近最近 的研究进展的研究进展n独特的视角?独特的视角?n发展脉络发展脉络n质疑、批判质疑、批判n冲突、矛盾、不一致、相悖于理论冲突、矛盾、不一致、相悖于理论n多学科视角的整合多学科视角的整合Slide 76国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Meta-analysisnReviewing and integrating the research literatureResearch results are known to be inconsistentFor an evaluation of the state of the art of a specific field we often still have to depend on one or two literature reviews prepared by more or less ingenious scholars who have accumulated a great deal of studies, have summarized the heap of findings, and have drawn more or less valid conclusions, based on their own point of view.Slide 77国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任nReviewers, however, are considered to be subjective, to be scientifically unsound, and to be an ineffi-cient way to extract useful information from the literature (Light & Pillemer, 1984, pp. 3ff).Slide 78国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任nGlass (1976) was the first to introduce a novel perspective of dealing with the information overload problem by originating a comprehen-sive method that allows to estimate the average effect of treat-ments on outcome variables across a large number of studiesSlide 79国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任General paradigmsnCombination of effect sizes from various studiesnComparison of effect sizes from various categoriesSlide 80国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 81国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Slide 82国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Qualitative study & design: highlight issuesDr. Xie XiaoyunSchool of Management, ZJUSlide 83国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Comparison between Q & QnHistory of social science: fighting for scientific status, replicabilitynQualitative studies must always rely on subjective opinion because its methods are not sufficiently transparent to enable another research to replicate a given study(Morgan, 1996; 1998)Slide 84国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Threats to validity of qualitative studynSample sizenRepresentativenessnRetrospective data: selective recallSlide 85国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Overview of interview based studynOpen-ended interview(开放式访谈)(开放式访谈)nSemi-structural interview(半结构化访谈)(半结构化访谈)nStructural interview(结构化访谈)(结构化访谈)nIndividual interview vs. focus group interviewComments & comparisonE.g., checklist of influential factors on service performanceSlide 86国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Focus group interviewnNot only is it possible to gain access to the experiences of many different individuals, but also because individuals interact with one another, data is enriched as group members spark each other off, enabling views to be reformulated through exchange, nuances of meaning teased out, recall strengthened, and shy members given confidence. nData are enhanced as they are drawn from a social context, and interaction is horizontal between participants as well as vertical interviewer/interviewee. nUsing focus groups as a consumer research tool Threlfall, K. D. 1999. Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science, Vol. 5 No. 4Slide 87国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任nIndividual interview:When you need to focus on an individuals personal circumstances or historyWhen the subject-matter is complexWhen confidentiality is requirednFocus group interview:When interaction between participants will illuminate the research issueWhen issues are abstract or conceptual, or are concerned with attitudes or viewSlide 88国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任CIT based approachnCritical Incident Technique (Flanagan, 1954)Available heuristicsReplicabilitySlide 89国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Comparison between interview & questionnairenReliability?nIn-depth?nInteractive?nResearchers experience-dependentnAnonymous & private considerationnCost-consumingSlide 90国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Case studynHolisticnEvolutionary processnTheoretical developmentnHypothesis drawnnSingle case study vs. Multiple case studyYin RK. Case study research: Design and methods, Sage, 2003Slide 91国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Case study methodologynCase studies are used as a research tool to test hypotheses in an ex post facto manner when the researcher CAN NOT control ANY of the variables under investigation.nCase studies are therefore usually concerned with investigating how or why events occurred.Slide 92国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Case study methodologynThe lack of control leads to a number of potential problems with case study based research which, if not controlled, can invalidate any conclusions drawn from the research.Slide 93国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Hence,nThere are three typical criticisms of the case study methodology:Problems of bias;Lack of generalizability;They are only suitable for explanatory investigations.Slide 94国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Problems of biasnMany researchers are concerned with the apparent lack of rigour involved in case study research (as compared to experimental studies) bought about by investigator bias.nRelationships may appear simply because you are looking for them. Slide 95国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任GeneralizabilitynBecause case studies allow no control over any of the variables many question whether conclusions drawn from one specific example can be applied generally.Slide 96国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Exploratory studiesnMany argue that only experimental research can be used to establish causal relationships with case studies being limited in use to the explanatory stage of a research project.nThis view misses the most important aspect of a case study, its holistic and real-life nature.Slide 97国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任External validitynSample selectionself-selecting samples could be biased - include details of those who refused to cooperate.nIn case studies the use of multiple case studies usually satisfies the requirements for external validitySlide 98国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Bias?(Yin, 2003)nRigor?nHow to referencing causality through a single-case?nTime-consumingSlide 99国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任建议建议n尽可能的使用多重案例研究设计:不要把所有鸡尽可能的使用多重案例研究设计:不要把所有鸡蛋放到一个篮子里蛋放到一个篮子里重复、验证重复、验证不同背景下逐项复制得出相同的结论,说明研究结论不同背景下逐项复制得出相同的结论,说明研究结论稳定,概化效度高稳定,概化效度高根据理论,差别复制,得出截然不同的结果,效度高根据理论,差别复制,得出截然不同的结果,效度高n尽可能的提出竞争性假设尽可能的提出竞争性假设Slide 100国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任General design of case studynBackgroundnFocused topicnScenarionEffectevidence in support/rejection of hypotheses nReview, comparison and referenceSlide 101国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Case logicnSampling logic?nReplication logicLiteral replication:逐项复制:逐项复制Theoretical replication: 差别复制差别复制Slide 102国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Advanced case study designnA-B-A design: Commitment based HRMnMulti-baselines designSlide 103国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Case DesignBaselineXXXTreatmentXXXAB可能存在什么问题?Slide 104国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Single-Case DesignBaselineXXXTreatmentReturn toBaselineXXXXXXABASlide 105国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Multiple Baseline DesignnUseful in testing for a treatment effect when you believe that the effect is irreversible.Slide 106国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Multiple Baseline DesignABCDBaselineBaselineBaselineBaselineMPBaselineBaselineBaselineMPBaselineBaselineMPBaselineABCDBaselineBaselineBaselineBaselineTreatmentBaselineBaselineBaselineTreatmentBaselineBaselineTreatmentBaselineDependent variable: PerformanceSlide 107国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Alternating TreatmentsSlide 108国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Data Analysis MeasurePhase ABaselinePhase BTreatmentDaysSlide 109国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任Data analysis (cont. )nMean dominantnTrend dominantSlide 110国际视野 创新能力 创业精神 社会责任作业作业nScandura, T .A ., Williams, E. A. (2000). Research methodology in management: Current practices, trends, and implications fo


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