山东省临朐县沂山风景区七年级英语下册 Module 16 复习课件 (新版)外研版

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山东省临朐县沂山风景区七年级英语下册 Module 16 复习课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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山东省临朐县沂山风景区七年级英语下册 Module 16 复习课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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山东省临朐县沂山风景区七年级英语下册 Module 16 复习课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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module1-3重点短语重点短语 1首先,第一首先,第一 2失物招领箱失物招领箱 3小心小心 4从现在开始从现在开始 5移动电话,手机移动电话,手机 6失物招领处失物招领处 7匆忙匆忙 8几百几百 9寻找寻找 10想要想要 11仅此而已仅此而已 12担心担心 14与某人相处融洽与某人相处融洽 15乐于做某事乐于做某事 16正如,正像正如,正像 17复习复习 18交朋友交朋友 19过得愉快过得愉快 20五一劳动节五一劳动节 21散步散步 22暑假暑假 23观光观光 24盼望盼望first of allfirst of alllost and found boxlost and found boxbe carful withbe carful withfrom now onfrom now onmobile phonelost and found officelost and found officein a hurryin a hurryhundreds ofhundreds oflook forwould likewould likethats allthats allworry aboutworry aboutget on well withget on well withbe ready to do sthbe ready to do sthjust likejust likego overgo overmake friendsmake friendsenjoy oneselfenjoy oneselfMay DayMay Daytake a walktake a walksummer holidaysummer holidaygo sightseeinggo sightseeinglook forward tolook forward to module4-6重点短语重点短语 1将来将来 2能够做能够做 3不再不再 4交通阻塞交通阻塞 5(希望梦想)等实现(希望梦想)等实现 6不仅。而且不仅。而且 7和,又和,又 也也 8母亲节母亲节 9试穿试穿 10别急,稍等一会别急,稍等一会 11.。之一。之一 12外出外出 游玩游玩 13总有一天总有一天 14劳驾劳驾 15为什么不呢为什么不呢 16邮局邮局in the futurebe able to donot. any moretraffic jamcome truenot only.but alsoas well Mothers Daytry onwait a minuteone of.go outone dayexcuse mewhy notpost office Module1-6重点句子重点句子 1首先来看看失物招领箱里。首先来看看失物招领箱里。 2这是谁的包?这是谁的包? 3这儿是一个紫色的钱包这儿是一个紫色的钱包. 4从现在开始小心保管你的物资,孩子们。从现在开始小心保管你的物资,孩子们。 5人们经常丢失东西当他们旅行或者匆忙的时候。人们经常丢失东西当他们旅行或者匆忙的时候。 6它们把东西忘在飞机上,火车上,公共汽车上或者出租车里。它们把东西忘在飞机上,火车上,公共汽车上或者出租车里。 7那就是为什么有失物招领处在飞机场和车站。那就是为什么有失物招领处在飞机场和车站。 8成百上千的人每天来这里。成百上千的人每天来这里。 9他们在寻找他们的手机,相机,手表,电脑和许多其它东西。他们在寻找他们的手机,相机,手表,电脑和许多其它东西。 10我想加入音乐俱乐部因为我会弹钢琴。我想加入音乐俱乐部因为我会弹钢琴。 11我会炒鸡蛋,不过仅此而已。我会炒鸡蛋,不过仅此而已。 12我打乒乓球,所以我选乒乓球俱乐部。我打乒乓球,所以我选乒乓球俱乐部。 13我和每个人相处都好,同学们和老师们。我和每个人相处都好,同学们和老师们。 14我很善良我乐于助人。我很善良我乐于助人。 15选我当你们的班长我承诺帮你们。选我当你们的班长我承诺帮你们。 16我经常帮妈妈在家里打扫卫生。我经常帮妈妈在家里打扫卫生。 17我确定每个人都想要一个干净的教室,就像家那样。我确定每个人都想要一个干净的教室,就像家那样。 18选我,我能使我们的教室漂亮起来。选我,我能使我们的教室漂亮起来。 19周末你打算干什么?周末你打算干什么? 20然后我去帮做家务。然后我去帮做家务。 21你的周末计划是什么?你的周末计划是什么? 22我打算独自呆在家里。我打算独自呆在家里。 23它将是一个精彩的周末。它将是一个精彩的周末。 24我正期盼着明天的足球赛。我正期盼着明天的足球赛。 25我们将会遇到其他的粉丝,交到一些新朋友。我们将会遇到其他的粉丝,交到一些新朋友。 26我希望他们赢得比赛。我希望他们赢得比赛。27在五一假日里我过得很愉快。在五一假日里我过得很愉快。 28我打算跟我的家人和朋友一起出去玩。我打算跟我的家人和朋友一起出去玩。 29我们将去在乡下散步和去游泳。我们将去在乡下散步和去游泳。 30今年将会是很不同的因为我将去过夏令营。今年将会是很不同的因为我将去过夏令营。 31我将跟一个澳大利亚的家庭呆在一起并讲英语。我将跟一个澳大利亚的家庭呆在一起并讲英语。 32我们也将去观光并在沙滩上吃野餐。我们也将去观光并在沙滩上吃野餐。 33未来的学校将会是很不相同的吗?未来的学校将会是很不相同的吗? 34 二十年之后或许不再有学校。二十年之后或许不再有学校。35 计算机将不会做那些。计算机将不会做那些。 36学生们将不再使用纸,笔和橡皮。学生们将不再使用纸,笔和橡皮。37学生们将有很多的作业要做吗?学生们将有很多的作业要做吗? 38未来的生活将会是什么样子?未来的生活将会是什么样子? 39天气将会是相当温暖的或者整年都更热,带有大雨大风。天气将会是相当温暖的或者整年都更热,带有大雨大风。 40乘飞机旅游将会是便宜的,不仅穿越陆地而且穿越大海,甚至进入太空。乘飞机旅游将会是便宜的,不仅穿越陆地而且穿越大海,甚至进入太空。 41机器和机器人将做所有的繁重艰难的工作。机器和机器人将做所有的繁重艰难的工作。 42我想给我妈妈买一个我想给我妈妈买一个T恤衫。恤衫。 43她穿多大号的?她穿多大号的?44我可以试穿它吗?我可以试穿它吗? 45等一会,今天有一个打折活动。等一会,今天有一个打折活动。46你还想要别的什么东西吗?你还想要别的什么东西吗? 47有许多新的购物方式。有许多新的购物方式。48然后你在几天后通过邮递收到它然后你在几天后通过邮递收到它 49网购有几个优点。网购有几个优点。50你将能够在世界上的任何地点任何时候收到它。你将能够在世界上的任何地点任何时候收到它。 51请问,你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗?请问,你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗? 52沿着这条街走在左边的第三条街往左拐。沿着这条街走在左边的第三条街往左拐。 53在一个晴朗的天气里,你能看见伦敦的大部分。在一个晴朗的天气里,你能看见伦敦的大部分。 54当你累的时候,看伦敦的最好的方式就是坐船。当你累的时候,看伦敦的最好的方式就是坐船。 55当你沿着河走的时候,伦敦眼就在你的右边。当你沿着河走的时候,伦敦眼就在你的右边。 module1uint1知识点知识点 1各种人称代词,尤其是名物代各种人称代词,尤其是名物代 2whose的用法的用法 3首先,首先,first/first of all 4 a lot of /lots of/alot 5too /also/either/as well(as) 6倒装句:倒装句:A purple wallet is here=Here is a purple wallet Some nice gloves are here.=Here are some nice gloves 7I think的否定句的否定句 8everyone与与every one 9be careful小心小心! 当心!当心!(提醒对方注意)提醒对方注意) be careful with.小心,仔细对待某事小心,仔细对待某事 be careful to do.小心、细心做某事小心、细心做某事 unit2知识点知识点 1be like像。提问像什么用像。提问像什么用what:What is he like?/Whats your classroom like? 2倒装句:倒装句:Here/There+is/are+主语。(注意主语。(注意is are 的确定)的确定) 3come true 实现。该短语的主语不能为人。实现。该短语的主语不能为人。Eg:My dream will come true.(我的梦想将会实现)我的梦想将会实现) 4no more =not any more的用法。的用法。 5with 的用法总结的用法总结 (1)用(用(2)带着,具有()带着,具有(3)跟)跟一起一起 6 也:也:too/also /as well/either 7Its +adj.(for sb)+to do “对某人来说做对某人来说做是怎样的。是怎样的。” Eg:Its important for you to learn English well. 8not onlybut also“不仅。而且。不仅。而且。” (1)该结构连接主语时。谓语采用靠近原则。)该结构连接主语时。谓语采用靠近原则。Eg: Not only you but also he is a student.= You and he are students (2)该结构可以连接任何成分:该结构可以连接任何成分:I can speak not only Chinese but also English.=I can speak Chinese and English. (3) also 可以省略。可以省略。 9 over 有有“超越超越 跨过跨过”之意之意 fly over the sea 飞越大海飞越大海 module5unit1 知识点知识点 1can (“能能”“”“会会”)的用法()的用法(1)can是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。(是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。(2)它不能独立作谓语,只能跟后面的它不能独立作谓语,只能跟后面的动词原形动词原形一起构成谓语一起构成谓语.(3)否定句在否定句在can 后加后加not(缩写为缩写为cant),一般疑问句把一般疑问句把can 提前。肯定回答提前。肯定回答;Yes,主语主语+can/No,主语主语+cant 2What can I do for you?/Can(May) I help you?的汉语意思要根据具体的语的汉语意思要根据具体的语言环境判断,不一定是字面意思。言环境判断,不一定是字面意思。 3在节日前的介词用在节日前的介词用on. eg: on Mothers Day/on Teachers Day/on ChildrensDay 4buy(make, get) sb sth=buy(make,get) sth for sb / send(show,give) sb sth=send(show,give) sth to sb 5提问颜色:提问颜色:what colour. 提问尺寸号码:提问尺寸号码:what size. 6may 跟跟can 用法一样,也是情态动词。用法一样,也是情态动词。eg:May/Can I help you? 7try on 是动副结构,遇到代词作宾语要把代词放在中间,名词可以放在中间也可是动副结构,遇到代词作宾语要把代词放在中间,名词可以放在中间也可放在后面。放在后面。eg:Please try the shirt on.=Please try on the shirt. Please try it on.不能做成不能做成Please try on it. 8 price 价格。提问价格:价格。提问价格:How much+be+sth?/whats the price of+sth? eg:How much are the books?=Whats the price of the book? 9Ill take it.中的中的take 相当于相当于buy ,但在说但在说“我买下它我买下它”时一般不用时一般不用buy. 10注意注意what else would you like?中的中的what else。 11look 看起来,后面跟形容词做表语。看起来,后面跟形容词做表语。eg:The food looks good.这些食物看这些食物看起来不错。起来不错。unit2知识点知识点1花费:花费:take / spend / pay的区别的区别(1)take只用于花费时间,主语用只用于花费时间,主语用it. 结构为:结构为:It+takes +sb +some time+to do sth(花费某人一段时间做某事)花费某人一段时间做某事) eg:It takes me an hour to finish my homework at the weekend.(2)spend 可用于花费时间也可用于花钱,主语是人。结构为:可用于花费时间也可用于花钱,主语是人。结构为:(a)主语(人)主语(人)+spend+一段时间一段时间+(in)doing(花费某人一段点时间做某事)花费某人一段点时间做某事) (b)主语(人)主语(人)+spend+钱数钱数+on/buying+sth(花费某人多少钱买某物)(花费某人多少钱买某物) eg:I spend an hour finishing my homework at the weekend./ I spend 50 yuan on/buying the shoes(3)pay只用于花钱只用于花钱,主语是人。结构为:主语(人)主语是人。结构为:主语(人)+pay+钱数钱数+for+sth eg:I pay 50 yuan for the shoes. 注意:注意:pay for sth的意思是的意思是“为某物付款为某物付款”。不出现钱数。不出现钱数。2 one of “。之一。之一”。 of 后的名词一定是复数或者是复数的人称代词。后的名词一定是复数或者是复数的人称代词。这个结构作主语时,谓语用单数。这个结构作主语时,谓语用单数。Eg:One of us is wrong.(我们中有一个我们中有一个人是错的)人是错的)One of the girls is my sister.3receive sth from./get sth from.与与hear from.。前两者都是。前两者都是“从某地(某从某地(某人)处收到某物人)处收到某物”之意之意,既可以指收到信件也可以指收到其它物品。既可以指收到信件也可以指收到其它物品。eg:I receive a letter/book from Tom.=I get a letter/book from Tom。而后。而后者则只是指收到信件者则只是指收到信件,并且句中不出现并且句中不出现letter 一词。一词。eg:I heart from Tom. 4 a few / few / little / a little 前两者修饰可数性名词,后两者修饰前两者修饰可数性名词,后两者修饰不可数性名词。带不可数性名词。带a的指肯定,不带的指肯定,不带a的指否定。的指否定。eg:There is _milk in the glass,please get some for me.I have_ friends here.I often visit them. 5“一段时间之后一段时间之后“的两种表达:的两种表达:in +一段时间一段时间 =一段时间一段时间+later. 都用都用于一般将来时。于一般将来时。Eg:He will leave in two days.=He will leave two days later. 6several 几个(三个以上),只跟可数性名词。几个(三个以上),只跟可数性名词。some 几个,一些。几个,一些。跟可数与不可数名词,当跟可数性名词时与跟可数与不可数名词,当跟可数性名词时与several相同。相同。Eg:I have several/some friends here. 7open 既是动词也是形容词,既是动词也是形容词,open=be open. Eg: The shop is open.(adj.) They open the shop. (v.) 8动词作主语的形式:动名词和不定式,即动词作主语的形式:动名词和不定式,即doing与与to do.这时的谓语这时的谓语用单数。用单数。Eg:_(eat) fruit_(be) good for us. 9 over 在。上方在。上方/结束结束/ 通过通过/超过,越过超过,越过 Eg:Theres a bridge over the river./Class is over./You can pay for the clothes over the Internet./We can fly over the sea by plane. 10why 与与because 11动副结构:动副结构:try on/ put away/trun on/turn off如果跟名词,则如果跟名词,则名词可以放在中间或者后面;如果跟代词,则代词必须放在中间。名词可以放在中间或者后面;如果跟代词,则代词必须放在中间。 12 no one“没有人没有人”。作主语时谓语用单数。作主语时谓语用单数。Eg: No one is in the room.littlea fewEating/To eatis 特殊疑问句: what:(物,天气,价格),what time(点时间),what colour(颜色),what size(号码),价格 when: 点时间,大时间 where: 地点 how:(怎样,天气),how many/much(多少),how often(频率),how soon(一段时间之后),how old(年龄)。how far (距离) how long(物体长度,时间长度),how high/tall(多高), who 人(主格,宾格) whom人(宾格) whose 形物代,名物代,所有格 which 哪一个 why 原因 module6语法:方位的表达方式:问路与指路语法:方位的表达方式:问路与指路 一、问路(问路时通常先说一、问路(问路时通常先说Excuse me)1.Excuse me,is there .near here?2.Excuse me,where is .?3.Excuse me,how can I get to .?4.Excuse me.Can/Could you tell me the way to .?5.Excuse me,which is the way to.?6.Excuse me,can/could you tell me how to get to.?二、指路:二、指路:1.指明走那条路:(指明走那条路:(1)Go along(down/across.) the road (street.) 顺着顺着 沿沿着着.走。走。(2)Go straight.一直走。一直走。2告诉转弯处:告诉转弯处:(1)Turn left/right 向左(右)拐向左(右)拐 (2) on the right/left.在右(左)边。在右(左)边。3选好参照物:选好参照物:(1) Its next to.(2) Its between.and.(3)Its opposite.(4)Its near.(5)Its on the right/left of.三、问完了路要表示感谢:三、问完了路要表示感谢:-Thank you./Thanks a lot (very much).You are welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right.如果人家问你路,你不知道,就说:如果人家问你路,你不知道,就说:Im sorry,Im new here ,too.如果你问人家路,如果你问人家路,人家说不知道,你要说:人家说不知道,你要说:Thank you all the same.(仍然谢谢你。)仍然谢谢你。) Unit1知识点知识点 1 in front of 与与in the front of 的区别;前者表示在的区别;前者表示在外面的前面外面的前面;后者表;后者表示在示在里面的前面里面的前面。Eg:There is a tree in front of my house. / The driver sits in the front of the car. 2 walk to.=goon foot eg;I always walk to work.=I always go to work on foot. 3 why not “为什么不呢?为什么不呢?”表示征求对方的意见。后面跟表示征求对方的意见。后面跟动词原形动词原形。该。该结构等于结构等于why dont you+动词原形。动词原形。Eg:Why not go shopping, Tom?=Why dont you go shopping, Tom? 4 回答回答Thank you的答语:的答语:Thats OK./Thats all right./Youre welcome. 5 how to +动词原形动词原形 表示表示“怎样做某事怎样做某事”,常放在一个完整的句子后面。,常放在一个完整的句子后面。 eg:I dont know how to study English well. 6 乘某种交通工具到某地:乘某种交通工具到某地:take +the/a+交通工具交通工具+to+地点地点 =go (to)+地点地点+by +交通工具交通工具.eg:I often take a/the bus(car, taxi,underground.) to school.=I often go to school by bus( car,taxi,underground.). 注意:骑自行车与步行:注意:骑自行车与步行:ride a/the bike to .=by blike. walk to.=on foot.eg:Tom usually rides a bike to school.=Tom usually goes to school by bike. /Tom usually walks to school.=Tom usually goes to school on foot. 7cross(动词)(动词) 与与across(介词)的区别:(介词)的区别:cross=go across eg:You can cross the street.=You can go across the street.注意:两者都指注意:两者都指通过表面,而不是内部,常用语过街,横过马路,过桥,过沙漠等。通过表面,而不是内部,常用语过街,横过马路,过桥,过沙漠等。 Unit2知识点知识点 1 the way of doing=the way to do. eg: The best way of seeing London is by boat.=The best way to see London is by boat. 2 数数+years old即是年龄,也指某物的历史。即是年龄,也指某物的历史。Eg: The Tower of London is over 900 years old.伦敦塔有伦敦塔有900多年的历史。多年的历史。 3 after 后跟动词时,用动名词。后跟动词时,用动名词。Eg: After running ,I feel very tired.跑步后跑步后我感到很累。该句中的我感到很累。该句中的after running=after I run. 4 跟动名词的动词:跟动名词的动词:like ( finish, spend,enjoy, stop, look forward to, be busy ) doing. 所有介词后都跟动名词。所有介词后都跟动名词。 5 above/over/on(在在上)的区别:上)的区别:above,在某物的上方,不与面接触,在某物的上方,不与面接触,不一定垂直于面。不一定垂直于面。over,在某物上方,不与面接触,垂直与面。,在某物上方,不与面接触,垂直与面。On 在某物在某物上方,与面接触。上方,与面接触。 eg:There is a book on the desk./There is a bridge over the river/ There is a plane above our head. 6 stop的用法:(的用法:(1)车站。()车站。(2)停止)停止 stop doing sth停止做某事。(停止做某事。(3)阻)阻止止 stop sb doing sth阻止某人做某事。阻止某人做某事。 Please stop talking!/ The teacher stops us going out alone. 单项选择单项选择 1bag is this? Its Damings. A Who B Whose C What D When 2 There are -things in it. A a lot B lot of C lots of D a lots of 3This house is_. A Lucy and Lily BLucys and Lilys CLucy and Lilys 4This is _book. That one is_.Ahis her B her his C hers he 5There_some milk and cakes in the bag.Ais B are C be 6This crayon_mine.Ais also Balso is Cis too.Dtoo is 7 I dont know_. A too B also Ceither 8Here_some gloves.A is Bare Cbe 9 Thank you_.A a lot of B lots of C a lot D a lots of 10-Thank you.- _. AYou welcome BYou are welcome CThats all right. DBandC 11You must be carfeul_your things.A at B on Cwith Din 12I think you arent right 的错误之处是(的错误之处是( ) 13You should study hard_A from now on Bfrom now in Cnow from on 14A man is talking _a woman_the lost and found office. A to in B about at C to at 15The man is looking_his camera.He lose it.A for Bat C over D in 16I _my pen ,but I cant_it.A look for look forB find find Clook for find Dfind look for 17 Look! The dog cant find his home.It is_.A lose B loses C lost 18I often_my pen at home when I go to school.A leave Blose Cforget 19 I usually go shopping_taxis.A on B in Cat D by 20There are many people_the airport.A at B in C on 21There are _of people in the supermarket.Ahundred Btwo hundred C hundreds 22 I want to buy two_ rice.A kilo B kilos C kilos of 1 I can play _ piano but I cant play _football. A the the B / / C the / D / the 2 Would you like _a monitor? A be B to be C being 3-Would you like to teach me English? -Yes ,_. A Id like B Id love C Id like to 4 Dont worry _me .Im well. A about B at C of D FOR 5-_do you get on _ your classmates? -Very well. A How of B What with C How with D How at 6Tom is _others.A ready for B ready to C get ready to 7My father promise _ me to the Great Wall. A take B to take C taking 8 Are you sure_ your homework?A finish B to finish Cfinishing 9Look! They are_.A fly a kite B flying kite C flying a kite. 10 Can you swim?_.A Yes,Icant.B No, I can CYes, I canDNo,Ican 11She can_the erhu.A play B plays C playingDto play 12Can you_English?Yes,I can_words in English.A speak speak B say speak C speak say D say say 13The old man can_ stories.A speak B say C tell D talk 14The new club_this term_the board.A for on B of in C for in D of on 15 What about _?A swim B swimming C swiming D to swim 16I get on _with my friends.A good B nice Cbad D well 17You can choose me_your monitor.A as B of C for D A and C 18I enjoy_TV.A watch B watching C to watchD seeing 19She _a newspaper.A watches B looks C reads D sees 20Are you good at _English?A read B reading C to read 21 I like doing some_.A fish B fishing C to fish 22He often makes the baby _.A laugh B to laugt C laughs D laughing 1 _Sunday morning,Im going to sleep late.A In B On C At 2 I _ going to check my email.A am B is C are D be 3 We_a picnic next week.A have B having Care going to have D are having 4 Im doing _ homework.A I B my C me D mine 5 Im going to help _ the house work.A with B of C on D for 6-_ is going to be there? - Nobody.A Who else B else who C What else D When else 7 Would you like to join_? A we B our C us D they 8 Im going to get up_6:00_the morning.Aat onBon at C at in 9-What are your plans _the weekend?-Nothing.A for B about C ofD on 10 The old man lives_,so he often feels very_. A alone alone B lonely longly C alone lonely Dlonely alone 11 Im going to spend 50 yuan_the shoes.A on B in C of D for 12 Daming spends two hours_his homework.A finish B to finish Cfinishing D finishes. 13 Im sure_ you.A help B to help C helping D to helping 14 We are all looking forward to_ the match.A win B to win C winning D wining 15I m going to plan_ the Great Wall.A visit B to visit C visiting 16I have_to tell you.Asomething newB new somethingC anything new 17 Im going to _the football match.A see B watch Clook Dread 18I want to make _with you.A friend B a friend C friends 19Its hot today,please_your thin shirt.A wear B put on C be on 20I hope_home tomorrow.A go B to go C him to go D going 21We enjoy_at the weekend.A oneself B myself C ourself D ourselves 22Im going to get up late_the morning _1st May.A on on B of of C on of D of on 1Tom will _ a picnic next week.A have B has C havingDto have 2She_to shanghai tomorrow.A go B goes Cis going Dgoing 3Will you help her?_.AYes,I wontB No, I willC Yes,I will.D No, I will not. 4There_a meeting in our school next week.Awill be B is going to have C will have Dbe going to be 5I need_lots of work today.A do B to do ,C doing D to doing 6The trees need_.A waterB wateringCto wateringD to water 7Can I ask_a question?A her B he C his D your 8You can ask teachers questions telephone.A on B by Cof D with 9Is he able _?A sing B to sing C singsingD sings 10I dont do that_.A any more B no more C more 11Well have lots of books_.A to read B readCreadingDreads 12We hope to go_space by air.AinB to Cinto D on 13Here _some books for you.A is B are C am D be 14Not only you but also Lucy_it well.Ado BdoesCdoing Dto do 15I can do it_.A also B as well Cas well D either 16There will _more robots in the future.A is B be C have 17-Will people live to be 200 years old?-Yes,_A they willBthey are C they do 18Tomorrow is Sunday,we_to school.Awill goBwont go Ccan go D go 19There_a football match this evening.Awill be Bis going to haveCis goign to be D Aand C 20We use pens_.Awrite B to write C writing 21 You can send emails_the Internet.Aon B at C from D in 22We write_pens and paper.A withB inC use Dby 1Ill buy a present for my mum _.A in Mothers Day B on Mothers Day C in Mothers Day D on Mothers Day 2 -_does your mother take? -XL. A What colour B What size C How size D What big 3Tom may _TV if(如果)如果)he finishes his homework. A watch B to watch C watching D to watching 4I like the T-shirt. Can I _?A try on it B try in it C try it on D try it in 5-_your shoes?-120yuan.A How much B How much is C Whats the price of D How much are E What the price of F C and D 6The meat _.I want buy some. A look fresh B look badly C looks badly D looks fresh 7Let me pay_ the clothes .A of B for C on D by 8 I _50yuan _ the book. A payfor B spendon C spendbuying D A, B and C 9It takes me an hour _the text. A read Breading C reads D to read 10We can receive things_ shops _post if we buy them in the Internet. A from by B from in C toby D inin 11There are _students in our school .A several hundred B some hundred C two hundreds D several hundreds of 12There are many ways of_ English. A study B studying C to studying D studies 13One of the boys _Tom .A is B are C be D am 14The shops _open. Aare almost B almost are C almost is D is almot 15A few days_ you can receive it. A late B later C latest 16We can pay _the Interne t. A by B over C on D in 17On day ,no one _to the shop .A goes B will go C are going D going 18“”?“Id like to buy a pen.” A what can I do for you? B Can I help you?C What do you want to buy? D A and B 19My father will buy a computer _me .A to B for C at D of 20What about_ this me? A buy B buying C to buy D to buying 1_at the third turning.ATurn left B Turn the left CTurn to left 2Why not_ football?A play B to play C playing D to playing 3I go to school_.A by a bike B by the bike C take a bike Dby bike 4They often_to Beijing.Atake the plane.B take the air.C by plane Don a plane 5Theres a bridge_the river.A on B above C under D over 6I finish_ the book.A read B reading C to read D to reading. 7_the bridge you will find the park.AGo acrossBGo throughCGo cross 8Stop_.Lets write the words.A read B reading C to read 9Can you tell me_to the shop?A how getB how to getCthe wayD BandC 10The blackboard is _the classroom.A in front of B in the front ofC in front. 11-Thank you.-_. A Thats right BThats all right C All right 12China is fanous_ the Great Wall.A of B for C on Dabout. 13Its_zero.Its warm.A on B aboveC over D below 14The best way_Beijing is by train.Aof B to go C of going D B andC 15After_a long time, I have a break.A walkB walkingC to walk 16Now we are at the square,this is_we will finish our tour.A what B where C how D when 21The price of the book is 30yuan, its too_ .A much B expensive C many 22Today theres a sale _.A in Bon C of D at 23Ive got some food_. A buy B buying C buys D to buy 24_will take me an hour to finish the work. A I B You CIt D We 25He is a man with _words and he usually stays at home alone .A few B a few C little D a little 26There is_ milk here ,please get some for me.(选项同选项同25) 23_I must stay at home_it is raining.ABecause so B So becauseC/ because D So / 24Tom sings really_.A bad B good C badly D beautiful 25I like_books.A seeing B looking C reading D watching 23This year is going to be different_last year.A of B fromCfor D at 24Im going _a summer camp in Australia.A in B on C of D at 25We are _ to Shanghai next year.A going B going to C going to go D Aand C 23 You must _ your book home at the weekend.A takeB get C bringD carry 24He will leave here_three days.A on B in C at D of 25She is _girl.A an 11-years-oldB a 11 years oldCan 11-year-oldDan 11 years old 27over the Internet isnt always safe. A Pay B Paying C To pay D Band C 28You ll _ buy anything on the Internet . ACan B able to C be able to D are able to 29I wear_.ASize L B LSize CM Size D12Size


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