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Module 4I .单项填空(30分)1. I usually ridebike to school. But this morning, I went to schoolbybus.A. a; the B . the; aC. /; a D . a; /2. Susans jeans are the sameAnnas but differentLisas.A. as; as B . as; likeC. as; from D . like; as3. I pla nfor a bicycle trip to Han gzhou. But I am afraid I dontknow the way.A map is helpful, I thi nk.A. go out B . going outC. to go out D . to going out4. way isfrom Beiji ng to Xia n, by train or by pla ne?By pla ne.A. Which; better B . Which; goodC. What; best D . What; well5 We work every day Sunday, so we can go shopping on Sunday.A but B exceptC except for D besides6 He didnt fly to Beijing not the time but he was ill.A because of; becauseB because; becauseC because; because ofD because of; because of7 Mo Yan is one of writers in the world.A famous B more famousC most famous D the most famous8 A smile nothing, but gives much.A costs B spends C cost D spent9 Who does homework , Tom, Jack or Bill? Bill.A more carefully B more carefulC most carefully Dmost careful10 The you study at your lessons, the grades you will get.A hard; good B harder; goodC hard; better D harder; better11 is it from your home to the school? One kilometre.A How long B How farCHow big D How often12 Can you tell me what happened him just now?A. with B. for C. to D. at13. My room issmaller than my sisters, but I like it very much.A. a lot B. manyC. lots D. very much14. I feel a bit tired. , I can hold on.A. But B . ThoughC. While D . However15. I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland with my parents tomorrow. !A. My pleasure B. Have a nice tripC. All right D. Co ngratulatio nsn .完形填空(20分)Roby Burch, 16, a US student, gets to school a little_16_ he goes by horse.Burch has been ridinghis horse 4 miles to and _17_ school since the beginningof this semester( 学期).“ Every morn ing, wearing my blue jacket and jeans, Im onmy way at 6 am , ” Burch says. “ The streets are mostly _18_ at this time of morni ng.lts a nice way to start the day.”The idea was his _19_His family were enjoying their vacati on on their farm this summer. “ Mydad just said, Burch, you _20一 ride your horse to school everyday,” says Burch.Burch asked for yes from the headmaster(校长),Joe Cox, and he got the greenlight.Cox eve n _21 _Burch to keep the horse n ext to the headmasters house.The n his dad helped Burch find the best route(路线)to school.It is along back streetsand has _2 _ cars tha n the others.Now as the days grow _23_ and colder, he continues to ride his horse. I will ride my horse even in the coldest weather, ” he says.Burch says the first time he sat on a horse, he was afraid._24_ now, _ Itswhat I do best.I love riding horses more than 25 else , ” he says. Its really a great thing. ”16. A.mainly B.correctly C.differe ntly D.quickly17. A.for B .from C . on D.after18. A.empty B.crowded C . busy D . noisy19. A.sisters B.brothersC.mums D . dads20. A.will B.wont C . should D . should nt21. A.invited B.allowed C .taught D . kept22. A.fewer B.few C . moreD . many23. A.short B.long C . shorter D . Ion ger24. A.So B .Or C . And D .But25. A.anythingB . no thi ng C.everybody D .somebody川.阅读理解(15分)New York is a very large city with 8 million people. How do so many people move on their way to work and school? So, we should know somethi ng about its tran sport.In New York you can travel around the city by subway, by bus, by taxi and bycar. The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. It crosses the city atdiffere nt points and goes to all parts of the city. Travelli ng by subway is the fastest way to get around the city.The second way to travel around the city is by bus. Its a slower way to travel. This is because the bus moves in road traffic which is often heavy.You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is the most expensive way,but the taxi will take you to the very place you want to go to. If the traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow.During the mornings and after noons, there is the rush_hour. This is the timewhe n the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work.The last way to get around New York is using your own car. However, its noteasy for you to drive, especially when you are driving in the rush hour. If thereis an accide nt on the road, you will have to wait for a long time.The best time to travel around the city is from 9: 00 am to 4 : 00 pm. This is the time after the morning rush hour and before the evening rush hour. Traffic will be less crowded because most people are already at school or at work.26. The text is mainly about .A. the weather of New YorkB. the transport in New YorkC. the people in New YorkD. traffic accidents in New York27. The fastest way to travel in New York is by .A. subway B. taxi C. bus D. car28. The most expensive way to travel in New York is by .A. subway B. taxi C. bus D. car29. The phrase “rush hour ”in the fifth paragraph means “” in Chinese.A. 比赛中的冲刺时刻B. 一小时内所跑的路程C. ( 上下班 )交通高峰时刻D. 匆匆忙忙的一小时30. If you travel around New York in your own car, which of the following is the best time?A. From 8 :00 am to 10 :00 am.B. From 3 :00 pm to 5 :00 pm.C. From 10 :00 am to 5 :00 pm.D. From 10 :00 am to 3 :00 pm.IV .任务型阅读(15分)“ Stop! Stop !”The police officer ran down the street as fast as he could.“ Stop !” he saidagain. But it was no use. The car kept going. The officer said to himself,“Theymust be going ten miles an hour. ”There werent many cars on the road in the early 1900s. Most people thought driving ten miles an hour was too fast for safety. And since police officers didnt have cars of their own, they could only run after speedsters(快速驾驶者 ).The early cars were faster than the horse - drawn buggies( 马车 ) that most people still used. And they frightened (使惊恐 ) the horses. One car maker tried to keepthe horses cool. He made the car with the horses head. He hoped real horses would think it was a horse and buggy. They didnt. It frightened them just as much.The car with the horses head wasnt the only early car that would look strange today. Some looked like buggies without a horse. Others had three wheels ( 轮子 ). A few even had their steering wheels (方向盘 ) in the back seat.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。31 What did the police officer ask the car to do?32 How many miles an hour did the police officer think the car travelled?33 Did people see lots of cars on the road in the 1900s?34 What did a car maker do in order to keep the horses cool?35 What does this passage mainly tell us?V .书面表达(20分)贝蒂准备去北京旅行,她将早上 8 点从家里出发, 8 点 10 分到达公交站。她将乘坐 5 路公交车去地铁站,大约花费 20 分钟。接着,她将乘坐地铁去另一个公交站点。 15 分钟之 后,7 路公交车将把她带到飞机场。请根据以上提示写一篇不少于 60词的短文,介绍一下 贝蒂的行程。答案I .1.D 2 . C 3. C 4.A5. B 6. A 7.D8.A9.C10.D11.B 12 . C 13.A14D 15BII .16.C17.B18.A 19 . D 20. C 21. B 22. A 23 . C 24.D25.A川.26 30 BABCDIV .31.To stop.32 Ten miles.33 No, they didnt.34 He made the car with the horses head.35 How cars changed.V . One possible vers ionBetty is going to travel to Beijing on holiday. First she will go to the nearest bus stop on foot at eight in the morning. It will take her ten minutes. Then she will take the No.5 bus to the subway station. It will take her about twenty minutes. Then she will take the subway to another bus stop. Fifteen minutes later, the No.7 bus will take her to the airport. She will get to Beijing by plane.


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