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Teaching Plan of Unit9Do you want to go to a movie?Text Book: Go for it! 七年级上册Period: The fourth period of Unit9 (Section B :3a 3b 4)Aims and requirements (教案目标) :1. 能够结合“你最喜欢哪一副海报”这一情景进一步复习和巩固以前所学句型:I like They areI like because they are I like I think 2. 学会用句型: My favorite actor is He has a (new) movie, It sa/an .movie. It来介紹自己喜欢的电影演员及其主演的电影名称和电影类型,以及给出喜欢的理由。3学习but的用法。(区分课文中的两个but)4. 通过图表来复述课文的大意。5. 能根据所给信息写影评。Visual Aids: PPT, picturesTeaching Procedures in Detail:Step1: Greeting and revisionT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good mor ning, Miss Lao.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine. Thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too.(老师拿出四幅出名的海报分别贴在黑板上,一幅是 杨幕主演的恐怖电影孤岛惊魂,一幅是周星驰主演的喜剧功夫,一幅是甄子丹主演的动作片叶问,还有纪录片 MichaelJackson。)T: Now, look at the blackboard, there are some kinds of movies here.Which one do you like?Ss:孤岛惊魂,功夫,叶问T: Ok, very good. Can you tell me the reason why you like it? How canyou say? (PPT展示上节课的三个句型)How to tell reasons;I like The# areI like.,because theyI like.I think.T: Any volun teer?Ss: Let me try. Let me try.T: Ok. You please.叫学生S1起来回答问题)S1:I like thriller movie Gu Dao Jing Hun. I think its great.T: Oh, you like Gu Dao Jing Hun .Its English name is Far Cry . Thank you, sit dow n please. Anyone else?Ss: Let me try. Let me try.T: Ok. S2please.叫学生S2起来回答问题)S2: I like action movie Ye Wen, because it is exciting.T: Very good. Sit dow n please.Step2 Pre-read ing activity1) Lead-i n and prese nti ng the new words and senten cesT: Well. Do you have some other reas ons whe n you say you like thismovie ?(中文:当你喜欢一部电影时,除了因为它是某种类型的电影,还有其它原因吗?引导学生思考电影的其他方面)Ss:电影里的音乐,景色,故事情节,导演,演员。T: Well, we like a movie because we like the music, the scenery, the plot, the directors and the actors in the movie. Now, look at the poster.T:(指着周星驰的海报) Who is he?Ss周星驰。T: Yes, he is Chow SingChi.T: What does he do? 中( 文:他的职业是什么? )Ss:演员T: Y es, he is an acto(.( PPT 展现actor单词)Now, please read after me. a-/?/, o r-?/ , actor. A-c-t-o-r, actor.Ss: a-/?/, or-/?/, actor. A-c-t-o-r, actor.T: Very good. And who is she? 指( 着杨幂的海报问)Ss: 杨幂。T: Yes, she is Yang Mi. What does she do?Ss: She is an actor.T: You should say sheis an actress. ( PPT 展现actress单词)Pay attention! “an actor” is a man, and “an actress” is a women .Understand?Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Now please read after me. A-/?/, e-/i/, actress. A-c-t-r-e-s-s, actress.Ss: A-/?/, e-/i/, actress. A-c-t-r-e-s-s, actress.T: Actor.Ss: Actor.T: Actress.Ss: Actress.T: Very good. Do you know some other words like actor and actress?Ss: Waiter, waitress .T: Very good. (PPT 展现waiter和waitress)T: Now, read after me. Waiter,waitress.Ss: Waiter, waitress.T: Actor, actress. Waiter,waitress.(中文解释 a,an这冠词的用法)Ss: Actor, actress. Waiter, waitress.T: Very good. I like the movie Kung Fubecause I likeChow SingChi very much. (中文解释:老师为什么喜欢功夫呢?因为我喜欢周星 驰这个演员,所以喜欢他演的片子 )Some people like a movie because they like the actor or the actress in the movie. Do you think so?Ss: Yes.T: So I can say: “I like Chow SingChi very much.He is my favorite actor.”(板书: favorite)T: Now, please read after me. a-/ei/,or-/?/,i-/i/, favorite. f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e, favorite.Ss: A-/ei/,o-/?/, i-/i/, favorite. F-a-v-o-r-i-t-e, favorite.(老师检查并纠正学生发音)T: Pay attention to the word favorite./v/ ,当我们在发这个辅音时,上齿要对着下唇。 Read after me,/v/-/v ?/-/feiv ?rit/S:/v/-/v ?/-/feiv ?rit/T: ,/v/-/v ?/-/feiv ?rit/S: ,/v/-/v ?/-/feiv ?rit/Ss: favoriteT: Can you guess the meaning of the word“favorite ”?t Wdoheas it mean? S3: 最喜欢的T: Yes. You are so clever#喜欢的.T: Answer my question. Who is your favorite actor or actress? (中文:你 们最喜欢哪个演员呢 ?)Ss: Let me try.Let me try.T: Ok. You please.叫学生S4起来回答问题)S4:T: Yes. You can say:“My favorite actor is Chow XingChi ”.S5 .( 叫多几个同学 )T: Ok. Do you remember my favorite actor?Ss: Chow XingChi.T: Yes.My favorite actor is Chow XingChi (周星驰).Ss: Oh .Wow .T: Do you like him?Ss: Y es.T:(老师拿出长江七号的海报)He has a new movie, Chang Jia ng seve n(cj7) It is a comedy. Its very in teresti ng.板书句型:My favorite actor is He has a (n ew) movie, .It s a/an .movie.lt s .2) Practici ng the new senten cesT: Now you know about my favorite actor and the actor snew movie. I want you to use the senten ces on the blackboard to talk about your favorite actor or actress and one of his or her movies with yourpartner.中文解释一下)T: For example, you can say like this:My favorite actor is Chow XingChi. He has a new movie, Chang Jiang seven(cj7). It is a comedy. Its very interesting. Understand?Ss: Yes.T: I will give you 3 minutes. Now, lets begin.(3 分钟后)T: Ok. Time sHuapv.e you finished?Ss: Yes.T: Who wants to share your favorite actor or actress with us?Ss: Let me try.Let me try.T: Ok. S5please.叫学生S5起来回答问题)S5: My favorite actress is Bai Baihe (白百合).She has a new movie, love is not blind. (失恋 33天) It is a comedy. Its very interesting.T: Very good. Sit down please(. 老师根据情况再叫 2-3个学生来回答 )Step 3:While-reading activity1) Reading and fill in the chartT: Well. I know about your favorite actors or actresses. Let s get to know about other people. Who are their favorite actors? Open your books and turn to page 57. Look at 3a, read the article and fill in the chart about I and Mike ”.Begin now.(老师用 PPT展示表格)n amefavorite actorfavorite moviekinds of moviesdescripti on wordsIMike(3分钟后)T: Have you fini shed?Ss: Y es.T:Ok, lets check the an swers together.(PPT展示答案,一步一步把答案呈现出来)n amefavorite actorfavorite moviekinds of moviesdescripti on wordsIPaul JacksonMy Fathers BirthdaycomedyfunnyMikeRick SmithBlackSeptemberthrillersuccessful(顺便点一下,电影名称的正确写法:斜体)T: Do you un dersta nd?Ss: Y es.2) Retelli ngT: Good. Now letretell the passage.Ss:T: Good job!Now answer my question. What other kind of shows does Mike like?Ss: Beijing Opera. (PPT展示图片)T: Yes. He also likes Beijing Opera. He often goes to see Beijing Operaon weekends.T: Do you know Beijing Opera?Ss:T: Now, lets see. (播放一小段京剧 )Now, do you know Beijing Opera?Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Now, Lets retell the whole passage together.(板书关键句子 )My favorite actor is . He has a new movie, . Its a . It s . Mike likes the actor . He has a very successful movie, Its a Mike thinks it .Mike also likes He often goes to see onweekends.T: Ok, Now,who wants to try to retell?S6:T: Thank you. Sit down please.(可叫多几个同学做 )3) Explaining the passageT:Now, look at the two sentences on the blackboard. Its a very successful thriller, but I think its boring. Do you know themeaningof the word but” here?Ss:T: OK, look at another sentence Mike is English, but he likes BeijingOpera! ” The two but”are different. What the meaning of the word but” here?Ss:T: Ok.The word but” in the first sentence means “contrary to .意思是“而,相反”。The word but” in the second sentencemeans however”.意思是 “然而,尽管”。(中文:第一个but表示句子中表达的前后两个观 点是相反的,而第二but是表转折,表示出乎一般人的想法。)Do you un dersta nd?Ss: Y es.T: Ok, let look at these sen ten ces and find the differe nt meaning of the word but” .(PPT展示)1、“ but ”表示句子中表达的前后两个观点是相反的,意为“而,相反”,如:I got it wrong. It isn t the red one, but the blue one.我弄错了。不是红的那个,而是蓝的那个。His mother won t be there, but his father might.他母亲不会在那里,而他父亲也许会去。2,作连词,可以连接两个并列成分或两个并列分句,意为但是,然而”表转折,表示出乎一般人的想法,如:He is young but very experie need.他虽然年轻,但很有经验。He looks hon est, but actually he is a bad man.他看起来很诚实,但实际上他是一个坏人。T: Now do you un dersta nd?Ss: Y es.T: Ok.Verygood. Now, pay attention to the phrase on weekends.(板书on weeke nds)T: O n weeke nds这个短语是固定搭配,因为周末有两天,星期六和 星期天,所以weekend在后面加上sUnderstand?Ss: Y es.Step 4: Post-readi ng activity1) Reeomme nd a Chin ese movieT: Boys and girls, letimag ine a foreig n stude nt is coming to visit us and will stay in China for a week. He wants to see a movie with you. Can you tell him someth ing about your favorite movie? Any volun teer?Ss: Let me try.Let me try.T: Ok. You please .You can use these senten ces on the blackboard.PPT展示:My favorite movie is .It an/a .It (very).There are many famous actors and actresses in it. For example,(.举例子) .(老师指着黑板上的句型叫学生 S8起来介绍自己最喜欢的电影)S8: My favorite movie is Infernal Affair( 无间道). It is an action movie. It is very exciting. There are many famous actors and actresses in it. For example, Liu Dehua, Eric Tsang and Chen Huilin.T: Very good! Sit down please.(老师根据情况可再叫 23个学生起来介绍自己最喜欢的电影 )2) Write an English posterT: Now, I have a friend. He is a movie manager. He needs some posters in English. Can you write some English posters for the cinema?Ss: Yes, we can.T: Very good. Each group will get a Chinese poster, please discuss with your group members and make an English poster for the movie. You can say something about the directors, actors or the story of the movie. Understand?Ss: Yes.T: (老师分发各类型的海报给学 生,如 science fiction:Avatar 。 romance: Secret。 documentary: City of Life and Death。 thriller movie: Midnight Ghosts and so on)T: Ok. I will give you 5 minutes to prepare. If you have any questions, please raise your hand. Begin now.Ss:(5分钟后)T: Ok, time up. Each group chooses one student to read your poster. Group 1,please.Ss: Chang Jia ng seve n is a scie nee fiction科 幻片).It is very great. It is a heart-warming story about a poor worker and his son. There are many famous actors and actresses in it. Such as Zhou Xin gchi, Xu Jiao.T: Very good. You are so helpful. Sit down please.(老师再以此类推叫 其他组的学生代表起来介绍电影)Step 5: Exte nsionT: Well, boys and girls, today we lear nt some kinds of movie and some actors and actresses in the movies. And we also know how to describe a movie. Do you want to know other thi ngs about movie?Ss: Y es.T: Ok, now lets see a video about a famous movie.Ss: Oh .T: Ok, who can tell me the name of this movie?Ss: Titanic .T: Very good. Its Titanic! Titanic is a romantic movie. It s touching.There are many actors and actresses in it.Can you tell me whataward the movie won?Ss:T: Yes . Titanic won the Oscar.Ok, if you want to know more about Oscar and movies won Oscar, youcan surf in the Internet, Ok?Ss: Ok.Step 6: Summary.T: Well, boys and girls, do you remember what we have learned today? Ss: We learned my favorite actor or actress、 some kinds of movies . (学生自由说)T: Yes. Today we learnt some kinds of movies and our favorite actor or actress. And we also learnt how to write a movie review. Now, look at this poster.(老师PPT展示周星驰主演的长江七号电影海 报)T: Who is he? (老师指着周星驰 )Ss: 周星驰。T: Yes, he is Chow XingChi. And what does he do?Ss: He is an actor.T: Very good. Chow XingChiis my favorite actor. How can I say about him?(老师指着黑板的句型)Ss:My favorite actor is Chow XingChi. He has a new movie, Chang Jiang seven. It is a comedy movie. It is very funny/interesting .T: Very good. And who is she? 老( 师指着第二张海报里的杨幂图像 )Ss: Yang Mi.T: What does she do?Ss: She is an actress.T: Very good. Whose favorite actress is Yang Mi?S7: My favorite actress is Yang Mi.T: Can you say something about her? 老( 师继续指着黑板的句型引导学 生回答)Ss:My favorite actress is Yang Mi. She has a new movie, Far Cry. It is a thriller movie. It is very great/exciting .T: Very good. You all did a good job today!Step 6: HomeworkT: Now here comes your homework. (PPT展示作业)I want you to write a movie review about your favorite movie in your exercise book. And I hope you to share your reviews with us nextclass. You can use these senten ces to write your reviews.My favorite movie is It an/a t (very)There are many famous actors and actresses in it. They are is my favori te actor/actress.Ok?Ss: Ok.T: Ok. Class is over. See you n ext time.Ss: See you.板书设计:Un it 9 Do you want to go to a movie?favoriteMy favorite actor/actress is He/She has a (new) movie -on weeke nds Ifs a/ an .movie. Itvery .17 / 1818 / 18


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