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初中英语小题集练一一连词1、一 I won deror not the ani mal sig ns are kept in a fixed order.Oh, they should be.A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. howOh, what a terrible experienee!SarahI was,because we were much too n ervous.A . Both; andB . Not o nly; but alsoC . Either; orD . Neither; nor2、 Were you chose n to be the hosts of the party, Denny?3、I thi nk basketball is in teresti ng,he thinks it isA .and; difficultB . but ; bori ngC .and; bori ngD . but; fun4、This is a new pencil case,I like its colour very much.A. butB. tooC. andD. also5、He wants to know _you will help not .A . if ; orB . if ;a ndC . whether ;orD . whether ;and6、you e likes eating dumplings because they are deliciousA . Not only ,but alsoC. / ,andB . Both ,andD . Neither ,nor7、 Scientists say it may be a few yearsit is possible to test thenew medici ne on patie ntsA. becauseB . afterC sinceDbefore8、 How was your climbing Mount Huang?-I didn t belieIvecould do it I got to the top.AuntilBwhileCafterDbecause9、Work harder, you will get more grades in the coming exam.AandBsoCorD but10、You can stay at home go out to playIt doesn tmatter.Aeither, orBneither, norCboth, andDnot only, but also11、The mobile phone has changed people s lifea lot it wasinvented.AuntilBsinceCbeforeD after12、 the phone is old, it still works well.AButBIfCAlthough13、 exercising, _ youll be healthier.AKeeping, orBTo keep, andCKeep, andDKept, or14、 I don t know _he will come tomorrow_he comes, I lltell you.That s a deal!A .if. WhetherC. if. ThatB. whether, WhetherD . if, If15、Jim is a taxi driver,he really wants to be a doctor.A. orB. andC. soD. butC . asD. because of16、_ my father my mother believes what star sig ns say, but I do.B . Either, orA . Neither, norC . Both, andD . Not o nly, but also17、 People all want to be no ticed in a new place.they have to try to prove that they re better.It s not a bad thing. Thanks to this competition, the world is becoming better and better.A . BesidesB . ThereforeC . However18、 he is in poor health,he is still busy working all dayand all night .A . Although; butB . Although; /C . Although; and19、Mo Yan s books have been sold out in many bookstoreshis winning of the Noble Prize in Literature.A . becauseB . since20、I like applesbananas, but I don t like pears.A. orB. andC. soD. because21、 we were walking along the river, we heard a cry for help.A. WhileB. Un tilC . AfterD . Before22、一Why didn t Luo Ji go with them then?he was too tired.A . SinceB . AsC. BecauseD . Although23、一We cant be successfulwe keep work ing hard.I agree with you.A . ifB . uni essC. becauseD . as24、youyour brother can join us. We want one of you.A .Neither;norB.Both; andC .Either; orD.Not o nly, but also25、- Why didn t you follow us to get on the underground?-I tried to, but it started movingI could get on it.A .whileB.beforeC .as soonasD.after26、 My parents want me to get further study to bean engineera scie ntist,I would like to be a famous surge on doctor.A . n either; nor; andB . either; or; butC . not only; but; soD . both; and; or27、一 Were you chosen to be the hosts of the party, Denny?Oh, what a terrible experienee! Sarah I was, because we were much too n ervous.A. Both; andB. Not only; but alsoC. Either; orD. Neither; nor28、it is raining.he is still work ing outside.A . Although; butB . Although; /C . But; althoughD . /; although29、His schoolbaghis baseball are on the sofa,his clock is notA . and ,andB . but, butC . and ,butD . but, and30、- Did you go to the cinema last night?-No, I didn t., I just stayed at home and listened to music.A. ButB. SoC .In steadD. For example答案1、2、室】U3、声勺K4、罚厂5、罚-6、昭1拴7、D8、昭我9、宜:A10、老九11、f蒿宏技12、车:匚13、:二牛i14、童15、老:16、昭I挂17、我18、:二讦b19、宅 &20、宅 &21、ai22、莎23、泻24、寰1匚25、宅&26、言27、丈】门28、:二寿b29、莠


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