外研版七年级英语上册Module 3 unit1 There are thirty students in my class.教案 (1)

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外研版七年级英语上册Module 3 unit1 There are thirty students in my class.教案 (1)_第1页
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外研版七年级英语上册Module 3 unit1 There are thirty students in my class.教案 (1)_第3页
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外研版英语七年级上册Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class.教学设计一 教材内容分析 本模块以“学校”为话题,介绍学校的设施、布局和教室内的设备等。由于大部分学生刚入学不久,对于学校还比较有新鲜感,所以会对这个话题感兴趣。同时,学校是学生日常生活的主要场所之一,“学校”这一话题必然能刺激学生的交流欲望,提高学生参与学习的积极性。 第一单元对话的语境是大明向琳达询问英国教室的样子,并对自己的教室做了一些介绍。语法项目主要为:“there be”句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问句及特殊疑问形式和相应回答。二 学情分析 学生在小学阶段使用的外研社小学英语教材(一年级起点)第五册开始就接触过“there be”结构的不同句式及用法,但是知识呈零散状态;本节课教师不仅应让学生在具体语境中再次深入感知“there be”的含义及用法,并引导学生对其进行归纳总结,形成知识体系。三 教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1)功能:利用 “there be” 结构描述教室(2)语法:能理解“there be”句型表示存在的用法;能运用 “there be”句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问及特殊疑问形式和相应的回答。(3)词汇:正确理解与运用以下词汇名词:computer, furniture, map, television, wall, picture 数词:thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 代词:there 副词:really 2. 语言技能目标(1) 听:能听懂介绍学校的简短对话(2) 说:能利用“there be”句型介绍自己的班级(3) 运用:描述教室内的设施3. 学习策略目标(1) 自主策略:能借助词汇图片掌握单词(2) 合作学习策略:学会倾听,并在结对活动、小组活动中充分发挥自己的作用4. 文化意识目标:了解不同国家的学校教育5. 情感态度目标:培养热爱学校,热爱家园的意识6. 任务:能运用所学 “there be”结构向他人介绍自己的教室,并落实到笔头。四教学重点与难点1. 重点:“there be”句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问及特殊疑问形式和相应的回答。2. 难点:there be结构中be的选择。五教学资源与工具设计希沃白板、学案卷、点读笔六 教学流程与设计意图活动1 【导入】聚焦话题【操作方式】由一段简短的校园音乐相册的微课视频引出本模块的主题-my school.Teacher: Today we are going to learn Module 3. Lets enjoy a short video first. And try to find out : “what is the video about?”Students(after watching) : My school.【设计意图】(1)视觉上刺激学生,调动其参与课堂的积极性,激活模块话题;(2)多角度展示学校之美,培养学生热爱学校的意识。活动2 【活动】激活话题,导入 “there be”结构【操作方式】教师设置关于“班级”与“教室”的问题,学生畅所欲言进行回答;教师将其中产出的“数字”与 “there be”结构相关内容进行板书归纳;对于出现的重难点单词如 “television” “furniture”等看图跟读;电子白板游戏环节两两PK选择适合与there is或there are搭配的词或词组。Teacher: In this lesson, we will learn more about our school and our class. Do you love your class?Students: Yes!Teacher: Let me check if you really love your class and know about it. If you can answer all my questions, I will let you play a game as the reward.Teacher: How many students/boys/girls are there in your class?Students: There are thirty-eight/twenty-two/sixteen students in my class.Teacher: Whats in our classroom?Students: Theres a blackboard/a computer. There are some pictures/desks/books.Teacher: How many pictures/desks/books are there in our classroom?Students: There are eighty/ninety.Teacher: Look at these numbers: eighty, ninety. What do they have in common?Students: “ty”.Teacher: What about “thirty-eight” and “twenty-two”?Students: The “-”-hyphen.Teacher: Is there a television in our classroom? Students: No, there isnt. There isnt a television in our classroom.Teacher: Are there maps in our classroom?Students: No, there arent. There arent any pictures here.【游戏说明】白板游戏,每组两位同学进行PK。游戏开始后,白板左右两侧会分别随机掉落图上名词或词组。第一组学生点击选择与there is搭配的名词,第二组学生点击选择与there are搭配的名词。系统会根据作答情况及所用时间选出PK获胜者,依据参与者表现情况获得相应加分。【设计意图】(1) 过关重难点词汇,同时渗透音标与语音的教学;(2)巩固数字的表达方式,为听力中出现的数字内容做好知识层面的铺垫,同时引导学生养成善于总结规律的良好习惯; (3)在真实语境中通过听说感知“there be”结构的用法以及功能;(4)大量的听说练习督促学生注意力的迅速集中,锻炼听说能力;(5)以游戏环节助力学生轻松突破“there be”结构中“be”动词选择这一难点内容,活跃课堂气氛,利用信息技术提升课堂效率。活动3 【活动】感悟话题Step 1: Talking and listening-Activity 1 【操作方式】展示教材Activity 1部分的三幅图片,学生观察其不同,并用there be句型描述三幅图片。Teacher: After talking about our own classroom, our friend Betty also wants to talk about her classroom.But as you see, there are three pictures here. Observe the pictures : whats the difference?Students talks, describes and share their ideas.One possible answer: There is a computer in Classroom 1.【设计意图】(1)进一步练习运用“there be”结构;(2)锻炼学生识图观察能力,并为其后听力进行铺垫。【操作方式】播放听力内容,判断三间教室中哪一间是Betty的教室并写出依据:两名同学白板上完成,其他同学在学案卷上完成,完成后全班核对答案。Teacher: Listen to choose Bettys classroom and try to explain the reason.Students finish the task and check the answer.One possible answer: Classroom 1 is Bettys classroom. Because there is a television in Picture 1. 【设计意图】通过听力的输入,进一步理解感知“there be”的使用。Step 2: Talking and listening-Activity 3【操作方式】播放听力内容,填空作答:“Whats Betty classroom like? Its _. ”完成后提问核对答案。Teacher:We talk about our classroom and Betty introduces her classroom. Daming and Linda are also talking about something interesting. Guess what are they talking about?Students: Their classrooms.Teacher: Yes, they are also talking about their classrooms. Listen to the conversation and try to fill in the blanks. You can take some notes if necessary.Students: Its really big. 【设计意图】(1)设置问题,对于听力内容进行有针对性的整体感悟与把握;(2) 练习本节课重点副词“really”;(3)提示回顾形容词性物主代词的用法。1. 【操作方式】再次播放听力材料的前半部分,引导归纳此部分主题;提示学生有效获取信息的听力技巧;再播放一遍,填写表格。学生在学案卷上完成,一位同学在白板上完成,班级核对答案;组内利用“How many.are there in.? There are.”进行对话练习。Teacher: This time please listen to part of the conversation and find out the topic of the part.Students(after listening): The topic is “the numbers of students”.Teacher: If we want to know the “numbers”, what should we listen to?Students: How many.Teacher: Yes. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Pay special attention to “how many”.ClassNumber of studentsNumber of boysNumber of girlsLindas class / /Damings classStudents check the answers.Teacher: Work in pairs: one asks with “How many.are there.in.?” and one answers with “There are.in.”Students practise and then the teacher calls two pairs to ask and answer.【设计意图】(1)通过再次的听力输入与对话输出,深入感知“How many.are there.? There are.”句式含义并练习其使用方法;(2)培养学生进行“主题提炼”的能力并训练学生“利用关键词有效获取信息”的听力技巧。2. 【操作方式】播放听力材料的后半部分,填写表格,班级核对答案;根据听力内容选择该部分主题;组内利用 “Whats in.? There is/There are.”进行对话练习。ClassComputersPicturesType of mapLindas classa map of EnglandDamings class /not any picturesThe answers should be: “a computer” “some pictures” and “a map of the world”.Teacher: Which one is the topic of the part? A. The pictures in the classroom B. The maps in the classroomC. The things in the classroomStudents: C. Teacher: Yes. Because C is comprehensive.Teacher: Work in pairs to ask and answer with “Whats in.classroom? There is./There are.” .Students practise in pairs.The teacher calls two pairs to do the “ask and answer”. 【设计意图】(1)深入感知及强化练习“There is./There are.”句型结构;(2)进一步点拨归纳中心主题的技巧:概括需全面。3.【操作方式】展示学生经由听力练习获取的表格信息,组内合作利用“Are there.? Yes, there are./ No, there arent. Is there .? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.”进行对话练习,此后两组同学进行对话展示。ClassNumber of studentsPicturesType of mapLindas class30some picturesa map of EnglandDamings class 40not any picturesa map of the world【设计意图】(1)更进一步感知及强化练习“Are there.? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. Is there .? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.”句型结构;(2)通过多次结对活动,培养学生学会聆听的习惯及团结合作的意识。Step 3: Reading-Activity 3【操作方式】学生跟点读笔朗读课文中包含 “there be”结构不同句型的重要片段,朗读前着重提醒朗读时注意以下方面:准确(correctly),清晰(clearly),流利(fluently)及有感情 (emotionally);朗读时,注重模仿练习语音语调。此后学生分角色进行朗读练习,结束后选取两组学生结合动画进行配音展示,依据以上四点要求的达成情况进行赋分。Teacher: Read after the talking pen. And when we read, we should try to read it correctly, clearly, fluently and emotionally.Students read after the recording sentence by sentence.The teacher emphasizes the parts that need to be paid attention to: intonation and the pronunciation of “really” /rili/.Teacher: Read the passage in roles please and I will call two pairs to do the dubbing in the front of the classroom. You will be judged by the four requests: read it “correctly”, “clearly”, “fluently” and “emotionally”.Two pairs present in the front of the classroom after practice.【设计意图】(1)通过朗读进一步加深对于文章内容及“there be”结构的理解;(2)通过语音的培养督促学生养成良好的朗读习惯,助于语感的形成;(3)配音环节生动有趣,调动学生朗读练习的积极性,锻炼学生语言运用及表达能力。活动4 【活动】运用话题【操作方式】设置情景:进入初中的你有了新的同学和新的教室,在这个“新家”里你学习成长,当你跟你的小学同学再见面,你该如何为他/她介绍你的新教室?要求运用表格中的句式结构、内容充实。同组讨论进行小对话,两组进行展示。Teacher: Now you are in middle school and we have a new classroom. We study here and have fun here and you really love here. Imagine that you meet your primary school friend one day. Would you like to introduce your classroom to him or her? Work in groups and create your own conversation. You need to contain the following contents.How many . are there in your class?Is there .? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Are there . ? Yes, there are. / No, there arent. Students work in groups to create the dialogue and then two groups present their works in the front of the classroom. Their marks are judged by their performances.【设计意图】(1)学生将所学的重点内容即“there be”结构进行文本再造与输出,学以致用,提升综合语言运用能力;(2)教师适当点拨进行情感、态度、价值观的渗透让学生养成热爱学校、热爱家园的意识以及团队合作精神。活动5 【作业】夯实话题【操作方式】教师总结及布置作业。Teacher: What did we learn today?Students: About our class and classroom.Teacher: Yes, we learned to describe our class and classroom with “there be”: “there is” and “there are”.Homework for today: (1) Read the passage after your talking pen correctly, clearly, fluently and emotionally. (2) Write your conversation down. Try to make it complete and interesting.【设计意图】(1)通过总结强化本节课的主题;(2)作业有针对性地强化本节课所学重难点内容:即“there be”结构的运用;(3)帮助学生养成复习与整理的好习惯。Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class.七 板书设计How many.are there.?There isnt .There arent.Is there.?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Are there.?Yes, there are. / No, there arent. forty thirty-eight eighty twenty-twoninety There is .There areOurclassand classroom7 / 7


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