外研版七年级英语上册Module 6 unit3 Language in use.教案

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外研版七年级英语上册Module 6 unit3 Language in use.教案_第1页
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Module 6 A trip to the zoo Unit3Languageinuse一、 教学内容分析本节课是外研版英语七年级上册Module 6 Unit3。学生在Unit 1和Unit 2中已对动物的生活习性和生活地点有所了解,而且一般现在时的动词的第三人称单数形式的肯定,否定和一般疑问句形式在前面两个模块也已经介绍,本模块重点是复习与运用前面所学的知识。二、教学对象分析我们知道七年级学生比较喜欢动物,也渴望更多地了解动物。教学中,我抓住学生的这一特点,检素动物的信息,拓展关于动物的词汇和知识。在本课教学中,充分利用本模块的任务“Makingaposterof yourfavouriteanimal,因为比较容易激发学生的兴趣。当然,在引导学生多使用本模块中语言时,避免在海报中单纯呈现图片,我采用图文并茂的形式。三、教学目标及教学重难点Teaching goals1. Toaskandanswerquestionsaboutanimalswiththeinterrogativeformofthepresetsimple.2.Tointroduceanimals.1.Teaching key pointsToaskandanswerquestionsaboutanimalswiththeinterrogativeformofthepresetsimple.2.Teaching difficultiesTointroduceanimals.How to cooperate with others.四、教学方式【教学方式和教学手段】1、利用图片,创设情境,提高学生兴趣。2、互动课堂,培养学生自主学习,探究合作。3、老师要及时启发、点拨、鼓励。【技术手段】 利用电脑, 播放 PPT, 现场自制海报并带有文本信息等一些方式组织教学。五、教学过程及生成StepsTeacher activities Student activities purposeStep 1Warm-up1.Make a list of animals and then let students go on making some animals.2.Look at the picture. What can you see?Listen and make some animals.Answer the question.Revise and lead in the new lesson.Step 2 Revision 1.Show the map of the world, and revise the names of continents.2.PlayaguessinggameWhatisit?fortheclasstoguess.1. Answer the question. 2. Guess.1.Know about the animals.Step 3Presentation and drill.1. Show a picture to practice the sentence pattern.2.Show a picture again. 1.listen and answer.2.Ask and answer in pairs.3.Ask and answer in pairs freely.2. Practice the singular form of the third person in .theInterrogativeformofthepresetsimple.Step 4Practice1. Show a word of mind.2. Show the word map.3. Make a transition 1 Brain-storming .2.Complete the word map.Step 5Reading1.Show the picture of camel and teach the word.2. Ask the students to answer the questions.3.Show the picture of the kangraroos and teach the words-tail and pocket.1.Learn the new word-hump.2. Ask and answer the questions in PPT.3. Ask and answer the questions in PPT.Introduce the process and methods.Step 5Make a poster.1. Ask students to make a poster about your group animal. 2.Then introduce the rules.3. Show a model of the poster to students.4. Analyze the poster and know about how to describe the animals.5. Show what everyone does.6.Ask students to make a poster in a group.6. Askeachgrouptoshowtheirposterandtalk aboutit.Listen carefully.Talk about what everyone does.make a poster in a group.Report presentstheir grouppostertotheclass,some of students in the group act.Train students the abilities such as listening,speaking,reading, writing, acting and cooperation with others.Step 6Homework Arrange the homework.Remember the homework.Knowledge and ability ExtensionBlack-Boarddesign Teaching reflection本课通过大量的图片,不仅复习本模块的语言知识和语法内容,而且培养学生综合运用英语的能力,特别是最后一个活动,不仅训练学生英语能力,而且培养他们表演及与他人合作的能力。5 / 5


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