外研版七年级英语上册Module 10 unit1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival.教案 (1)

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外研版七年级英语上册Module 10 unit1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival.教案 (1)_第1页
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外语教学与研究出版社新标准英语初中一年级上册ModuleTen Spring FestivalUnitOne We are getting ready for the Spring Festival一、 教材分析We are getting ready for the Spring Festival是外研版新标准英语教材七年级上学期第十模块第一单元(Module10 Unit1) 的教学内容,本模块以“节日”为话题,引导学生通过使用现在进行时,对该话题展开一系列听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动。通过听、读有关春节内容的对话和短文,使学生能够谈论或写出对该节日的介绍,并鼓励学生了解英语国家中重要的节日及其主要庆祝方式。作为本单元的起始课,是一节听说课(listening and speaking),主要通过Lingling和Tony的谈话,学习询问What are the boys doing? 及其答语They are learning a dragon dance. 本节课主要要求学生掌握有关为节日做准备的动词短语,通过讨论节日的庆祝方式,学习用be +v.-ing 结构表达自己正在做的事情。其中课文中的功能句型为What are/is doing?及其答语:They are/He/She is .询问“某个人正在做什么”是一个非常生活化的主题,也是一个能够较好调动学生个人参与的话题。春节是每个中国学生都很熟悉的节日,因此,本模块的话题与学生的实际生活经历一致,有利于学习的开展,也因此具有良好的图式基础。对于初中一年级的学生来说,已有一定的英语基础,对英语学习有着浓厚的兴趣,渴望通过学习获得更多的知识,以丰富自己的交际内容,提高交际能力。Module 9学生已经学了现在进行时的基本形式,此模块是对现在进行时的巩固。初一的学生活泼爱动,接受能力强,因此较多设计了能够激发他们学习兴趣的活动。一、 教学目标1. 语言知识目标(1) 学会词汇: get ready for,dance, floor, cook, meal, Spring Festival, hurry up, happen. (2) 理解词汇:lantern, dragon, dragon dance, sweep, sweep away(3) 复习词汇 Module 10 Unit 1 知识目标:1. 能听、说、读、写单词及短语:lantern, dragon, dance, floor, sweep, cook, meal, Spring Festival, hurry up.2. 学会在情景对话中使用句型“Are you getting ready for?”.能力目标:能听懂本课时的录音,并完成相关练习。能运用句型进行情景对话。能运用所学词汇和短语谈论春节。情感目标:通过学习,让学生能运用英语对中国的春节进行介绍,增加对我国传统节日的了解。一、 Warming up:1、操练英语口语:英语小助手组织学生进行绕口令、诗歌拍手练,身体动起来韵律操活动。2、唱英语歌曲 3、喊出小组口号如何用现在进行时描述准备春节的活动。二、 Presentation:(一)问题导入明目标1、值日生汇报:学生作英语演讲春节2、观看视频回答问题。T:Lily tells us something about the Spring Festival?What do we usually do at Spring Festival? Let us watch the video.3、观看视频后,引出新词汇句型,自主学习,让学生自主探究和春节有关的相关短语。T:What do they usually do at Spring Festival in the video?S: have a big meal play fireworks hang couplets decorate with paper cutsvisit relatives get red packets4、 导入本课题目T:In the video, the people in China are doing different kinds of things to get ready for the Spring Festival? Are you getting ready for the Spring Festival?(二)创设情境引新知1、运用直观图片引出时态及对话内容,小组操练形式多样,一组,多组,行,列,男,女,全班小组对话进行操练。 T:What do you usually do to get ready for(准备) Spring Festival?新词汇句型:1)What are the boys doing ?The boys are learning a dragon dance .Are the boys learning a dragon dance ?Yes ,they are . 2)What are you doing ?I am making lanterns .Are you making lanterns ?Yes , I am .3)Is your aunt cleaning the house ?No , she is nt . (she is sweeping the floor.)4)Whats your grandmother doing ?She is cooking the meal .5)Is your grandmother cooking the meal ?Yes ,she is .2、听读对话回答问题。T:Its time for the Spring Festival now in China and Ling Ling s family are very busy, they are getting ready for it . 1)Listen and answer the question. Who is working/at work? 2)Listen again and fill the blanks as follows.NameDoingSummaryDaming and BettyLearning a dragon danceGettingready forthe SpringFestivalLing lingmaking red lanternsMothercleaning the houseAuntsweeping the floorGrandmacooking the mealFatherworking3、根据表格两人一组进行对话练习。A: What is /are.doing? B: He/She/They B: What is /are.doing?A: He/She/They 4、点读对话并且进行发音跟踪指导,注意本课的连读部分。T:Open your books and read the dialogue after the tape , you should pay attention to your pronunciation.Ask some students to read the sentences one by one and give them the comments. 5、模仿语音语调朗读课文 。三、 Practice:模仿操练用语言1、模仿语音语调有感情的朗读课文。2、小组合作练习对话A: Is Lingling.? B: Yes, she is ./No, she isnt .She is What is .doing?C: He is . What are doing?D: They are四、Consolidation :练习巩固记忆劳1、总结本课重点短语并且让学生们当堂背诵并进行检测。2、 用所给词的适当形式完成表格。 dragon happen hard hurry join lantern put things away quite readyWhats (1)_ at Linglings home? Theyre getting (2)_ for Spring Festival. Her mother and her aunt are working very (3)_, cleaning and (4)_. Lingling is also (5)_ busy. Shes making red (6)_. Daming and Betty are learning a (7)_ dance so Tony (8)_ to Linglings home and (9)_ them.3、教学生唱教师自编的新年新歌。Hello, everybody! Hello, everybody!Are you ready for Spring Festival?We are sweeping, we are cooking.Were ready for Spring Festival.Make lanterns, learn a dragon dance.We are working very hard.We are singing, we are dancing.Were ready for Spring Festival.4将对话转变成短文语篇,提升综合语言运用的能力 Retell the dialogue according to the pictures.Spring Festival is coming, At the moment Linglings family are doing different things to get ready for Spring Festival. They are quite busy now. Lingling is.五Use 以传统礼节,师生互致新春祝福 T:On New Years Day , we always say something to wish each other. Lets learn three ways of giving wishes.A happy New Year to you!Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year With best wishes for a happy New Year!T: Spring Festival is coming this year. We know that our Spring Festival always happens in our winter holiday , we have no chance to give our teachers wishes face to face. Today I will give you a chance to give the best wishes to them.(伴随着新歌祝福的歌曲)六.Homework4 / 4


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