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word小升初语法一般现在时态一、一般现在时的定义一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作,存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。二、一般现在时的结构一般现在时用行为动词的原形,但第三人称单数作主语时,动词的词尾要加-s 或- es。现在以连系动词be和行为动词read为例,对一般现在时的肯定句、否认句、疑问句与其简略答语的构成以表格形式加以说明:动词肯定句否认句beI am I am not You/We/They are You/We/They are not He/She/It is .He/She/It is not readI/We/You/They readI/We/You/They/ do not read He/She/It reads He/She/It does not read 动词疑问句简略答语肯定简略答语否认beAm I ?Yes , you are.No, you are not.Are you ?Yes, I am/we are.No, I am/we are not.Are we ?Yes, we/you are.No, we/ you are not.Are they ?Yes, they are.No, they are not.Is he?Yes, he is.No, he is not.Is she ?Yes, she is.No, she is not.Is it ?Yes, it is.No, it is not.readDo I / we / they read ?Yes, you / we / they do.No, you / we / they do not.Does he / she / it read ?Yes, he / she / it does.No, he / she / it does not. 连系动词be 的各种形式常与代词或not缩写成一个词。助动词do,does 一般只有与not 缩写。联系动词be缩写形式如下肯定缩写否认缩写I amImI am notIm notYou areYoureYou are notYoure not /You arentHe isHesHe is notHes not /He isntShe isShesShe is notShes not /She isntIt isItsIt is notIts not / It isntWe areWereWe are notWere not / We arentThey areTheyreThey are notTheyre not / They arent 动词do not 的缩写形式为dont,does not 的缩写形式为doesnt。二、 动词加-s 或-es 动词第三人称单数当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加-s 或-es1 一般在词尾加 s例:workworks leave - leaves swim - swims2 以字母s,x,ch,sh 或o结尾的词加-es例:pass- passes fix -fixes teach - teaches do- does 3 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i再加-es例:study - studies carry - carries fly - flies cry - cries三、 一般现在时的用法1 表示经常或习惯性的动作。常与often经常, always总是, sometimes有时, every day每天, on Sundays/Mondays 等表示频度的时间状语连用。一般现在时的时间状语有:today, often, sometimes, always, usually, every day ( week, month, year,) , this year, once a week ( month, year,) 一周月,年一次例句:I get up at 6 oclock every day. He often goes to school by bike.2 表示客观事实,普遍真理。例句:Two and two is four.二加二等于四。The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。一般现在时态专项练习一、 写出如下动词的第三人称单数形式posteatstopjumpgolikevisitpassrisereadridehavegivewriteswimstudywatchflyteachdo二、 单项选择( )1._ you have a book ?A Do B. Are C. Is D. Have( )2.Does Li Lei like to watch TV? _. A. Yes, he like. B. No, he doesnt. C. Yes, hed like. D. No, he likes. ( )3.She doesnt _ her homework in the afternoon. A. doing B. to do C. does D. do ( )4.How _ Mr. Smith _ to England? A. do, go B. is , go C. does, go D. does , goes ( )5. _ she _ home at six every day? A. Is , leave B. Does , leave C. Is , leaves D. Does , left三、 用如下动词的适当形式填空1.I _ ( get ) up at 6 oclock every day.2.My father _ (have) a lovely dog.3.He _ (go ) to school on foot.4.She _ (do ) not like watching TV.5.They _ (play) football every Sunday afternoon.四、 按要求完成如下各题1.Tomorrow is Saturday.(变成一般疑问句) _ _ Saturday ?2.Does he play basketball every weekend? (肯定回答) Yes, _ _.3.She looks like her sister.(变一般疑问句)_ she _ like her sister ?4.Peter and Sam look the same.(一般疑问句) _ they _ the same ?5.Do they always go to the movie (电影院) on Sundays ? (否认回答) No, _ _.五、英汉互译1. Tom经常放学后after school踢足球。_2. 我喜欢唱歌。_3. He often goes to school on foot._4. Children like to play this game._5. 今天是星期日。_能力测试卷 一般现在时一、 写出如下动词的第三人称单数形式gohaveswimstudyrisestopdoridecrygowriteflyplayreadebuygivewatchworkcarry二、 用动词的适当形式填空1. He _ (go) to school on foot.2. She _ not like watching TV. (do)3. My father _ (have) a lovely dog.4. I often _ ( get ) up at six every morning.5. My mother _ ( work) in a school.三、 英汉互译1. 他经常在周六的时候读英语。_2. Peter 每天都帮助妈妈做家务。_3.4I get up at six o小升初语法现在进展时态一、 现在进展时的定义 现在进展时是表示在现在某一时刻或某段时间正在进展的动作的时态。二、 现在进展时的构成现在进展时由“系动词am,is , are + 现在分词动词加-ing形式构成。现在以动词work为例,对现在进展时的肯定句、否认句、疑问句与简略答语列表说明:肯 定 句否 定 句I am working.I am not working.You are working.You are not working.He/She/It is working.He/She/It is not working.We/You/They are working.We/You/They are not working.疑 问 句简 略 答 语Am I working?Yes, you are.No, you are not.Are we working?Yes, we/ you are.No, we/ you arent.Are you working?Yes, I am.No, I am not.Yes, we are.No, we are not.Is he/she it working ?Yes, he/she/it is.No, he/she/it is not.Are they working?Yes, they are.No, they are not.三、 现在分词的构成1. 一般在动词原形末尾加-ing。stay - staying do - doing listen - listening2. 以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。make - making ride - riding give - giving3. 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing。put - putting sit - sitting run - running4. 以ie 为重读音节结尾的单词,先去掉e,把i 变为y,再加 ing。lie - lying die - dying四、 现在进展时的用法1. 表示现在或说话时正在进展的动作,常和如下时间状语连用:now, at this moment, at present, these days (years), this term 有时也与look , listen 等连用。例句:Look, what are the monkeys eating? 看,那些猴子在吃什么?2. 表示当前一直或反复在进展的动作或难以终止的动作。例句:They are running and jumping all the time.他们一直在跑啊跳啊。现在进展时态专项练习一、 写出如下动词的现在分词形式stay _do _listen _suffer _refuse _close _operate _die _work _spend _look _ make _put _sit _run _tie _take _give _ride _please _win _begin _open _lie _二、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Mary and Lucy are _ (dance) now.2. Listen! Someone is _ (play) the piano in the next room.3. He is _ (sweep) the floor at the moment.4. Look ! The cat _ _ (eat) the fish on the table.5. A: _ you _ (study) French ?B: Yes , I am.6. She often _ (dance) after school.7. My father and mother _ _ (swim) in the pond.8. My sister is _ (fly) a kite in the garden.9. We are _ (watch) TV now.10. Be quiet ! The baby _ _ (sleep) now.三、 改错1. We are cleanning our classroom. _2. She is sing in the next room. _3. What am you doing? _4.5. He often flying kites on Sundays. _6. They is reading books now. _7. My brother is plays the guitar now. _8. Sally is danceing in the room. _9. I watching TV at home now. _10. Do you listening the radio now? _四、 英汉互译1. 他正在教室里做作业。_2.3. Peter 和Billy 正在操场上in the playground打篮球。_4.5. 公共汽车来了。_6. X先生经常在周日的时候on Sundays看英语书。_7. He isnt playing games. He is studying. _8. 孩子们在摘pick苹果。_9. That son of yours is always making troubles (捣乱)._10.你们正在做什么?_能力测试卷现在进展时态一、 写出如下动词的第三人称单数形式与现在分词形式play _ _sit _ _do _ _stop _ _put _ _swim _ _skate _ _dance _ _fly _ _lie _ _二、用动词的适当形式填空1. I am _(watch) TV now.2. He _ _ (play) in the classroom now.3. She often _ (dance) after school.4. My sister is _ (fly) a kite in the park.5. My parents(父母) _ (swim) in the pond.三、改错1. I watching TV at home now. _2. My father is plays the piano. _3 He often flying kites on Sundays. _4 They is reading books. _5 She is dancing in the room. _四、 英汉互译1Billy正在教室里做作业。_2 My mother always cleans the house on Saturdays._ 3. 你正在做什么?_4. 他们没有踢足球,他们在打篮球。_5.小升初语法句型之肯定句和否认句一、陈述句定义:但凡说明一件事情,提出一个看法,或是表达一种心情的句子都是陈述句。大多数的句子都是陈述句,陈述句可以用肯定式和否认式。肯定句变否认句肯定句变否认句就是加not no 或表示否认的词英语的句子重要取决于动词而动词又有时态的变化因此在不同的时态的句子中的位置不同。时态具体句型句子构成一般现在时动词做谓语主语+be (am/is / are )+not+其他+.实意动词做谓语主语+dont/doesnt +其他+.情态动词+实义动词主语+情态动词+not +动词原形+其他+.现在进展时动词做谓语主语+be动词(am /is /are)+现在分词+其他+.陈述句练习把如下陈述句变成否认句。26 / 261.My father watches TV every day . My father _ _ TV every day .2.Kate often does her homework at six .Kate _ often _ her homework at six.3.I go to school at seven . I _ _ to school at seven .4.She usually goes home by bus .She _ usually _ home by bus .5.They are good students .They _ _ good students .6.He is clever .He _ _ clever .7.He has some bread for breakfast every morning .He _ _ _ bread for breakfast every morning . 8.I often drink some tea in the afternoon .I _ often _ _ tea in the afternoon .9.He has some eggs .He _ _ _ eg10.Kim likes his new bike .Kim _ _ his new bike小升初语法之疑问句疑问句是用来提出问题的,疑问句又包括:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反义疑问句和选择疑问句。一、一般疑问句:1.一般疑问句又可以叫做yes/no句型,需要用yes或no来回答。2.一般疑问句的根本结构:be动词am, is, are+主语+表语?情态动词can, may, must+主语+行为动词或be?助动词(do, does)+主语+行为动词?助动词shall, will, have, has+主语+行为动词或be?3.变一般疑问句的方法:一调,二变,三问号Be动词型一般疑问句:原句问句回答I am a girl.Are you a girl ?Yes,I am / No, Im notShe is my friend.Is she your friend ?Yes, she is / No, she isntHe is a student.Is he a student ?Yes, he is / No, he isntWe are home.Are you home ?Yes, we are / No, we arentThis is my book.Is this your book ?Yes, it is / No, it isntThey are good friends.Are they your good friends ?Yes, they are / No, they arent情态动词型一般疑问句:原句问句回答I can draw.Can you draw ?Yes,I can / No, I cant.She can swim.Can she swim ?Yes, she can / No, she cantHe can ride a bike.Can he ride a bike ?Yes, he can / No, he cantWe will get there.Will you get here ?Yes, we will / No, we wontIt can talk.Can it talk ?Yes, it can / No , it cant助动词型一般疑问句:原句问句回答I like swimming.Do you like swimming ?Yes,I do / No, I dontShe dances well.Does she dance well ?Yes, she does/No,she doesntHe has a sister.Does he have a sister ?Yes, he does / No, he doesntWe cook dinner.Do you cook dinner?Yes, we do / No, we dontIt works well.Does it work ?Yes, it does / No, it doesntThey bee good friendsDo they bee good friends?Yes, they do / No, they dont其它在句中要变换的词有someany, amare二、特殊疑问句:以疑问代词what, who(whom), whose, which 或疑问副词when, where, how, why 放在句首提问的句子叫做特殊疑问句,答语只要针对问句中的疑问代词或疑问副词来回答,不用yes 或no。1.疑问词 + 一般疑问句 疑问词作宾语、表语、状语或定语。What do you want? 你要什么?When do you have English class? 你们什么时候有英语课?Whose coat is this? 这是谁的大衣?How did he know it? 他是怎么知道它的?Why did you say this? 你为什么要这么说?Which is your umbrella? 哪个是你的雨伞?Where were these buses made? 这些巴士是哪儿制造的?2.疑问代词作主语或作主语的定语时,词序与陈述句一样:疑问代词 +名词+谓语。Who teaches your brother Japanese? 谁教你弟弟日语?What is in the box on the table? 桌上那个盒子里装的是什么?Whose handwriting is the best in your class? 你们班里谁的书法最好?*疑问代词:who: 主语、宾语、表语、用来提问表示“人的各种成分。 whose: 用来提问“谁的。 which: 用来提问“哪一个/位。 what: 提问表示“干什么等意思*疑问副词:when: 提问在何时。 where: 提问在何地 why: 提问表示原因的短语或句子 how: 提问表示程度或方式的副词或短语*由疑问词how 构成的短语引导的问句how old (表示年龄)多大了, how long表示时间或物体的长短有多长 , how many + 复数名词 表示多少 , how much + 不可数名词 表示多少 , how far 表示距离多远疑问句专项练习按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词。1. Its a large room.(改为复数形式)_ _ large rooms.2. He has to buy a dictionary for his daughter.(改为否认句)He _ _ to buy a dictionary for his daughter.3. Uncle Wang likes making things. (改为否认句)Uncle Wang _ _ making things.4. Ann returned the book to the library yesterday.(改写为一般疑问句)_ Ann _ the book to the library yesterday?.5. The hospital is about 300 meters away. (就划线局部提问) _ _ is the hospital ?6.There are fifty-two students in our class. (就划线局部提问)_ _ students are there in your class?7.I write to my mother once a week. (就划线局部提问)_ _ do you write to your mother ?8.He has three pens. (就划线局部提问)_ _ pens does he have ?9.She is ten years old. (就划线局部提问)_ _ is she?10. They have a class meeting every other week. (改为否认句) They _ _ a class meeting every other week.11.She has dinner with her grandparents once a week.改为一般疑问句 _ she _ dinner with her grandparents once a week?12.This kind of cold es and goes very quickly.改为一般疑问句 _ this kind of cold _ and _ very quickly?13.He spent a whole morning cleaning the room.就划线局部提问 _ _ _ he _ cleaning the room.14. My brother has lunch at the school every day.改为一般疑问句 _ your brother _ lunch at the school every day? 15.Put the book on the desk.否认句_ _ the book on the desk.16.His bike was bought yesterday. 就划线局部提问_ _ was bought yesterday?17.She does morning exercises every day. (否认句)She _ _ morning exercises every day.18.My mother is very well.( 就划线局部提问) _ is your mother?19.She has to stay at home.(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ to stay at home.20.Tom has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句)小升初语法句型之祈使句一、祈使句:用来表示下达命令、提出要求、建议和劝告的句子。说话的对象通常是第二人称you ,习惯上常省略。祈使句的肯定句谓语动词用原形,否认句一般用dont, never开始。1肯定祈使句句型 1 :动词 let + 第一、三人称宾格代词 + V. 例句:Lets go to school. 让我们去上学吧。 Let me try. 让我试一试。 Let him e upstairs. 让他上楼吧。句型 2:动词 + 其他局部 例句:Please open the door . 请开门。 Turn to page two.请将书翻到第二页。 Listen to me.请听我讲。 Stop talking.别说话。二、否认祈使句 一般在句首加 Dont.1Climb the tree ,please. 请爬树。 肯定句 Dont climb the tree! 不要爬树。 否认句2Open the door. 打开门。 肯定句 Dont open the door. 不要开门。 否认句三、陈述句变祈使句1You cant make faces in class. 你不能在课堂上做鬼脸。 Dont make faces in class. 不要在课堂上做鬼脸。2You cant read in bed. 你不要在床上看书。 Dont read in bed. 不要在床上看书。祈使句专项训练一、 连词成句并改写成否认句。1 on walk the grass_2. ride a here bike_二、 按要求改写如下句子1She likes playing basketball after school. (否认句)_2. He did his homework yesterday evening. (一般疑问句) _3.Tom wrote a letter to his mother yesterday. (否认句)_4.My mother can make kites. (一般疑问句)_5. There are some dictionaries on the desk. (否认句)_小升初语法句型there be与havehas 句型“There be 句型“There be +某 些人或物 + 某地或某时是指“某地时存在某人 或某物。谓语be 必须在数上和主语保持一致。如果主语中既有单数又有复数,be 的形式变化与它最近的主语相一致。一结构There be (is are ) +某 1) There is + 可数名词单数 不可数名词2There are + 可数名词复数二用法1. 肯定句: There is are + _.2. 否认句:There is are + not _3. 一般疑问句:IsAre + there ? Yes, there is are. No, there is are not.三There be 句型中的 be 与离它最近的名词有关。例, There isan apple and two pears on the table.There aretwo pears and an apple on the table. 二、have has 句型 是指某人有某物 (表示所有、拥有关系)I We You They 人名复数事物复数+ have He She It 人名单数 事物单数 + has 句型专项练习题一、 用“have , there be 的适当形式填空1. He _ a lot of friends.2. _ _ four seasons in a year.3. She _ seven sons.4. _ _ any milk in the cup? 5. Beijing _ many universities. 6. We _ a lot of work to do.7. _ _ a book and two pens on the table.8. They _ many beautiful flowers.9. _ _ three pencils and a ruler in the pencil-box.10. My father _ a red car.二、 用适当的词填空1. He often _ up _ six oclock _ the morning.2. Whats wrong _ your mother?3. Mary can _ a kite.4. There _ an apple and three bananas in the bag.三、选择填空1.There _ two knives in the pencil box .A.are B.is C.be D.am 2.How many counties _ in Europe ?A. is it B.is there C.are they D.are there 3.Look ! There _ some apples in that tree .A. is B.are C.be D.am 4.There _ some children playing on the playground .A. is B.are C.has D.have 5.-Are there any fish in the lake now ?-No . _ any water in it in winter .A. There isnt B.There arent C.It isnt D.They aren t 6.There _ an apple tree near the river .A. Am B.are C.is D.be 7._ there any good news in todays newspaper ?A. Are B.Is C.Have D.Has 8.There _ a banana and ten pears in the basket . A. Are B.is C.has D.have 9.There _ some oranges on the table .


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