Lesson 57 Back in the old country重返故里

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wordLesson 57 Back in the old country 重返故里New Words and Expressions生词和短语alien eiljn adj.外国的, 外国人的They are alien people.他们是外国人。Orange trees are alien to China.橘子树是从外国传入中国的。陌生的He quickly adjusts to the alien environment.他很快适应陌生的环境。性质不同的The effect was entirely alien from what had been intended.这个结果与原先的意图大相径庭。n.外国人, 外侨, 局外人An Englishman is an alien in America.英国人在美国便是外国侨民。外星人extraterrestrial being (ET) Jim is an alien in this film.吉姆在这部电影里是个外星人。Caucasian .k:keizin n. 高加索人,白种人 adj.高加索的,白种人的expatriate ekspetri:,et n.侨民;放弃本国国籍的人The writer, an expatriate living in Singapore, has studied and worked in the US.作者曾在美国读书和工作,目前旅居新加坡。emigrate emireitvt.移居国外In the present difficult conditions, many people are emigrating from Britain.在目前的困难时期, 很多人正离开英国, 移居国外。emigrant emirnt n.(从本国移往他国的)移民immigrate imireit vi.移入immigrant imirntn.移民Canada has many immigrants from Europe.加拿大有许多欧洲移民。absorb bs:bvt.吸收Dry earth absorbs water quickly.干土吸水很快。把并入, 同化They absorbed a great deal of the Roman culture.他们大量地吸收了罗马文化。吸引的注意力, 使全神贯注International affairs absorb his attention.他专心研究国际问题。do sth. with absorbed interest / undivided attention=be absorbed in doing sth.全神贯注于absorbing adj.吸引人的,非常有趣的absorbing stories 引人入胜的故事embedded adj. 扎牢的embed imbedvt.把嵌入, 埋入They embedded the pilings打桩,打桩工程 deep into the subsoil(土壤的)底土,心土.他们把桩深深打进地基下的土中。mortally adv. 致命地mortal m:tladj.终有一死的; 不会长生不死的Man is mortal.人终有一死。致命的He received a mortal wound soon after the battle began.战争开始后不久, 他就受到了致命的重伤。不共戴天的, 你死我活的They are our mortal enemies.他们是我们不共戴天的仇敌。极度的, 极大的We were in mortal terror of being found out.我们非常害怕被发现。凡人的, 世间的Its beyond mortal power to bring a dead man back to life.让死去的人复活是凡人做不到的。n.凡人, 人类Were all mortals, with our human faults and weaknesses.我们都是凡人, 自然都有过错和弱点。immortal im:tladj.不朽的; 流芳百世的Someone believed that the soul is immortal.有人认为灵魂不灭。n.不朽的人物Shakespeare is one of the immortals.莎士比亚是不朽的人物之一。prehensive ,kmprihensivadj.广泛的, 综合的An objective test can be quite prehensive.客观测试相当全面。prehensive university 综合性大学 prehensive arrangement统筹安排prehensive treatment综合治理prehensive Trading pany 综合贸易公司milestone mailstunn.里程碑,里程标,重要事件,转折点Several important milestones in foreign policy have been passed by this Congress and they can be chalked up as major acplishments.这次代表大会通过了对外政策中几起划时代的事件,并且它们可作为主要成就记录下来。The pany passed the 6 million milestone this year.今年公司越过了600 万英镑这个里程碑式的数字。The film proved to be a milestone in the history of cinema.事实证明这部影片是电影史上的一个里程碑。“Our work, he continued, warming to his theme, “will be a milestone in scientific history.“我们的工作, 他说到这一话题来了劲,“将会是科学史上的里程碑。 landmark lndm:kn.界标a conspicuous landmark 显著的地标目标,明显的标志The tower was once a landmark for ships.这座塔曾是船只的陆标。里程碑The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。territory teritrin.领土, 版图This island was once French territory.这个岛一度是法国的领地。管区, 营业地区As the panys northern sales manager Im responsible for quite a large territory.作为公司的北方销售经理, 我负责相当大的一片地区。地盘, 领域, X围Mechanics is out of my territory.我不懂力学。territorial ,terit:riladj.土地的; 领地的; 属地的They were not allowed to fish in our territorial waters.不允许他们在我国领海捕鱼。territorial property地产territorial air领空territorial waters seas领海territorial ambition领土野心territorial expansion领土扩Xterritorial integrity领土完整territorial jurisdiction(国际法)领土裁判权territorial industry地方工业territorial department美海外领土部territorial sovereignty领土主权(动物、鸟类等倾向于)守卫自身活动地域的milometer mailmitn.里程表spire spain.(教堂的) 塔尖, 尖顶The church spire was struck by lightning.教堂的尖顶遭到了雷击。retrace ritreisvt.折回回忆, 回顾, 追溯retrace a book再重新阅读, 再回到前面某处重新阅读retraceones steps ways顺原路返回retrace the progress of civilization追溯人类文明的进步We retraced our steps to where we started.我们折回我们出发的地方。stumble stmblvi.绊脚She stumbled on a stone.她被一块石头绊了一脚。stumble over against a stone被石头绊跌stumble at a step对某一步骤踌躇不决stumble upon a rare book偶然发现一本少见的书 (说话、演奏等)出错stumble over ones words结结巴巴地说话He stumbled over every sentence.他讲每句话都结结巴巴。n.绊脚; 出错vt.使绊倒, 使失足; 使迷惑He was stumbled by the problem.这问题使他迷惑不解。a stumbling block绊脚石horizon hraiznn.地平线X围, 界限, 眼界widen the horizon of knowledge知识X围Science gives us a new horizon.科学使我们大开新的眼界。reservoir rezvw:n.水库The big storms in August refilled the reservoirs.八月的暴雨又使水库积满了水。储藏, 聚集Enterprise must have a reservoir of cheap labour.企业应储藏廉价的劳动力。bourgeoisbourgeois | bwn.中产阶级; 资产阶级adj.中产阶级的(课文讲解)cool off变凉Thank heavens, its cooled off a little.谢天谢地, 天气总算凉快一点了。动词think, want, hope, mean, plan, intend,expect等用过去完成时来表示过去未曾实现的想法,希望,打算或意图等。例如:They had wanted to help but could not get there in time.他们本来打算去帮助,但没有与时赶到那里。 We had hoped to be able to e and see you.我们本来希望能来看看你。near prep.(表示位置)靠近, 在附近The small child was afraid to go near the dog.那小孩子不敢靠近那条狗。(表示时间)将近, 快到, 临近Its near five oclock.现在将近五点钟。(表示程度)接近, 近乎, 濒临Most views were fairly near the truth.许多观点与真实情况十分相近。die afer a tragic accident 在一次事故中惨死die after collision 碰撞后消亡reopen the wound 勾起他的伤感vt. & vi.重新开始, 再开School reopens in September.新学期九月开始。reopen a store重新开业reopen a discussion再行讨论The cinema will reopen next week after the renovation.电影院修缮后, 将于下星期开业。be absorbed in全神贯注于, 专心致志于They are absorbed in the experiment.他们专心于实验。He is absorbed in study.他专心读书。make a new life=begin a new life 开始新的生活cease to grieve cease si:svt. & vi.停止, 终止, 完毕The storm has ceased.暴风雨停了。cease to rain raining雨停The great man ceased to think.这个伟人与世长辞了。My joy shall never cease.我的快乐永无休止。 Cease-fire!【军】停火, 停止射击。n.通常只与 without 搭配 停止, 终止They worked on without cease.他们不停地工作下去。lack lkvt.缺乏; 缺少We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。A coward lacks courage.怯懦者缺乏勇气。What do you lack ?你要买点什么?n.缺乏, 不足, 没有缺少需要的东西lack of rest缺乏休息vi.缺乏少; 没有She is lacking in responsibility.她不够负责任。习惯用语for lack of 因缺乏.; 因无.by lack of 因缺乏.; 因无.from lack of 因缺乏.; 因无.through lack of 因缺乏.; 因无.no lack of 不缺乏, 很多supply the lack 补缺lack in 在.缺少不足mean to do sth. 决意/打算做某事mean mi:nvt.表示的意思In this poem the budding flower means youth.在这首诗里含苞欲放的花朵是指青春。本意是, 原意为; 意味When we say yes, we mean it.我们说同意就同意。怀有某目的; 打算He that promises too much means nothing.许愿过多的人是不打算兑现的。对某人有价值或重要In running a pany, strict financial management means everything.经营一家公司, 严格的财务管理是至关重要的。打算或注定要某人成为或做某事I was never meant for the army.我根本就不是当兵的材料。adj.吝啬的; 自私的He is a mean man.他是个自私的人。卑鄙的, 不善良的He took a mean advantage of me.他利用卑鄙的手段占我的廉价。中间的, 平均的The mean temperature of this area is 33 degrees in summer.这个地区夏季平均气温为33度。低微的He is a man of mean birth.他是位出身低微的人。n.平均数, 平均值What you do first is to calculate the mean.你要做的第一件事就是算出平均数。中间, 中庸Its a question of finding the mean between too lenient treatment and too severe punishment.问题是要找出处理过宽和处罚过严的折中方法。be embedded embedidadj.植入的,深入的,内含的 invisit sbs grave 扫墓 =sweep tomb sites of loved ones / paying respect to the dead / sweeping graves Tomb-sweeping Day n.清明节 =Pure Brightness Day mortally ill 身患绝症;不治之症The atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.这本地图集有40幅地图, 其中包括3幅英国地图。cross-country krskntriadj.越野的,横过田野的 journey cross-country race 越野跑; 越野赛positive pzitivadj.确实的, 明确的I am positive.我确信。积极的; 肯定的I am positive that I saw him.我敢肯定我见过他。表现得有信心和有希望的, 确信的He is positive to believe in the being of God.他对上帝的存在深信不疑。in the (far) distance在那遥远的地方=somewhere far away= In A Far Away Landgive/take a glance/look at 对粗略地看一下; 朝看了一眼land up 到达She landed up in a strange city without any money or friends.她到达一个陌生的城市, 没有钱和朋友。处于If you go on behaving in this way, youll land up in prison one day.你如果继续这种行为, 总有一天你会坐牢。on the map 重要的,知名的,存在的习惯用语not on the map 口办不到的; 靠不住的; 不为人所知的off the map 口不重要的; 不知名的; 废了的; 消失的on the map 重要的, 知名的, 存在的put oneself on the map 使自已知名put sb.sth. on the map 使某人某事知名Her performance in that play really put her on the map as a edy actress.她在那出剧中当喜剧演员而一举成名。Winning the Chanpions League and having players like Beckham in the team really put Manchester United on the map. 冠军杯夺冠同时又拥有贝克汉姆这样的球星使曼联成为举足轻重的角色。wipe off the map 把.从地球上抹掉map out 制定(计划); 安排The old mans face is a map of time.那老人脸就是岁月的写照。The place is not found on the map.地图 上找不到这个地方。stumble into a nightmare country 迷迷糊糊地闯进了噩梦境地in dreams在梦中;梦里Lesson 57 1d 2d 3b 4a 5c 6b 7c 8d 9a 10c 11c 12b3.correspond krispndvi.通信with相当于; 等于; 相关to【数】对应; 与.一致; 符合to, withThe American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国国会相当于英国议会。His expenses do not correspond to his ine.他入不付出。Her job corresponds with her interests.她的工作符合她的志趣。His actions do not correspond with his words.他言行不一。习惯用语correspond to = correspond with与.一致, 符合 等于, 相当于, 与.相似correspond with = correspond to与.一致, 符合 与.通信8 / 8


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