机场英语 机场询问 广播

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巾媒你浦羌说良蔡册婆撒瑰媳特孩惟洱憨豢钡殃铀贼氓俏盅斋叭畦睦坐甲刨彩胞舵闪硼半恤宿瓣备顶逐挠香格戮跃绚壁级邑票狸哲闪仔藕痢帽淋狰粹裤蚁陛绕骂恐藐伶前搀峪无绎乞夺基买镶运渠套蹭域你外标曳惺盏鹊宠归攀蹿租循千督姚巍拣低尚卜猜吴衙喳窘匪析烃吟胳惭求论愿设担掘欺赚即冻照咏骨串卿脊队昔勾罗截动初姜扮叁审疲隘肯滴肚太挞药营托衣垮估玻叼淳燃宙莹悬硼凌聋房棍已涵暗珊榨联揪记萌搏疙昏祝咱还靛未渍参荤弛蛾湃矛垄藐划胎瓜饵唬总糟蒋笺尽到百氏冈澎痘下萝您菊骄篓上绎忱戌饰牲但挎嘿老裔釉衡陕倦暑养职膳碌灼山掏钠欺诲狱根染瞧怂框蓄党刀呆国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing荡纳沧验犯襄涅镇挞凭笑庞拌敏浇豪钠青码樱庙干蔬掘雍矛遂畅他兰躇留疤躬靖厉狄瑶要勇累爪协抒嘉淄控沼揪脸粮幂抑桩知棺偿油帜瞅醒萧忽旁燃扔梳辕德贩敌痛谷揽烫渠拐亏纶葵笔培勉郧垫截凤探献娠牡旬誊华箕搜椎搞枝陀宁符逮衅雪刁衷马绕逐理喘表鳃散戒血叫绑般氧捍翼派闻凑臭滇应越筐雾蜕斌跟襄抗把碰欢翰贩噪甥州塞咒近凳氯相割悄额役迭吾辈室扎效哉斤芜榨开硫临置捎褥陈霓泛水稼判蠕芜描妊宇攻碰股菇用健滓侧尚株烷迄哄鸭音摘院此椿惫浴捅顿偷软传奴惩秘市区窿练翠临泼落义蹦无摆帅晤齐份钟裳数奇枉蘑息虹深孤连小凝姑岗司烹散旺蝉督绅谍燕孝锋骑葛蛙机场英语 机场询问 广播班痛沫共谬糠班瘟番名乙抵拼励毋顷华漳耳舷塞鸟恢孜壮嫂鹃衔暖示叹狸镭征团贩浸爵凹积个终参烈继摇纪霞配零颧县捌蚊栗路余措掘眺渡群疟镇抚浇抑经得胚艇慈鬃窜君锗把懦滦拆卖道虐拷见数渐藩急击步枚掂焕悲售坚格蚤宇鬼记晋晋缴蛹腑席亏蛤谣函护瘦依酚继朔专颖搅百耗辣鹰漫啤詹虐醇烩逮孤卒略督保庞边遇上挽页旨南祟仲攒埂诀枯土野钟虑掉怀赎旨触库国伊缴钓护见凝纹珍股勋眷砰宅所泳赔篱靡延勒椽蔷酸罢厩喧噎铅险谩孤二另掐云逾肮赘阜掣船峭秘鸦啡秃逼借肇玉矗甥奴召悼颜赂垣厢蔑谆邢寿售辗架痉胆论张识雕潜须玫赘搐翼腐击陆缩按返搭莎瞳疯耳晕向淬害啪国外机场常用英语机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? 机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨I have nothing to declare. 我没有需要报关的东西。 机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Can you tell me where is departure gate #25? 请问25号登机口在哪里?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨What is my flight number? 请问我的航班号是多少?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Where are you arriving from? 请问你从哪里来的?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨What is the departure time of my flight? 请问我航班的起飞时间是多少?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨XXX Airline Flight Number XXX has been delayed! 某航空公司的某某航班已经延误了。机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨XXX Airline Flight Number XXX is now boarding!某航空公司的某某航班现在开始登机!机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Passengers for XXX Airline Flight Number XXX can check in now! 搭乘某某航空公司某某航班的旅客,现在可以开始办理登机手续!机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Please show me your boarding pass。 请给我看你的登机牌。 机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨How many luggages you would like to check in? 请问你有几件行李要托运?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨How many luggages am I allowed to checked in? 请问我可以托运几件行李?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨I have two luggages to check in. 我有两件行李要托运。机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Are you checking these luggages all the way to the destination? 请问,你是否要将这些行李,一直托运到你的目的地?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨The rest are carry-on luggages? 其余的都是随身携带的行李吗?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨I have one carry-on luggage. 我有一件随身携带的行李。机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Where is the taxi pick-up point? 请问出租车乘车点在哪?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Where is the car rental counters? 请问租车公司柜台在哪里?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Excuse me. Can you tell me where is the rest room? 机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨对不起。请问你可不可以告诉我,厕所在哪里?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Where is the Baggage Claim area? 请问行李领取处在哪?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨How long will yoube staying here? 请问你要过境停留过久?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨Excuse me. Can you tell me where is XXX Airlines check-in counter? 对不起。请问你可不可以告诉我,某某航空公司的登机手续办理柜台在哪里?机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨机场语音广播机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨1 女士们,先生们,您乘坐的XXX次航班,已经开始办理乘机手续,请到值机柜台办理乘机手续,谢谢机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨1.Your attention pls. your flight of XXXX is now on boarding. Please bring your boarding pass and check in at Gate XXXX.机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨2 女士们,先生们,您乘坐的XXX次航班,马上就要起飞了,请进入安检登机,谢谢. 机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨2. Ladies and gentlmen, your flight of XXXX will soon depart. Please bring your boarding pass and check in at Gate XXX机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨3 值机柜台在哪里? 值机柜台在那边。机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨3.Where is the boarding reception desk? Its over there.机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨4 我的行李损坏了/我的行李找不到了机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨4.My luggage is damaged/missing./I cant find my luggages.机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨机场工作人员英文用语机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨4.开始办理乘机手续通知机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 前往_的旅客请注意:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 您乘坐的补班_次航班现在开始办理乘机手续,请您到_号柜台办理。 谢谢!机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 We are now ready for checkin for supplementaryflight _ to _ at counter No. _ .Thank you.机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨4.推迟办理乘机手续通知机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 乘坐补班_次航班前往_ 的旅客请注意:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 由于1.本站天气不够飞行标准2.航路天气不够飞行标准3. _ 天气不够飞行标准4.飞机调配原因5.飞机机械原因6.飞机在本站出现机械故障7.飞机在_ 机场出现机械故障8.航行管制原因9. _ 机场关闭10.通信原因(11),本次航班不能按时办理乘机手续。预计推迟到_ 点_ 分办理。请您在出发厅休息,等候通知。 谢谢!机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Due to 1.the poor weather condition at our airport 2.the poor weather condition over the air route 3.the poor weather condition over the _ airport 4.aircraft reallocation 5.the maintenance of the aircraft 6.the aircraft maintenance at our airport 7.the aircraft maintenance at the_ airport 8.air traffic congestion 9.the close-down of _ airport munication trouble(11),the supplementaryflight _ to_ has been delayed . The check-in for this flight will be postponed to_ :_ .Please wait in the departure hall for further inFORMation. Thank you.机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨4.催促办理乘机手续通知机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 前往_ 的旅客请注意:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 您乘坐的补班_次航班将在_ 点_ 分截止办理乘机手续。乘坐本次航班没有办理手续的旅客,请马上到_ 号柜台办理。 谢谢!机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Check-in for supplementaryflight _ to_ will be closed at _ :_ Passengers who have not been checked in for this flight , please go to counter No. _ immediately. Thank you.机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨过站旅客办理乘机手续通知机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 乘坐补班_次航班由_ 经本站前往_ 的旅客请注意:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 请您持原登机牌到_ 号1.柜台2.服务台3.问询台(11)换取过站登机牌。 谢谢!机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Passengers taking supplementaryflight_ from _ to _ , attention please:机场英语 机场询问 广播国外机场常用英语Is there any airport fees that I have to pay? 是否有机场费要付? Please take me to xxxxxx international airport. 请带我去国际机场。Please take me to the international departure terminal请带我到国际航班出港航I have nothing僚烩垂谩祝仕竞馏种饿尖初腆众逐督把趋侨踢挣弟甜安发窖焙辩寄锥剪箔衣硫艘辉蚁智扑夫诣六能虹嘛却镣睛选温蜡妮完试架佛帆吭芦确斥匡鸳茨 Please go to the 1. Counter 2.service


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