5 HSE Execution PlanHSE执行计划方案中英文

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China National Nanhai Engineering Co., Ltd. Document No.:NH-2007-P002Project Name: DuPont CRMF Project5. HSE Execution Plan健康、安全、环境(HSE)实施计划1. Purpose, Policy and Commitment of HSE HSE管理方针、承诺和目标CNNEC HSE control guarantee letter 南海公司 的HSE管理承诺书CNNEC will give protection to all the staff members and workers and the people of the Client, AKC from within safety, environment and health scope by realizing and improving HSE control system. Provide necessary resources to advance construction technology, have an elaborate division of process control in order to complete the project with high quality and safety in due time.南海公司通过实施持续改进的项目施工安全、环境和健康管理体系,对参与本项目施工的全体员工、业主、AKC及我们所在区域的公众在安全、环境和健康上给予保护。通过创造安全的工作环境,提供必要的资源,改进施工技术,细化过程管理,准时、高质量、安全地完成项目。1.1 Strictly follow domestic and foreign laws and regulations. All the construction activities shall be done within the scope of applicable laws and regulations under sound HSE condition.完全遵守国内、外相关的法律、法规和行业标准的要求,所有施工生产活动都在安全环境和健康适用法律法规许可的范围内进行,在所有业务领域对HSE的态度始终如一。1.1.1 Every member from CNNEC must not shirk responsibility for HSE control affairs. We shall take effective scientific training method to raise HSE control consciousness and quality of the workers.南海公司的每位员工都对HSE管理事务有不可推卸的责任,我们将采取科学有效的培训方式,提高员工的HSE管理意识和HSE管理素质。1.1.2 CNNEC shall provide necessary manpower, material and financial resource to steadily improve the workers working condition and environment for the sake of fulfilling our HSE control target.南海公司将提供必要的人力、物力和财力资源,不断改善员工的工作条件和环境,以实现我们的HSE管理目标。1.1.3 CNNEC shall encourage the workers to make contributions to HSE control by reward.南海公司将对在项目HSE管理方面做出突出贡献的员工进行表彰、奖励。1.1.4 CNNEC final purpose is to seek for no accident, no harm to the workers health and no destruction to the natural environment.南海公司的最终目的,就是追求不发生事故、不损害员工健康、不破坏自然环境。1.2 HSE control policy项目HSE管理方针 Safety first, Prevention first, full mobilization to make comprehensive treatment安全第一,预防为主;全员动手,综合治理;Improve environment, take good care of health, control scientifically and develop continuously.改善环境,保护健康;科学管理,持续发展。1.3 HSE control objective 项目HSE管理目标 Zero Fatalities 死亡事故为零 Zero DAFW(LTA) 损时事故为零 Zero Recordable Injuries 可记录事故为零 Zero Environmental Mishaps 环境事故为零 Zero Fires 火灾事故为零 Zero Vehicle Accident 车辆事故为零 2. HSE organization chart HSE组织体系 2.1 HSE organization chart HSE管理组织机构 CNNEC will establish HSE commission to supervise, inspect and instruct HSE work. At the same time, associating with AKC, do a good job to conduct risk work control and AKC general HSE control. The organization chart is as follows:南海公司成立HSE委员会,对本项目的安全、环境与健康实行监督、检查和指导,同时配合AKC做好危险作业管理和AKC总体HSE管理。组织机构图如下:Project Manager项目经理Companys safety organization 公司安全机构HSE control commission管理委员会HSE Manager 安全经理HSE Engineer 安全工程师Site security现场保安HSE supervisor/trainer监督/培训Medical service医疗服务Safeguard保卫人员Medical worker医务人员HSE supervisor/trainer监督/培训员Traffic contoller交通管理人员Site medical service现场医疗点Specialty engineer专业工程师Emergency group应急小组2.2 Duty and Responsibility 职责2.2.1 Project manager 项目经理(1) Implement HSE policy, regulations and rules of the national and local governments and Group Corporation, and the HSE control requirements of AKC and HSE management system document of our company.贯彻国家、地方政府和集团公司的各项HSE管理政策、法规、规定,AKC的HSE管理要求和公司的HSE管理体系文件。(2) Organize HSE control system for improvement of work.负责组织本项目HSE管理体系的建立、完善工作。(3) Hold HSE meetings to investigate and solve the problems existed in HSE control work.主持召开本项目HSE管理委员会会议及HSE管理例会,及时研究解决HSE管理工作存在的各项问题。(4) Organize and develop HSE training and HSE activity for this project.负责组织开展本项目的HSE管理培训和HSE管理活动。(5) Conduct internal supervision and inspection of HSE work to treat the hidden dangers immediately if found and to improve working condition continuously.负责组织本项目的HSE管理内部监督检查,及时进行隐患治理,不断改善施工作业环境条件。(6) Organize investigation, analysis, treatment and report work for accident.组织事故的调查、分析、处理和上报工作。2.2.2 Project HSE Manager HSE经理职责(1) Conduct HSE control work within his scope of work, supervise construction department to implement HSE duty and responsibility.负责分管业务范围内的HSE管理工作,督促分管业务部门履行其HSE职责。(2) Organize construction department to execute HSE system document, solve the important problems during performance of HSE control system.组织分管业务部门贯彻执行HSE管理体系文件,解决HSE管理体系运行中的重大问题。(3) Periodically prepare HSE work objective and plan within his scope and organize execution.定期制定分管范围内HSE工作目标和计划,并组织实施。(4) Periodically hold and participate in HSE meeting, summarize and arrange HSE work.定期主持召开分管范围内的HSE工作会议,及时总结、布置HSE的实施工作。(5) Periodically organize HSE inspection within the scope of work, rectify the important hidden accident risk.定期组织对分管范围内的HSE检查,落实重大事故隐患的整改。(6) Organize and investigate treatment result for the important accident within the scope of work.组织对分管范围内重大事故和恶性未遂事故的调查处理。(7) Assist project manager in HSE control work.协助项目经理进行HSE管理决策。 2.2.3 HSE engineer duty and responsibility HSE工程师职责 (1) Conduct overall HSE work of the project department in the field of technology.在技术上对本项目部HSE工作全面负责。(2) Strengthen HSE technical administration, positively adopt advanced technology and protective equipment, organize, investigate and implement rectification plan for important hidden accident and environmental treatment plan.加强HSE技术管理,积极采用先进技术和防护装备,组织研究落实重大事故隐患整改方案和有毒有害环境治理方案。(3) Examine HSE technical measure of the project department and assure its practical use.审查项目部HSE管理技术措施项目,保证技术上切实可行。(4) Participate in investigation for important accident, organize technical force in analyzing, determining the reason of accident and suggest technical improvement measure.参加重大事故调查,组织技术力量对事故进行技术原因分析、鉴定,提出技术改进措施。2.2.4 Full time HSE supervisor in the project department项目部专职HSE监督员 (1) Supervise and inspect HSE execution condition at worksite.负责施工现场HSE管理的监督检查工作。(2) Give HSE training to the new comers into the site. 负责员工进入现场前的HSE管理教育和岗位HSE管理教育。(3) Supervise, inspect and guide weekly HSE activity and give a safety talk on toolbox meeting prior to work.监督、检查和指导班组每周的HSE活动及班前安全讲话。(4) Conduct HSE round inspection and supervision during work, correct the violation of HSE immediately; urge HSE inspection and rectification of hidden risk. Authorized to give order of stop working immediately in case of emergency.负责施工过程的HSE巡回检查、监督,及时纠正违章和失职行为,督促检查隐患整改,遇有紧急情况有权令其停止作业。(5) Participate in HSE inspection and accident investigation and treatment work of the project department.参加本项目的HSE检查及事故的调查处理工作。2.2.5 Arrangement of Resources资源配置2.2.5.1 Arrangement of HSE finance HSE管理资金配置In order to effectively execute and develop HSE control work, project department will provide sufficient finance to HSE group and assure HSE work.为满足HSE管理的有效实施和可持续发展,项目部必须为HSE管理组提供足够的资金保证。 Arrangement of HSE Manpower Source HSE管理人力资源配置(1) Arrange one safety engineer for the daily HSE control work.南海公司将配置1名安全工程师,负责HSE管理组的日常管理工作;(2) According to the manpower mobilization plan, allocate a full-time HSE supervisor in 50 manpower during work and adequately increase full-time safety supervisors according to actual work condition.根据项目施工劳动力计划,在项目施工期间配备不少于劳动力1/50的项目部专职HSE监督员,并根据现场作业点的分布情况可适当增加专职安全监督员的数量;各班组安全监督员由班组长兼职;(3) Prepare one or two trained and qualified first-aid persons to conduct first-aid work and submit the information of first-aid persons to AKC for registration.配备12名经过培训的合格的急救人员负责管理和处理急救事故,并将急救人员的资料上报AKC登记。 Arrangement of HSE material sources HSE管理物力资源的配置Provide adequate office occupancy, office utility and equipment, prepare necessary testing instruments and radiographic meter, noise tester, gas detector, inflammable gas alarm, protective equipment, masks and protective glasses, etc., vehicle such as site ambulance. Provide necessary material, tool and equipment resources that can meet HSE requirements.为适应HSE管理需要,南海公司为HSE管理组门和HSE管理人员提供适宜的办公场所和办公用品及设备,并配备必要的检测仪器如射线剂量仪、噪声测定仪、有毒有害气体探测仪、可燃气体测定报警仪等,防护用品如防毒面具、防护镜等,交通工具如现场救护车等物力资源;南海公司提供能够达到HSE要求的物资、机具的设备等物力资源。3. HSE training HSE教育和培训 Give the workers HSE training to heighten their HSE consciousness. No one who is not given HSE training will be allowed into the site.HSE教育和培训是提高员工HSE素质的重要手段,应贯穿于整个施工过程,未经HSE教育和培训的任何人不得进入现场从事施工作业。3.1 Training content within CNNEC 南海公司内部培训内容All the construction workers from CNNEC should receive relative HSE training by the company:南海公司所有施工人员均应接受公司相关HSE培训:(1) Basic HSE knowledge training, full-time supervisors HSE training, foremens training, special craft workers training, personal protective equipment.全员HSE管理基本知识培训;专职HSE监督员的HSE培训;班组长培训;特种作业人员培训、个人防护用品; (2) AKC site plan and safety regulation; local and AKC HSE management rules and requirements.AKC现场规划、安全规程的要求;地方和AKC的HSE管理规定和要求;(3) Training for accident prevention measure during construction.施工作业中易发事故和防范措施教育;(4) Hazard analysis and control report, site emergency preparation plan and treatment measures.危害分析与控制报告;现场应急预案和处理措施;(5) Healthy, self-aid, first-aid and mutual-aid basic education.卫生保健、自救、急救和互救的基本常识教育;(6) Occupational disease, local disease and common disease protection education (especially according to the local and construction features).职业病、地方病及常见病的防护常识教育(特别针对地方和施工特点进行);(7) Construction safety precaution, environmental and healthy requirement.施工安全注意事项和环境保护、健康状况的要求;(8) Fire proofing, aerial work drop prevention, construction electricity and water, lifting and signaling regulation.施工作业安全防火、预防高处坠落、施工用电、施工用水、起重吊装及标识管理规定等。3.2 Method of re-training performed by Du Pont Safety Officer 杜邦安全专员系统再培训方式All the members into the site should accept AKC safety orientation and CNNEC safety training for a time no less than 4 hours. The trained members should sign the safety responsibility guarantee with the project department.凡进入施工现场的南海公司员工必须脱产接受AKC的安全培训和南海公司的现场安全教育,教育时间不得少于4小时,接受教育的有关必须与项目部签订安全责任书4. Inspection and Supervision 检查与监督Inspect and supervise the operation of HSE control system, immediately find and solve problems and defects existed in HSE control to assure realization of HSE objectives.对HSE管理体系的运行实施检查、监督,及时发现和解决HSE管理中存在的问题和缺陷,确保HSE目标的实现。4.1 Inspection and supervision content 检查、监督的内容(1) Preparation and execution of HSE control measures HSE 管理措施的制订、实施情况;(2) Arrangement of HSE control resources HSE管理资源的配置情况;(3) Work healthy control during construction 施工过程的职业卫生管理情况;(4) Site working environment control 施工现场作业环境管理情况;(5) HSE control measure record and context HSE管理措施台帐和HSE管理措施文本;(6) HSE control measure presentation record and context HSE管理措施交底台帐和HSE管理措施交底文本;(7) HSE control report HSE管理过程控制记录;(8) Internal and external inspection record, problem treatment and rectification record管理的内外部检查台帐及查出问题、隐患的治理、整改记录;(9) HSE training record and plan, training record and effective qualification certificate document HSE培训台帐和培训计划、培训记录及有效资格证明文件。4.2 Rectification of hidden accident and inspection 隐患整改及验证4.2.1 Prepare rectification measures for the hidden accident modification order issued by AKC and special HSE inspection department. And organize rectification activity within limited time.对于AKC、监理组织的专项HSE检查签发的隐患整改通知单,由南海公司项目部负责制定整改措施,限期组织整改。4.2.2 After rectification, re-inspect it by HSE supervisor of the project department.检查查出的隐患进行整改后,由项目部HSE监督员负责进行隐患整改情况的验证。4.2.3 Inspection record 检查记录After each inspection, inspection header will collect and adjust the inspection documents for file.每次检查后,检查负责人应负责对检查资料进行收集、整理,实施归档管理 (1) HSE inspection plan HSE检查计划;(2) Rectification notice for hidden accident 事故隐患整改通知单;(3) Response notice of rectification for hidden accident 事故隐患整改回执单;(4) HSE inspection record HSE检查台帐;(5) HSE inspection and treatment report HSE检查处理报告。5. Site HSE control现场HSE管理5.1 Temporary facilities control施工临设管理Normalize settlement of temporary facilities area; strengthen temporary facilities control; keep the site in a clean and good condition.规范临设区的设置,加强临设管理,使现场保持个整洁有序的环境。5.2 Temporary facilities area will be set up within the permitted area and make full use of the natural or original exploited area for the sake of reducing occupation area.临设区应建在允许的区域内,并尽可能利用自然的或原有的开辟地,减少占地面积。 5.3 Safety requirement in the temporary facilities area临设区的安全要求(1) Fire proofing requirement防火要求a. Provide sufficient quantities of fire extinguishers in the temporary warehouse, electric distribution room, office, which will be controlled by the special person.临时仓库、配电房、办公室内应配备足够数量的灭火器材,专人管理;b. no smoking and hot work are allowed in the warehouse, inflammable and explosive material yards.存放易燃、易爆物品场地、仓库不允许吸烟、动火,严禁将火种带入其内; (2) Electricity requirement用电要求a. Allocate a special electrician responsible for installation, zeroing and grounding connection of electric circuit and electrical equipment in temporary facilities area, and inspection and repair.配备专业电工负责临设区电气线路、电气设备的安装、接地接零和检查维修;b. In the electrical circuit, provide overload, short-circuit and electric shock protective devices电气线路有过载、短路、触电保护装置;c. Keep clean in the transformer room with warning signal of fire-proofing and electric shock proofing.变电房应保护清洁,有防火、防触电警告标志;5.4 HSE tagging control HSE标识管理Carry out HSE tagging control work; provide potential danger warning and control to assure safe work.实施HSE标识管理,提供施工环境潜在危险警示和控制,确保施工作业安全,预防事故发生。5.4.1 The basic form of signing and tagging is divided into two kinds i.e. tag plate and tag标识的基本形式分为标识牌、标识带两种: HSE signing applicable scope HSE标识牌适用标识范围(1) Formal HSE signing applicable scope 正规性HSE标识牌的适用标识范围:a. Potential danger work position and area 具有潜在危险的施工部位和场所;b. Hazardous storage at site 仓库和施工现场的危险品存放场所。 (2) Informal HSE signing applicable scope非正规性HSE标识牌的适用范围a. Temporary work area signing临时性的工程部位标识;b. Temporary work warning signing临时性的作业警示标识。 Tagline applicable scope标识带的适用标识范围(1) Around the equipment and pump installation area机泵类安装作业现场周围;(2) Around the removal work area拆除作业现场周围;(3) Around hydraulic test area试压作业场地周围; HSE signing control requirementHSE标识管理要求(1) The formal HSE signing and tagline within the work scope will be prepared a procurement plan by HSE control group and procured by material procurement department.施工生产范围内正规性HSE标识牌和标识带,由HSE管理组负责提出采购计划,设材部负责购置,HSE管理组负责发放并组织实施;(2) The informal temporary HSE signing within the work scope will be fabricated by construction team.施工范围内的非正规性临时HSE标识牌,由施工队负责制作和实施;(3) HSE control group is responsible for supervision, inspection and implementation of HSE signing HSE管理组负责HSE标识的监督检查和实施;(4) HSE signing should not be removed or damaged without notice. If loss and damage are found, immediately replace a new one. The worker who forces to damage it should be punished according to regulation.HSE标识不得擅自拆除或损坏,若发现缺损,应按要求及时更换,故意损害者,应按规定进行处罚。5.5 PPE control劳动保护用品管理PPE includes working clothes, safety helmet, special protective overalls, working shoes, gloves, glasses, earplugs and filtered masks, etc.本项目施工范围内的劳动保护用品主要包括工作服、安全帽、特殊防护服、防护鞋、防护手套、护目镜、耳塞和过滤面具等。(1) PPE application requirement 劳动防护用品的使用要求a. All the workers into the construction site should wear PPE according to regulations. 进入施工生产区域的所有员工,必须按规定穿戴劳动防护用品、用具;b. The workers whose work will injure their eyes should wear goggles and masks.从事具有伤害眼睛工作的员工,均应戴护目镜、面罩等防护用品;c. The workers who work with chemical test agents should wear rubber gloves and aprons and other protective equipment.从事接触含刺激或损害皮肤的化学试剂工作的员工,均应按规定配戴橡胶手套、防护围裙及其它适合的防护用具;d. Working under such a condition as noise exceeding 85 dB, should use earplugs or other effective protective measures.在噪声超过85分贝环境下工作时,应戴耳塞或采取其它有效的防护措施;e. Working under smoking and powder dust condition, should wear filtered mask在烟雾和粉尘环境下工作时应佩戴过滤面具;f. Working under the condition of 1.8 meters high above ground, workers should wear safety harness of double hook buffer belt.当在高于1.8米以上环境工作时应配带五点/全身/双钩/缓冲式安全带;g. Wear long-sleeved shirts at worksite. No shorts are allowed.在施工现场应穿长袖衫,严禁穿短裤;h. Only the worker passing training can wear special aspirator equipment 只有经过培训合格的人员才能佩戴特殊的呼吸设备。5.6 Firefighting消防(1) Firefighting chief消防负责人a. HSE group appoints a full-time chief responsible for site firefighting work. HSE管理组应设专人负责现场的消防工作;b. Firefighting chief responsibility消防负责人的职责: Check if the fire extinguisher is placed in a suitable position and operative.检查灭火器是否摆放到合适的位置和可否操作; Check if the rubbish and inflammables on the ground are cleared away every day.检查是否每天把工地上的垃圾和易燃物清走; Check if all the lamp and equipment are shut off according to requirement.检查是否按要求把所有的照明灯和设备关掉; Report to the relevant department for potential fire danger.向有关部门汇报可能的火灾危险。(2) Fire extinguisher灭火器a. Equipped with a certain quantity of fire extinguishers in the following areas during construction.施工期间以下部位要备有一定数量的灭火器: Temporary warehouse, rest room, workshop, carpenters shed, smoking exhaustion area, etc.临时库房、休息室、工作间、木工房、排烟区等; tank and building during work施工中的罐区、建筑物; Welding and cutting areas during work.施工所属焊接、切割区域; Other area designated by AKC.由AKC指定的其它区域。b. Fire extinguishers should be in good condition. The used and empty fire extinguishers should be immediately replaced.灭火器必须得到良好的维护,应立即更换使用过或空的灭火器。5.7 Wastes treatment废物处理(1) rubbish and wastes should be removed after approval by AKC.垃圾、废物和其它不需要的材料的处理方式必须征得AKC认可方可进行;(2) burning rubbish is not allowed严禁随意燃烧垃圾;(3) when handling, storing and treating special wastes with hazard, pollution or radioactivity, report to AKC before 24 hours, take preventive measures and make special arrangement.需要搬运、贮存和特殊处理的有害、污染或辐射性的废物,在实施搬运、贮存和特殊处理之前24小时,应向AKC呈交有关的危险细节、采取预防措施以及所作的特殊安排;(4) Flammable wastes should be placed in a metal container far away from the fire source.易燃废物(浸油、油脂废物)必须放置在离火源尽可能远的安全的金属容器内;(5) Hazardous wastes should be stored and handled more strictly according to national standard or local rules and regulations有害废物(如含石棉、铅等)必须按照国际标准或地方规则是相对更严格的要求进行贮存和处理;6. HSE control for construction work施工作业的HSE管理6.1 HSE preparation for Construction 施工作业的HSE管理准备 6.1.1 layout the site arrangement according to construction organization design arrangement plan.施工作业现场应按施工组织设计施工平面布置图的规定,进行施工现场平面布置,并满足以下内容:(1) make water, electricity and road smooth and unblocked to satisfy work requirement.施工作业现场水电、道路应畅通,满足施工作业需要;(2) The temporary facilities for work should be reasonably arranged and fix the placing location for construction equipment.施工临设应合理设置,施工机具应定置摆放;(3) Materials and equipment should be stacked and kept in assortment and carry out tag control according to regulation.物资、器材应分区分类堆放保管,并按规定实施标识管理。6.1.2 preparation before work施工前的准备(1) All the workers should accept HSE training: the workers should be trained for qualification and get work permit. Before work, HSE supervisor of the project department give them HSE presentation and fill in HSE presentation record.参加施工的作业人员,应经HSE管理基本知识培训合格:要求持证上岗作业人员,应经培训合格并取得相应资格后持证上岗;施工作业前,项目部HSE监督员应负责对参加施工作业人员进行施工作业HSE交底,并填写HSE交底记录。(2) According to AKC requirements, the project department HSE chief will regulate the procedure of HSE control.项目部HSE负责人按照AKC的要求,及时调整项目部HSE管理的各项环节。6.1.3 Hot work control用火管理 Scope of hot work control 用火管理范围 (1) Construction site施工现场 (2) Site warehouse and material yards施工现场的仓库和材料堆放场。 Content of hot work control用火管理作业内容(1) Various welding, cutting and sandblasting work各种焊接、切割和喷砂作业;(2) Proofing and lining work防腐、衬里作业;(3) Chemical washing and degreasing work化学清洗及脱脂作业;(4) Heat-treatment and chemical testing work热处理作业和化学检测作业;(5) flame pipe cutting and asphalt heating work火焰煨管和熬制沥青作业; (6) Motorized vehicles access into worksite机动车辆进入施工现场。 Hot work


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