PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys》教案及反思

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Pep6 Unit5 ARead and Write 教学设计及反思一、教学目标1、知识技能目标掌握四会句型:What is it doing ?Its eating bananas.What is she doing ?Shes jumping. 能够认读句子:That elephant is drinking water with its trunk. 能够阅读、理解对话,并完成课后练习。2、能力目标能熟练运用已学语言描述动物们的动作并能简单的写下来。熟练掌握阅读的技巧并能运用于自己的阅读过程中。3、情感目标能体会动物们可爱的动作,培养热爱动物、热爱大自然的情感和保护动物的意识。二、教学重难点重点:掌握四会句型 难点:能够认读句子:That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.三、课前准备课件、单词卡片四、教学过程:Step1: Warm-up T:Hello,boys and girls.Are you ready for class?First,Lets have a chant.Ok?chant and do actions.课件出示动画, 师生共同说唱。教师根据学生说的情况给与评价:Your sound is wonderful!设计意图:让学生一边看动画片一边跟说琅琅上口的歌谣,充分调动学生的多种感官,既能调节课堂气氛,又能让学生迅速进入学习状态。Step 2PreviewT:Boys and girls, you know the zoo is never boring.Our English class is never boring, too. There is much fun in our English class , yes ? Ok,lets have challenge,Lets play a guessing game.If your answer is right ,youcan get a sticker.(粘到纸上拼成拼图)(1) rabbit,Guess,“What is it doing ?(板书)(学生猜)(2)fish让学生问What is it doing ? (学生猜)Its swimming。T:Dont swim in deep water by yourselves,Its very dangous.(对学生实施进行情感教育)(3)Miss cat,”What is she doing ?板书Shes eating.(4)dog,让学生问What is it doing ? (学生猜)Its writing an e-mail.T:wow,Its so cute.(5)cat,让学生问What is it doing ? (学生猜)Its reading a book.T:Oh,Its so cute,too.(通过这两幅有趣的图片引出so cute)Step3. PresentationT: Boys and girls ,There are many animals in the world. I think animals are very cute. Do you like animals?Amy and Chen jie like animals ,too. They are the reporters for Animal World , Now they are at the zoo. What do they see? Please Watch the cartoon.1、Now Lets watch the video ,watch and listen carefully,and answer the question“What animals can you see ?”2、You can see the monkey、thebaby kangaroo,the mother kangaroo,and the elephant.What are they doing ?Read the dialogue silently,and try to ask and answer about the dialogue.(Ask and answer in pairs)3、Read it again,underline the new words.解决trunk4、Finish the sentenses on your book。(check up in pairs)5、Listen to the tape and imitate.Let me see,Who imitates well. (提醒学生边想象可爱的场面边尽力模仿,读出这个有趣的场面)6、Practise in pairs,then ask some pairs to act it out.7、Now,Can you say something about the dialogue?try to retell the dialogue.Step5:consolidationT:The animals are having sports meeting ,Now read the dialogue quickly.answer the questions.T:Look at the picture.Can you ask another questions?(让学生看图片,再提问题,培养学生的问题意识)Step6: Extension:ChildrenDay is coming.Where do you want to go?(生交流)T:I think thats very beautiful and interesting.Lets go to the zoo,Ok?Look,so many animals,What are they doing ?Talk about with your partners.then try to write a short passage.Step7: Sum-upIn this class we have used the drills “Whatis doing? Its” to talk about the animals. Animals are our good friends, we shoud get on well with them and protect them. We should Love animals.Love our homeland.Love our earth.I think you all did a good job ! 设计意图:教师通过简单小结让学生对本节课所学重点知识有一个整体把握,同时对学生进行爱护动物保护动物的情感教育。Step8: HomeworkTeacher show a funny picture-book and say: Look! I have a picture-book. Is it funny? Do you like it? You can make a book like this after class, then share your book with your friends.设计意图:让学生以完成任务的形式制作图画书,然后与朋友分享图画书,既有趣,又能巩固本节课所学知识,同时训练了学生写的能力。 A. Listen to the tape and act out the dialogue.B. Finish your funny book and share the book with your friends.设计意图:A层作业是为学生巩固所学基础知识而设计的,B层作业是为拓展学生知识,提高学生能力而设计的。教学反思:新课程理念下的小学英语课堂,教师应做到以人为本,关注学生的认知结构,培养激发学生的学习兴趣,使课堂充满活力。本节课,从学生已有的知识结构和经验入手,努力营造真实、高效的英语课堂。1、对于阅读课而言,整堂课设计条理清晰,文本处理由易到难,设计问题层层递进、训练有梯度,始终让学生带着任务开展活动,并在完成任务的过程中,引导学生明白阅读的目的、提高阅读的兴趣、训练阅读的方法策略、培养阅读的能力。2、培养小组合作意识。在课堂中,我多次运用合作阅读,通过相互研读的方式,极大地促进学生的分析能力和参与意识。3、运用多媒体,将生动形象的的动物动画呈现给学生,充分调动学生的学习积极性,帮助学生理解教材并且进行综合训练。4、本节课在教学过程中,还存在一定的问题,课堂中一直贯穿评价,但是最后忘记总结,这是一个很大的失误我将在以后的课堂教学中更加积极的探索,尝试设计学生喜欢而又能提高实效的课堂教学活动。


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