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Nonconformity Report (suite)Nonconformity ReportOrganisation: 33357/CPM-Shanghai Jiexin Auto Parts Co., Ltd./上海杰信汽车部件有限公司 - Audit: 02/2013Minor Major N S1-01/03Nonconformity notedRequirement reference Standard clause number or procedure reference ISO/TS 16949:20095.4.1.1 Quality objectives Supplemental质量目标补充Top management shall define quality objectives and measurements that shall be included in the business plan and used to deploy the quality policy.最高管理者必须规定质量目标和测量方法,质量目标和测量方法必须包括在业务计划中,并用于展开质量方针。NOTE Quality objectives should address customer expectations and be achievable within a defined time period.注:质量目标应该强调顾客期望并在规定时间内可以达到。Evidence(s): The organization has established business plan, but lack of related to qualified rate, Delivery defective rate and others quality targets and measurement method in the business plan.组织建立了年度经营计划,但经营计划中缺少合格率,交付不良率等质量方面的目标和计算方法。Description of nonconformity / System NC: The organizations performance assessment process is failure组织的绩效考核过程失效Risk (client/product/process/system), level of risk which can justify the classification of the NC:Low risk: Not impact the final product, but not conducive to the performance managementSites concerned: No. 368, Chunyi Road, Huangdu Industrial Zone, Jiading District, Shanghai PRC.Auditor: Vincent Wang NaisongDate: 23 Feb 2013Corrective action(s) proposed by the organisationContainment measures (in case of Major non-conformity): 临时措施Timely supplementary annual business plans of quality objectives and quality policy and objective calculation method; Process performance is effectively controlled.及时增补年度经营计划里的质量目标与质量方针和目标计算方法;是过程绩效有效得到控制。Handling of nonconformity / action to correct the problem: 不合格处理/解决措施Supplementary annual business plans of quality objectives and quality policy and objective calculation method; Process performance is effectively controlled.增补年度经营计划里的质量目标与质量方针和目标计算方法;是过程绩效有效得到控制。Root cause analysis (causes of occurrence and non-detection): 根本原因Relevant management personnel of a business plan fails to attention.相关管理人员对经营计划未及时的重视。Management personnel of a business plan is not familiar with the relevant details.管理人员对经营计划相关细节不够熟悉。Systematic corrective action proposal:针对根本原因的长期措施 Timely make system training and management support structure, the relevant management personnel do system training及时做好系统的培训与管理结构支持,对相关管理人员做到系统的培训Means to verify the effectiveness:验证有效性Improved in time.及时得到了改善。Accountable action owner (if several actions, indicate the name of the person responsible for each action): 责任人Jinxia zhu、guangqiang xu Target completion预计完成日期: 2013-03-10Review of the corrective action(s)Relevant : Yes No Awaiting future verification On site Off site - In case of Major nonconformity, containment measures are put in place to prevent any customer risk? yes no n/a- The nonconformity has been corrected? yes no n/a- A detailed root cause analysis (including systemic cause) is conducted using a rigorous method (5 why, 8D) and is attached? yes no n/a- A corrective (and preventive if needed) actions plan is defined? yes no n/a- The proposed deadlines are realistic? yes no n/a- The organization has provided the means to verify the effectiveness? yes no n/aAdditional comments and evidence provided : Lead Auditor: Date: Review of the effectiveness of the corrective action(s) takenDescription of corrective action: Result: Nonconformity cleared Nonconformity extended in NC Report N Lead auditor: Date: Review of the Nonconformity by the Certification Body (if it takes place):Surname: Date: Nonconformity ReportOrganisation: 33357/CPM-Shanghai Jiexin Auto Parts Co., Ltd./上海杰信汽车部件有限公司 - Audit: 02/2013Minor Major N S1-02/03Nonconformity notedRequirement reference Standard clause number or procedure reference ISO/TS 16949:20097.5.1.5 Management of production tooling生产工装的管理The organization shall provide resources for tool and gauge design, fabrication and verification activities.组织必须为工装和量具设计、制造和验证活动提供资源。The organization shall establish and implement a system for production tooling management including:组织必须建立和实施生产工装管理系统,包括:- maintenance and repair facilities and personnel;维护及修理的设施与人员;- storage and recovery;贮存与修复;- setup;作业准备;- toolchange programmers for perishable tools;易损工装的更换计划;- tool design modification documentation, including engineering change level;工装设计更改归档,包括工程更改等级;- tool modification and revision to documentation;工装更改和更改等级归档;- tool identification, defining the status, such as production, repair or disposal.工装标识、定义状态,如生产,修理或最终处理。The organization shall implement a system to monitor these activities if any work is outsourced.如果任何工作被外包,组织必须实施监控这些活动的系统。NOTE This requirement also applies to the availability of tools for vehicle service parts. 注:本要求同样适用于获得车辆服务件的工装。Evidence(s): The organization has not established tool-change programmers for stamping die etc perishable tools.组织对冲模等易损工装模具未按照要求建立更换计划。Description of nonconformity / System NC: The process of toolchange for perishable tools is failure易损中装的更换过程失效Risk (client/product/process/system), level of risk which can justify the classification of the NC:Low risk: May to cause the device not be repaired by timely and Affect the stability of product quality.Sites concerned: No. 368, Chunyi Road, Huangdu Industrial Zone, Jiading District, Shanghai PRC.Auditor: Vincent Wang NaisongDate: 23 Feb 2013Corrective action(s) proposed by the organisationContainment measures (in case of Major non-conformity): All tooling according to BOM list timely maintenance and repair所有工装按BOM表及时保养与修复Handling of nonconformity / action to correct the problem: Perishable tooling and timely according to the requirement to establish replacement program.易损工装模具及时按照要求建立更换计划。Root cause analysis (causes of occurrence and non-detection): Tooling and fails to plan for effective management工装模具未及时按计划进行有效的管理Tooling management realize.工装管理人员意识不到。Systematic corrective action proposal: Means to verify the effectiveness:Periodic maintenance mold tooling plan, make this role to determine posts personal;定期保养模具工装计划,使此岗位做到定岗定人;Accountable action owner (if several actions, indicate the name of the person responsible for each action): Chao luo、shuaijun sunTarget completion: 2013-03-15Review of the corrective action(s)Relevant : Yes No Awaiting future verification On site Off site - In case of Major nonconformity, containment measures are put in place to prevent any customer risk? yes no n/a- The nonconformity has been corrected? yes no n/a- A detailed root cause analysis (including systemic cause) is conducted using a rigorous method (5 why, 8D) and is attached? yes no n/a- A corrective (and preventive if needed) actions plan is defined? yes no n/a- The proposed deadlines are realistic? yes no n/a- The organization has provided the means to verify the effectiveness? yes no n/aAdditional comments and evidence provided : Lead Auditor: Date: Review of the effectiveness of the corrective action(s) takenDescription of corrective action: Result: Nonconformity cleared Nonconformity extended in NC Report N Lead auditor: Date: Review of the Nonconformity by the Certification Body (if it takes place):Surname: Date: Nonconformity ReportOrganisation: 33357/CPM-Shanghai Jiexin Auto Parts Co., Ltd./上海杰信汽车部件有限公司 - Audit: 02/2013Minor Major N S1-03/03Nonconformity notedRequirement reference Standard clause number or procedure reference ISO/TS 16949:20097.5.1.2 Work instructions作业指导书The organization shall prepare documented work instructions for all employees having responsibilities for the operation of processes that impact product quality. These instructions shall be accessible for use at the work station.组织必须为所有负责影响产品质量的过程操作的员工编制文件化的作业指导书。这些指导书必须在使用的工位易于得到。These instructions shall be derived from sources such as the quality plan, the control plan and the product realization process.这些指导书必须来源于适当的资源,如质量计划、控制计划和产品实现过程。Evidence(s): Check 5N0809411/412 left/right wheel cover 5# process, on-site check drawing requirement elliptical hole 20.5+0.1*25.5+0.1mm, but work instructions show requires 20+0.2*25+0.4mm.查5N0809411/412左右轮罩5#生产工序,现场图纸要求20.5+0.1*25.5+0.1mm,但作业指导书要求20+0.2*25.5+0.1mm。Description of nonconformity / System NC: work instructions established and approve process is failure 作业指导的建立和批准过程失效Risk (client/product/process/system), level of risk which can justify the classification of the NC:Low risk: Impact the stability of the production process.Sites concerned: No. 368, Chunyi Road, Huangdu Industrial Zone, Jiading District, Shanghai PRC.Auditor: Vincent Wang NaisongDate: 23 Feb 2013Corrective action(s) proposed by the organisationContainment measures (in case of Major non-conformity): Handling of nonconformity / action to correct the problem: Timely change work instructions and drawings required及时更改作业指导书与图纸要求一致Root cause analysis (causes of occurrence and non-detection): So the hole location aided hole location, dont do parts matching requirements, so engineers doing homework instructions in a slip of the pen, causing tolerance standard error因此孔位辅助孔位,不做零件匹配要求,故工程师在做作业指导书时笔误,造成公差标准出错Systematic corrective action proposal: 1, the quality engineer to do C/P, SOP system training, requirements and the importance of tolerance1、 对质量工程师做C/P、SOP系统培训,要求与公差的重要性2、 follow-up on all products inspection and check work, documents must be issued by audit and correct can2、后续所有产品好检查与校检工作,文件必须审核无误方可下发Means to verify the effectiveness:Accountable action owner (if several actions, indicate the name of the person responsible for each action): Yang yang、yueshuan zhaoTarget completion: 2013-03-05Review of the corrective action(s)Relevant : Yes No Awaiting future verification On site Off site - In case of Major nonconformity, containment measures are put in place to prevent any customer risk? yes no n/a- The nonconformity has been corrected? yes no n/a- A detailed root cause analysis (including systemic cause) is conducted using a rigorous method (5 why, 8D) and is attached? yes no n/a- A corrective (and preventive if needed) actions plan is defined? yes no n/a- The proposed deadlines are realistic? yes no n/a- The organization has provided the means to verify the effectiveness? yes no n/aAdditional comments and evidence provided : Lead Auditor: Date: Review of the effectiveness of the corrective action(s) takenDescription of corrective action: Result: Nonconformity cleared Nonconformity extended in NC Report N Lead auditor: Date: Review of the Nonconformity by the Certification Body (if it takes place):Surname: Date: Annexe au rapport dauditAFNOR CertificationOrganisme Error! 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