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优质教案教 案2021初一英语课堂教案学校:XXXX年级:XXXX教师:XXXX日期:2021年XX月XX日优质教案2021初一英语课堂教案七年级的学生要养成良好的英语习惯,提高学生学习英语词汇的兴趣,为以后终身学习打下良好的基础。这次给大家整理了2021初一英语课堂教案,供大家阅读参考,希望大家喜欢。2021初一英语课堂教案1教学目标Teaching aims(教学目标)1.学会谈论自己和他人过去发生的事情和活动。2. 能够熟练的运用本节课出现的动词短语。教学重难点Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式: Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains.2.要求掌握以下词汇:动词词组(过去式形式):went on vacation, stayed at home, went to the beach, went to the mountains, visited my uncle, went to summer camp, visited museums, went to New York City(本节课短语比较多,过去式变化也不简单,鼓励学生说出更多自己知道的描述过去事情的短语。)Difficulties(难点):用准确的过去式短语描述过去发生的事情教学过程Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and lead in(课堂热身和导入)(1)New term greetings (新学期问候)T: Hello everyone! Good to see all of you again. Did you enjoy your summer vacation?S: Yes!(师生之间的问好过后,让学生前后位、同桌之间互相问好)1(2)Lead in(导入)T: Can you tell me about the activities you did during the summer vacation? Try to use verb phrases, for example, “watch TV”.S1: I went shopping.S2: I went to the movies with my friends.S3: I went swimming.(老师可以鼓励学生给出尽可能多的答案,并引导学生使用过去式)T: Wow. It sounds like you had a good time during the summer vacation! Im sure you enjoyed yourselves very much. Now I want to know where you went on vacation.(教师把“Where did you go on vacation?”和 I went/ 板书在黑板上)教学设计说明:从贴近学生熟悉的话题入口,通过对学生暑假生活的了解及回顾,引出今天的重点内容。2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: I went to Hainan on vacation. Lily, where did you go on vacation?S1: I went to Australia. Where did you go on vacation, Henry?S2: I went to Australia. Where did you go on vacation, George?S3: (每个同学说完一件活动后教师特别强调一下过去式形式并把其原形和过去式形式写在黑板上,用彩色笔标出有变化的地方)教学设计说明:通过学生自己的真实活动描述,引出重要的动词短语,同时有意识的呈现并操练Where did you go on vacation? I went 重要句型。虽然是新课,通过这样的形式呈现学生很快会理解并掌握。3. Work on 1aT: Look at the picture in 1a on Page 1. Some students are also talking about their vacation, like we were doing earlier. They went to different places and did different things. Some stayed at home Some (引导学生说出图片中出现的其余的活动)Lets match the activities they did to the picture.(教师可以四处走动,以帮助有需要的同学)Check the answers:1. stayed at home f2. went to New York City b3. visited my uncle g4. went to summer camp d5. went to the mountains c6. went to the beach a7. visited museums e教学设计说明:在完成1a 任务前简单的口头说出图片内容其实是为连线打基础,帮助基础薄弱的同学,同时大家一起再巩固了一遍短语动词的过去式。4. Work on 1bT: Listen to these three conversations carefully and number the people in the picture using 1-5.(教师放录音,因为对话简单教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)T: Listen again, then read the conversations aloud.T: Can you guess what these words mean? everyone, anyone, anywhere, nothingHave Ss guess the meanings. Help and correct Ss when necessary.教学设计说明:听并完成1b任务不难,但是好的听力材料应该充分利用,让学生听后模仿并理解重要词汇的意思有利于培养学生听力和口语水平。5. Work on 1cT: Now we know what Tina, Xiang Hua, Sally, Bob and Tom did during their vacation. Lets work in pairs and talk about the people in the picture. Then Ill choose a few pairs to present their conversation to the class.Choose two pairs to present their conversation to the class.A: Where did Tina go on vacation?B: She went to the mountains.(给学生练习的时间,然后抽查5对看对话情况,特别是过去式使用情况)教学设计说明:进一步巩固本节课所学内容,让学生对听力对话内容又了更深的理解和更好的掌握。课后习题HomeworkOral:Listen, then read the three conversations aloud.Written:Make a survey about what three of your friends did during the summer vacation.2021初一英语课堂教案2教学目标1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:rules, arrive, late, hall, dinning hall, listen, listen to, fight, sorry2) 能掌握以下句型: Don't eat in class. You must be on time. Eat in the dining hall.2. 学会用英语表达一些标志的含义。3. 熟练使用目标语言谈论对某些规章制度(校规、家规等)的看法3. 情感态度价值观目标:能用英语表达和制定一些简单的规则,理解没有规矩不成方圆;无论是在学校时还是在家庭中以及以后走上社会都应当遵守规则,按规则办事。教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 肯定祈使句是省略掉主语的原形动词开头;2) 否定祈使句则是在肯定祈使句前加上“dont”。3) 情态动词must及have to在用法上的区别。2. 教学难点:掌握祈使句的用法,并能听懂、会说一些简单的祈使句。教学工具多媒体教学过程. Warming-up and revision教师进教室后,使用祈使句请学生们完成一系列动作:Please stand up/ sit down. Close the door, please. Look at me and listen to me.Dont open your books. Dont talk. Lets begin our class.学生听教师的指令完成各种动作,教师也可将指令写到黑板上,让学生从视觉上考察祈使句的特点。. Presentation教师出示书上1a 的图片,向学生提问。指着图上奔跑的男孩提问T:Whats the boy doing? S: Hes running.T: Where is he running? S: Hes running in the hallways.(板书,教读)T:Can you run in the hallways? S: No, I cant.T: So please dont run in the hallways.(板书,教读)(= You cant run in the hallways.)学生跟读数遍,明白祈使句和“can”的表达含意。T:Why is he running in the hallways? S: Hes late.T: Oh, hes late for class.(板书,教读)You cant arrive late for class.(板书,教书) = Dont arrive late for class. 1aT: Now, Look at the picture on your textbook. Each of the students is breaking one of these rules.Please finish 1a.学生看图,完成1a的内容,检查答案并大声朗读校规。. Listening1. T: Now lets listen! What rules are these students breaking? Write the numbers after names?2. 学生们听录音,完成1b,选出四位学生都违反了哪条校规;听之前,学生要读会英文名。3. Check the answers:. Pair work请两位学生朗读1c部分的句型;要求学生两人一组对话表演,SA扮演外校转来新生,SB告知本校校规。(学生可经过讨论,多说出他们想到的校规,不必只限于书上;教师应给予帮助). Listening1. Work on 2a:First, let's read the sentences in 2a together.T: Now, let's listen to the recording. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.Ss listen to the recording and check the activities they hear.Play the recording again for the Ss to check the answers.2. Work on 2b:Make Sure Ss know what they should do.Listen to the recording again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle can or can't above.3. Check the answers:. Pair work1. Suppose you are Alan and your partner is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.2. Let some students come to the front and act out the conversations. Role-play1. Read the conversation and find some rules in this school?2. Ss read the conversations and find the answers to this question.3. Check the answers:( Don't be late for school. Don't bring music players to school. You always have to wear the school uniform. You have to be quiet in the library. )Homework:1. Remember the new words and expressions.2. 完成下列句型转换试题1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)_? Yes, _.2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)He _ _ _ wear uniform.3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)_ you _ _ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I _.4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) _ do they have _ _?5) You cant go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _ go out on school nights.6) Dont talk in class.(同上) No _.课后习题1)I can play computer games on weekends.(一般疑问句)_? Yes, _.2) He has to wear uniform.(变否定句)He _ _ _ wear uniform.3) I have to wear sneakers for gym class.(一般疑问句)_ you _ _ wear sneakers for gym class? Yes, I _.4) They have to wash clothes.(提问) _ do they have _ _?5) You cant go out on school nights.(换一种表达) _ go out on school nights.6) Dont talk in class.(同上) No _.板书Section A (1a-2d)Main sentences:1. Don't arrive late for school. You must be on time.2. What are the rules?Well, we can't arrive late for class. We must be on time.3. Listen to music in the music room.4. We always have to wear the school rules.5. We have to be quiet in the library.2021初一英语课堂教案3教学目标1.学会不同工作的英文表达方式。2.了解同学父母的工作。3.学会简单的介绍自己将来的理想。教学重难点重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police重点句型:1. What does your mother do? She is a teacher.What does your father do? He is an engineer.2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer.教学工具多媒体教学过程Step One Warming activityHave some free talks.Ask students thesequestions:How many people are there in your family?Who are they?Do you love your family?Wheres your home?Step Two PresentationShow the picture of Pan Changjiangs family. They are a happy family,learn the word “actor”.Actor is a job,do you know other jobs?Show the PPT, learn other new words ,policeman,policewoman,doctor,nurse,waiterReporter,hospital ,bank clerk and so on.Do 1a as quickly as you can. Check the answers.Step Three New drillsT: Im a teacher. (Ask one student What do you do?) Help the student answer Im a student. Then ask several students.T: What do you do?S1: Im a student.(Point to another boy)T: What does he do?S1: He is a student.T: What do you do?(Ask a girl)S2:Im a student.(Point to this girl,ask another student)T:What does she do?S3:She is a student.T:What does your mother do?S4:She is a farmer.T:What does your father do?S4:He is a worker.Ask some Ss to answer the questions.Open your books,do 1b.Play the tape.Step 4 Task 1Make a survey and report about your group.Name Mothers job Fathers jobStep 5 Task 2Play a guessing game.Step 6 Exercises1.I want to be a d_ like Hua Tuo.2.My sister is a nurse,she works in ah_.3.Cheng Long is a famous a_,Gong Li is afamous a_.4.The two boys want to be _(policeman)when they grow up.5.-What _ you _(do)? -I am a teacher.6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问)_ _ he _?Step 7 Summary and HomeworkMake a survey ,ask your parents or three of your friends using the question” What do you want to be?” and fill in the chart.课后小结本节课的不足之处,由于本节课的内容较简单,所以在各个任务环节的难度梯度不是很明显。这样没有为能力较强的同学提供战线的机会,而且本单元涉及的单词较多,学生不能完全的熟练掌握。所以在以后的教学中还应不断的探索,寻求更大的突破。本堂课重点学习了有关职业的词汇和如何询问他人从事的职业,课堂效果较好,学生基本能够掌握并运用,较好的完成了课堂教学任务。课后习题1.I want to be a d_ like Hua Tuo.2.My sister is a nurse,she works in a h_.3.Cheng Long is a famous a_,Gong Li is a famous a_.4.The two boys want to be _(policeman) when they grow up.5.-What _ you _(do)? -I am a teacher.6.He is a shop assistant.(划线提问)_ _ he _?板书Unit 4 I want to be an actor.Section A(1a-1c)1. policeman (policemen) 6. -What do you do?policewoman(policewomen) -I am a.2. doctor -What does he do?3. shop -He is a .shop assistant -What does she do?4. waiter -She is a.waitress5. actoractress2021初一英语课堂教案4教学目标To learn to communicate with each other by talking about the weather. To have the ability to make a weather forecast. To analyze the relations between the weather and our environment .IV. Emotion goal: Through the activities of talking about the weather and things around us, students show their concern for others , the environment and our society.教学重难点Learn the following expressions:How is it going? Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty goodHow is the weather? -Its raining!What are you doing? Im watching TV.教学工具课件教学过程Step 1 Revision and LeadingWhats the weather like today?How is the weather today? -ItsHow are you today?How is it going ( with you)?Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty goodLook at the pictureHow is the weather in Beijing?What is he doing?He is watching TV.How is the weather in .Where do you want to go?Whats your favorite weather?Now you are in .This is .How is it going?How is the weather in What are you doing?Make a conversation by telephone (orally in the class )Step 2 PracticeLook at the picture1 and picture 2Where are they?What are they doing?How is the weather?What about in picture twoThe boys are Paying basketball in picture one , but they are playing baseball in Picture two.Its sunny in Picture 1, but its raining in Picture 2.Look at the picture 3 and 4. tell us the difference of the two picturesStep 3 Game part 4Now lets play a game in Part four.The boys are Paying basketball in picture one , but they are playing baseball in Picture two.Step 4 HomeworkDo the work bookCopy wordsMake a survey about the weather your father and mother like and the reason课后小结学了这节课,你有什么收获?课后习题完成课后练习题。板书Unit 6 Its raining!优质文档20


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