高二英语Unit 6 Life in the future课件1人教版

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prediction(n.) _(v.)predictIs it possible to predict when one will die?He predicted that war would break out in the next few yearsexact (adj) _ (adv)exactly严格地说;严格地说;确切地说;确切地说;exactly speaking To be exactgenerally speakingbe exact in 对对.一丝不苟一丝不苟EXACT / ACTUAL: EXACT 强调“准确无误的,正确的,精确的 ACTUAL 表示“实际的,现实的,确实的e.g:1.Your_height is 5 feet 6 inches. 2.It is difficult to tell his _age. 3.The _ result differed from our predictions. 4.You have to be _ in this job because a small mistake can make a big difference.exactexactactualexact1. FORECAST V.&N. 预报,预测 forecast the weather The forecast for tonight is that it will rain. Did you listen to the weather forecast on TV.forecast -forecast / forecast or: forecasted / forecastedPara.1e.g:1.Experts say that rain has been _ for tomorrow. 2.He couldnt_ that his trip would be delayed by bad weather 3.Who can _what will happen to the world in 1,000yearstime. 4.Did you listen to the weather _ on TV.forecastforeseeforetellforecastforecast与predict意思和用法类似,表示这一意义的词还有foresee,foretell预知预知,预见预见预言预言,预示预示(未来未来)MAJOR/MAINmajor:指“较大的,较重要的”。它含有比较的意思,多用做定语。main指“主要的,最重要的”.e.g:1.The car needs _ repairs. 2.Our _meal is in the evening. 3.Note down the _ points of the speech. 4.There has been a _ improvement in his work.majormainmainmajorcatch a glimpse of = catch a brief sight of 很快地看一眼,匆匆的一瞥很快地看一眼,匆匆的一瞥I caught a glimpse of Mary at the station this morning .我早上在车站看到玛丽了。我早上在车站看到玛丽了。 glimpse: vt匆匆看一下匆匆看一下I glimpsed him among the crowd just before he disappeared from the sight.When I saw how worried he was, I glimpsed his true feeling.The glimpse of his face made me very frightened.indicate (v.) _ (n.)vt. 表明,象征,预示表明,象征,预示indicationFever indicates illness. (+名词名词)The smoke from the chimney indicated that someone was cooking.(+从句从句)Youd better indicate where we should go.(+where 从句)从句)Para.2indicate The arrow indicates the way to go. He indicated that I could leave. They indicated that they were very tired.indication: There are indications that the weather is changing. Did you give him any indication?指示指示示意示意迹象迹象指示指示表示表示A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train.公共交通正在改善的一个很好的例子就是磁悬浮列车。公共交通正在改善的一个很好的例子就是磁悬浮列车。该句为该句为how引导的一个引导的一个名词性从句名词性从句作介词作介词of 的的宾语宾语,介词后一般均可接疑问词引起的从句。介词后一般均可接疑问词引起的从句。e.g:1)He was not conscious of what an important discovery he had made.2)Did she say anything about how the work was to be done?AMAZE/ASTONISH/SURPRISE使.吃惊1)sth. amaze /astonish /surprise Sb.The news astonished me.2)用现在分词作定语,修饰物,表示用现在分词作定语,修饰物,表示“令人吃令人吃惊的惊的”e.g:The new plane goes at an amazing speed.(surprising/astonishing)3)用过去分词作定语或表语,表示用过去分词作定语或表语,表示“感到吃惊的感到吃惊的”。e.g:He was surprised/amazed/astonished at the news.从意义上看, “吃惊”的程度不同。4)surprise含意较弱,仅表示出乎意料之外。含意较弱,仅表示出乎意料之外。e.g:Im surprised that you think this way.6)astonish表示表示“大吃一惊,几乎无法使人相大吃一惊,几乎无法使人相信信”的意味。的意味。e.g:He astonished us by announcing that he was going to be married in a few days.5)amaze强调强调“使惊讶使惊讶”,有时还有,有时还有“惊叹惊叹”“”“佩服佩服”之意。之意。e.g:Your answer simply amazed me. We were amazed at the ingenuity with which they overcome their difficulties. (聪明, 创造力)ensure vt. 确保,担保,保证确保,担保,保证 Please ensure that all lights are switched at night. These pills should ensure you a good nights sleep.用法:用法:ensure可接宾语或双宾语,也可接可接宾语或双宾语,也可接动名词作宾语或宾语从句。动名词作宾语或宾语从句。ensure sb. sth. 确保某人某事确保某人某事consumer n. 消费者,用户,客户 consumer rights 消费者的权利 consume Vt. 用尽, 消耗,花费This car consumes a lot of fuel. Para. 3MANY COMPANIES AND CONSUMERS HAVE ALREADY BEGUN REFORMING THE WAY THEY DO BUSINESS. the way +the way +定语从句定语从句 the waythe way(方法,方式)用作先行词,关系代词可用that,that, in whichin which或省去 egeg: This is the way : This is the way (that/in which)(that/in which) he did it. he did it. 这就是他做事的方式. I dont like _ you speak to her. A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which in the way 挡道,碍事挡道,碍事The chair is in my way.on the way 在路上,即将在路上,即将He has been working hard for ten years and he is on the way to success.by the way 顺便问一下顺便问一下in a way/in one way/in some ways在某种程度上,在某种意义上在某种程度上,在某种意义上In a way, he is a successful man.We have not seen each other since he left here, but I have always kept in touch with him. 2 2)注意下面有关)注意下面有关touchtouch的短语:的短语: bring sb.intobring sb.into touch with touch withget in/into touch with come in touch withlose touch withbe out of touch with 使某人与.接触与与取得联系取得联系失去联系失去联系与与没有联系没有联系KEEP IN TOUCH WITH 同同保保持联系持联系1)touch 前不加冠前不加冠 词词 1.When you get to Beijing, first youd better _ my old friend, he will arrange everything. A. get in touch with B. get into touch by C. keep in touch with D. lose touch with 2. Heres my card. Lets keep in _. A. touch B. the touch C. connection D. friendship NECESSITY N. 必需品必需品, 必要性,必须性必要性,必须性1.1.作作“必要性必要性”解时是解时是不可数名词不可数名词2.2.作作“必需品必需品”是是可数名词可数名词1)Food and clothing are necessities .necessities .2)Large masses of the people lack the 2)Large masses of the people lack the necessities of life.necessities of life.3)Necessity is the mother of invention.3)Necessity is the mother of invention.4)Is there any necessity for another 4)Is there any necessity for another electionelection. . 可数名词可数名词可数名词可数名词不可数名词不可数名词不可数名词不可数名词需要是发明之母。需要是发明之母。SEARCH, SEARCH FOR, SEARCHFOR, IN SEARCH OF search search vtvt. . search sb. search sb.搜某人的身搜某人的身 search a place search a place 搜某个地方搜某个地方 The policeman is searching a thief.The policeman is searching a thief. searchsearchfor sb./sthfor sb./sth. . 搜搜寻找某人寻找某人/ /物物 They searched the woods for a lost child.They searched the woods for a lost child. search for sb./sthsearch for sb./sth. . 搜寻搜寻, ,寻找某人寻找某人/ /物物 They searched for that man everywhere.They searched for that man everywhere. in search of in search of 中的为名词中的为名词, “, “寻找寻找; ;寻求寻求” They went to Australia in search of gold.They went to Australia in search of gold.crowded (adj.) _ (n.&v.)crowda crowd of / crowds of 一群;一群; 一堆;一堆; 许多许多 (n.)crowd into 挤;拥挤挤;拥挤 crowd out (of) 挤出;挤出; 1. There was a crowd of 20000 people at the foot- ball match. 2. There were crowds of people at the theater. 3.They crowded the buses with passengers. 4.All the passengers crowded into the train.-purchase (vt.&n.) 购买购买_ (n.) 买方,购买者买方,购买者purchasermake a purchase_a good purchase_purchase power_买东西买东西便宜货便宜货购买力购买力They have purchased a new house in the country.He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.Children helped to carry their mothers purchases from the shops.vtn.n.cash n.& vt. 现金;现金; 现款现款 / 把把.兑现兑现cash a cheque _把支票兑成现金把支票兑成现金pay (in) cashcash dispenser自动提款机自动提款机付现金付现金REMAINvivi. .剩下剩下; ;遗留遗留; ;逗留逗留( (通常没有进行时与被动语态通常没有进行时与被动语态) )eg:Ifeg:If you take away 3 from 8, 5 remains. you take away 3 from 8, 5 remains. 如果你从如果你从8 8中减去中减去3,3,还剩下还剩下5. (8-5=3)5. (8-5=3) I didnt remain long in that town. I didnt remain long in that town.Link-v.Link-v.仍然处于仍然处于( (某种状态某种状态),),后接形容词后接形容词, ,过去分词过去分词, , 名词名词, ,介词介词短语短语, ,不定式不定式egeg: He remains: He remains _ _all his life.all his life.(贫穷)(贫穷) The work remained _.The work remained _.(没有完成)(没有完成)The visit will always remain_.The visit will always remain_.(在我的记忆中)(在我的记忆中) Much work remains_.Much work remains_.(要做)(要做)poorunfinishedin my memoryto be done Para 4 remainremain的形容词为 remaining remaining “剩下的”,在句中作定语 egeg: This is my remaining property.: This is my remaining property. 我剩下的财产就这些.1. As he is not good at learning English, his English _ very weak. A. still B. remains C. is remained D. is left2. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _. A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remain C. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars remain; leave; stay;keepIf you take two from five, three _.You may _ this book for 3 days.There are still several minutes _.Please _ home when I am out.On the farm they _ sheep and chickens.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the oldPeople, but it _ to be seen whether they will enjoy it. remainskeepleftstaykeepremainsPAY ATTENTION TO 注意1) pay attention to 中的中的toto是是介词,后接名词和动名词介词,后接名词和动名词。 attention是是不可数名词不可数名词, 该词组可用于该词组可用于被动语态被动语态 1.He paid much attention to his pronunciation.1.He paid much attention to his pronunciation. 2) 2) 注意下面注意下面attentionattention的搭配用法的搭配用法attract/catch / draw ones attentionattract/catch / draw ones attention give ones attention togive ones attention todevote attention todevote attention to fix ones attention onfix ones attention on吸引吸引注意注意注意于注意于注意力注意力集中集中于于REGULARLY ADV. 规则地,定期地 IRREGULARLY = NOT REGULARLY ADJ. REGULAR 规则的,定期的 N. REGULARITY 正规,规律性1)他的心脏有规律的跳动着。他的心脏有规律的跳动着。His heart_ _ _ . 2)我们常常见面,但不定时。我们常常见面,但不定时。We meet now and then,_ _ _.3)每日三次,定时服药。每日三次,定时服药。_. was beating regularlybut not regularlyTake the medicine regularly three times a day deal with 对付,处理;与对付,处理;与做买卖做买卖e.g. There are so many difficulties for us to deal with.The businessman is very honest, so you can deal safely with him.do with 对付,处置;想要,需要对付,处置;想要,需要 deal with表示处理时,特殊疑问用表示处理时,特殊疑问用howdo with表示处理时,特殊疑问用表示处理时,特殊疑问用what I dont know what to do with the old car.He doesnt know how to deal with this matter. WITH A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE HUMAN BODY, SCIENTISTS AND PHYSICIANS WILL BE ABLE TO CURE MORE DISEASES. 随着对人体了解的深入,科学家随着对人体了解的深入,科学家和医生将能治愈更多的疾病和医生将能治愈更多的疾病。 With prep. 随着 Good wine will improve with age. 佳酿越陈越醇。佳酿越陈越醇。 With the approach of sunset, the shadows lengthened. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。 With the development of 随着的发展physics n 物理,物理学物理,物理学 physicist n 物理学家物理学家 physician n 医生,内科医生医生,内科医生physically adv 身体上地,实际上身体上地,实际上 physical adj 物理学的,自然的,肉体的物理学的,自然的,肉体的 cure vt. &n. 治愈,治疗 _ (adj.) 可医治的,可矫正的可医治的,可矫正的 _ (adj.)不可救药的不可救药的curablecureless / incurablecure a patient cure sb. of illnesstake a cure1. Will people still get sick? 人们还会生病吗?get是系动词,意为“进入或变为某种状态”, sick是表语。如:Five soldiers got wounded in the battle. 战斗中有五人受了伤。It is getting chilly. 天冷起来了。2.Twice as good or double trouble? (它会带来)两倍的好处呢,还是双倍的麻烦?这是一个省略句,补全的句子为Is making doubles(拷贝人)(拷贝人)twice as good as the original or can it make double trouble? The medicine will cure your headache. A few days rest will cure you. He was cured of his habit of drinking. An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found. educator _educate _education_n.Vt.n.Para.6distance n. 远处;远方;距离远处;远方;距离at a distance 保持一段距离保持一段距离in the distance 在远处在远处We saw a light in the distance.This picture looks better at a distance.CERTAIN/SUREsure/certain都有“确信,有把握”的意思be sure/certain of(about sth) 确信,有把握确信,有把握be sure/certain to do sth 一定(表示说话人的看法)一定(表示说话人的看法)be sure/certain+that 从句从句 相信,确信相信,确信do sth for sure/certain 肯定,确凿肯定,确凿 区别:certain certain 可用it is certain thatit is certain that从句(suresure不可)Its almostIts almost certain certain that Bush will win the that Bush will win the election. election. appreciate vt. + n./v-ing/宾语从句宾语从句(不可接不定式不可接不定式) We greatly appreciate your timely help.We shall appreciate hearing from again.如你肯帮那个忙,如你肯帮那个忙, 我会感激不尽的。我会感激不尽的。我们恭候佳我们恭候佳 音。音。appreciate it +if如果如果感谢,欣赏感谢,欣赏I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour.IN STORE 将要发生将要发生, ,就要出现就要出现 eg:1. Theres a shock in store for him.eg:1. Theres a shock in store for him. 他会遇到一件使他震惊的事他会遇到一件使他震惊的事. . 2. There was another accident in store for 2. There was another accident in store for him that day.him that day. 那天还有另一个灾难在等待着他那天还有另一个灾难在等待着他. . “储备着储备着, ,准备着准备着” egeg: : we have _. 我们储存了大量食物过冬。我们储存了大量食物过冬。 I have some good news _ store for you. A. at B. in C. to D. ona lot of food in store for the winter IN STORE必将发生,存储备必将发生,存储备用用1)we must_ _ _ _ _ for a big race.我们必须储存力量准备长跑。我们必须储存力量准备长跑。2)we have _.我们储存了大量食物过冬。我们储存了大量食物过冬。3)_ _.我希望你前途光明。我希望你前途光明。keep our strength in storea lot of food in store for the winterI hope that a bright future is in store for you 1. Will people still get sick? 人们还会生病吗?get是系动词,意为“进入或变为某种状态”, sick是表语。如:Five soldiers got wounded in the battle. 战斗中有五人受了伤。It is getting chilly. 天冷起来了。2.Twice as good or double trouble? (它会带来)两倍的好处呢,还是双倍的麻烦?这是一个省略句,补全的句子为Is making doubles(拷贝人)(拷贝人)twice as good as the original or can it make double trouble?


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