简爱中英文剧本 Jane Eyre

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简爱中英文剧本 Jane Eyre_第1页
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简爱 中英文剧本Jane Eyre简爱 中英文剧本Jane EyreYoull stay in the red roomuntil youve learned to be good!呆在里面,直到你变得顺从!Please let me out,my father died in this room.求求你让我出去吧!我父亲死在这房里And his ghost is still there,watching over you!No!所以他的灵魂就好在这看管着你You could stay there until morning!你要留在里面直到明天早上Oh, Aunt, no, no! I cannot endure it!不要啊!舅母!我受不了的Youll do as so told!你得听我的话!The Reverend,Mr. Brocklehurst is here, madam夫人,Brocklehurst院长到了John!John!Good afternoon. Mr. Brocklehurst.午安,Brocklehurst阁下Mrs. Reed.Reed夫人.Do come this way.请到这边My children.这是我的孩子们Enchanting.多么可爱啊Tea?喝茶吗Perhaps just this once一小杯就够了Pray, be seated.请坐下John, dear would you go and findthat wretched girl and bring her down?亲爱的John,把那不懂规矩的女孩带下来Yes, mama好的,妈妈This has been of course a very difficultdecision for me. Mr. Brocklehurst.Brocklehurst阁下,这对我来说是个很艰难的抉择Come on!Shes going!快点! 他要滚蛋啦!Hooray!Shes going away.好哇!她得走了Shell never like him.I cant believe it.天啊,她肯定不喜欢那男人Her. um, mother,她她的母亲是我先夫的妹妹was my late husbands sister.她她的母亲是我先夫的妹妹She married a clergyman.Penniless. Both parents died.她丈夫是个不名一文的牧师of typhus, when the child wasbut a few months old.这孩子尚在襁褓之时,他们就双双死于斑疹Are you her only living relative?你是她世上唯一的亲人吗There is um. an uncle,她还有一个叔叔her fathers brother,but he lives abroad, in um.Madera, I think. I know nothing about.但他在海外,似乎是马德里,我对他一无所知Go!I have done what I can for the child.我对这孩子已经是尽力而为了but she has.但她本性是那么固执倔强a willful, obstinate nature但她本性是那么固执倔强Oh! Here she is.啊,她来了This is Jane Eyre.她就是Jane EyreJane, this is Mr. Brocklehurstof Loward SchoolJane,这位是Loward学院的Brocklehurst院长How do you do sir?先生,你好I hear you are a wicked child,Jane Eyre.Jane Eyre你舅母说你是个顽劣的姑娘Let me examine you.让我好好看真你Do you know where the wicked goafter death?你知道顽劣的人们死后会到哪里吗To hell.下地狱What is hell?你告诉我地狱是什么地方Can you tell me that?你告诉我地狱是什么地方A pit full of fire.一个大火坑And should you like tofall into that pit.那么你想掉进那个火坑受煎熬吗and to burn there forever?那么你想掉进那个火坑受煎熬吗No, sir.不想What must you do to avoid it?那你应该怎么做呢Keep well, and not die, sir.好好保重,千万别死It is as I said.如我所说You must warn her teachersto keep a strict eye on her.你一定要提醒你们的老师严加看管她and above all to guardagainst her worst fault,最为重要的是,慎防她最坏的缺点a tendency to deceit.说谎的习性Deceit?说谎?We do not tolerate that at Loward.在Loward学院绝不允许说谎That is why I wrote you.这就是我致信给你的原因I would like her to be brought upin a manner be fitting her prospects.我希望她被教养得有点用处,谦逊to be made useful,to be kept humble.这样更适合她的将来And as for the vacations,至于假期,I would prefer.if she spent them with you.她是否也能在你们那儿度过Of course.当然可以Come!来吧Deceit is a sin.It is akin to falsehood.说谎是过错,和其他罪孽没有两样And all liars shall spend eternity.所有说谎的人们都要在火海受无尽的煎熬in that lake burningwith brimstone and fire.所有说谎的人们都要在火海受无尽的煎熬Im not deceitful.我没有说谎I beg your pardon?什么?Im not deceitful.And Im not a liar.我没有说谎,我不是骗子For if I were,I should say that I love you.如果我是的话,我就会说我爱我舅母I do not love you. I dislike youworst of anybody in the world.但我不爱你,你是我在世上最讨厌的人之一except your son.仅次你儿子Your bags, Jane Eyre.Jane Eyre,你说什么?Do you see what a wickedchild she is?你现在应该知道她有多么恶毒了吧Have no fear, Mrs. Reed. At Lowardwe shall tame her unruly spirit.没关系的,Reed夫人,在Loward我们会把她的任性驯服The stool.凳子拿过来Place this child upon it.把孩子放上去You see this?你们都看见了吗?This girl!这个女孩Her name is Jane Eyre.她叫Jane EyreBe on your guard against her.小心提防她,不要与她作伴Avoid her company.小心提防她,不要与她作伴Shut her out of your conversations.不能和她说话This girl, take a good look at her,好生留意她,这女孩是骗子this girl is a liar!好生留意她,这女孩是骗子Let her stand on the stool all day,让她整天站在凳子上,今天不得进食she shall have no food,让她整天站在凳子上,今天不得进食and let no one speak to her.任何人都不能和她交谈Alice!Alice,专心听Pay attention!Alice,专心听Back to your lessons!继续上课Let her sing with us.也让她一起唱JaneJaneJane!Jane!What?什么Some bread and some cheese面包和之士Thank you.谢谢你What is your name?你叫什么名字Helen BurnsHelen BurnsThank you, Helen.And god bless you.谢谢你,Helen,上帝保佑你And you too, Jane.上帝也会保佑你的Good night.晚安Hands!递出双手Bonnet!Toes!帽子!站好!HandsBonnet.Bonnet, Jones!帽子!Jones!Burns, youre standingon the side of your shoes.Turn your toes out immediately.Burns,你双脚不能并尖而站,马上分开!And youre chin is poking out.draw it in!你下巴露出来了,缩回去!Hold your head up!抬起头!I will not have you standing in frontof me in that slovenly way!我没教过你们这样衣冠不正地站在我面前的Cover your mouth!闭上你的嘴!Dirty, disagreeable girl.肮脏,讨厌的女孩You havent cleanedyour fingernails this morning!你还没有洗干净你的指甲The water was frozen.水很冷That is no excuse.那不是借口Fetch me the birch!递我桦条Obstinate girl!屡教不改的女孩!One thing will cure you.恐怕只有这样才能治好你邋遢的毛病!of your slovenly habits!恐怕只有这样才能治好你邋遢的毛病!Im very sorry, Miss Catchard.对不起,Catchard先生Put it away!拿走!Cleanliness is next to godliness.不洁就是对上帝的不敬Time for your lessons, girls!该上课了Go sit down now.先坐下休息吧Who taught you to draw?谁教你画画的?I taught myself.没人教过I used to make up booksat my Aunt Reeds house,我以前在Reed舅母家临摹书本里的印画and then tried to copy the pictures.我以前在Reed舅母家临摹书本里的印画You draw very well.你画得很好Not really.才不是呢You do. You have a gift.Youre lucky.真的,你很有天赋,很幸运Helen.Helen.Can I draw a portrait of you?我能画你的俏像吗Me?我?Yes!是的Take off your bonnet.You have such pretty hair.脱掉帽子吧,你的头发很漂亮The Lord has seen fitto burden us once more.主又将一项重任降在我们肩上了Whos that girl with red hair?红发的女孩叫什么?Burns, sir, Helen Burns.Burns,先生,Helen BurnsBurns, step forward.Burns,站出来Vanity!虚荣!You see this vanity.你们都看看这种虚荣Long curled hair,masses of red curls!长长的卷发,一头红色的卷发!It is in defiance of every decentprinciple of this school!这样做违反了学院里任何一条最宽容的规矩!You know that, as well as I do.我相信你和我都同样清楚It is my fault sir,I told her to take off her bonnet.是我的错,是我叫她脱掉帽子的I dont care about her bonnet!Its her hair, her curls! Her vanity!这并不是帽子的问题!是她的卷发,她的虚荣心!Its not vanity Mr. Brocklehurst.Helens hair curls naturally.Brocklehurst先生,她不是虚荣,她的卷发是天生长成的And does she not sin,naturally, as well?那你是说她生来无原罪吗?I am here to teach you discipline,我在这里教她们规矩,在这里I am here to correct nature.So are you Miss Temple.为他们洗涤原罪,Temple先生你也是一样的Well, let me try to arrange the hairso that it does not offend you.那我们来整理一下她的头发那就不会阻碍你了Offending me is not the issue!阻碍我根本就没有关系!It is the childs vanitythat must be suppressed!需要的是抑制这孩子的虚荣心Remove far from mevanity and lies.圣经30章第8节教诲道:一切虚荣虚伪离我远去Proverbs, chapter 30, verse 8.圣经30章第8节教诲道:一切虚荣虚伪离我远去The girls hair shall be cut off!要把她的头发剪掉!No!不要!Did someone speak?刚刚谁说的话?Why should you punish herfor the way God made her hair?为什么上帝赐予她这样的头发你就要惩罚她?Fetch the scissors.你,Jane Eyre,拿剪刀来You, Jane Eyre.你,Jane Eyre,拿剪刀来Did you hear what I said?听到我说了吗?I will not ask you again.我不会再说第二次Your hair will grow again soon.你的头发又会很快长出来的And if its cut off again,it will grow again.如果再次剪掉,同样会再生出来And it will be even more beautifulthan it was before.而且会比原来的更美丽Come, into bed.来吧,好好睡Im sure you feel very sorryfor yourselves.我想你们都感到很不幸Im sure you all envy other girls.我想你们会嫉妒其他似乎被赐予更幸福生活的女孩who seem to have beenblessed with happier lives.我想你们会嫉妒其他似乎被赐予更幸福生活的女孩But you have all been blessedwith intelligence.但主已经赐予你们智慧Intelligence and a proper educationwill give you.智慧和正确的教育将为你们带来灵魂的自由independence of spirit.智慧和正确的教育将为你们带来灵魂的自由And that is the greatestblessing of all.那才是主最珍贵的恩赐The only thing that matters in yourlife, is to be in harmony with God.记住,在你们生命中最重要的,是与主同在What is this?Come, into bed.什么事啊?快,上床睡觉Go to bed!你们都给我马上上床!Lmmediately! All of you!你们都给我马上上床!Miss Temple!Temple先生Im worried about Helen burns.Her cough is much worse.我很担忧Helen Burns,她咳嗽更厉害了Most little girls have a cough.多数女孩都有这毛病的I think we should call the doctor.我想应该通知医生Only Mr. Brocklehurst can do that.只有Brocklehurst院长才有权力这样做Then I shall talk with him.那我去跟他谈谈吧No, Miss Temple, I will!不用了,我来跟他谈!Helen?Helen?Jane.Jane.Is that you?是你吗?What are you doing here?你来干什么?已经11点了Its gone eleven.你来干什么?已经11点了I couldnt sleep until Ive see you.不看见你我就睡不着Your feet are bare.你光着脚啊Lie down.Come here beneath my quilt.睡在我被窝里吧Dont cry.不要哭You mustnt cry.你不许哭Please dont leave me.求你别离开我Well be together again.我们会再见的When? Where?哪里?什么时候?In heaven. Forever.在天堂啊,永远在一起Will we?真的吗?Dont you believe that?你难道不相信吗?I dont know.我不知道You must believe it Jane,you must believe!你一定要相信啊,Jane,你一定要相信God will take care of us.上帝会好好照顾我们的Good night, dearest Jane.晚安,亲爱的JaneAh!Helen?Helen?Mr. Brocklehurst!Brocklehurst先生!Mr. Brocklehurst!Brocklehurst先生!Ive found her, sir我找到她了,先生Burns! Burns!Burns! Burns!Ill tend to it, sir.我会帘葬好她的Dont grieve, Jane.不要悲伤,JaneShes gone to a better place.她上极乐世界去了May god have mercy on her soul.上帝已经救赎她的灵魂Come, Jane.来吧JaneJane, Jane!Jane, Jane!Jane! You must hurry,The coach is here.Jane,快点,马车到了I hope you dont thinkIm being ungrateful.但愿你不会认为我忘恩负义Ungrateful?Whatever do you mean?忘恩负义?这是怎么回事?Ever since I came to Loward,youve been my one true friend自从我来到Loward之后,除了Helen你就一直是我真正的朋友apart from Helen.自从我来到Loward之后,除了Helen你就一直是我真正的朋友I feel as if Im abandoning you.我觉得我仿佛抛弃了你No, no.You mustnt think that.不,不,你千万别这样想No, its good and proper thatyou should be starting a new life.对你来说,开始一段新的生活是美好而正确的I wish you could come with me.我希望你能跟我一起走Thank you.谢谢你But, I believe its Gods willthat Im here. I cannot leave.但我想,我留下来是主的旨意,我不能离开God bless you.愿主保佑你How much further?A couple of hours, I should think.还有多远?我想两小时吧Ooh, I see.知道了If Miss Eyre, who advertised in theYorkshire Herald of last Thursday,上周四于约克郡Herald招告的Eyre小姐is in a position to givesatisfactory references.假设如推荐信所写能胜任技能及情操的家庭教育工作as to character and competency,假设如推荐信所写能胜任技能及情操的家庭教育工作a situation can be offered to her.我方乐意聘用There is but one pupil,a little girl, under 10 years of age,学生只是一名,10岁以下的女童and the salary is 30 poundsper annum.年薪30英镑Miss Eyre is requestedto send references, name, address.Eyre小姐须来函推荐信,内附姓名,住址等相关内容and all particularsto Mrs. Fairfax, Thornfield Hall.致Thornfield大院,Fairfax夫人收Whoa!Ltll be nice to get out and stretchour legs after that long journey.漫长旅途过后,走出车厢舒展四肢多好啊Goodbye, Miss.Goodbye.小姐再见再见Goodbye, young lass.小姐再见了Oh! Come in Miss!啊,小姐请进Come in.请进Leah!Leah, its the new governess!Leah,新任的家庭教师来了Would you follow me, Miss?请跟我来,小姐Mrs. Fairfax.Fairfax夫人Mrs. Fairfax. Miss Eyre.Fairfax夫人,Eyre小姐Oh!How do you do my dear?亲爱的,你好吗?Im afraid youve had a tediousjourney. You must be frozen!我想你肯定旅途奔波了,很冷吧?Let me help you.我来帮你吧Please dont trouble yourself.不用麻烦你了Oh, no trouble.何足挂齿Your own hands must benumb with cold.你双手冻麻了吧Now, come! Come to the fireand get warm.过来火炉这边暖和一下And I dare say a hot drinkwould be most welcomed too. Sugar?一杯热茶也能稍微解寒,加糖吗?No, thank you.不了,谢谢And Leah, cut a sandwich or two.Leah,切一点三文字来Do sit down, my dear.请坐,亲爱的The keyWhat?钥匙什么?h, yes.钥匙,Fairfax夫人啊,对了And if Adele is still awake,ask her to come down.如果Adele还没睡的话就叫她下来Yes, Mrs. Fairfax.是的Fairfax夫人The child keepsthe most impossible hours.那孩子总不肯按时就枕I imagine her mother must havekept her up the entire evening.我猜她母亲过去总是容许她通宵达旦She isnt your daughter?她不是您女儿吗?Oh, no.不,不是Her name is Varax.Adele Varax她姓Varax,叫Adele VaraxNo, I have no family.我没有成家I am glad.Im so glad that you are come.你能来我很快乐,很快乐One can feel so isolated here,especially in the winter.在这里人会觉得很与世隔绝,尤其在冬天It will most pleasant for meto have someone.有你来打破这个僵局是最好不过的了to converse with on terms of equality.有你来打破这个僵局是最好不过的了Of course, to be sure.当然,John和他的妻子Leah都是很温善的人John and his wife,Leah are very decent people.当然,John和他的妻子Leah都是很温善的人Ah! Here is your charge.啊,你的学生到了Come Adele.过来这边,AdeleHere is the lady who is to teach you.这位是来教你的老师And make a clever womanof you one day.日后将你调教成聪明的女人Is this my new governess?你是我新的家庭老师?Yes, my little one.My name is Miss Eyre.对啊,小宝贝,我叫Jane EyreYou can speak French?Can I speak with you?你会讲法语?我们能一块儿聊吗Yes, Adele but werewith Mrs. Fairfax now.当然了,但我们现在跟Fairfax夫人一起And in her presence it is more politeif we try to speak in English.她在场我们讲英语会更礼貌You understand herwhen she runs off like that?她伎伎喳喳地说法语你也能听懂吗Oh yes.是的Adele, Shall I sing for you?My mama taught me to sing.我唱支歌你听好吗?我妈妈教过我唱歌Where is your mama?你妈妈在哪里?Gone.She flew away to the holy virgin.走了她飞到圣母那儿去了She taught me to dance and to sing她教过我唱歌和跳舞Shall I sing for you now?我现在就唱你听好吗?In the morning, AdeleIts late.明早才唱吧,已经很晚了And it is time you were in bed,come along.是时候睡觉了,去吧We should come upand hear your prayers.我们会上去听你祷告的This way my dear.这边,亲爱的Come on Miss.上床吧,小姐Thornfield is a fine old hall,perhaps a little neglected of late.Thronfield是所很旧的庄园,也许早就被遗忘了But, that could soon be remedied ifonly Mr. Rochester would come home.但只要Rochester先生回来后一切都会好转Who is Mr. Rochester?Rochester先生是哪位Oh, why, he is the masterof this house.那当然是这里的主人了But youll never see him.He never stops here.你不可能见着他的,他从不留在这里Of course, he does, sometimes.当然会,他有时会在的He brought you, now AdeleDidnt he?他不是带你来了吗?AdeleBut its true, hes usually away.然而他时常在外,这也是事实Mademoiselle?小姐?Will we be very happy?我们一起会很开心吗?We shall work hardand we shall be content.只要我们一起努力就会得到满足的Good night AdeleSay your prayers.晚安Adele,念祷告词吧And you, Mademoiselle Eyre.晚安,Eyre小姐Goodnight Madame Fairfax.晚安Fairfax太太Goodnight Adele.晚安AdeleI will not keep you up all nightIm sure you will want to retire early.我不会让你忙上整晚的,我猜你也想早点休息And your room is just along here,near to Adele. Its quite small,你的房间就在Adele隔壁,只是小了一点but I thought youd like it betterthan the ones in the front.但我想总比前排厢房好They are larger.它们大些but so dreary and solitaryand no one sleeps there.只是太过深寒幽辟,没人睡那里What would almost say.大家都琢磨要是Thornfield庄园有鬼魅If there were a ghost at ThornfieldHall that would be its haunt.那就只能出没在那里Now here is your room.这就是你的房间This is for me?我能住在这里吗?What is it, is anything the matter?有什么问题吗?I know tomorrowIll discover this as a dream.我害怕明天醒在其他地方From which I must awaken.发现这只是个白日梦Oh, no.不,我们确实身在这里We are real.不,我们确实身在这里And you are most welcome here,most welcome.我们很欢送你的到来,衷心地欢送Goodnight my dear, sleep well.晚安,亲爱的,睡安稳Thank you Mrs. Fairfax.多谢您,Fairfax夫人Up here, is the main gallery.这上面是宴会厅What a handsome place!太壮观了I have the windows opento let in a little air.我开着窗户通通风Everything gets so damp in roomsthat are seldom entered.由于少用,家具都变潮了Now let me show youthe rest of the house.我再带你走走其他房间Here, are the masters rooms.这就是主人间了Is that Mr. Rochester?那是Rochester吗?Oh, no.His father.不,是他父亲And why Mr. Rochester keeps it here,despite everything,我搞不懂为什么Rochester先生非要把它留着I do not know.One of his strange ways,这是我搞不懂他怪异处事的其中一条Hes father and his brother.他父兄对他很不公they were very unfair to him.他父兄对他很不公Some would say barbarous.会说他粗野He was the younger son, You see.你要知道,他是末子And he was expected to sacrificeeverything for family.他理所当然为家业牺牲一切He only inherited Thornfield,nine years ago.9年前他才继承了ThornfieldWhen he was a child,he was such a gentle boy.还小的时候,那男孩是多么温顺啊Hes clearly not barbarous himself,显然他本性并不粗野if hes taking care ofAdeles upbringing.不然他不可能收养AdeleOh no, oh no, Mr. Rochesterdoes accept his responsibilities.不,不,Rochester先生承当起这份义务的And hes a generousand liberal landlord to his tenants.对于下人,他也总是那么慷慨开明Hes well traveled, very intelligent.他周游各地,见多识广But when he talks to you,但当他与你谈话时,you cannot always be surewhether hes in jest or in earnest.你总不能确定他是发自肺腑,还是说着玩而已Whether he is pleasedor to the contrary,不知道他是快乐还是恼怒he is not a happy man.反正,他过得并不开心Oh my goodness!Those flowers!天啊,这些花儿Oh, I do keep telling themthe rooms must be kept in readiness!我告诉过他们房间总得保持崭新Mr. Rochester visits may be rare,but we are never warned.Rochester先生虽然极少在这,但他总是从天而降What was that?什么声音?One of the servants most likely.Perhaps, Grace Poole.像是其中一个仆人,可能是Grace PooleBut did you hear it?Oh, yes.你听到吗?对I often hear it.我时常听得见She does sewingin one of these rooms.她在这排房间里缝纫Grace!Grace!Too much noise, Grace.太嘈了,GraceRemember instructions.记住主人的命令We can go back this way.这边回去吧Your arithmetic is notvery good Adele.你的算术不是很好啊,AdeleIt is dull, I do not care for it.太无聊了,我才不管呢Why cant you do something else?我们不能干别的吗?Its my job to give youa good education.给你良好的教育是我的工作Learning arithmetic isan important part of that.学好算术是其中重要的一环Mama said it was importantto learn singing and dancing.妈妈说学跳舞唱歌才重要呢That was until.后来才If youre a good girl,Ill teach you to play the piano.如果你乖乖的,我会教你弹钢琴Will you? When?真的?什么时候?Perhaps tomorrow明天吧Why not now?为什么现在不行?Arithmetic today,piano lessons tomorrow.今天学算术,明天才学钢琴Im going for a walkAnd when I come back,我出去散散步,回来的时候I want to seehow many of those sums.我想看看你总共做对多少youve got right.我想看看你总共做对多少But theyre so difficult.可是太难了You can do it,I know you can.你能做对的,我知道你行的Are you injured, sir?你受伤了吗先生?Can I do anything?我能帮上什么?Just stand to one side.让开就够了If youre hurt,I can fetch some help.你要是受伤了我叫人帮助No thank you, I shall doI have no broken bones.谢过了,我还行,只要骨没断Well, go on then.那么你去吧I cannot think of leaving you here, sir.直到确认你能骑上马之前Until I see youre able tomount your horse.我觉得现在不能离开你,先生You should be at home yourself.你应该回家Where do you come from?你哪儿来的?There那边What? Do you meanthat house with the battlements?什么,那座有护墙的庄园?Yes, sir.对,先生Whose house is it?Mr. Rochesters.是谁的房子?Rochester先生的Do you know Mr. Rochester?你认识Rochester先生?No, Ive never seen him.我还从没见过他And what is your position there?你在那里干什么来着?Im the governess我是家庭教师Ahh. the governess.啊家庭教师I believe I must ask your helpafter all if youd be so kind.你既然这么热心我就请你劳驾


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