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-2021年XX省龙东地区中考英语试卷一、Multiple choice 此题共20分,每题1分Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.1Dear children,this is _ unusual exam_ exam is very important to youPlease take it easyWish you good resultsAan; TheBa; theCan;A n2My grandmother was ill in hospital yesterday_AThats all rightBIm sorry to hear thatCThats a good idea3Chairman Xi Jinping _ the president of the USA _ April 6th,2021Awill meet; inBmet; onCmeets; on4My cousin is _ heavy because he often eats _ fast foodAmuch too; too manyBtoo much; too muchCmuch too; too much5There is little pollution in that village,_?NoThe air there is quite fresh and cleanAis thereBisnt thereCis it6If you want to keep your teeth healthy,youd better not eat _ a lotAsomething sweetBanything sweetCnothing sweet7My teacher often encourages me _ at least one hour a day reading booksAto payBcostCto spend8Everyone plays an important part in societyAs members,we should try our best to do_ to make the world better and betterAwhat we should doBwhat should we doChow we should do9Would you mind _ here?Of course notIll _ my cigarette at onceAnot smoking; put awayBnot smoking; put outCnot to smoke; put off10Its time for me _ goodbye to my mother schoolI will never forget all my _ loveAto say; teachersBsaying; teachersCto say; teachers11_of the students in our class _ going to the summer camp in Beijing next weekATwo fifths; areBSecond fifths; areCTwo fifths; is12As for learning English,students _ read a lot can do much better than _ who dontAwho; thatBwhich; thoseCthat; those13Look!The man at the school gate _ be our headmasterHe is always standing there to welcome us every morningNo,it _ be himHe is holding a meeting in the office nowAmust; cantBmust; mustntCcant; mustnt14_ shocking news!It is reported that the UK is repeatedly under terror attackSo it isWe should call on the people all over the world to be against terrorism恐惧主义AWhat anBHowCWhat15I saw Jim _ into that new building just nowOh,its our new libraryIt _ to the public for a weekAwalk; has openedBwalk; has been openCwalking; has opened16Neither he nor I was playing computer games at this time yesterdayWe _ trees in the neighborhoodAwere plantingBplantedCare planting17The number of the old people is increasing in ChinaWith the development of China,they _ better care of in the futureAwill takeBare takenCwill be taken18Alice,could you tell me when your sister _ from Harbin?Im not sureI will call you when she _Awill come back; will returnBcomes back; will returnCwill come back; returns19The TV play Journey to the West is _ interesting _I would like to watch it againAsuch; thatBtoo; toCso; that20Which of the following signs means DONT GET WATER HERE?ABC二、Choose the best answer to complete the passage.21China is a nation of etiquette礼仪Chinese people are21 the most hospitable好客的 people in the worldIf22 visit a Chinese family,they would be23 at the warmth that they would receive as guestsWhen you visit a Chinese family,the host usually makes tea for you and 24 you snackslike biscuits or candySomeone in the family will also chat with you,never letting you feel 25 At the same time,other family members will be busy26 a meal for youChinese people treat their guests27 a big mealThey always present more food than the guests can eatOn the table,the guests must be the28 to eatPerhaps one of the things that surprises a an29 guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for guests,which wont happen at western tablesThe Chinese family 30 to make you feel at homeAs you finish eating,the host usually says,It seems that you didnt eat muchPlease have 31 You tell them you are full,32 they still put more food in your bowl33 warm and hospitable has been an important part of Chinese culture and traditionAs Confucius孔子said34 years ago:To meet friends from a place far away,how 35 we are!21AbetweenBamongCduring22AforeignBforeignerCforeigners23AsurprisedBsurpriseCsurprising24AserveBservingCserves25AlonelyBaloneChappy26AprepareBpreparingCprepared 27AwithBasCfor28AfirstBsecondClast29AeasternBsouthernCwestern30Aget in their wayBgo out of their wayClose their way31AmoreBlessCmany32AalthoughBbutCbecause33ABeBBeenCBeing34Athousands ofBthousandCthousand of35AhappilyBunhappyChappy三、 Vocabulary 此题共10分 Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the words given. Only one word for each blank.22When we walk cross the road,we should follow the traffic rules23Though the little boy is only three years old,he can dress he24When you learn English,you should pay more attention to your pronounce25Henry is aan dishonest boy,so his friends all like him26Who jumps far,Mike or George?Mike does27 luck,this man lost his wife and two children in the earthquake28What are you doing?I am reading a book write by Mo Yan29Bill wants to invite some friends to his nine birthday party30Some German came to this international school last Friday31Everyone is looking forward to have a bright future四、Communication 此题共20分, 每题10分32Choose the best choice from A to F to finish the dialogueYou have one more answerEach choice should be used only onceA:Excuse me,sir?Could you tell me the way to the nearest bank?B:46 You can ask the lady over thereA:Thank you all the sameA moment laterA:Excuse me47 C:No,there isnt a bank near here,but there is one near the Peoples HospitalA:48 C:Its about fifteen minutes by busA:49 C:The No.10 busA:50 C:It is over there,across from the bookstoreA:Thank you very muchC:Youre welcomeAIs there a bank near here?BHow far is it from here?CWhere is the nearest bank?DWhich bus can I take?ESorry,Im new hereFBy the way,where is the bus stop?33Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentencesA:Hello,is that Lingling speaking?B:Speaking51 ?A:This is MeimeiI want to go to the movies now52 ?B:Id love to,but Im watching a TV program called Readers53 ?A:No,I havent watched it54 ?B:Its greatIn this program,many people who have great influence in our life tell their own stories and share some wonderful articles with usYou know,reading is very important toeveryone and Chinese classical books are our treasureI think we should read as much aspossibleA:55 I cant wait to enjoy itB:Why dont you turn on the TV and watch it at once?A:Good ideaIll do it right nowGoodbye!B:Bye!五、Reading comprehension 此题共40分34Tips for Writing Better Articles56When we are not sure which word is the right one for a sentence,look it up in a dictionaryMany of us choose words in a hurry and dont take the time to decide if they are properGood word choices are necessary for good writing57If we want people to believe what we write,we must make sure our facts are trueWe should use dependable facts58Making a list is necessary for writing a good articleSuch a list includes:Is there a proper title?Have we explained every point?Are all the parts of the article included?This can help us to make sure that we have covered everything59Sometimes its easier to find problems with spelling,word usage and grammar when we read aloudReading aloud helps us not only find out our problems but also develop our writing60A common problem is that we dont like to rewriteIn fact,rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes,like grammar and spelling mistakesRewriting makes our writing better,though it takes more time and more workChoose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passageARewriteBRead aloudCCheck factsDCollect informationEPrepare a listFMake good word choices56 57 58 59 60 35More than anything else in the world,Lion liked being King of the jungleHe walked all around,showing off his power and prideEach day,Lion took a long,lazy sleep under the shade of his favorite treeHe alwaysdreamed of weaker animals bowing before himOne day,Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over Lions huge pawsHow dare you wake me up!he shouted angrilyLion grabbed抓住Mouse with one pawIm hungry now,and youll be my delicious mealhe saidMouse cried out,King Lion,please spare饶恕me!If you let me live,I will always remember your kindnessAnd some day,I might be able to help youHow could such a powerless little mouse ever help me?That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse goA week later,Lion was walking through the jungle on the way to his favorite tree when he stepped onto a hunters netThe net scooped勾him upNo matter how he twisted and turned,he couldnt escapeWhen Mouse heard Lions frightened shouts,he ran to helpMouse quickly chewed咬 through the ropes to make a hole in the netSoon,Lion moved out and was freeLion looked down at the little mouseThank you for saving my lifesaid Lion,smiling his widest smileI was wrongYou are not a powerless little mouseYou are a great friend!Judge the following sentences true T or false F according to the passage61Lion liked being King of the jungle best62One day,Lion grabbed Mouse with his two huge paws63Mouse said he could help Lion when Lion was in trouble64A week later,Mouse was scooped up by a hunters net again65Mouse became Lions friend at last61 62 63 64 65 36Choose the best choice from A,B or C according to what you read Welcome to LCFMusic & Gym ClubsThe music & gym activity for preschoolersIts fun,educational and great for the development of social skillsEnglish is the onlylanguage neededPhone:02392 370863 The Only ChildBy GuojingAge:For 59 years oldPrice:$ 15.99 A little girl,lost andalone,follows a stag deep into the forestShe finds herself in a strange worldHow will she get backhome? Enjoy a Wonderful Trip on the SeaTime:5:00 pmPrice:Adult:$200Child under 10:$100Start/Stop:The River Bank Near the City Shopping CentreTicket Office:New Life Company66If you want to join an LCF club,you CANT Apost a letter Blook through the website Cmake a phone call67The LCF clubs are for children who can speak AChinese BEnglish CFrench68The Only Child is mainly about Athe only girl in the familyBa girl lost her way in the cityCa lost girl in the forest69Where does the trip start? AThe River Bank BNew Life Company CThe City Shopping Centre70If Mrand MrsWhite with their eightyearold daughter go on the trip on the sea,how much will they pay? A.$400 B.$500 C.$60037Three travelers,Allan,Carl and Paul were sitting on the chairs in a train stationThey were waiting for a train that was very lateTo pass the time,they began talking to each otherAt first,they talked about the weather and their workThen Paul asked,What would you most like to do if your doctor told you that you have only three months to live?The other two men thought about this for a while,then Carl spoke firstHe said,Well,if I have only three months to live,Ill take all my money out of the bank and go to foreign countries for holidays with my best friend,EricId like to travel to many places in the world as possible as I canAnd Ill stay at the best hotels and then eat the best foodI think Ill have a wonderful timeThats very interestingPaul saidWith these words,he turned to the other man,saying,And what about you,Allan?Ill tell you a secretAllan saidI always want to be a racing driverSo if I have only three months to live,the first thing Id like to do is to sell my houseWith the money Ill buy the fastest car in the worldMaybe I can go into all the big motor racesNow its your turnAllan went on,If your doctor told you the bad news,what would you most like to do?Oh,said Paul with a smileIll go and see one more doctorFill in the blanks according to the passageOnly one word for each blankThere were three travelers chatting together while waiting for a trainOne of them,Paul,asked a question,What would you most like to do if your doctor told you that you have only 3 months to live?Carl said he would take all his money to go71 for holidays with his best friendAnd he would travel to as 72 places as possible in the worldAllan wanted to sell his house to buy the fastest car in the world to be a racing driver and perhaps he could 73 all the big motor racesBut Pauls answer74 them surprisedHe said he would go to see75 doctor38Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to workEvery evening my mother looks through magazines at homeAnd every night,I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleepCan we imagine life without paper or printing?Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago,and has been made from silk,cotton,bamboo,and since the 19th century,from woodPeople learned to write words on paper to make a bookBut in those days,books could only be produced one at a time by handAs a result,they were expensive and rareAnd because there werent many books,few people learned to readThen printing was invented in ChinaWhen printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century,books could be produced more quickly and cheaplyAfter that,knowledge and ideas spread quicklyToday information can be received online,downloaded from the Internet rather than onlyfound in booksAnd information can be kept on CDROMs or machines such as iPadsComputers are already used in classrooms,and newspapers and magazines can already be read onlineSo will books be replaced by computers one day?No,I dont think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will be replaced by a twometrehigh computer!Answer the questions according to the passage76When was paper first created? 77Before the invention of printing,were books produced by hand or by machine? 78What happened after books became cheaper? 79According to the passage,where can information be kept? 80Can newspapers and magazines be read online now? 六、Writing 此题共15分注意:文中不能出现考生真实XX、校名和师名,否那么不得分39假设你是Mary,初中学习生活即将完毕,请向你的教师MrWhite致谢,感谢他对你一直以来的教育、关心和帮助,并祝福教师XX快乐Dear MrWhite, Yours,Mary40话题作文:近几年来,校园欺凌school bullies事件时有发生,学会自我保护是我们中学生需要具备的一种意识和能力,我们应该珍惜生命,注意自己的人身平安,做好自我保护请以How Can We Protect Ourselves 为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈在生活中我们应该怎样自我保护selfprotection提示:1不单独游泳;2慎重交友;3遇到危险报警或向教师求助;4饮食及交通平安等B 图示作文:仔细观察以下六幅图片,展开合理想象,写一篇短文要求:1话题作文或图示作文任选其一2词数在80100词之间3字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,符合逻辑,可适当发挥2021年XX省龙东地区中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、Multiple choice 此题共20分,每题1分Choose the best answer from A, B or C according to the meaning of the sentence.1Dear children,this is _ unusual exam_ exam is very important to youPlease take it easyWish you good resultsAan; TheBa; theCan;A n【考点】52:不定冠词a,an【分析】亲爱的孩子们,这是一个不寻常的考试这个考试对你来说很重要请不要担忧祝你考个好的结果【解答】答案:A考察不定冠词句意:亲爱的孩子们,这是一个不寻常的考试这个考试对你来说很重要请不要担忧祝你考个好的结果根据题干Dear children,this is _ unusual exam_ exam is very important to you可知第一空这里表示泛指,这里unusual 首字母是元音音素开头,所以用an;第二空考试是特指,所以用the,即亲爱的孩子们,这是一个不寻常的考试这个考试对你来说很重要请不要担忧祝你考个好的结果应选A2My grandmother was ill in hospital yesterday_AThats all rightBIm sorry to hear thatCThats a good idea【考点】LO:常用日常交际用语【分析】我的祖母昨天生病住院了听到这个消息我感到很难过【解答】答案:B考察常用日常交际用语句意:我的祖母昨天生病住院了听到这个消息我感到很难过Thats all right没关系;Im sorry to hear that听到这个消息我感到很难过;Thats a good idea好主意根据题干My grandmother was ill in hospital yesterday我的祖母昨天生病住院了可知应说听到这个消息我感到很难过应选B3Chairman Xi Jinping _ the president of the USA _ April 6th,2021Awill meet; inBmet; onCmeets; on【考点】F6:时态辨析【分析】主席2021年四月六日会见了美国总统【解答】答案:B结合时间April 6th,2021具体的日子,故用介词on,表达的是过去的时间,故用一般过去时,meet的过去式met,故答案是B4My cousin is _ heavy because he often eats _ fast foodAmuch too; too manyBtoo much; too muchCmuch too; too much【考点】85:形容词短语【分析】我的表兄太重,因为他经常吃太多的快餐【解答】答案:C,考察形容词词义辨析句意我的表兄太重,因为他经常吃太多的快餐too much中的中心词是much,后面跟不可数名词,意思是太多的much too中的中心词是too,后面跟形容词或副词,意思是非常,太too many太多的,中心词是many,用法与many一样,用来修饰复数可数名词根据题干My cousin is _ heavy because he often eats _ fast food可知这里heavy 形容词;fast food不可数名词应选C5There is little pollution in that village,_?NoThe air there is quite fresh and cleanAis thereBisnt thereCis it【考点】J4:反意疑问句【分析】那个村庄几乎没有污染,是吗?是的,那里的空气相当的新鲜干净【解答】答案:A反意疑问句是由陈述句+简单疑问句构成的如果陈述句是肯定的,后面就要用否认的,陈述句是否认的,后面就用肯定;原句含有little是一个含有否认意义的词,故反义疑问句用肯定,并且还要根据陈述句的主语和谓语,来确定后面疑问局部动词的形式含有there be构造的反意疑问句,如果陈述局部为there be构造时,那么疑问局部用benotthere,前面是is,故答案是A6If you want to keep your teeth healthy,youd better not eat _ a lotAsomething sweetBanything sweetCnothing sweet【考点】65:不定代词【分析】如果你想保持牙齿XX,你最好不要吃任何甜食【解答】答案:B考察不定代词句意:如果你想保持牙齿XX,你最好不要吃任何甜食Youd better not do something最好不要做某事;something某事;anything 任何事;nothing 没有事根据题干If you want to keep your teeth healthy如果你想保持牙齿XX,可知应说你最好不要任何甜食应选B7My teacher often encourages me _ at least one hour a day reading booksAto payBcostCto spend【考点】E6:不定式短语【分析】我的教师经常鼓励我每天至少花一小时看书【解答】答案:C考察不定式短语句意我的教师经常鼓励我每天至少花一小时看书encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事因此B不正确pay sb money for sth付钱给某人买spend time/money in doing sth在做某事上花费时间金钱原句省略了in因此用to spend,A不正确答案是C8Everyone plays an important part in societyAs members,we should try our best to do_ to make the world better and betterAwhat we should doBwhat should we doChow we should do【考点】K5:宾语从句【分析】每个人都在社会中起着重要的作用,作为一个成员,我们应该尽我们最大的努力去做,使这个世界变得越来越好【解答】答案:A 根据we should try our best to do再结合选项,可知we should try our best to do后面是跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语,所以排除B再根据动词do,它是一个及物动词,后面跟名词或者代词作宾语所有这里用what应选:A9Would you mind _ here?Of course notIll _ my cigarette at onceAnot smoking; put awayBnot smoking; put outCnot to smoke; put off【考点】E7:动名词短语【分析】不吸烟你介意吗?当然不我立刻熄灭我的香烟【解答】答案:B考察动名词短语句意:不吸烟你介意吗?当然不我立刻熄灭我的香烟would you mind doing sth表示做某事介意吗,mind表示介意其后常跟动名词做宾语,其否认形式为would you mind not doing sth表示不做某事你介意吗?put away放好; put out熄灭;put off推迟根据题干Would you mind _ here?Of course notIll _ my cigarette at once可知应说不吸烟你介意吗?当然不我立刻熄灭我的香烟应选B10Its time for me _ goodbye to my mother schoolI will never forget all my _ loveAto say; teachersBsaying; teachersCto say


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