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冀教版六年级下册英语看图写单词专题练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片内容,用所给单词写一句话。1.medicine2.have a cold3.check-up4.grow folwers5.before, cry; now, happy2. 看图,写单词。1 23 453. 看图填空。(1)Whats this? Its.(2)Whats this? Its.(3)Whats this? Its.(4)Whats this? Its.(5)Whats this? Its.(6)Whats this? Its.4. 看图写单词。1. 2.3. 4.5. 6.7. 8.5. 看图回答问题。1. Whats your mothers job? 2. Is it a cat?. . 3. Is it a bee? 4. Is it a bear?. . 6. 根据图意及首字母提示,把句子中所缺的单词补充完整。 eat too much, you will be too f_. Its bad for you h_.2We w_to the c_to see my grandfather last weekend.3I s_a film with my friend last night.4Look, some g_are swimming in the river.5The early market is n_and c_, but the food is fresh and cheap.6D_B_Festival is a Traditional Chinese festival. We often watch races at this festival.7The boy came to see the dentist because he had a t_.8The woman h_long hair before she became a mother.7. 看图完成对话。1. How do you go to school?I usually go to school_.2. How are you going to Shanghai?Im going to Shanghai_.3. What are you going to buy?I am going to buy some_.4. Hey! Dont go at the red light.Oh, right. Thanks. I must pay attention to the_.5. Where are you going tomorrow?Tomorrow Im going to_.8. 根据图片提示写单词。每空一词。1.What do you have, Eddie?I have_.2.I will_.3.We can send (寄)a letter in a_.9. 看图写话。1.This is an_.There are_on it.What color are they?They are_,_,_,_and_.2.This is our_.There are_on it.What color are they?They are_.10. 根据句意和图片所示,在空格线上写出合适的单词。1.We can send a postcard in the_.2.Whatdoes this sign mean(意思是)?Itmeans“_.3.From Guangzhou to Shanghai,We can go by_.4.Tomorrow is my grandmas birthday. Im going to_my_tomorrow.5.We usually go to the cinema to_a_.6.You can look up these new words in the_.11. 根据提示补全单词。(1)stud_(过去式)(2)t_ght(过去式)(3)dr_v_r (4)d_cer(5)wr_e(过去式)12. 看图片,选出与图片相符的选项。1( ) A.ride a horse B.ride a bike2( ) A.go shopping B.go swimming3( ) A.go camping B.buy a gift4( ) A.hurt foot B.hurt finger5( ) A.go fishing B.go running13. 看图填空,一空一词。1Andy likes_.2Mike goes to school_.3Amy loves to_.4Johns mother likes_in the morning.14. 根据图片将所给字母重新排列,组成单词。1o, r, a, i, t, r, p2o, w, d, o, n, t, n, w3p, p, i, l, u4m, s, t, d, i, a, u5e, e, m, t15. 根据图片完成下列句子。1.Mary is_an_.2.Shes_.3.Im_the_.4.They are_.5.He is_to_.16. 看图,根据所给的首字母写出句子中所缺的单词。 Taking e_is the s_to good health.2. The children are h_a party for Childrens Day and s_a song now.3. We are going to v_Guangzhou M_next Sunday.4. Tom b_his t_twice a day.5. What d_you do yesterday? I r_my bike to the library.17. 看图完成句子,每空一词。1It is_. The children are playing_.2The children_a picnic on the beach yesterday. They were_18. 数一数,写出对应的基数词与序数词。1 2 3 4 19. 根据图示和句意,完成下列句子。1. 2.3.1Do you like_?2They like_.3They can cook_food.11 / 11


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