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会计学1外研社八年级上册英语外研社八年级上册英语(yn y)MU第一页,共46页。第1页/共45页第二页,共46页。第2页/共45页第三页,共46页。Playing table tennis is very popular in China.Watching the tennis match is safer than playing it.Talk about the pictures.第3页/共45页第四页,共46页。Last week the football match on TV was so boring because no one scored at all.This weeks NBA match is already more exciting.第4页/共45页第五页,共46页。Playing baseball is more dangerous than playing volleyball.第5页/共45页第六页,共46页。Swimming isnt safe, its dangerous.Running isnt expensive, its very cheap.第6页/共45页第七页,共46页。Staying at home is easier than going to the stadium.第7页/共45页第八页,共46页。Look at the pictures and talk about the sports. Use the words in the box to help you. boring cheap difficult easy exciting expensive popular relaxing 第8页/共45页第九页,共46页。 Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is swimming. Its exciting.第9页/共45页第十页,共46页。1. Table tennis is more exciting than tennis. 2. Tennis is _. 3. Basketball is _. 4. Football is _.5. Swimming is _.6. Baseball is _.more difficult than table tennis safer than footballmore dangerous than basketballmore relaxing than baseballmore exciting than swimming第10页/共45页第十一页,共46页。1. This weeks match is already more exciting.2. It is more difficult to practise in winter.3. We are training harder than usual.4. This year we want to do better.第11页/共45页第十二页,共46页。上一模块我们学习(xux)了单音节形容词和部分双音节形容词的比较级构成形式和比较级句子的表达方式。那么,还有部分双音节和多音节形容词,它们的比较级是如何构成的呢?也是在词尾加-er 吗?不是的,一般这类形容词的比较级是在其前加 more 构成。例如:第12页/共45页第十三页,共46页。1) Football is _ than baseball in most countries. 在很多国家,足球比棒球更流行。2) Nothing is _ than playing tennis. 没有什么比打网球更令人愉快(ykui)的了。3) Its _ to practise in winter (than in summer).冬季训练(要比夏季训练)难度更大。more popularmore enjoyablemore difficult第13页/共45页第十四页,共46页。 英语中的副词该如何使用(shyng)呢?应该放在句中的什么地方呢?一般来说,副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或其他结构。例如:1) She plays the piano _. 她钢琴弹得很糟。badly 第14页/共45页第十五页,共46页。2) Im _ tired after last nights tennis match. 昨晚网球赛后我真的(zhn de)很累。3) The teacher speaks very _ and _. 这位老师讲得很慢、很仔细。slowlyreally carefully第15页/共45页第十六页,共46页。 注意副词与形容词在位置及功能上的不同,试比较: 1) The teacher speaks _. 这位老师讲得很仔细。2) The teacher is _. 这位老师很细心。 不难发现,副词修饰动词时通常(tngchng)出现在行为动词(实义动词)后,而形容词通常(tngchng)位于系动词之后或名词之前。carefullycareful 第16页/共45页第十七页,共46页。另外, 有许多副词是由形容词+ly构成的。如: careful + ly carefully quick + ly quickly safe + ly safely busy + ly busily heavy + ly heavily需要注意(zh y)的是,有些词既可作形容词也可作副词。如: fast, early, late 等。第17页/共45页第十八页,共46页。 副词比较级别和形容词比较级的变化形式大致相同,也分规则(guz)变化和不规则(guz)变化两种。例如:1) We are training _ because we want to win. 我们训练的更刻苦,因为我们想要获 胜。harder 第18页/共45页第十九页,共46页。2) This year we are training _. 今年我们训练得更认真(rn zhn)了。3) Sam did _ this year than last year. 萨姆今年做得比去年好。more carefullybetter第19页/共45页第二十页,共46页。“the + 比较级,the + 比较级” 是比较级表达中的一个固定句式,表示(biosh)“越, 越” 。 例如:The more carefully you drive, the safer it is.开车越小心越好。第20页/共45页第二十一页,共46页。常用(chn yn)形容词、副词比较级不规则变化如下:原级原级比较级比较级good, well betterbad / ill, badly worsemany / muchmorelittle lessfarfarther / further第21页/共45页第二十二页,共46页。Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.1. We trained _ (hard) this year than last year.2. The team played _ (well) on Saturday than on Tuesday.harderbetter 第22页/共45页第二十三页,共46页。3. They practised _ (carefully) this week than last week.4. Playing football is _ (exciting) than watching it.5. Playing tennis is _ (expensive) than swimming.more carefullymore excitingmore expensive 第23页/共45页第二十四页,共46页。Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.Tom did his homework carelessly (careless).The music is loud (loud).1. They are working _ (hard) to learn English.2. This bike was _ (cheap), so we decided to buy it.hardcheap第24页/共45页第二十五页,共46页。3. The teacher speaks _ (slow) and _ (careful).4. Mary is going to get up _ (early) because she needs to catch the first bus.5. Running is very _ (easy). You can do it anywhere.6. I do not like to be _ (late).7. I am afraid our team is doing very _ (bad). slowly carefullyearlyeasylatebadly 第25页/共45页第二十六页,共46页。Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.I wanted to choose a sport to keep fit. First I tried swimming. I joined the swimming club, but the lessons were (1) _ _ (expensive) than I thought. So I stopped swimming and tried running. The running club is (2) _ (popular) than the swimming club. more expensivemore popular第26页/共45页第二十七页,共46页。We ran (3) _ (slowly) in the park. Soon, I felt that running was (4) _ (boring)! I decided to try something (5) _ (exciting). I went walking in the mountains. Once we got lost in the mountains, and I hurt my leg (6) _ (badly). It is a bit (7) _ _ (dangerous) to walk in the mountains, but I like the sport all the same.slowlyboringexciting / more excitingbadlydangerous/ more dangerous 第27页/共45页第二十八页,共46页。1. What was the race? a) Boys 800 metres. b) Girls 800 metres. c) Girls 400 metres.2. How many classes took part in the race? a) One. b) Four. c) Eight.3. Who ran faster than the others at first? a) Joy. b) Sandy. c) Mary.第28页/共45页第二十九页,共46页。4. What happened to Sandy later on? a) She stopped. b) She ran slowly. c) She cried.5. -Who finally won? - A student from _. a) Class 4 b) Class 5 c) Class 1第29页/共45页第三十页,共46页。Read the passage and complete the sentences.1. Jogging means _.2. Walking is _ than jogging.3. To start jogging, you only need some _.running slowly comfortable sports clothes and good running shoesslower 第30页/共45页第三十一页,共46页。4. Jogging in the countryside is _ _ than jogging in the city. 5. The more you go jogging, _ you will feel. more fun the healthier第31页/共45页第三十二页,共46页。 The marathon raceThe marathon race gets its name from a battle over 2,500 years ago between the Greeks and the Persians. The battle happened at a place called Marathon. 第32页/共45页第三十三页,共46页。After the Greeks won the battle, a soldier ran over forty kilometers to tell people the good news. Todays marathon race, an important Olympic sport, is popular all over the world. Thousands of people race in many different marathons every year. 第33页/共45页第三十四页,共46页。第34页/共45页第三十五页,共46页。1. The marathon race gets its name from a _ over 2,500 years ago.2. The battle happened at a place called _.3. A soldier ran over _ kilometers to tell people the good news.4. Todays marathon race is an _ and _ Olympic sport.5. _ people race in many different marathons every year.battleMarathonfortyimportant popularThousands of 第35页/共45页第三十六页,共46页。1. Sorry, I cant follow you. Would you please speak _? All right. (2012辽宁丹东) A. more slowly B. more loudly C. more quickly D. more quietly第36页/共45页第三十七页,共46页。2. This place is not big enough for Lucys birthday party. We should find a _ one. (2012陕西) A. big B. small C. bigger D. smaller3. For me, winter is the best season of a year! Me too. _ if therere some snows. I like a white world. (2012浙江(zh jin)金华)A. Better B. Worse C. Longer D. Shorter第37页/共45页第三十八页,共46页。4. _ children there are in a family, _ their life will be. (2011济南) A. The less, the better B. The fewer, the better C. Fewer, richer D. More, poorer第38页/共45页第三十九页,共46页。5. Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. The more _ you are, the _ mistakes youll make. (2011湖南邵阳) A. carefully, fewer B. careful ; less C. careful; fewer 第39页/共45页第四十页,共46页。6. What do you think of Liu Huan? Oh, he is my favorite singer. I think no one can sing _. (2011威海) A. good B. well C. better D. best 第40页/共45页第四十一页,共46页。7. Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws _. (2011安徽) A. better B. best C. worse D. worst 8. Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a _ one? (2011江西(jin x) A. nice B. large C. nicer D. larger 第41页/共45页第四十二页,共46页。Talk about your favourite Olympic sports and choose one for your poster.A: Whats your favourite Olympic sport?B: My favourite Olympic sport is A: Why do you like it?B: I like it because 第42页/共45页第四十三页,共46页。Find a photo for your favourite Olympic sport and include it in the poster.Our favourite Olympic sport Our favourite Olympic sport is swimming / table tennis/ We like it because it is exciting, popular It is more exciting than 第43页/共45页第四十四页,共46页。第44页/共45页第四十五页,共46页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结会计学。冬季训练(要比夏季训练)难度更大。副词比较级别和形容词比较级的变化形式大致相同,也分规则变化和不规则变化两种。我们训练的更刻苦,因为(yn wi)我们想要获。开车越小心越好。one. (2012陕西)。Thank you第四十六页,共46页。


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