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英文文献:SMART CARD for SMART CAMPUSKFUPM Case StudyTala1 Halawani and Mohamed MohandesKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineralsmohandeskfuum.edu. SaAbstractSmart card is the latest addition in the world of information technology. The vision of the smart card program is to provide access to services that is secure, fast,friendly, easy to use, flexible, personal, and is accessible by the users kom anyplace at any time. A smart card is of the size of a conventional credit card with an embedded computer chip that stores and transacts data between users and devices. This data is associated with either value or information or both and is stored and processed within the chip of the card. The card data is transacted via a card reader attached to a computing system as a peripheral device. Smart cards are extensively used through several key applications like education, healthcare, banking, entertainment, and transportation.1. IntroductionSmart card is a mini-computer capable of storing and processing data. Although, at -present, they are most popular as single-function cash cards and long-distance calling cards, their capabilities range from retaining tickets, money, frequent flyer miles, travel preferences, insurance information, key demographic data, links to a patients medical records, to allowing access into a building, logging onto a network, etc. The potential of the smart card is limitless. With the added bonus of these functions being performed on a single card, smart cards have the ability to become indispensable tools. Smart cards were first introduced in Europe a couple of decades ago as a stored value tool for pay phones to reduce theft I. As smart cards and other chip-based cards advanced, people found new ways to use them, such as charging cards for credit purchases and for record keeping in place of paper. Smart cards provide tamper-proof storage of user and account identity. They provide protection against a full range of security threats, kom careless storage of user passwords to sophisticated system hacks. Smart card can be multi-functional through the use of several applications stored on the card. This paper starts with the history of smart cards and describes the different types of smart cards with characteristics of each type. Finally, the paper will detail KFUPM smart card system as an important case study in the field.2. The History of Smart CardsThe first plastic payment card for general use was issued by the Dinners Club in 1950. At first the cards functions were quite simple 2. They initially served as data carriers that were secure against forgery and tampering. General information, such as the card issuers name, was printed on the surface while personal data elements, such as the cardholders name and the card number were embossed. Further more, many cards bad a signature field. Protection against forgery was provided by visual features. Therefore, the systems security depended completely on the retail staff accepting the cards. However, this was not an overwhelming problem due to the cards initial exclusivity. There was a pressing need for machine-readable cards to reduce handling cost in addition to the fact that card issuers losses due grew from year to year due to fraud 2.The first improvement consisted of a magnetic strip on the back of the card. This allowed digital data to be stored on the card in a machine-readable form as a supplement to the visual data. Additionally, security is enhanced by the use of a secret personal identification number (PIN) that is compared to a reference number stored in the magnetic strip 3. Although the embossed card with a magnetic strip is still the most commonly used type of payment card, they suffer from a severe weakness in that data stored on the strip can be read, deleted and rewritten by anyone with access to the appropriate equipment. PIN must be stored in the host system in a secure environment, instead of on the magnetic strip. Most systems that employ magnetic strip cards have on-line connections to the systems host computer for security reasons. However, this generates considerable data transmission costs.The development of the smart card, combined with the expansion of electronic data processing has created completely new possibilities for solving this problem. Progress in microelectronics in the 1970s made it possible to integrate data storage and arithmetic logic on a single silicon chip measuring a few square millimeters 2. The ideas of incorporating such an integrated circuit into an ID card was contained in a patent application filed in Japan by Kunitaka Arimura in Japan concerning “a plastic card incorporating one or more integrated circuit chips for the generationof distinguishing signals” in1970 3. However, the first real progress in the development of smart cards came when Ronal Moreno registered his smart card patent on “an independent electronic object with memory” in France in 1974.A breakthrough was achieved in 1984, when the French telecommunication authorities decided to use prepaid chip cards for public pay phones due to the increasing vandalism and theft. Chip cards were demonstrated to be a cost effective solution. The French example was followed by many other countries. Today, more than 100 countries use chip cards for their public phone systems. By 1990 the total number of smart cards reached 60 million cards 4. Today, several billion smart cards are in use worldwide.3. Types of Smart CardsSmart cards are composed of a chip, an interface between the chip and the card reader, and a plastic body. Smart cards are classified according to the chip type; memory chip cards as well as microprocessor chip cards. They can also be classified according to the method of communication with the reader. Cards may communicate with readers either through direct physical contacts (contact cards) or through a radio kequency signals (contactless cards).3.1 Memory Chip CurdsMemory cards have no sophisticated processing power and cannot manage files dynamically. They are used for data storage and applications. Data can consist of the identification number, serial number of the card, installed applications and the information required to a specific application in case of mudti-appliciation cards. The main use for memory smart cards is to store cards operating system, nm-time e:nvironment, issuer security domain, card issuer application, keys, and certificates for cryptography. Keys function as passwords to secure environments, and certificates verify the authenticity of keys. Memory smart cards are built wi.th erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) or electrically EPROM (EEPROM) chi,ps. EPROM is often used in prepaid service cards such as phone cards that count off minutes used and then are discarded. EEPROM, which can be changed up to 100,000 times, includes built-in logic that can be used to update a. counter in prepaid service cards.3.2 Microprocessor Chip CurdsThese cards have on card dynamic data processing capabilities. The chip contains a microprocessor or a microcontroller that manages memory allocations and file access. It manages data in organized file structures, via a card operating system (COS). Unlike other operating systems, this software controls access to the on card user memory. Thi,s capability permits different and multiple functions and/or different applications to reside on tkle card. The microprocessor chips used for cards are smaller, slower versions of the central processing units used in PCs. Their pro,gamming capability provides support to functionality of the card. Microprocessor smart cards are required for applications that manipulate or compare data, such as public key infrastructure (PKI), dataencryption, Java applets, and electronic purses. Every microprocessor smart card bas a COS on the chip to operate the internal functions of the application. The COS loads off the read-onlymemory (ROM), much like: a basic inputloutput system (BIOS) on a PC Z.3.3 Contact Smart CmdsIn addition to the classification of smart card based on the chip type, smart cards can be classified based on communication type. Contact smart card requires a phyriical contact between card and the reader. They use an eight or six pin contacts on the top of the card to physically connect to the card reader. Their ch.ip could be memory or microprocessor type 5.3.4 Contactless Smart CurdsContactless smart cards use an antenna to communicate with the reader. They are powered from an RF field generated by the card reader. The RF field also transfers data between the card and the reader 4. Employee identification badges for building access are typically contactless smart cards. Additionally, most cards used for transportation are contactless as well.3.5 Combination Smart CardsMultipurpose combination smart cards are a hybrid mix of the contact and contactless designs. They include contacts for communication with a contact type reader, and also include an antenna for communication with an RF type reader 5.4. KFUPM Smart Card SystemUniversities need simple identity cards for all employees and students who are granted access to certain data, equipment and departments according to their status. Multifunction, microprocessor based smart cards incorporate identity with access privileges and also stores value for use in various locations, such as cafeterias and stores. Numerous universities around the world are utilizing smart cards. KFUPM is one of the first universities in the area to adopt a comprehensive multifunctional smart card system. KFUPM card is a dual card that bas two chips; one for contact applications and the other is for contactless applications. The contact chip will be utilized to store cardholder photo in addition for future bank services while the contactless chip will be utilized for all other functions. The card systemwill provide the following functions:Photo IDLibrary borrowing privilegesElectronic purseRecreation center sewicesMedical center servicesE-LeamingAccess control to university facilities Logical access to PCs and the internet These functions are controlled from a control management center (CMC) as shown in Figure.1. The CMC will host a file database server that is connected to the university network, enabling the system to access the student information system (SIS) and personnel payroll databases (PPS). An additional database is created for the cardholder database and will be residing in the systems server. There are several components of the CMC.Figure.1 Card Management CenterThe function of the card issuing System (CIS) is to capture the digital photograph and the biometrics template of the cardholder 6-71. As can be seen in Figure.2, the CIS consists of a card printer, biometrics scanner, digital camera, and a workstation. The CIS workstation is connected to the network to access the databases for the required information and data. However, records under processing could be stored for a sbort period in the CIS local database before it is passed onto the cardholder database to reduce the load on KFUPM network.Figure.2 Card Issuance CenterCard personalization system (CPS) performs the chip personalization in addition to defining the door access level for the cardbolder. CPS works on a cliendserver configuration, where the application used for the personalization process resides on the server. Therefore, each defined CPS workstation uses the KFUPM network to access and invoke the CPS application in the server. The CPS application can access the SIS and PPS through the KFUPM network. CPS consists of biometrics scanner, contact card reader and contactless reader as seen in Figure.3.Figure.3 Card Personalization SystemDue to the presence of contact and contactless chips, personalization has to be performed twice. Once the personalization process is complete, the system performs a biometrics verification process to insure that biometrics templates match the actual physical cardholder.Access control system (ACS) is responsible for controlling all defined access controlled areas. It is also used to define the various group levels, which allow proper control of the movement of students and personnel in the university. This system provides access control to the university gates, buildings,Laboratories, library, recreation centers and car parks, as shown in Figure.4. ACS tracks and records movement of staff and students in controlled regions.Figure.4 Access control systemPayment management system (PMS) is responsible for collecting the various E-purse and university account transactions performed at the point of sale (POS) terminals. These POS terminals would be available at restaurants, library, recreation center, medical center, and coffee shops. The POS system accepts cash payments, make payments via university account, and make payments and provide refunds using the E-Purse system. Figure.5 shows the POS system.Figure5 Point of Sale SystemConclusionsThis paper introduced smart card technology. It presented the history and Ines of smart cards. Additionally, it highlighted the important points of KFUPM smart card system. Upon completion of the system, it is hoped that KFUPM smart card project will be an important case study for other universities in the are.% to follow.中文翻译:校园智能卡摘 要智能卡的诞生是对世界信息技术的一种补充。从前景来看,智能卡程序旨在提供安全、快速、友好,易于使用的,灵活的服务,便于用户任何时间任何地点使用。智能卡的大小与传统的信用卡大小相同,它内嵌用于在用户和设备间存储和交换数据的计算机芯片。这类数据可以是值或信息,也可以两者兼有,通过智能卡的芯片储存和处理。卡数据通过读卡器连接到计算机系统作为外围设备。目前,智能卡在几个主要应用领域得到广泛应用,如教育、医疗、银行、娱乐和运输。1. 简介智能卡是一种具有提高储存和处理数据能力的微型计算机。虽然现在它们最普遍的应用是单功能现金卡和长途呼叫卡,但它们的能力范围涉及保留票据和钱,累计飞行里程,旅游偏好、保险信息、关键的人口数据,连接到一个病人的病历,允许进入建筑物,登陆网络等。智能卡的潜力是无限的。如果在一个单一的卡上执行这些附加功能,智能卡有可能成为必不可少的工具。智能卡在几十年前第一次出现在欧洲,作为储值工具,以减少电话付费时的偷盗1。随着智能卡及其它基于芯片的卡的发展,人们找到新的使用方法,如通过一卡通收取信用卡消费来代替在纸上记录。智能卡提供用户和帐号的身份验证。他们针对全面的安全威胁提供保护,从用户密码的不安全存储到复杂的系统的修改。智能卡可通过使用储存在卡中的多种应用而变得多功能。本文从智能卡的历史开始说起,描述了不同类型的智能卡以及每种类型卡的特征。最后,本文将详细介绍KFUPM智能卡系统作为一个重要的案例研究。2. 智能卡的历史第一个做一般性使用的塑料付款卡发布于1950年的晚餐俱乐部。一开始,智能卡的功能相当简单2。他们最初作为数据的载体,以防止数据被伪造和篡改。一般性信息,如信用卡发行公司的名字,被印在卡的表面,而个人数据元素,如持卡人姓名和卡号码是浮雕式突出的。进一步来说,许多卡有一个签名区域。防伪通过视觉特征显示。因此,系统的安全性完全依于接受卡的零售人员。然而,鉴于卡的初始权这并不是一个绝对的问题。由于欺诈行为卡发行公司的损失逐年增多,就迫切需要有一种机器可读的卡来降低处理成本。第一个改进的是在卡背面贴一个磁条。这个允许数字数据作为可视化数据以机器可读的形式存储到卡中。此外,通过使用一个秘密的个人身份证明文件 (PIN),与存储在磁条中的参考数字进行比较,来增强安全性。在1984年当法国电信部门针对逐渐增加的破坏和偷窃决定使用预付费芯片卡支付公共电话费时智能卡取得了重大突破,。芯片卡被证明是有效的付费方案。法国的例子被许多其他的国家效仿。今天,超过100个国家在公共电话系统中才采用芯片卡付费。到1990年,智能卡的总数达到60万张。今天,有数十亿的智能卡在世界范围内被使用。3. 智能卡的分类智能卡芯片由一个芯片,一个在芯片和读卡机之间的接口和一个塑料外壳组成。根据芯片类型智能卡可分为内存芯片卡片和微处理器芯片卡。他们也可以根据与读卡器通信的方式不同进行分类。智能卡可通过直接物理接触(接触式卡)或通过射频讯号(非接触式卡) 与读卡器通信。3.1内存芯片卡记忆卡没有复杂的处理能力,也无法动态管理文件。它们是用来存储数据和应用。数据可以包括卡的识别码,序列号、安装的应用程序以及多应用程序卡的一个特定应用程序所需的信息。记忆智能卡主要用于存储卡的操作系统,运行时间环境,卡发行方的安全域、卡发行方的应用, 密钥、解密许可。钥匙函数作为安全运行环境的密码, 解密许可核对密码的真实性。3.2微处理器芯片卡这些卡具有卡动态数据处理能力。这个芯片包含了一个用于管理内存分配和档案存取得微处理器或微控制器。它在组织好的文件结构中通过一个卡操作系统管理数据。不像其它操作系统,该软件控制对卡用户记忆的访问。这个功能允许不同的多重的功能和不同的应用程序记录在卡上。这种卡的微处理器芯片比在中使用的中央处理单元更小,处理起来更慢。他们的编程能力为卡的功能提供支持。3.3 接触式智能卡智能卡除了能按智能卡芯片分类外,也可基于通信方式的不同来分。接触式智能卡需要卡和读卡器有物理上的接触。这种卡通过其上一个八针或六针的针头从物理上连接到读卡器。他们的芯片可以是内存或微处理器类型。3.4非接触式智能卡非接触式智能卡使用天线与读卡器进行通信。他们的从读卡器产生的射频场获取能量。射频卡可在卡与读卡器之间传送数据。门禁系统使用的员工识别卡通常采用非接触式智能卡。另外,大多数应用于运输的卡也是非接触式的。3.5混合性智能卡多功能组合智能卡是接触式和非接触式设计的杂交组合。它包括用于与接触式读卡器通信的接触类型,也包括用于与射频式读卡器通信的天线。4. KFUPM智能卡系统大学校园里所有员工和学生都需要简单的身份认证卡,这种卡根据他们的地位授权其使用特定的数据,设备和部门。多功能、以微处理器为基础的智能卡把身份与访问权限进行合并,同时将在各种地点的使用费用进行存储,如餐厅和商店等。世界各地的众多院校都在使用智能卡。KFUPM是在某一区域内首个采用综合性多功能智能卡系统的大学之一。KFUPM卡是一种双卡,它有两个芯片,一个为接触式应用,另一个为非接触式应用。接触式芯片可以被用来存储持卡人照片以及未来的银行服务,而非接触式芯片用于所有其它的功能。卡系统将提供以下功能:(1) 照片编号(2) 图书馆借书权(3) 大学设施的访问控制(4) 电子钱包(5) 消费中心服务(6) 医疗中心服务(7) 上机和互联网访问(8) 网络教学这些功能均由控制管理中心(CMC) 控制,如图1所示。CMC将会控制一个连接到大学网络的文件数据库服务器,使该系统可以访问学生信息系统(SIS)及相关人员工资数据库(PPS)。为持卡人数据库创建一个额外的数据库,并将其注册进这个系统的服务器。CMC主要有以下几部分组成。图1 卡管理中心卡发行系统(CIS)的功能是为了用于捕获数码照片和持卡者的生物模板。如图所示,卡发行系统由卡打印机,生物扫描仪,数码相机和一个工作站组成。把卡发行系统工作站连接到网络是为了访问数据库取得所要求的信息和数据。然而,正在处理记录在被传送到持卡人数据库之前,可以在短时间内暂存在CIS本地数据库中,从而减少KFUPM网络的负担。图卡发布系统卡个人化系统(CPS)除了为持卡人定义门进入级别还执行芯片个人化。CPS工作于客户机/服务器结构, 用于个性化过程的应用放在服务器端。因此,每一个被定义的CPS工作站使用KFUPM网络在服务器端访问和调用CPS应用。CPS应用程序可以通过KFUPM网络进入SIS和PPS。CPS由生物扫描器, 接触式读卡器和非接触式读卡器组成,如图3所示。图卡个人化系统由于接触式和非接触式芯片的存在,个性化需要实现两次。一旦个性化程序完成时, 这个系统进行生物鉴定过程,以确保生物模板与实际持卡者匹配。访问控制系统(ACS)负责控制所有定义的访问管制区。它也被用来定义各组的水平,允许适当地控制大学中学生和工作人员的活动情况。该系统提供了对校门,建筑物,实验室、图书馆、娱乐中心和停车场的访问控制,如图4所示。ACS用于记录教职员工和学生在控制范围内的活动。图访问控制系统支付管理系统(PMS)负责收集各种在销售点(POS)终端执行的电子钱包与大学账目事务。这些POS终端可以设立在餐厅,图书馆、娱乐中心、医疗中心和咖啡店等。POS系统可接受现金付款,也可通过校园帐号付款,还可以通过电子钱包付款和还款。图所示为POS系统。图销售点系统结论本文介绍了智能卡技术。它涉及到了智能卡的历史和类型。此外,它重点介绍了KFUPM智能卡系统。在系统完成的基础上,希望KFUPM智能卡项目将成为该地区的其它大学效仿的一个重要的研究案例。15


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