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Unit 2 Read on to find out who the winners are. Module 8 Photos第1页/共50页第一页,共51页。1.To train reading strategies including taking notes, inferring and reformulating2.To learn some key words and useful expressions 3.To understand the restrictive clause with which and who4.To read the sentences correctlyObjectives:第2页/共50页第二页,共51页。Words:more, call, beauty, include, richPhrases:even thoughmanage to doCongratulations toPatterns:Compared withThe person whoThe photo which第3页/共50页第三页,共51页。Warming upLets enjoy some photos.Which categories do you think they are in? 第4页/共50页第四页,共51页。nature第5页/共50页第五页,共51页。sport第6页/共50页第六页,共51页。traditional culture第7页/共50页第七页,共51页。history第8页/共50页第八页,共51页。ReviewWords and expressions第9页/共50页第九页,共51页。汉语是我们的母语, 我们从学英语开始, 就是用汉语来解释和记忆英语的。变“用汉语解释和记忆英语”为“用英语解释和记忆英语”。避免了将英语转换(zhunhun)为另一种语言 汉语所带来的不便和时间耗费。不但提高了效率,而且久而久之,有可能在头脑中建立起两种思维系统,即在在汉语思维之外,还可以逐步建立起独立的英语思维系统。第10页/共50页第十页,共51页。用英语解释和记忆英语,本身就是在学习和运用英语,对提高英语语感和英语的阅读理解能力和综合运用能力很有好处。是一举多得的好方法(fngf)。真正做到了用英语品味英语,越品越有味;用英语理解英语,理解更准确。鉴于本环节初次尝试此种设置,可能有些学生对英语解释不能完全理解,为降低难度,英文解释后面可进一步演示中文解释,学生可再通过中文解释回顾早读课中已预习过的单词,进一步加深记忆。第11页/共50页第十一页,共51页。Read the explanation and speak out the word it explains.第12页/共50页第十二页,共51页。how large or small something or someone is the quality of being pleasant to see, hear, or feel although even though即使(jsh)sizen. 规模(gum)n. 美丽(mil)beautykind, sort; a particular type of thing within a larger group; class n. 类别, 种类category第13页/共50页第十三页,共51页。to have or contain as a part of the whole having a great amount of money or valuable possessions; having large amounts of butter, fat, eggs, or sugar a motion or way of moving movementn. 运动(yndng), 动作includev. 包括(boku)adj. 丰富(fngf)的; 富有的rich第14页/共50页第十四页,共51页。a photograph (a set of) formal acts, often fixed and traditional, performed on important social or religious occasions when you congratulate someone congratulation(常复) 祝贺(zhh)photographern. 摄影师n. 典礼(dinl)ceremony第15页/共50页第十五页,共51页。 Historic China Most Beautiful Nature Most Unusual Music or SportLook at the photos which won last years photo competition. What categories do you think the prizes were for?第16页/共50页第十六页,共51页。Historic ChinaMost Beautiful NatureMusic categoryMost UnusualMost Unusual第17页/共50页第十七页,共51页。1. _ won the prize for the Most Beautiful Nature photography. A. Zhao Min B. Becky Wang C. Li Wei2. _ will talk about his new book at the end of this month. A. He Zhong B. John William C. Zhao MinListen and choose.第18页/共50页第十八页,共51页。Skimming to get general idea第19页/共50页第十九页,共51页。Answer the questions:1. How old is Li Wei?2. Who took the best photo in the Historic China group?3. Which category did He Zhong won? The Music category.Zhao Min.He is fifteen-year-old.第20页/共50页第二十页,共51页。Careful reading to solve difficult points第21页/共50页第二十一页,共51页。1. Compared with other years, we receivedmany more photos.与往年相比与往年相比, 这次我们这次我们(w men)收到的照片多了收到的照片多了很多。很多。本句中本句中more是是many的比较级,修饰的比较级,修饰photos, 而而它前面它前面(qin mian)的的many则是比较结构的修则是比较结构的修饰语。但是,当饰语。但是,当more修饰不可数名词时,则修饰不可数名词时,则要用要用much。第22页/共50页第二十二页,共51页。even though意为意为“即使即使”、“尽管尽管”, 引导让步状语引导让步状语(zhungy)从句从句, 语气比语气比though或或although较强烈较强烈, 不能与不能与but连用。连用。even if/though 即使; 虽然He will come on time even if it rains.即使下雨, 他还是会准时(zhn sh)来的。Even though everyone deserts you, I will not.即使所有人都抛弃你,我也不会。2. Even though all of the photos are excellent, we cant give prizes to everyone.尽管尽管(jn gun)所有的照片都很优秀,但我们却不所有的照片都很优秀,但我们却不能给每人都颁奖。能给每人都颁奖。第23页/共50页第二十三页,共51页。beauty n.美, 美丽, 优美美人(mirn); 美的事物He has no real feeling for beauty.他并非真的爱美。She is quite a beauty.她是个真正的美人(mirn)儿。3. Her photo shows the size and beauty of the square perfectly.她的照片完美地展现她的照片完美地展现(zhnxin)了广了广场的宽广与美丽。场的宽广与美丽。第24页/共50页第二十四页,共51页。4. He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band何忠很好地展示何忠很好地展示(zhnsh)了这支很棒的新乐了这支很棒的新乐队的动作和音乐队的动作和音乐manage to do sth. 指指“成功地做到了某事成功地做到了某事”;try to do sth. 指指“尽力去做某事尽力去做某事”,表示一种企图,表示一种企图(qt)或决心或决心, 不包含是否成功的意思。试比较不包含是否成功的意思。试比较:The box was heavy but he managed to carry it.The box was heavy but he tried to carry it.第25页/共50页第二十五页,共51页。5. A collection of photos called “The Many Faces of Our City” which features Beijing won the prize for the Most Unusual category.赢得最特别类奖项赢得最特别类奖项(jin xin)的是一组以北的是一组以北京为素材叫京为素材叫“城市面面观城市面面观”照片集。照片集。后置定语后置定语(dngy)called “The Many Faces of Our City”和定语和定语(dngy)从句从句which features Beijing 都修饰都修饰a collection of photos。第26页/共50页第二十六页,共51页。在定语在定语(dngy)从句从句which features Beijing中,中,关系词关系词which作主语,因此谓语动词的人称和数要作主语,因此谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词和先行词a collection of photos保持一致。保持一致。当当“a collection of +可数名词的复数形式可数名词的复数形式” 作作主语时主语时, 谓语动词一般用第三人称单数,谓语动词一般用第三人称单数, 所以所以(suy)这里用了这里用了feature的第三人称形式的第三人称形式features。第27页/共50页第二十七页,共51页。include vt.包括, 包含W+v-ing算入, 包含于.里面The price includes both house and furniture.价钱包括房子和家具(ji j)。I include him among my friends.我把他当作朋友。6. It includes photos of different parts of the city, old and new.这些照片包含北京城不同地区的风貌,这些照片包含北京城不同地区的风貌,有传统有传统(chuntng)的也有现代的。的也有现代的。第28页/共50页第二十八页,共51页。rich adj.有钱(yu qin)的, 富有的富于.的, 有很多.的(+in)He grew rich from selling used cars.他靠卖旧车致富。The country is rich in resources.这个国家资源丰富。7. It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.它成功地展示了使北京闻名世界的丰富它成功地展示了使北京闻名世界的丰富(fngf)文化。文化。第29页/共50页第二十九页,共51页。 congratulations to sb (on sth.) 表示“ (因某事)向某人表示祝贺” Congratulations on your promotion! 恭喜(gngx)你升职! I sent her a gift as a token of my congratulation. 我给她寄去一件礼物表示祝贺。 8. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.祝贺我们祝贺我们(w men)的获奖者的获奖者, 并感谢所有参并感谢所有参与者。与者。第30页/共50页第三十页,共51页。Tips for teacherLet the word fly 板块是帮助学生学板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节通过此环节(hunji),学生可以对一些常,学生可以对一些常见词见词的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。第31页/共50页第三十一页,共51页。第32页/共50页第三十二页,共51页。1. at the moment=now 目前,此刻目前,此刻(ck),眼,眼下下 At the moment, the situation in Lybia is very tense. 目前,利比亚的局势非常紧张。目前,利比亚的局势非常紧张。2. in a moment=very soon 立刻立刻, 马上马上, 很快很快 Ill come in a moment. 我很快就来。我很快就来。 Ill come back to that point in a moment. 我马上就会重新谈那一点。我马上就会重新谈那一点。3. at this moment 此时;当时;那时此时;当时;那时 Parents may feel sad at this moment. 此时,父母可能很伤心。此时,父母可能很伤心。第33页/共50页第三十三页,共51页。4. wait a moment 等一会等一会Please wait a moment. 请等一等。请等一等。 5. for a moment 片刻;一会儿,片刻;一会儿,For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened. 她呆站在那里半天她呆站在那里半天, 不相信不相信(xingxn)刚才发刚才发生的事情。生的事情。6. The moment that=as soon as一一就就He said hed phone you the moment that he got home.他说他一到家就给你打电话。他说他一到家就给你打电话。第34页/共50页第三十四页,共51页。7. just a moment 请稍候,稍等一下请稍候,稍等一下Just a moment, shes coming. 请稍等,她马上来。请稍等,她马上来。 8. for the moment=for the time beingWell, for the moment were just friends.好吧,目前好吧,目前(mqin)我们仅仅是朋友。我们仅仅是朋友。第35页/共50页第三十五页,共51页。Scanning to get detail information第36页/共50页第三十六页,共51页。本课接本课接Module7介绍的常用英文速记介绍的常用英文速记(sj)符号的其他符号的其他2种:种: 5. 箭头箭头g表示表示 “到达到达, 传达传达” go into, arrive at, etc. f表示表示“来自于来自于” be from, come from, etc.h表示表示“上升上升”increase, up/upward/rise, etc. 6. 较长单词较长单词(dnc)处理方法处理方法-tion简写为简写为n expression, congratulation, etc. -ment简写为简写为mt appointment, movement, etc.-ing简写为简写为g meeting, printing, hurdling, etc.第37页/共50页第三十七页,共51页。WinnerPrizeSubject Comment Li WeiMost BeautifulNature The tallestmountain in Xiangshan ParkKnows the park wellZhaominHistoricChinaTiananmenSquareShows the sizeand beauty of the squareperfectlyHe ZhongThree pupilsMusic Most UnusualCrazy Feet/ Becky WangBeijing Shows movementof the band andfansShows the rich culture of the capitalComplete the table. (可尝试(chngsh)用学过的速记法做笔记)第38页/共50页第三十八页,共51页。1 The photo competition was more popular in the past than it was last year. 2 Tiananmen square is longer, from north to south than from west to east. 3 There were several photos which won the Most Unusual prize.4. John William is coming to China soon. Check the true sentences.第39页/共50页第三十九页,共51页。Find words in the passage which mean the opposite of the words in the box. close modern poor same unlucky usual第40页/共50页第四十页,共51页。1 The park is far from Li Weis home.2 The photos of the collection “The Many Faces of Our City” is usual. 3 The winners of the Most Unusual category are from different classes.4 Its unlucky that John William will present the prizes.close (to)unusual(the) same (class)luckyNow correct the sentences.第41页/共50页第四十一页,共51页。1 “. read on to find out who the winners are.” Where do you find who the winners are? 2 “. the fun which their fans are having” Why are the fans having fun?Youll find the winners in the following part of the passage.Because the band is great.Answer the questions.第42页/共50页第四十二页,共51页。3 “It successful shows the rich culture. which makes Beijing so famous.” Who or what Shows the rich culture?The collection of the photos showsthe rich culture.第43页/共50页第四十三页,共51页。Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the places.How longHow wideHow highHow far (to Xiang-shan Park)Tiananmen Square880m500mXianglu Peak557mLiweis home500m第44页/共50页第四十四页,共51页。Write about your favourite photograph. Include the following:What it shows.Where it was taken.The main colours of the photograph.Details about the people and things.Why you like it.第45页/共50页第四十五页,共51页。1. 对对感到高兴感到高兴 2. 与与相比相比3. 即使即使(jsh)4. 照片收藏照片收藏5. at the prize giving ceremony 6. at the concert 7. congratulations to8. enter the competition be pleased with compare with even though a collection of photos 在音乐会上 祝贺(zhh) 参加(cnji)比赛 在颁奖典礼上I. 英汉短语互译。Quiz注注: word : word 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接第46页/共50页第四十六页,共51页。II. 根据句意及汉语提示, 写出相应(xingyng)的单词。1. We were surprised at the _ (规模规模(gum)of the Forbidden City.2. I watched his _ (动作动作) carefullyand imitated (模仿模仿) him.3. Qingdao is a city of great _ (美丽美丽).Many visitors go there every year.4. The price for one person for a ten-day tour is only $1,088. It _ (包括包括) round-trip airfare (来回机票钱来回机票钱).sizemovementsbeautyincludes第47页/共50页第四十七页,共51页。5. Wow, _ (祝贺你祝贺你)! How did you get your first job?6. Sue _ (设法设法(shf)做到做到) to save enough money to buy her mother a dress.7. Please excuse me for not being able to go to your wedding _ (典礼典礼).8. The photos are very nice. It looks like youre quite a good _ (摄影师摄影师).congratulationsmanagedceremonyphotographer第48页/共50页第四十八页,共51页。第49页/共50页第四十九页,共51页。谢谢您的观看(gunkn)!第50页/共50页第五十页,共51页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结Unit 2。变“用汉语(Hny)解释和记忆英语”为“用英语解释和记忆英语”。用英语解释和记忆英语,本身就是在学习和运用英语,对提高英语语感和英语的阅读理解能力和综合运用能力很有好处。真正做到了用英语品味英语,越品越有味。用英语理解英语,理解更准确。本句中more是many的比较级,修饰photos, 而它前面的many则是比较结构的修饰语。富于.的, 有很多.的(+in)。谢谢您的观看第五十一页,共51页。


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