Unit4 Where’s my schoolbag教学设计.docx

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Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag?单元教学设计王海叶一.教学内容本单元的主要内容是谈论物品所在的位置。通过这一话题,训练学生的听、 说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些有关家居物品 和学习用品的单词,以及方位介词in, on, under, behind等的用法;学习并掌握 Where问句的问答,一般疑问句提问并用方位介词来回答;学习名词单复数及人 称代词they的用法,同时培养学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。 二.教学目标.知识目标:A.掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, bag, clock, CD, tape player, tape, hat, etc;B.熟练运用 in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to 等介词;C.熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答;D.掌握名词单复数及人称代词they的用法。1 .能力目标:A.学会用英语准确描述物品所在的位置;B.学会用英语询问自己的或他人物品的具体位置;C.能够合理地描述和设计房间。2 .情感目标:A.培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯;B.通过小组对话、讨论、调查和设计等一系列的课堂活动, 培养学生的合作精神。3 .学习策略:A.交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实 的生活中去;B.资源策略:学会利用一切可利用的学习资源,如词典, 音像资料,网络等来获取更多的学习信息;C.认知能力:积极思考,及时反应;D.调控策略:在反思,顿悟和自醒中不断调整自己的学习 策略。三.教学重点、难点1.重点:A.方位介词:in, on, under, behind, in front of, next to 等的用法;Where 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:Is the. in/on/under the .? 的肯定、否认回答;B. 新单词:bed,drawer, table, bookcase, schoolbag2.难点:A.能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;B.能够运用Where问句找到物品的位置。四.教学方法采用任务型语言教学,实施情景教学法、交际法、情感激励法等教学方法。五.课时安排第一课时:Section A la, lb, 1c第二课时:Section A 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c第三课时:Section B la, lb, 1c, Id, le, 2a, 2b, 2c第四课时:Section B 3a, 3b, Self-checPeriod 1 Section A la-lcTeaching aims and demands:1. Knowledge objectives:1) Key vocabularies and phrasesSs can read and know the nouns: dresser, bookcase, sofa, TVSs should read, write and master the nouns : table, bed, chair, drawer, plant (黑体字)Ss can use the prepositions: in, on, under2) Target languageSs can use target language: Where is the schoolbag? Its in/on/undcr the .Where arc the plants? Theyre in/on/under the .2. Ability objectives:1) Ss can talk about where the things are.2) Ss can design rooms by using the prepositionsMoral objectives:1) Ss will learn to keep their rooms clean and tidy.2) Ss should learn to love their lives.Important and difficult points:Important points:1)掌握单词的正确拼读2)如何准确运用方位介词in, on, under描述物品所在位置Difficult points:1)能够用where引导的特殊疑问句中运用单复数形式来找到物品位置2)如何准确运用方位介词in, on, under描述物品所在位置Teaching aids:A tape recorder, a projector, some objectsTeaching procedure:教学步骤建议和说明Stepl. Greeting and warming-up热身活动chantEnjoy an English chant活跃课堂气氛,T: Hello, everyone! How are you today?调动学生的学Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?习积极性,同时T: Im OK. Now today there arc so many teachers, lets复习 Whats thischant to welcome them, OK?和 whats thatSs: OK.句型,为新课做T: OK, lets go!准备。Step2. RevisionT: Wow, there are so many things in the chant, so excuse me,通过此环节复whats this?习巩固名词的SI: Its a .单复数形式及T: Good, and what are these?Its 和 TheyreSI: Theyre .的回答方式,同Step3. Presentation时此处的复习T: Whafs this? Its a room(房间).Its my living room.也将la中已学Whats in my living room? Whats this?的单词呈现加Ss: Ifs a/an . ( sofa, table, TV)深印象,为下面T: Oh, this is my bedroom. Whats in my bedroom?的步骤打下坚T&Ss: I have a/an . (bed, dresser, plant)实的基础T: Whats in this room? I have a/an .通过直观图片,T&Ss: I have a/an .(bookcase, chair, desk, drawer)创设情境呈现Step4. Groupwork新单词,让学生T: This is my room. Whats in your room? And maybe有身临其境的that is your dream(梦想的)room.感觉,同时让学S2: In my dream room, I have a a .and a .生了解老师的Step5. Match and listening生活环境,拉近1) Match师生距离T: I like your room. Its very nice. Look at this room. Its通过小组讨论my friend Tommys room. Whats in his room?复习新单词,让Please match the words with the pictures in la.学生的想象力2) Listening得到发挥,加强T: Now, Tommy is looking for his things in the room.他们的审美观What is he looking fbr? OK, lets listen and number在学生已经很the things you hear.好的掌握新单Step6. Presentation and practice词的基础上,T: Tommys house is very big. And this room is very clean,较快完成la和but look at this one, its not very clean and tidy( 1 净,整1b洁).Look at the pen, where is it?S3: Its on/ in/ under the desk.T: And where are the keys?通过图片呈现S4: Theyre on/ in/ under the desk.句型,同时让学T: Please talk about Tommys room with your partner.生进行及时的Step7. Pair work练习,强化T: Practice the conversations with a picture or your ownwhere引导的特things.A: Where is/ are the .?B: Ifs/ThevVe in/on/under .Step8. SummaryT: You did a very good job today,now tell me what weve learned today.Ss: A: Where is/ are the .?B: Its/Theyre in/on/under .T: Good!Thank you. .Step9. Homework:1. Copy and recite the new words.2. Practice the sentence pattern andmake your own conversations.殊疑问句句型 及介词的正确 运用。两人小组活动 练习巩固所学 where引导的特 殊疑问句句型 及介词的正确 运用。此任务是本堂 课综的小结,学 生总结所学内 容,加深对本节 课内容的理解。Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?A: Where is the .?B: Ils in/on/under the .A: Where are the .?B: Theyre in/on/under.In my dream room, I have .You can put . in/on under .Bb design


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