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The Need to Measure衡量(hng ling)的必要性1 To understand the current situation 了解现状 To identify the focus areas for improvement 确定需要改进的关键区域 To identify the improvement target 确定改进目标 To identify the impact of improvement activity 确认(qurn)改善行动的影响 To ensure sustainability and drive further continuous improvement activities 确保持续性并深入推动持续改进行动Why do we need to measure?为什么要进行(jnxng)衡量Visual FactoryWaste elimination & Standard WorkSafetyProductive Maintenance QualityDemand FlowContinuous ImprovementWorking in TeamsLeadershipPeople Development & Involvement第1页/共18页第一页,共19页。Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 关键业绩(yj)指标2Key 图解(tji): Strong Correlation. 关系密切 Some Correlation 少许联系 EASURE衡量标准QUALITY质量COST琛本DELIVERY 交货SAFETY安全BBRIVIATION 缩写Safety 安全Total Case Incident Rate 总计事故发生率总计事故发生率TCIRProductivity 生产率Labour Productivity 人工效率人工效率LPProduction Quality 生产质量Not Right First Time 一交不合格率一交不合格率NRFTProduct Quality 产品质量Service Call Rate 电话投诉率(社会返修率)电话投诉率(社会返修率)SCRProduction Delivery 交货Delivery Schedule Achievement 按时交货率按时交货率 DSAProduction Inventories 生产库存Stock Turns WIP & Supplies 在制品在制品&物料库存周转率物料库存周转率STWSWarehouse Inventories 仓库存货Stock Turns Finished Goods 成品库存周转率成品库存周转率STFGConversion Costs 加工成本Conversion Cost per Product 单台加工成本单台加工成本CCPPEquipment Efficiency 设备效率Overall Equipment Efficiency 设备综合利用率设备综合利用率OEEProduction Efficiency 生产效率Disruption Free Performance 无中断运行无中断运行 DFP第2页/共18页第二页,共19页。Total Cases Incident Rate总计(zngj)事故发生率3A measure of Safety considering workplace injuries in relation to hours worked.与工作时间相关的工伤方面(fngmin)的安全测定标准TCIR =Annual total no. of hours worked200 000 (hrs) annual no. of recordable accidents incurred200 000(小时) 年度记录在案的事故发生数量年度总工时Unit: rec.acc./100 workers/year 单位: (事故(shg)记录数量/100个工人/每年)200 000 = 100 workers 50 weeks 40 hours per week200 000 = 100个工人 50周每周40小时Recordable accidents 记录在案的事故Annual number of recordable accidents incurred 年度记录在案的事故发生数量 Annual total number of hours worked 年度总工时Data Required: 所需数据:第3页/共18页第三页,共19页。Labour Productivity 人工效率4A measure of the ratio between good units made and the direct and indirect operator hours used to make them. 合格品与对应的直接(zhji)及间接人工工时之间的比值测定标准LP = Number of direct and indirect paid operator hours直接(zhji)及间接人工工时Total quantity of FG units produced成品(chngpn)生产总量 Unit: prod/hour单位:(产品台数/小时) FG = Finished Good unit.FG =成品台数Data Required 所需数据:Total quantity of FG produced 成品生产总量Number of direct and indirect paid operator hours 直接和间接人工工时第4页/共18页第四页,共19页。Not Right First Time 一交不合格率5A measure of the quality of a product / process ability to match the specification产品质量 / 工艺能力与规范(gufn)的匹配性的测定标准Total quantity of units produced生产(shngchn)总台数Number of defective units缺陷(quxin)台数NRFT = 1 million 一百万 Unit: parts per million, ppm单位: (百万分率,PPM)Data Required 所需数据:No of units produced 生产台数No of units scrapped 报废台数No of units reworked 返修台数第5页/共18页第五页,共19页。SCR 电话(dinhu)投诉率(社会返修率) Service Call Rate6 SCR =Number of FG units repaired by After Sales Service售后服务提供的成品(chngpn)维修数量Total quantity of FG units sold成品(chngpn)销售总量Product Quality is measured through Service Call Rate as already in use通过现有的SCR来衡量产品质量Unit: %单位: (%)Data Required: 所需数据No of finished good units sold 成品销售总量No of finished good units repaired by After Sales Service售后服务提供的成品维修数量FG = Finished Good unit.FG = 成品台数第6页/共18页第六页,共19页。Delivery Schedule Achievement 按时(nsh)交货率7A measure of how well a supplier matches the delivery requirements according to a frozen plan.厂家根据(gnj)固定计划完成交货要求的测定标准Units: Percent %单位(dnwi):(%)Data Required: 所需数据:Number of planned units (Number of planned units frozen for 5 working days)计划台数 (5个工作日之内的固定计划台数)Number of incorrect units (A unit is incorrect when it is not in time, not in correct quantity, not in correct sequence or not conforming to frozen plan, different PNC or production line.) 生产误差台数 (未及时、未按数量要求、未按正确的工序或不符合固定计划、PNC码不相符或生产线不一致的台数) 100%No. of planned units计划生产台数No. of planned units No. of incorrect produced units计划台数 生产误差台数DSA =第7页/共18页第七页,共19页。Stock Turns Wip & Supplies 在制品(zhpn)&物料存货周转率8A measure of how frequently the WIP & Supplies Inventory is turned over in relation to annual Cost of Materials.与年度材料成本相关(xinggun)的在制品&物料存货周转频率的测定标准Data Required: 所需数据:12 month rolling period Cost of Materials: 12个月滚动周期的材料(cilio)成本12 month rolling average of Wip & Supplies Inventory value: 在制品&物料存货价值的12个月滚动平均数STWS =12 month rolling ave of Wip&Supplies Inventory value在制品&物料存货12个月的滚动平均值12 month rolling period Cost of Materials12个月滚动周期的材料成本Unit: frequency单位: (频率)第8页/共18页第八页,共19页。Stock Turns Finished Goods 成品(chngpn)库存周转率9A measure of how frequently the FG stock is turned over in relation to the annual FG sold (STK2).与年度成品(chngpn)销售(STK2)相关的成本库存周转频率的测定标准Data Required: 所需数据:12 month rolling period Cost of FG sold: 12个月滚动周期(zhuq)内销售的成品成本:12 month rolling average of Finished Goods Inventory value: 成品库存的12个月滚动平均值:STFG =12 month rolling ave of FG Inventory value成品库存的12个月滚动平均值12 month rolling period Cost of FG sold12个月滚动周期内销售的成品成本Unit: frequency单位: (频率)第9页/共18页第九页,共19页。Conversion Cost Per Product 单台加工成本10A financial measure which relates the number of products produced to the cost of producing them.将产品生产数量与其生产成本联系起来的财务(ciw)测定标准CCPP =Total quantity of FG units produced生产(shngchn)的成品总量STK1 including variance DM including variances包括(boku)差异的STK1 包括(boku)差异的DMUnit: or$/ product单位: (欧元或美元/台)FG = Finished Good unit.FG = 成品台数Data Required: 所需数据:Total quantity of FG units produced 生产的成品总量STK1 including variances 包括差异的STK1Represents the sum of DM, DL, DL-b, ODC, FO-v, including variances表示包括差异的直接原材料,直接人工,直接人工福利, ODC, 变动制造费用总量第10页/共18页第十页,共19页。Overall Equipment Efficiency 设备(shbi)综合利用率11A measure of how efficiently a process is producing parts within the time it is planned to run对工序流程在计划运转时间内生产零件(ln jin)的效率的测定标准OEE = Availability% Performance% Quality%OEE = 利用率% 性能(xngnng)% 合格率%Availability compares how much time the process was actually producing in relation to the time it was planned to run 利用率是实际生产流程时间与计划运行时间的对比Performance compares the theoretical time to process the produced quantity to the actual time to produce them 性能是生产一定数量产品的理论时间与实际生产时间的对比Quality compares the number of parts that are right first tme from the process with total quantity of parts processed 合格率是加工一次合格部件数量与部件加工总量的对比Data Required: 所需数据:Right first time level of process (100% - NRFT%) 加工一次合格率水平(100% - 一交不合格率)Total available time 总计利用时间Downtime losses planned and unplanned 停机时间损失计划的和非计划的Actual operating time taken to produce parts in period 周期内生产部件的实际操作时间Number of parts produced in that period 该周期内生产的部件数量Ideal cycle time for the part through the process 该部件加工的理想周期第11页/共18页第十一页,共19页。Overall Equipment Efficiency 设备(shbi)综合利用率12_Total available time总计利用时间Planned downtime计划停机时间Unplanned downtime非计划停机时间Total available time总计利用时间Planned downtime计划停机时间Availability =利用率x 100%Performance =性能Ideal cycle time x Processed quantity理想周期 x 加工数量Actual operating time实际操作时间x 100%Quality =合格率Processed quantity Defect Quantity 加工数量(shling) 缺陷数量(shling)Processed quantity加工(ji gng)数量x 100%第12页/共18页第十二页,共19页。Overall Equipment Efficiency 设备(shbi)综合利用率131000625250125I plan to run a machine for 10hrs, with a cycle time of 0.6 min/part : Potential Output = 1000 parts.计划让机器运转10小时(xiosh),周替为每个零件0.6分钟:可能的产量=1000个But if I lose 3 hrs to breakdown,2 hrs to a changeover.但如果故障停机3个小时(xiosh),又花了2个小时(xiosh)进行设备转换。Availability = ?% Max. Possible Output = ? parts利用率=?% 最大产量可能=?个But if we have to run slowly due to machine condition and because I am a new operator, I only make 250 parts in the 5 hours available.但是如果由于机器情况不得不让其运转速度放慢,再加上我是个新手,我只能在5个小时(xiosh)内做250个零件。Performance = ?% Actual Output = 250 parts效能=?% 实际产出=250个OEE concept example: 设备综合(zngh)利用率案例:第13页/共18页第十三页,共19页。Overall Equipment Efficiency 设备(shbi)综合效率14And if half of the parts that we do make require rework to make them in tolerance.并且如果我们生产的零件有一半需要按要求返工,以使其在规定公差(gngch)范围之内Quality = ?% Good Parts Produced = ?合格率 =?% 生产的合格品=?OEE(设备综合利用率) = ?% x ?% x ?% ?=?%1000625250125第14页/共18页第十四页,共19页。15OEE Worked ExampleOEE实例(shl) A machine operates on one shift of eight hours with 20 minutes for breaks 假设一台机器8小时单班,期间会有20分钟计划停机时间. Yesterday the machine stopped for 20 min for tooling, 20min for breakdown and 20 min for adjusting昨天该机器修模停了20分钟,故障20分钟,调试20分钟。 All planned maintenance is carried out outside the normal shift time (8 hours)按计划机器维护安排在正常(zhngchng)生产时间以后(8小时以后) Normal planned output is 460 units. Yesterday the machine made 350 parts of which 20 were scrapped and 30 reworked. Machine cycle time is 1 minute计划产量为460台。但昨天只生产了350台,其中20台报废,30台返工,设备循环周期为1分钟。 What is the O.E.E. of the machine问该设备的OEE是多少?第15页/共18页第十五页,共19页。16 利用率 = 总可用时间(shjin) 计划停机时 非计划停机时节 x 100%总可用时间(shjin) 计划停机时 = 480 20 60 x 100%(480 20)= 87%运行(ynxng)率 =理论循环时间 x加工数量y x 100%实际运行时间= 1 x 350 x 100%400= 87.5%= 86%合格率 =加工数量 缺陷数量 x 100%加工数量= 350 50 x 100%350O.E.E. = 87% x 87.5% x 86% = 65.4% OEE Worked ExampleOEE 计算举例第16页/共18页第十六页,共19页。Disruption Free Performance无中断(zhngdun)运行17A measure of Production Efficiency to monitor disruptions in the manufacturing process.制造流程中生产(shngchn)效率对生产(shngchn)中断监测的测定标准Disruptions are monitored by Lost units 中断由损失台数监测 Lost units are the number of units that were not produced due to disruptions in the production flows, specified using DFP codes and definitions as: 损失台数是指由于生产流程的中断而未能生产的台数,DFP的标准和定义如下:EI Equipment issues, MC Material codes, QC Quality control, PP People and process, RU ramp up EI 设备问题, MC 材料代码,QC 质量(zhling)控制,PP 人和工序,RU 持续改善Unit: %单位:(%)FG = Finished Good unit. FG = 成品数量Data Requirements: 所需数据:Total quantity of FG units produced 成品生产总台数Theorectical Capacity 理论产能Theoretical capacity (100%)理论产能(100%)Total quantity of FG units produced成品生产总台数DFP = 100%第17页/共18页第十七页,共19页。18谢谢您的观看(gunkn)!第18页/共18页第十八页,共19页。NoImage内容(nirng)总结The Need to Measure衡量的必要性。生产误差(wch)台数 (未及时、未按数量要求、未按正确的工序或不符合固定计划、PNC码不相符或生产线不一致的台数)。与年度材料成本相关的在制品&物料存货周转频率的测定标准。与年度成品销售(STK2)相关的成本库存周转频率的测定标准。对工序流程在计划运转时间内生产零件的效率的测定标准。制造流程中生产效率对生产中断监测的测定标准。谢谢您的观看第十九页,共19页。


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