Unit 9 how many整单元

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Unit 9 How many?Lesson 1教学目标:1.初步感知课文故事,理解故事内容,在故事情境中体会本单元功能句型 及相关词汇的运用。2通过师生讲故事,培养学生口语表达能力,和交际能力。3培养学生爱护小动物,渗透安全自护的意识。教学重难点:理解故事内容。教学准备:多媒体课件和录音机教学方式:数字游戏板书设计:Unit 9 How many?教学过程:一、 Warm up.Number games.a. 教师用手指出示数字,学生迅速说出数字。b. Work in pairs.二、Learn the story.T: Good. Now lets listen to a story about numbers. What numbers can you hear?1. Listen to the tape, and answer the question.QT: What numbers can you hear?(Three, five, and six)2. Watch and listen.QT: What can you see?(I can see bird, flowers, crocodiles)3. Learn the story picture by picture.P1-2: QT: What can you see?(River, bird, trees, nest, Lulu and Mocky)QT: How many birds / nest / crocodiles are there?(There are ) 引导学生用完整句子回答。P3-4: QT: What does Mocky see?(Eggs).QT: How many eggs are there?(There are five.)P5-8: QT: What can you see?QT: How many eggs can you see?( 可引导学生自己就图片进行谈论。)(I can see eggs. There are five/six.)QT: Why?(A small crocodile.)T: So Lulu say: Look out! Can you guess what does it mean?T: It means be carefulP9: QT: What can you see? How many crocodiles? ( 可以引导学生自己谈论图片。)(Two crocodiles. One is small, one is big. )QT: Who is the big crocodile? 复习家庭成员。(Father, mother, sister, brother)4. Watch and listen.5. Listen and repeat.6. Read the story and point to the text.三、Set homework.Listen and read the story at home.教学反思:Unit 9 How many? Lesson 2教学目标:1.学习有关数字的单词,完成听力练习,学唱本单元歌曲。2通过listen and match, Lets sing.进一步体会功能句型的运用情境,培养学生语言运用能力。3培养学生积极的学习态度,及学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点:在功能句型中学习数字单词。教学准备:录音机,磁带,单词卡片,多媒体。教学方式:小组合作板书设计:Unit 9 How many?1 2 3 4 5One two three four five6 7 8 9 10Six seven eight nine ten教学过程:一、Warm up.3分钟Number games.T: Show me three.实物或用手指表示都可以。二、Review. (3分钟)T: How many books are there?S: Theres one.利用实物复习句型,比如:How many pens?( 注意引导孩子区分单复数形式句型。)三、Words to learn.(12分钟)1. Play the tape.a.指着每个数字和下面的单词。2. Play the tape again.b.跟读。c.学生领读数字单词。d.齐读数字单词。5. Read in pairs.4、Listen and match.(9分钟)A、领读对话,然后指着单词读。a. 跟读。B、教师随意说数字和物品的单词。C、学生迅速用手指。D、把数字和物品单词连起来。E、放录音。F、核对答案。5、Lets sing.(12分钟)A、放录音。a.、指老师读到的词B、放录音。b、看课件并听歌曲。C、放录音。c、边听歌曲边拍手。D、放录音。d、尝试跟唱。E、再跟唱,要求大声。F、交替唱歌曲中的不同数字。把学生分两组。6、布置家庭作业(1分钟)唱歌给自己的家人和朋友听。教学反思: Unit 9 How many Lesson 3教学目标:1、学习字母Ss Zz在单词中的读音和八个单词snake sun zipper zero zebra学习Talk together.复习句型How many ( books)are there? There are2、通过sounds and letters 培养学生的拼读能力,逐步养成拼读单词的习惯,形成正确的语音语调。通过Talk together. 培养学生在相应情境下语言的运用能力。3、增加学生的词汇量,培养学生的自信心。教学重难点:教学重点:Sound and Letters.教学难点:通过单词发音正确填写单词的首字母。教学方式:小组合作,角色扮演学法指导:拼读单词方法指导教具:电脑课件,卡片板书设计:Unit 9 How manySs snake salad six sun sister socksZz zoo zipper zebra zero一、Warm up.1、Sing the song.(Sing together.)2、ReviewQT: What are these?(Theyre (onions)。QT: How many onions are there?S: There are用相同的方法练习其他单词卡片。学生分小组用自己手中的小卡片进行练习。二、Talk together.让学生看图30,1QT: Who are they?(They are Wang Ling and Ken.)2Listen to it.3Listen and repeat.4Listen and read ,分角色读。5Speak in pairs.问一问文具盒里东西或身边东西的数量。三、Listen to this.1. Listen and repeat the numbers.2. Listen and write the numbers3. Read the number.四、Sounds and lettersT: Can you say something about the pictures?Listen to the tape and repeat.提问:这些字母有什么共同点?学生自己体会首字母的发音.读字母和单词,体会首字母单词的发音。五、Listen and writeRead and try to fill the beginning letters.Listen to the tape and check the answer.Check the answer.Read the words.七、Games听音乐传东西,音乐到哪个同学那里停止,他就要读出一个新学习的字母并且说出一个以这个字母开头的单词。八、Set homeworkRead the words. P31教学反思:Unit9 How many? (Lesson 4)教学目标1.在相应情境下熟练运用所学功能句型How many? 询问物品的数量,练习Touch and say. Uncle Bookys Blackboard和Lets Chant! 通过学习Chant体会英语节奏感和趣味性。2.通过运用功能句型描述物品的数量培养学生交际和语言运用能力。通过学习Chant培养学生英语语感。3.培养学生自主探究与合作的意识,提高学生学习和应用英语语言的兴趣。重点:熟练运用本单元的功能句型描述所学事物。难点:本单元韵文。教具:光盘,flash课件板书设计:Unit9 How many?How many birds are there?There are seven birds.教学过程:一、 Warm up.1.Sing the song (play the flash) (2)2.Numbers “one to ten”(学生一个接一个读数字卡片,用卡片复习所学数字。) (2)二、 Touch and Say(15)1. TQ: Points to “bananas ”,ask:How many bananas are there?引导学生回答:There are nine.2. Pointing to others ,ask:How many(pears ) are there?引导学生回答:“There are( seven)”.3. Have the students ask the answers.4. Practice in pairs. (Ask and answer)三、 Uncle Bookys Blackboard (10).1. Have the children read the sentences by themselves.2. Play the courseware,Point to each sentence, have the children repeat one by one.3. Teacher reads the structures aloud to the children, and explains them.4. Have the children repeat the questions and answers.5. Practice in pairs.五Lets chant! (10)T: Look at the picture and say something about them.(I can see a boy and a fish.)T: What happening?(鱼把小孩的手咬了)1. Listen and watch.2. Listen and repeat.(The students touch the words on the page.)3. Read and explain the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.4. Play the courseware, have the children listen and watch the words.5. Play again and have the children repeat.6. Say and clap with the courseware.7. Practice in pairs.六Homework (1)Copy the sentences on the Uncle Bookys Blackboard.教学反思:Unit9 How many? (Lesson 5)教学目标:1、 复习数字、蔬菜单词和句型,熟练运用所学单词和句型。2、 通过仿写练习,培养学生仿写句型能力。3、 培养学生认真书写的习惯。教学重点:教学单词的书写,正确运用四线格。教学难点:字母及单词正确占格。教学准备:纸条、数字卡片、单词卡片。教学过程:一、Review .1出示数字卡片,读数字。2I do and you say.(1)教师伸手指,学生说数字单词。(2)教师拍手或跺脚,拍或跺几下学生就说出数字几。(3)学生同桌来做这个游戏。(4)指名到前面表演。3. I say and you do.(1)老师说(two pens, three pencils),让学生集体做动作。4数字游戏。(1)给每个学生一个带有相应的数字的纸条。(2)介绍游戏规则。举例:教师说:“Four, stand up!”手里有单词“four ”的学生站起来。(3)开始游戏。(4)动作快、行动准确的学生做老师,集体进行游戏。二、Trace the words .(1) 出示蔬菜卡片,提问:“What are these?”引导学生回答: “These are (carrots).” 把单词卡片贴黑板上。再问:“How many (carrots) are there?”引导学生回答:“There are (two).” 把单词卡片贴黑板上。(2) 教师指着单词卡片提问:“How to spell?”引导学生按顺序读出单词中的每个字母。(3)教师在四线格中写出单词“two ”。(4)让学生打开书32 页,看第一行,先按虚线描写,在写三遍。(5)教师叫书写规范的学生尝试在黑板上写第二个单词,集体评价,通过评价练习书写格式。(6) 用同样的方法教学其他几个单词的书写。三、Look and write .(1)逐一出示数字卡片。提问:“Whats it?”引导学生说出数字单词。再问:“How to spell the word?”引导学生边说出单词的拼写边伸出手指在空中写。让学生看老师写后,在练习本上写。(2)让学生打开书32页。引导学生看插图中文具,提问:“What are these?”引导学生回答:“These are (books)”再问:“How many (books) are there?”引导学生回答:“There are (six).”(3)让学生看左边第一句话,教师示范填写单词。(4)用同样方法完成前三个句子,后三个句子学生独立完成。(5)指名读句子。四、Circle the number .(1)提问:“What are these?”引导学生回答: “These are (birds).”再问:“How many (birds) are there?”引导学生回答:“There are (two).”(2)学生边指单词边圈画。(3)用同样方法完成前三个句子,后三个句子学生独立完成。(4)指名读句子。(5)让学生涂色。教师说数字颜色的句子,学生在书上涂色。 例:There are two yellow birds.There are one brown egg and five red eggs.There are one yellow flower and six blue flowers.There are three red carrots.There are four green frogs.五、Set homework .抄写数字单词15,每个3遍。教学反思:Unit 9 How many Lesson 6教学目标:1、理解故事内容,初步朗读故事。分组填写自测和自评。2、通过师生讲故事,理解故事内容,培养学生描述图片口语表达能力。通过分组填写自测和自评培养学生自我评价和反思能力。3、渗透动物繁衍特点。教学重难点:教学重点:理解Uncle Booky story time.教学难点:同上教学方式:小组合作,角色扮演,师生问答学法指导:根据图片猜测句意的阅读能力和口头表达能力教具:电脑课件,卡片板书设计:Unit 9 How manyanimalbabyMonkey oneGoat twoDog sixTurtle tenFrog so many教学过程:一、Warm up:1. Greeting.2. Lets sing. P29二、Review1. Card games: 迅速出示卡片,学生读卡片。Teacher show the card, and have the children say the numbers quickly.2. Finger games: 出示手指,互相说英文数字。T-S 示范T: How many?S: Three.Speak in pairs.3. Lets chant.师伸出右手小手指,Yesterday a little fish batten my finger. Do you remember that little fish?TQ: Do you like the fish? I like the fish very much. Listen! (播放录音)1. Listen to the tape.2. Listen and follow.3. Chant and show ( 全班边说边做动作,然后展示1-2个小组)三、Uncle Bookys story timeT: Do you like other animals? What animals do you know?Free talk;Crocodile bird dog cat duck(学生如果说不上来教师举出卡片复习学过的动物)T: Very good. Today we shall meet some animal friends. Look! What are they?5. Watch and listen.Answer the questions: What animals are they?(They are goats, turtles,)6. Watch and listen again.TQ: How many babies are there? Fill in the form. (On the blackboard)7. Read the story picture by picture.Pic1: Who are they?(Mike and his father/ mother)Pic2: How many baby goats?(Two lovely babies.)Pic3: How many baby dogs?(Six lovely babies.)Pic4: How many baby turtles?(Ten lovely babies.)Pic5-6: How many baby frogs?(So many.)TQ: Is it a big family?(Yes, it is.)T: How about your family? How many people are there in your family?There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I.QT: Is it a big family? Or small family?(No, it isnt. Its a small family.)8. Watch and listen.9. Listen and repeat.小精灵儿童网站10. Read the story in different roles. (Group work.)四、Practice the structure.1. Look at the black board, and retell the story.T ST: How many monkeys are there?S: There are two monkeys.(提示学生别忘了加一个数,把图片中的动物都算上)引导学生用There are two monkeys, three goats, and so on.2. 出示卡片朗读故事中出现的动物名称。五、Self-assessment.1. Try to fill the answer by them.2. Check in groups. (4 students)3. 填写自评表。组内交流,反思学习。五、Set homework.Read the story. And make the sentences use the story.例如:How many dogs are there?There are seven dogs.教学反思:10


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