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班级 姓名 学号 装订线内请不要答题四年级英语期末教学质量检测试题(命题人: 审核人: 时间:70分钟 20150612) 听力部分(30分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( )1. A. Maths B. Science C. Chinese( )2. A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. Friday( )3. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening( )4. A. winter B. summer C. spring( )5. A. boat B. flower C. tree( )6. A. gloves B. trousers C. jeans( )7. A. hungry B. thirsty C. tired( )8. A. cough B. fever C. headache( )9. A. warm B. hot C. cool( )10. A. have lunch B. have dinner C. have breakfast二、 听录音,判断内容与图片是否相符,相符写“T”, 不符写“F”。(6分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(5分) ( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can.( )2. A. At one. B. At twelve. C. At four fifty.( )3. A. Two. B. Two yuan. C. Its two.( )4. A. Lets play. B. Take some pills. C. Well done.( )5. A. What a pity ! B. Take care. C. See you.四、听录音,将对话补充完整。(9分)1. A: Its _ today. B: Yes. Lets go and _ _.A: Good idea ! But I must(必须) _ my _ before ten.B: OK.2. A: _ _is it today ? B: Its Friday. A: Do you have_ _ lesson ? B: No, I dont.笔试部分(90分)一、辨音,发音相同的写“S”,发音不同的写“D”( 5分) ( ) 1. A. river B. white( ) 2. A. fox B. short( ) 3. A. Wednesday B. fever ( ) 4. A. jacket B. timetable ( ) 5. A. sleep B. see二、英汉互译。(20分)1. 每天下午 _ 2. I think so. _ 3. 晴朗的一天_ 4.after school _ 5. 每天 _ 6. watch TV _7. 在夜里 _ 8. a cool autumn _9. 感冒 _ 10. on Thursday evening _三、单项选择题。(20分)( ) 1. Mike and David _ill. Im sorry to hear that. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 2. What _ do you like ? I like PE and Science. A. time B. lessons C. subjects( ) 3. He _so tired. He _ to go to bed now. A. is, want B. is, wants C. are, wants( ) 4. Dont _ in the river. A. swim B. swimming C. swims( ) 5. Its time for_. A. go school B. go to school C. school( ) 6. Whose _ is this ? Its my_. A. snowman, brother B. snowman, brothers C. snowmen, brothers( ) 7. Is it Helens ? Yes. Youre _. A. right B. wrong C. esay ( ) 8. She cant make _, because her hand _.A. cakes, hurt B. cake, hurts C. cakes, hurts ( ) 9. Here _ a glass of water _ the table.A. are, on B. is, on C. is, at( ) 10. Would you like _ juice ? A. some B. any C. a 四、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(5分)1. are, some, you, here, pies, for ( . )_2. with, the, is, you, matter, what ( ? )_3. some, draw, can, pictures, I ( . )_4. you, can, see, to, tomorrow, come, I ( ? )_5. in, six, the, get, usually, morning, we, at, up ( . )_五、搭配题。选择相应的答句,将序号填在题前括号类。(10分)( ) 1. Are you happy today ? A. Theyre so beautiful.( ) 2. Whose shorts are these ? B. Its Monday.( ) 3. When do you have dinner ? C. At six oclock.( ) 4. Look at the flowers. D. This is Sue speaking. ( ) 5. Im very cold. E. Yes, I am.( ) 6. Do you like summer ? F. Thank you. ( ) 7. May I speak to Sue ? G. Sure.( ) 8. What a nice dress ! H. Heres your sweater.( ) 9. What day is it ? I. No, I dont.( ) 10. Can you draw the tree ? J. Wang Bings.六、排序。(8分) ( )Good idea ! But Tom is ill.( )Its Sunday.( )Im sorry to hear that. Take care.( )Whats the matter ?( )What day is it today ?( )Thank you.( )What a fine day ! Lets go and play basketball.( )He has a fever.七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(6分) 1. Lets go _(climb) this weekend.2. David, can you see_(they) ?3. Can you see_( I ) new timetable ?4. I want to eat _( a ) ice cream.5. This is _( we ) _( mother ) car.八、根据中文,完成句子。(11分) 1. 我在公园里能看见一座山和一些花。 I can see _ _and _ _ in the park.2. 我喜欢每天早上听些英语。I like _ _ some English _ _.3. 你的新连衣裙太长了。试试这条吧。 Your new dress is _ _. _ this, please.九、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断对(T)或错(F)。(5分) This is Marys room. Its big and bright. We can see some kites on the frontwall (前墙). On the back wall (后墙),theres a clock. Look, it is four fifty now ! We can see a desk and a bed in her room. The desk is near the window. Whereare her bag and pencil box ? Theyre on the desk. Whats on the bed ? We can see apair of jeans. Mary likes them, but theyre too short. Mary and her friend Kate like this room very much. They like to play here. ( ) 1. We can see a clock on the front wall.( ) 2. Its five forty now. ( ) 3. We can see a desk and a bed in her room.( ) 4. The jeans are too short.( ) 5. This is Kates room.


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