高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Reading2课件 新人教版必修1

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高中英语 Unit 2 English around the world Reading2课件 新人教版必修1_第2页
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课标人教实验版课标人教实验版高一高一 Module 1Unit 2Warming up and reading centerflat colorliftgrayhonorgreycentreapartmentelevator honourcolourMatch the words that have the same meaning.1.How many people speak English in the world today?2.Why do so many people speak English?3.Why are there so many kinds of English?Pre-reading culture 文化文化 、文明、文明 actually 实际上,事实上实际上,事实上 present 现在的、出席的现在的、出席的 rule 统治统治 vocabulary 词汇、词汇量词汇、词汇量New words usage 使用、用法使用、用法 identity 身份身份 government 政府政府 rapidly 迅速地迅速地 Singapore 新加坡新加坡 Malaysia 马来西亚马来西亚 1.English has/had the most speakers_. A. now B. when the British ruled many parts of the world C. in the time of Shakespeare D. in the 12th centurySkimming2.Which of the following statement is true?A. Languages always stay the sameB. Languages change only after warsC. Languages no longer changeD. Languages change when cultures change3. From AD 450 to 1150, English sounded more like_? A. French B. Chinese C. German D. Russian4. Shakespeares English was spoken around _? A. 1400s B. 1150s C. 450s D. 1600s5. Which country has the fastest growing number of English speakers in the world? A. Australia B. China C. India D. BritainScanningThe cause TimeBetween AD450 and 11501150 to 1500The road to modern Englishcultures communicate withone anotherthings that happenedless like German; more like Frenchbased on GermanIn the 1600sLaterShakespeare broadened the vocabulary. A big changed in EnglishBritish people brought English to AustraliaThe main idea of each paragraph. Brief introduction of the change in English. An example of different kinds of English. The development of English. English spoken in some other countries.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4 Some people say that Chinese is amuch more elegant language, so it is more important for us to master it and it is not so necessary to master foreign language. Do you agree with this opinion and why?Discussion1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world? 你知道世界上不止有一种英语吗?你知道世界上不止有一种英语吗? more than one +名词单数名词单数, 后面的谓后面的谓语动词用单数。语动词用单数。 More than one student wants togo to swim.Explanation more than 还可以与名词、形容词、副词、还可以与名词、形容词、副词、动词、动名词连用,意为动词、动名词连用,意为 “不只是,非常不只是,非常” Both of them are much more than schoolmates. They are close friends. 他们俩远不只是同学他们俩远不只是同学, 他们是知心朋友。他们是知心朋友。 more than 的反义短语是的反义短语是less than, 意为意为 “少于少于” We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got_ 60. (98.上海上海) A. more than B. more of C. as much as D. so many as高考链接高考链接2. In some important ways they are very different form one another. 在某些重要方面在某些重要方面, 它们彼此有些差异。它们彼此有些差异。(1) inway (s)/bymeans 在在方面方面 We should solve this problem in a different way. =We should solve this problem by a different way. 都表示都表示“相互,彼此相互,彼此”,在句中作动,在句中作动词词或介词的宾语,但不能作主语。或介词的宾语,但不能作主语。表示两个人或事物之间的相互关系用表示两个人或事物之间的相互关系用each other, 表示三个或三个以上的人表示三个或三个以上的人或事物之间的相互关系时,或事物之间的相互关系时, 用用each other或或one another都可以。都可以。(2)one another/each other区别区别 Tom and Mary looked at each other. We send card to one another/each other every year. 我们每年都相互寄卡片。我们每年都相互寄卡片。3. they include Canadian, British, American, Australian and India English. include 包含包含, 包括包括 The price includes dinner,beds and breakfast. including (prep.) included (adj.) The bill came to $450, including tax. The bill came to $450, tax included. contain和和include contain指某物包含的内容或成分指某物包含的内容或成分 The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子装有各种水果。这篮子装有各种水果。 include指包括作为整体的一个部分指包括作为整体的一个部分 或要素或要素 The tour includes a visit to Paris. 这旅程包括游览巴黎。这旅程包括游览巴黎。4. English plays an important role as a first or second language, plays a/an role/part 扮演扮演的角色的角色, 起起的作用的作用 Monitor plays an important role in managing a class. 班长在班级管理中起着重要的作用。班长在班级管理中起着重要的作用。5. Nearly all of them live in England. 他们几乎全部都住在英格兰。他们几乎全部都住在英格兰。almost与与nearly两者都可以修饰两者都可以修饰 all, every, always等词,都可以用于否定句中。等词,都可以用于否定句中。只用只用almost的场合的场合: a. 和和any, no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never连用连用; b. 和和too, more than连用。连用。It is almost more than we feared.只用只用nearly的场合的场合:a. 被被very, not, pretty等修饰等修饰; b. 和具体数字连用。和具体数字连用。There is not nearly enough money for a new house.The mother is nearly as old as her son.练一练:用练一练:用nearly或或almost填空。填空。 1. He said _ nothing interesting. 2. _ 1000 people were here. 3. There is not _enough book for the whole class.Nearlynearly almost1.与与nothing连用连用, 所以填所以填almost2.与具体数字连用与具体数字连用, 用用nearly3.被被not修饰时修饰时, 用用nearly6.Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English. 把英语作为母语的人相互之间可以交把英语作为母语的人相互之间可以交 流流, 即使他们说的不是同一种英语。即使他们说的不是同一种英语。even if= (even though)是连词词是连词词组,组, 用来引导让步状语从句,用来引导让步状语从句,意为意为 “尽管;即使尽管;即使” even if /even thougheven if 从句所说的不肯定;而从句所说的不肯定;而even though从句所说的则是事实从句所说的则是事实He will not let out the secret even if he knows it. He will not let out the secret even though he knows it.他对秘密知道与否不一定他对秘密知道与否不一定他知道这个秘密他知道这个秘密7. Would you please come up to my flat for a visit? 来我的公寓坐坐怎么样?来我的公寓坐坐怎么样? come up 上来上来, 走近走近; 被提出被提出; 发芽发芽; 升起升起 The problem came up in the meeting. 问题在会议中被提出来了。问题在会议中被提出来了。 Strangers came up to him and asked how much his books are. 陌生人走到他面前,问他课本值多陌生人走到他面前,问他课本值多 少钱。少钱。New shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.8. Actually, it was based on German than present day English. 事实上,那时候的英语更象德语,事实上,那时候的英语更象德语, 而不是今天的英语。而不是今天的英语。(1) actually/in fact/as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上事实上,实际上(2) base on/upon 以以为基础为基础 This movie is based on facts. (3) present (adj.) 目前的目前的, 现在的现在的 You should look clearly the present situation.9. It became closer to the language you are learning now. 它和你们现在学的英语更加接近。它和你们现在学的英语更加接近。close to相近相近, 靠近靠近, 几乎几乎 Our house is close to the bus stop. close (adv) 位置上接近位置上接近 closely (adv) 抽象关系上的密切抽象关系上的密切 Come close to me. I looked into the matter closely. be close to与与get close to be close to 表状态,而表状态,而get close to表表动作动作 My house is close to the park. The cat got close to the rat silently.10. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 莎士比亚使用了比以前更为广泛的莎士比亚使用了比以前更为广泛的 词汇量。词汇量。make (good/full/no) use of 使用使用 We could make good use of our resources. Every minute should be made good use of. 11. India has a very large number of English speakers. 印度有很多的人讲英语。印度有很多的人讲英语。 a number of 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数)大量的(其后谓语动词用复数) A number of people have came. the number of 的数目(其后谓语动的数目(其后谓语动词用单数)词用单数) 只能修饰可数名词的:只能修饰可数名词的: a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few The number of homeless people has increased.只能修饰不可数名词的:只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little, a large sum of 既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of12. Only time will tell. 时间会证明一切。时间会证明一切。 tell 知道知道, 判断判断 Its hard to tell whether he is right. tell A from B: 区分,分别区分,分别 Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?1.This bill adds up to 25 cents,_A. postage includingB. postage includedC. to include postageD. and including postage解析:解析:including是介词,是介词, including sth. included是形容词,是形容词,sth. included Exercises2.Mr.Huang will _ in the movement. A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part3._number of students taking part in the training is 450. A. A B.The C.A lot D.Lots4. _students are required to take part in the boat race.A. Ten strong young ChineseB. Ten Chinese strong youngC. Chinese ten young strongD. Young strong ten Chinese5.Using body language_ a proper way will help communicate_others_ better.A. in, with, even B. in, with, moreC. with, with, still D. with, in, most1.Retell the passage.2.Finish exercises in Learning about language.3.Find an example that shows the difference between American English and British English.Homework


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