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北京语言大学21秋汉语写作期末考核试题及答案参考1. 可从两门学科的交界处即边缘学科寻找毕业论文的选题突破口。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A2. Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3Stop Using Disposal Products 写作要点: 1人们喜欢用一次性产品。 2这种做法带来的害处。 3措施。正确答案:Disposal products are gaining increasing popularity in China. Now they practically become part of our life: We have disposal chopsticks disposal cups disposal clothes disposal cameras. Indeed we are in throw-away society.rn However the wide use of the so-called convenience goods is extremely harmful in many ways. In the first place though man has achieved an unprecedented level of production our available resources are on the decline. If this trend continues the limited resources on earth will be exhausted soon. Furthermore disposal products cause serious pollution in our environment which is already threatened by our unhealthy life styles. It is reported that many scenic spots are losing their appeal because of white pollution caused by numerous plastic rice-boxes. Finally people are getting more extravagant than thrifty which is harmful to our social atmosphere. In fact in many developed countries disposal good are banned.rn More strict measures should be taken to prevent disposal products from widely using. People should be further educated to increase their awareness of conservation. Laws must be executed to ban the use. Most importantly new technology must be used to produce more recycle products.DisposalproductsaregainingincreasingpopularityinChina.Nowtheypracticallybecomepartofourlife:Wehavedisposalchopsticks,disposalcups,disposalclothes,disposalcameras.Indeedweareinthrow-awaysociety.However,thewideuseoftheso-calledconveniencegoodsisextremelyharmfulinmanyways.Inthefirstplace,thoughmanhasachievedanunprecedentedlevelofproduction,ouravailableresourcesareonthedecline.Ifthistrendcontinues,thelimitedresourcesonearthwillbeexhaustedsoon.Furthermore,disposalproductscauseseriouspollutioninourenvironmentwhichisalreadythreatenedbyourunhealthylifestyles.Itisreportedthatmanyscenicspotsarelosingtheirappealbecauseofwhitepollutioncausedbynumerousplasticrice-boxes.Finally,peoplearegettingmoreextravagantthanthrifty,whichisharmfultooursocialatmosphere.Infact,inmanydevelopedcountriesdisposalgoodarebanned.Morestrictmeasuresshouldbetakentopreventdisposalproductsfromwidelyusing.Peopleshouldbefurthereducatedtoincreasetheirawarenessofconservation.Lawsmustbeexecutedtobantheuse.Mostimportantly,newtechnologymustbeusedtoproducemorerecycleproducts.3. We are _ your letter 26 June and have acted on your instruction. Ain receipt of/duly BWe are _ your letter 26 June and haveacted on your instruction.Ain receipt of/dulyBacknowledgement of/immediatelyCin priority of/quicklyDin arrangement of/considerablyA4. 导语的写作要求有( )。A.突出最有新闻价值的新闻要素B.意见C.吸引读者往下看D.行文简要生动参考答案:D5. Here is a quantity clause. 5000 metric tons, 5% more or less clause at seller&39;s option &quHere is a quantity clause. 5000 metric tons, 5% more or less clause at sellers option .Question: What does the clause mean? How much can the seller deliver the goods?(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)Helpful hint :The case is mainly about the more or less clause.翻译下面是一项数量条款:“5000公吨,5%溢短装,由卖方选择。” 请问:这项条款的含义是什么?卖方可交多少数量的货物? It means that the quantity is 5000 metric tons, and the seller can deliver 5% more or less than that. According to the clause, the quantity delivered can range from 4 750 to 5 250 metric tons. 6. Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week Atwice than Btwice asStaying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a weekAtwice thanBtwice as much asCas much twice as Das much twiceB7. He must have an accident, or he_then.Awould have been hereBhad to be hereCshould bHe must have an accident, or he_then.Awould have been hereBhad to be hereCshould be hereDwould be here正确答案:A8. 选择多数人关心、寻求“答案”的题材,这是写好科普说明文的前提。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A9. Its a challenging job but a rewarding one.A.easy and quickB.light and profitableC.usefIts a challenging job but a rewarding one.A.easy and quickB.light and profitableC.useful or beneficialD.hard or slow答案:B10. We think that your suggestion is_.AacceptableBto acceptCacceptingDacceptedWe think that your suggestion is_.AacceptableBto acceptCacceptingDaccepted正确答案:A11. 形式决定内容,形式起主导作用;内容为形式服务,内容对形式又有一定的制约作用。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B12. 调查报告的结构形式一般包括哪几个部分?( )A.导语B.醒目C.正文D.结语参考答案:BCD13. 写作过程四要素中的写作客体就是( )。A.作者B.世界C.作品D.读者参考答案:B14. The core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GrThe core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GreekC. derived from CelticD. of Germanic origin参考答案:D15. We are looking forward to receiving your cable extension of the above L/C thus enabling us to effectWe are looking forward to receiving your cable extension of the above L/C thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goodsAout of questionBin questionCin the questionDout of the questionB16. We confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and wWe confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and will allow a 5% special discount _ your order worth 5000 or above.at, in, on17. 特写消息主要借用电影的“特写镜头”手法加工改写而成的新闻,集中笔墨、重点突出地描写某一重大事件和关键场面和情节。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18. His work was _ than that of any other man in the school. A) by far better B) better by farHis work was _ than that of any other man in the school.A) by far betterB) better by farC) by far the best D) the best by farBthan前应用比较级形式,因此C,D选项排除;当by far修饰形容词强调数量或程度时,它须放在比较级之后,意为“得多”;但当by far比较级前面有冠词时,可以放在比较级前。如:This is by far the better of the two. 两者之中,这一个好得多。19. Now _ your turn to retell the text. A) there is B) there comes C) comes D) has comesNow _ your turn to retell the text.A) there isB) there comesC) comesD) has comesC状语now在句首,句子完全倒装。20. 关于写作的实质的说法正确的是( )。A.写作的实质就是为人类社会作贡献的活动B.采访随笔C.写作是一项功利性很强的活动D.写作是无意识的活动参考答案:B21. A dozen eggs _ 5 nowadays. A) has cost B) costs C) cost D) are costA dozen eggs _ 5 nowadays.A) has costB) costsC) costD) are costCa dozen eggs意为“一打鸡蛋”复数概念。22. Take Toshiba,Take the world.Take Toshiba,Take the world.东芝在手,世界在握。这是东芝笔记本电脑的一则广告。为了使译文在效能上达到和原文的对等,译者使用了汉语的四字格结构,言简意赅。23. _,all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a_,all the people in the country should be responsible for present crisis.A.In a certain extentB.To a certain extentC.For a certain extentD .At a certain extent正确答案:B解析:固定搭配:To a certain extent :在一定程度上24. When sugar _ enough, a black substance appears. Aheats Bis heated Cwill heat DWhen sugar _ enough, a black substance appears.AheatsBis heatedCwill heatDwill be heatedB25. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens with _ score of 4:1.A) a, aB) /theC) a, /D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。26. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与事迹的新闻体裁。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27. 杰克伦敦把整个屋子钉满词汇卡片说明积累语言素材是语言训练的方法。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B28. Your close co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciatedIn the meantime we await your shiYour close co-operation in this respect will be highly appreciatedIn the meantime we await your shipping _ by cable.AadviceBadvanceCadviseDadvantageA29. 通俗即语言浅易明白,通畅顺口。它与人们日常的口语最为接近,有时给人的感觉就是未加任何修饰的口语直接进入文章。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B30. By the time the chairman arrived, the guests, _ for half an hour. Aalready waitedBy the time the chairman arrived, the guests, _ for half an hour.Aalready waitedBhad already waitedChave already waitedDwere already waitingB31. We should clean _ twice a day. Aour tooth Bour tooths Cour teeth DteethWe should clean _ twice a day.Aour toothBour toothsCour teethDteethC32. 英语教学中如何科学、合理地设置课堂教学目标?参考答案:教学目标制定的原则是以学生为主体。学生是整个教学活动的主体,忽视学生的存在,教学就失去了意义。教学目标制定应围绕学生的学习来进行,为了学生的发展是出发点,考虑学生的实际需要是根本,学生的原有水平和最近发展区是依据。第一个依据是英语课程目标。即国家教委统一规定的以文件的形式颁布的教育目标。这是由英语学科的性质决定的,是社会发展、学生的自身发展需要赋予英语学科的神圣使命。实现这一目标,学生需在英语知识、能力、学习方法习惯、智力、思维品质等五个方面有发展,因此学习目标主要包括五个方面的内容:知识目标、能力目标、方法习惯目标、智力目标、思想品质目标等。这些目标的实现不能一蹴而就,它需要通过英语教学一步一步走向课程目标,这之间还需要一个循环往复的过程,需将目标分解成不同阶段更为具体的阶段目标,如学期目标、专题目标、课堂目标。第二个依据是学情。教师要制定的目标是学生本阶段的英语学习要达到的英语认知结构方面的变化,学生原有的认知结构以及学生在认知结构上可能发生的变化是目标制定的依据,因此教师充分了解学生,了解学生的需要、原有能力水平、原有知识储备、最近发展区等要素,在此基础上制定出合理切实可行的教学目标。只有符合学情的目标才是科学的目标。加涅说,学习需要条件,教学设计就是为了学而设计的。第三个依据是学生英语能力培养的科学途径。根据英语课程目标的要求,通过英语学习,学生应在知识、能力、智力、思想品质和方法习惯等方面有发展,而实际上,作为英语课程,学生英语应用能力的提高才是其根本任务,是其他课程所不能代替的。33. 文体在写作中具有一般的地位。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A34. Have you visited the Science Museum? No, but I really wish I _ . Awill BhaveHave you visited the Science Museum?No, but I really wish I _ .AwillBhaveCdidDhadC35. 图式理论(名词解释)参考答案:所谓图式理论,是指围绕某一个主题组织起来的知识的表征和贮存方式为基础的理论。36. The cost of living is_in China.A. downB. cheapC. lowThe cost of living is_in China.A. downB. cheapC. low参考答案:C37. 词汇的规范化要求主要有以下几方面( )A.可以用自创词B.不要用死词C.不可乱用外来语D.不要乱用方言土语参考答案:BCD38. 蒙太奇原本是建筑学上的用语,意为装配、安装。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A39. 悬念式导语是指这种方式的特点是激发读者的阅读兴趣,增强可读性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B40. 精心设计板书的重要性有( )A.让学生看的清楚B.有助于学生对教材的理解C.有助于帮助学生掌握教学内容的基本思路D.具有对一堂课之“龙”“点睛”的作用参考答案:BCD41. 关于意图制导的意义的说法不正确的是( )。A.意图制导对写作并不是充分而必要的B.倒叙C.意图制导照耀着写作过程的始末D.意图制导体面文章的主要职能参考答案:A42. 散文中不能有虚构和想象。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B43. I have so much work to do that holiday for me this year is_.Aon the questionBon queI have so much work to do that holiday for me this year is_.Aon the questionBon questionCout of the questionDout of question正确答案:C44. I am sure they would rather ( )than ( ).A. stay. goB. to stay. . . goC. stay. . . toI am sure they would rather ( )than ( ).A. stay. goB. to stay. . . goC. stay. . . to goD. to stay. . . to go参考答案:A45. The red car is nearly _ the green car. A) 5 time the size of B) 5 times the size ofThe red car is nearly _ the green car.A) 5 time the size ofB) 5 times the size ofC) 5 time as size asD) 5 time as size ofB注意time要加-s,the size of的意思是某某的“体积、尺寸”。46. Hey , you look really tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?( )A. Well , no as a- Hey , you look really tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?( )A. Well , no as a matter of fact. I havent been sleeping at all.B.Come on. Wouldnt you like to go somewhere and do something?C. I just got up late.参考答案:A47. After carefully examining the dress materials supplied to our order of 15th April, we must be surpriAfter carefully examining the dress materials supplied to our order of 15th April, we must be surprised and be disappointed _ their quality.AinBtoCatDforC48. 远焦叙述主要有哪两种类型?( )A.长镜头为主B.为读者和社会负责C.间离法以变焦D.高视点以变焦参考答案:CD49. A.onB.inC.withD.byA.onB.inC.withD.by正确答案:B50. 绪论部分之后还要注明“关键词”或“主题词”,以便进行文摘、索引等。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A


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