七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 19 Time for Breakfast课件 (新版)冀教版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 19 Time for Breakfast课件 (新版)冀教版_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Food and Restaurants Lesson 19 Time for Breakfast课件 (新版)冀教版_第3页
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Unit 4 Food and RestaurantsLesson19 Time for Breakfast!七年七年级上册级上册学习目标1、学习的任务和目标1) To learn the new words and phrases: restaurant,fifteen,cereal,would,salad,sugar,delicious,cup,a glass of,put.on,how about.,time for.Would you like.?Id like.2) Can talk about meal with classmates.新课导入Look at pictures and say the words.cupsalad新课导入milkeggcerealbreadcake(一) 单词(Word):1.将;愿意_2.沙拉_3.美味的;可口的_4.杯子_5.十五_wouldsaladcupdelicious自主反馈fifteen(二)短语 : 阅读课文找出下列短语1.早餐时间_2早餐吃什么?_3.你想要点什么?_ 4.做沙拉_ 5.但是你可以._ Time for breakfast!But you can.Make a saladWhat would you like?Whats for breakfast? 自主反馈自主反馈试着把以下句子译成汉语并想一想这些句型的用法。1. Can I have some cereal and sugar,please?_2. Here is a list of eight of these countries._3.What else do you know about these countries?_4.Try to find these countries on a world map._请给我一些麦片和糖。这里列举了八个这样的国家。关于这些国家你还知道些什么?试着将这些国家在世界地图上找到。新课学习chickenfruitvegetablesmeat新课学习They are delicious.Time for breakfast! 到吃早餐时间了。1 )Time for sth 这是个省略句。完整的句子是“Its time for sth.”,“Its time for sth”是一种固定句型,后面接名词或动名词,表示“到干某事的时间了”。Its time to do sth也可表示“到干某事的时间了”,但to后面加动词原形。“Timeits time for+名词和“TimeIts time to+动词原形”可互换,意义无区别。如:Time for bed!=Its time for bed. =Its time to go to bed.该睡觉了。Time for school =Its time for school. =Its time to goto school.该到上学的时候了。知识探究2).breakfast,lunch,supper分别意为“早饭”、“午饭” 、“晚饭”,其前一般不加冠词。表示“吃早饭(午饭、晚饭),通常用have,如:have breakfast吃早餐。have lunch 吃午饭。have supper吃晚饭。有时可以用eat或take。如果breakfast等三餐前有修饰词通常用不定冠词。如:I want to have a delicious breakfast.我想吃一顿可口的早饭。知识探究2. Whats for breakfast,Dad?早餐吃什么,爸爸? for breakfast/lunch/supper意为“就早餐/午餐/晚餐而言”。For作介词意为“作为”。表示目的,对象等,后面跟名词或代词Whats for breakfast?只是泛泛的提法。常用以下句型 向对方询问:What do you have for breakfast? 知识探究3. What would you like?你想要什么?这是餐厅服务员,商店售货员等委婉地向别人提供帮助的句子,可直接用“Id like(= I would like)”,意为“我想要”回答,其否定回答是“No,thanks.”意为“不,谢谢。”。would like 意为“想,想要”,与want 意义相同,但语气更委婉。would like 可与任何人称连用,没有人称和数的变化,肯定句中would 常在主语后面缩写为d。 肯定句:“主语 + would like ”如:Id like a cup of tea.我想要一杯茶.一般疑问句:“Would + 主语 + like ? ”。肯定回答:Yes,please.否定回答:“No,thanks.” 如:-Would you ike a cup of tea?我想要一杯茶吗?- Yes,please./ No,thanks.特殊疑问句:“疑问词 + would + 主语 + like ? ” 如:- What would you ike,sir ?我想什么,先生?- Id like some cereal.我想要一些美片粥。知识探究分组活动.Listen and fill in the blanks.fifteendeliciouscup分组活动What would they like for breakfast?Read the lesson and fill in the table.NamesBreakfastLynnJennyMrs. SmithSome bread and a glass of juiceA cup of teaSome cereal and sugar分组活动Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.breadfruitsvegetablessugar分组活动Work in pairs.What would you like for breakfast,lunch or supper?Make up a dialogue.Mum: Time for breakfast. Dad: Whats for breakfast?Mum: We have What would you like ? Dad: Id like A: Can I have some/a/an ? (I want to put. on.)Mum: Sure. How about you? Would you like some? B: No, thanks. Im not very hungry. I just wantExample 单项选择1. Its time _ school. Lets go!A for B to C Out 2 . The food _ good.A are B is C be D am3 Two glasses of milk _ over there.A is B am C are D be随堂检测BBC4. I put milk and sugar _cereal.A. in B. to C. on D. for 5 . I eat noodles _lunch.A in B toC for D onAC随堂检测作业布置1. Write a text about your breakfast.2.请用句型 What would you like for? 和 Id likefor 编写对话,不少于4句。3.下载Lesson 20导学案,根据导学案完成预习任务。


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