吴语正字(Wu orthography)

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吴语正字(Wu orthography): the dagger with a knife cut into thin slices. Ya: crowded. Such as: the car which mediates the Ya? wood: wooden and dull. Amy: No, small. For example, one Mimi: a little bit. For less fliparound, also mi. Pu: pronunciation as flutter. Quantifier heap. For example: Pu mud. And sound as a bubble, such as: a global issue. ram: pronunciation such as hang. Strike hard and try to do something desperately. I knocked three bowls of rice down. Jiaosipang added: Ding mean gap. Such as: the nail head.: lift your hands or feet up. Such as: raising a slap in the face. Doing standard or (foot) (hand). Di: such as pronunciation, refers to the use of fingers cut off. For example, Di bean sprouts. It is also called picking. class: meaning all. Such as: peer to the white ira. Also write two pages (pages, pages). Pan: Pan, Shanghai words wok.: from the solid material container decanting the liquid pouring out.: slouch body bent. Shanghai said slouching back hump. tough: pronunciation such as human refers to the food is moist and not brittle. Please stop eating the box biscuit. Yan: hide. You can also write ya. Dont know where to go. Kang: Tibet?. Such as: take good notes Kang Kang. shake: folding. For example: shake the head. And Yao .: dig. Pull out your ears. Then comes to mean, such as: pull out personal ignacio. to mean: Hello?. Such as: I want to you not to eat? Xian: sounds like fresh. Metaphor or desire vanity is a small man intoxicated by success, meet at the frivolous, hippies. Such as Xian princess. Also written as fresh. Wu: cook rotten. Write Ukraine (fire to Ukraine), turn to dirty (fire loss). Extended to stay warm, for example: I use hot water bag Wus hands.: heat up slowly with small fire boil. Such as: salt heat up (a famous fresh soup). Yang: fire, extended to shun. Such as: Im really Yang, won three Pu mahjong.: molten melt. Such as: the ice closed off.M? Pao: means with big deterrent, cheat others. Such as: Lennon to Pao Pao Iran, Iraq is interesting with our cooperation. Then comes to reconnaissance, derived from Pao prison, today is often mistakenly written as riveting. Xia: mouth breathing. Such as: Xia breath on the window and then wipe will be more fresh. Xu: sounds like blood. Stupid. For example: this Xu Xu.The Peng: pronunciation as bang. It means closing the door. Such as: do not forget to take off Namen Peng. empty: owe, borrow. Such as: you empty me ten pieces of copper and tin. Tuo: a drop of quantifier. Such as: a Tuo eye tears.: Gen for orthographic words next to the words with Gen (Yan Gen). It means stubborn and bigoted personality. effect: hand object weight estimation. Such as: you see this package effect and effective quantity of things? And writing ok.: sounds like to call , to. For lame turn next to the word Bei (central). Such as: Iraq was given to me by my watch.Take : mean forced on. Such as: Iraq and not interested, I take what to do. handle the right side plus meat: sounds like meat. Mean (clothes, etc) uneven. Such as: duplicate clothes, meat in a mess, should be a hot pot.: try and be free. Such as: do not eat very angry. And left means, such as: you have quite a few money?: the blunt sarcasm, ridicule. Well, well, dont make me so dull. Write and make Teng again. E: mean hiccup. Such as: E.: if Bu was creeping pronunciation. Crouch or lie prone on the ground. Qiu: bad behavior. Such as: you can temper the lattice dielectric Qiu Glasgow? Qiu are also called Qiu six, a character from the Pingtan Pearl Tower in the bad. Betrayal: hiding. Where did Nong rebel go? Write as pan. Old age childrens game of hide and seek is called betrayal night touch. Yin: refers to the water along the seam permeability. Such as: the people upstairs knocked over the water, the water flowing down from the ceiling. faction: pass. From English pass.: this means.This is not what people such as lennon. Jia: pronunciation as separated. It means that the pronunciation is not clear. As to speak of so called Jia tongue. Hou: pronunciation as roar. Describe an angry but unable to express manner. Such as: I lost ten thousand dollars off the stock, Hou Yi died. Write the words next to your mouth and add back to your right (after the mouth).s: opened, opened. Such as: take the first empty.: sounds like quilting hang with thick pin things sewn together. Such as: quilting quilt.Dai : such as the pronunciation Da jig. It means one, one, one time. Such as: water flow down from the wall, leaving a Dai. Another example: in order to lattice pile events, I have already run three Dai.: mean touch massage, rub. Ali hurts? Ill help you rub rub. Ju: mean orbital depression. Such as: a few days did not sleep, eyes down Ju. next to the word on the right side of the bag (mesh bag): it means that your eyes are prominent. Such as: Bao is out of its eyes. showed: the pronunciation such as bomb. Mean eyes prominent, such as Yi eye.: if the trapped trapped pronunciation. Means sleeping. Sleep is called sleep. inside the big box, add good: pronunciation such as real, meaning hard. Such as: block biscuits, solid solid. Bing: pronunciation as cake, meaning a stalemate. Such as: two Bing tug of war team has yet to decide the outcome. pie to the left for film: pronunciation such as send . Mean separate. What did you do?: such as pronunciation Benedict, meaning is wet. Such as: you come back by the rain all the time? wave: means on. Like a bed becomes a bed wave. Ju: such as the pronunciation of seeking. Of an object that curls and creases. Such as: that dress up Ju. go, the upper right side of the throw the right part: means impatient, reckless. Such as: Dou five, Dou six. Wei: pronounced nian. Friction and fine grinding.: wilt wilt, Jingshenbuzhen metaphor. Nong, Where wilt thou wilt now? Qian: refers to his hands up. Such as: to play a celestial sphere, now even feet do not Qian up.: sounds like blow slap. Hit someone in the face with his hand. Such as: smack. Zuan: pronunciation as chop , with a knife and chop, extended to get money. Such as: I have been severely Zuan a knife. Today is usually written as chopping. handle the right side plus week: such as pronunciation. Stir with something in a liquid or paste. s pronunciation: such as . It is sticky, such as viscosity drop drop. next to the word right plus straight (Yue Zhi): sounds like Zi, too much oil and stick to a mass. Such as: sticky Zi lattice drop. Wen: keep your mouth shut.: and you have prepared. Such as: Lennon and two notes, there is nothing. on the combination under the skin: skin sagging and sagging. Hard work, and the eyelids are built. Qie: pronunciation as just skew. Such as: painting is Qie off.Father: means pickled food with salt. Another useful tool peeling means, such as: father of cucumber. Incubation: pronunciation such as Portuguese. To extend to stay in a place for a long time, such as incubating an air conditioner. to the right side of the tail (fire tail): such as gold, meaning the pronunciation is ignited, combustion. Let me Mei a cigarette. on the soup under the hand: means to resist, shelter. Take the curtain up, OK, Tang, take a little bit of light. Today to write a block, falsification. Peng: his hands support or pull objects to both sides. soil beside the right Da (TU DA): means the equivalent of . Such as here click here.: may mean to use chopsticks. It can be written as qi. peck on the right, left, no, on the right, on the right: with the object hit. Such as monk qiaomuyu called do fish. To knock someones head with the knuckles is called do chestnut. push: extended to beat. Such as: Iraq is a push me. 2: describe the coquetry. There are good, Emmanuel means, such as: old things like lattice dia. day: dry things in the sun. Also write airing.: Weng is crowded, Weng Le a. left, left, right, right: pronunciation such as ignore, disturb itching.Hua tickles.: the pronunciation of chai. Means excretion. If the stool is called Xie Jie, called the urine urine.: such as the even the pronunciation, tone up. Depend on. Such as even Paitou, even the wall of high head. Do infringe upon a trade mark. go, plus hundred on the right. A slow walk. Such as go up the road to Ma Ma, what time to arrive? Walk on the right: the pronunciation as gen. A look on the hop.: sounds like needle shen. Let the embedded object pop out, or point out the liquid or semi liquid in the container by hand. Such as: Shen toothpaste.: sounds like dig lose consciousness suddenly. Heart is boring. Today, such as lose consciousness suddenly evil often mistakenly written dig plug.: sounds such as de mie. Twist something with the fingers to make it turn. Such as: Mie screw. In addition, the candy and other food containing in the mouth, such as take a grain of plum in mouth Mie mie. Qin: finger pressure or press. If the doorbell is called Qin bell. Can also be written as press.: my pronunciation as sand. Hoarse throat. Such as: my throat.: move, empty room teng. Make room for.: sounds like Peng peng. Earthen jar。 eggplant: capable, handy. Look, dont come out. A little man is pretty cute. on the Uncle under the stone: throwing. Take out a stone and take it out. Write Du. left, body, right trillion: pronunciation such as pick, tall, extended to prominence. Such as: class rilly best pick. on Yu under the meat: pronunciation such as he. Of extra flesh; extended as an extension. What did Nong ta do with his tongue? lost word on the right side plus prefix Bei disease prickly heat. Ye: pronunciation as gate. Boil things into boiling water or oil. Such as Ye crab.: stir something in a small amount of oil pan fried. drops to the right such as Guo Guo : pronunciation. Mouthwash is called Guos mouth. It can also be called swinging your mouth. It sounds like swing .: it sounds like shrink. Suck。 Such as: Iraq to eat soup Gechen first not a happy light. plant prefix plus traditional write the lower part: read, such as xia. It means pouring (tea, wine, etc). Xia tea. insert next to the word: meaning blink (eye). Such as: eyes kill, become a mother hen duck.(Xin Sou): pronunciation, such as a little bit. The words Hao (sexual Sou), meaning is to.: Ying water or cold weather. As the weather began to Ying, wear more clothes. Many mistakes are written as Yin.: running liquid under pressure spouted out from the holes.: spilling water spilled from the container. Such as: do not have rice, spilling out. It can be interpreted as a quantifier, again, such as: a cup of tea has been washed third boiled over. Dang: pronunciation as swing, aimlessly wandering in the streets. Such as: Dang road. left leather right page: dried meat floss soft. Such as: lazy bashing meat. (Kou Qiang): it means cheap. (Kou Qiang) goods. Zhan: because of excessive fatigue and exhaustion. Such as: Iraq a day of work, people also Zhan off. And paralysis is different, paralysis refers to illness and can not get up. left hand side, the middle beam, the right page: such as the pronunciation . The skin was scratched by sharp things. For example, Yi uses my nail La, I remember. Again, rip means, like, La, cheeky.: to sprain of muscles. Such as: my feet to a. Also referred to as the bad. (bad habits refers to a sprained foot, other places will be to sprain) months to the right next to the word landing: Bird craw, such as: chicken board, also refers to eat too full, such as: eat to prison. Shen on the left for black: refers to the human body dirt, such as: old Ken. left egg, right paragraph: pronunciation such as paragraph. Life: means intolerable. For example, the weather of the season.: sounds such as London stew. Boil in boiling water. Such as: custard. left is right: pronunciation such as Shu. It means poking. Write directly today as a poke. Dont prick me with your ruler. included: pronunciation as pry. Sew the edges of the cloth into it. Such as: edging. Xiao: the object shape because of damp or exposure. blow: hold your nose and spray your nose. Blow your nose. tease words left for face: the face or skin is very white. Such as: Bai Liao liao. the entanglement. Such as: I am old busy, dont tease me lennon. to the right side of the high (Huo Hao): food spoilage or high oil burning oil and bad smell. The dish has been (Huo Hao) taken off.


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