广东省中考英语 第二部分 中考语法知识归纳 第四节 数词复习课件

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广东省中考英语 第二部分 中考语法知识归纳 第四节 数词复习课件_第1页
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广东省中考英语 第二部分 中考语法知识归纳 第四节 数词复习课件_第2页
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广东省中考英语 第二部分 中考语法知识归纳 第四节 数词复习课件_第3页
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第四节数第四节数 词词第二部分中考语法知识归纳中考考点精讲精练中考考点精讲精练 数词可分基数词和序数词。基数词表示数目的多少序数词表示数目的顺序。考点考点1 基数词、序数词的变化形式与可循规律基数词、序数词的变化形式与可循规律考点精讲考题精解考题精解( )(2011梅州)Has Mary been back? Not yet. She will come back _ the evening of June _. A. at; first B. to; thirtiethC. on; the twelfth D. on; the nineteen 解析解析 本题句意:玛丽回来了没有?还没有。她在六月十二号晚上会回来。本题主要考查序数词的变化规则与构成:先看前两个选项,判断要表示几月几日须用序数词,而在没有其他修饰语的情况下该序数词前要有the修饰,故这两个选项可以排除;再看后两个选项,表示具体几月几日用介词on,这两个答案都对,最后一个选项错在没有在nineteen后加-th将其变成序数词。由此可知应填on与the twelfth。 答案答案 C考题再现考题再现( )1. (2013湛江)What day is it today?Its Monday, and its my _ birthday. A. fifteen B. fifteenthC. the fifteen D. the fifteenth( )2. (2013佛山)Wang Yaping will become Chinas _ woman astronaut into space after Liu Yang. A. two B. secondC. the second D. twoth( )3. (2012佛山)Three students ran faster than Lily in the race. Lily was _. A. the fourth B. fourC. the thirdBBA考题预测考题预测( )4. Where does John live?He lives on _ floor but he doesnt use a lift to go up and down. A. nine B. the ninth C. ninth D. a ninth( )5. There is a wrong word in Line _. Where?In the _ line. A. Two; two B. Two; secondC. Second; two D. Second; second ( )6. Today is my mothers _ birthday. I will buy her a gift. A. fourteen B. fourteenthC. forty D. fortiethBBD考点考点2 数词的一些读写规律数词的一些读写规律考点精讲考点精讲考题精解考题精解( )(2015汕尾)Im going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan.Oh, really? Taiwan is _ a beautiful island that _ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year. A. so; thousands B. so; thousands ofC. such; many thousand D. such; thousands of 解析解析 本题句意:这个暑假我将去台湾过。哦,真的吗?台湾是如此美丽的岛屿以至于数以千计的广东人每年都前往参观。本题考查两个知识点:一、such+a / an+形容词+名词=so+形容词+a / an+名词;二、英语中表示“百、千、万”之类的词通常遵循“模糊数两有;具体数两无”规则。由知识点一可知第一空填such,结合知识点二可知第二空填thousands of。 答案答案 D考题再现考题再现( )1. (2014梅州)The sinking accident in Korea happened _ April 16, 2014 and _ people lost their lives. A. in; hundreds B. on; many hundredsC. on; hundreds of D. at; many hundreds of( )2. (2013深圳)_ April 20 this year, a terrible earthquake hit Yaan, Sichuan Province.We are sorry for that. It is reported that _ houses were destroyed. A. On; thousands of B. On; thousand ofC. In; thousands of D. In; thousand ofCA( )3. (2011广东)After the Asian Games, _ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays. A. thousand B. thousands ofC. five thousands D. five thousands ofB考题预测考题预测( )4. How many people are there?About four _ the people in our county. A. hundreds of B. hundred ofC. hundreds D. hundred( )5. “Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently. Yeah, it receives _ Internet hits(点击)a day. A. millions B. thousand of C. millions of D. ten thousands( )6. Some scientists think it will take _ of years to make robots do most work for humans. A. hundreds B. hundredC. thousand D. two millionBCA考点考点3 基数词、序数词的用法基数词、序数词的用法考点精讲考点精讲考题精解考题精解( )(2014广东)Its never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his_. A. the fiftieth B. fiftieth C. fifty D. fifties 解析解析 本题句意:活到老学到老。卡尔马克思五十多岁才开始学习英语。根据句意再结合所学知识可知,此题考查“in形容词性物主代词基数词的复数”表示人的年龄这一用法,故填fifties。 答案答案 D考题再现考题再现( )1. (2013梅州)Unit _ is easy but _ unit is difficult. A. Sixth; seven B. Six; sevenC. Sixth; the seventh D. Six; the seventh( )2. (2011深圳)_ will she stay here?For_. A. How soon; one hour and a halfB. How long; one and a half hoursC. How soon; one and a half hoursD. How long; one hour and halfDB( )3. (2010深圳)_ people are taking action to protect the environment now.Yes. _ of my classmates come to school by bike now. A. More and more; Four fifthB. Less and less; Four fifthC. More and more; Four fifthsD. Less and less; Four fifthsC考题预测考题预测( )4. In order to finish the job on time, well need _ hands. A. more two B. two moreC. two another D. any other( )5. Nearly _ of the earth _ covered by sea. A. three fourth; is B. three fourths; isC. three fourth; are D. three fourths; are( )6. Tom has just finished writing a _ article. A. nine-hundred-words B. eight-hundred-wordC. nine-hundred-word D. eight-hundreds-wordBBC


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