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mad They are mad about football.他们对足球很狂热。be mad at/with sb.生某人。的气 相当于be angry with sb.Are you mad at me?你在生我的气吗?有关mad的词组;get mad 变疯,变得恼怒 be mad about/on/sb/sth.对某人/某事。迷得发狂He is mad on computer at the moment./ be mad for非常想要(2)mad madder- maddest拓展;madly adv.疯狂,猛烈二.anymore再也(不)( 不)再。相当于no moreHe doesnt work anymore.他不再工作了。I am not a student anymore.我再也不是一个学生了。三direct笔直的 直接的 坦白的directer-directest;This is the direct road to the zoo.这是一条直达动物园的路。Turn the following sentences into direct speech.把下列句子变为直接引语。拓展;1.direct.规则动词-指导,指引,命令The teacher directed the work of the students.教师指导学生的作业。2direction.名词 方向 ,指示四.reported speech(讲话;发言)间接引语(U)Turn the following sentences into reported speech.把下列句子变为间接引语。拓展;1.report(V)报告。汇报2reporter(n)新闻记者,新闻报道员五First of all 1. First of all, let me tell you the news. 首先,让我告诉你这个消息。2.First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh. 最初她只是微笑,后来才放声大笑。六Message(pl)-messages.He brought me her message.他给我带来了他的口信。拓展;(1)give sb.the message哨口信给(2)leave a message七Pass on pass-passes-passing-passed-Passed(1)pass(时间)消失(2)通过,超过。经过(3)传达(命令,消息等)等等They passed on the good traditions to us.他们把好的传统传给我们。拓展;pass (n)复数passes护照 ,入场通行证等七Suppose_supposes-supposing-supposed-supposed(1) 猜想(同guess)以为I suppose he went home just now.(2)假定(同)imagine.Lets suppose the news is ture.be supposed to被要求或被期望、应该,据说。We are supposed to be here at 6.我们应该6点到达这里。They were supposed to be here an hour ago. 他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。八Hard-working He is a hard-working man.九.do well in Of the 40 students, some do well in study, and the others are playing around.(play around胡闹.轻率对待)四十个学生中,有一些功课很好,其余的都很混。十.in good health身体健康Im glad to find you in good health.看到你们身体很健康,我很高兴。十一。report card Here is a report card for you .十二。nervous-more nervous -most nervous.Dont get nervous.不要紧.He looks nervous. 他看上去很紧。He was nervous before the plane trip. 乘飞机旅行前他紧不安。十三.envelope(C)十四。semester (C)There are two semesters in a year.十五。true-truer-truest(反义词false)You are our ture friends.十五.disappointing Its disappointing!真令人失望The speech was the most disappointing拓展;1 。disappoint(V规则动词)使失望;挫折2.disappointed 失望了的,受到挫折十六。Lucky-luckier luckiestI am a lucky teacher.十七。(1)copy a copy of 一份(词组)Show me three copies of the magazine.送三本这种杂志给我。copy (动词)抄写 (规则动词) Xiao Hong is copying my homework.He copied the book from beginning to the end. 他把这本书从头到尾抄了一遍。十八。own (强调某物属于某人所有) We have our own classroom.This is our own house.拓展; on ones own. 独立地,独自地。I do my homework on my own.我独立完成作业.own (动词)(规则动词)I own a car.十九get overget-gets-getting- got-got或gottonwe must get over shortcomings.(缺点)we tried to get over difficulty.(名词,可数名词。困难)我们尽量克服困难二十。(1.)poor(穷的)-poorer -poorest(反义词rich)(2) 差的 (反义词 good)My math is poor.(30)可怜的二十一.(1)village(pl)-villages.He lives in a small village.(集合词)村民。The whole village came to see me.全村的人都来看我。二十三。(动词)Graduate-graduates-graduating-graduatedgraduatedHe graduated form(at)Peking University.(名词 。毕业生) a graduate student.研究生。二十二。Volunteer(1)(可数名词)(2)动词,(自愿)Jack volunteered to carry water.杰克自愿抬水。二十三。Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队拓展:the Young Pioneer少先队员Pioneer先锋。开拓者。(可数名词)二十四。rural(反义词urban城市的)Things are getting better in rural areas.农村地区情况越来越好。二十五。meter(meters)This classroom is five meters long.二十六。 sea level This mountain is 1,400 meters above sea level. 这座山海拔1,400米。二十七。thin-thinner-thinnest(1)薄的(反义词)thick (厚的) This paper is thin。(2)(瘦得)反义词(胖得fat)She looks thin.(3)稀薄的The air at the top of the mountain is thin.山顶的空气是稀薄的。二十八。eat-eats-eating ate eatenHe didnt eat lunch today二十八.fortunately幸运地,交好运地.吉利地Fortunately I meet you now.二十九。decision(pl)- decisionsWe have made a decision.我们已经做出了决定. Who made a decision to go there.?谁作出决定去那里?三十。Husband (pl)-husbands They are husband and wife.他们是夫妻。三十一。dormitory(pl)-dormitoriesWe arent in the dormitory now.三十二。1. We will be in the senior high school in two years.2. In senior high school we have Chinese, science, English, and so on.在上高中时, 我们有语文, 英语, 科学等课程。op三十三 open up打开 .发展 开垦。展现 .开始等open-opens-opening-opened-opened(反义词 shut /close)With their help we opened a small bookshop.在他们的帮助下我们开办了一个书店。We opened up the door just now.三十四。1、 Start(begin开始)-starts-starting-started- startedThe meeting will start at 6 (2)出发(同 arrive)Well start tomorrow morning.(3)开动,开办。You may start a school.三十五(1)influence(pl)influencesMy advice has no influence(n )on him.我的忠告对他没有影响。2(动词)(规则动词)影响,感化Mountains influence climate.山脉影响气候。三十六return-returns-returning-returned- returned(同go back/come back)What time does your father return from work?三十七.hometown My hometown is in Hebei. I can come back to my hometown some day.总有一天我会回到家乡。I spent my early childhood in my hometown.我在故乡度过了自己的孩提时代。July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown. 在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月三十八。Greenpeace三十九care for (1)照顾 照料(同 take care of /.look after)(2)1. care-cares-caring-cared-cared(关心,担心.喜欢I dont care for that color. 我不喜欢那种颜色。Do you care for pop music? 你喜欢流行音乐吗?He doesnt care for fish. 他不喜欢吃鱼。四十。(1)(n名词)border(C) 边界 ,边境. (2)border 动词.交界/接壤(border land .边疆。border line .边界线) (名词: borderer (边界居民)动词过去式:bordered 过去分词:bordered 现在分词:bordering 第三人称单数:borders 四十一。danger(C)-dangersHis life is in danger.(在危险之中)他的生命垂危。in danger.(在危险之中)(反义词组)out of danger 脱离危险He was in danger of losing his life.他有丧命的危险。拓展;dangerous危险的


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