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英语词类复习(名词)名词I. 普通名词和专有名词:1. 名词可分专有名词和普通名词。练一练:(在下面专有名词后的括号里打“V”)China (), Joh n (), Mr Smith (), Mon day (), the Great Wall (),the Un ited States ( ), the History Museum (), Zhon gsha n Park ( ), teacher (),factory (), water (), charcoal ()2. 普通名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。练一练:(在下面不可数名词后的括号里打“V”)stude nt ( ), bus ( ), man ( ), air (), rice ( ), music ( ), weather ( ), fun (), job ( ),advice ( ), i nformati on (), homework (), money ( ), service ( ), i nven ti on ()II. 可数名词和不可数名词:1. 可数名词复数形式构成的主要变化规则:1)一般的可数名词:+s2)词尾是s, x, ch, sh的可数名词:+ es3)词尾是辅音字母+y的可数名词:y i + es4)词尾是元音字母+y的可数名词:y + s f/fe + so + s ( 无生命的东西)foot - feet5)词尾是f或fe的可数名词:f/fe v + es6)词尾是o的可数名词:o + es (有生命的东西)7)有些可数名词的单复数形式一样:sheep - sheep8)有些可数名词复数形式构成是不规则的:man - men9) 有些可数名词只有复数形式:people / clothes / trousers /10) 有些复合名词的复数形式:a man sin ger - men sin gersa woma n sin ger -wome n sin gers a boy sin ger - boy sin gers a farmer sin ger - farmer sin gers11) 有些复合名词的缩写形式:in the 1930 - in the 1930s CEO - CEOs练一练:(写出下列可数名词的复数形式)1,coinmon thploughlake2,classboxchurchbrush3,heropotatotomatomangophotopia noradiokilozoobamboozerovolca no4,citybabyfactorybattery5,dayboytoy6,shelfhalfleafkn ifechiefgulfproofroofsafescarfhan dkerchieffoot toothchild mouse goose8,Germanhumanwalkman9,a man teachera woman cooka boy playera worker writer10,sheep fishdeerChinese JapaneseSwiss11,compassesclothesglasses stockingstrousers7,manwomanpolicewomanbusinessman12, CD VIP in the 19902. 可数名词的数量表达:eg. a car / two carsa copy ofbooks / two copies ofbooksa couple of daysa few computers = somecomputersa number of students = a lot of students = quite a few students = many students 练一练:(用英语写出下列词语)1) 一件茄克衫 jacket3) 一条牛仔裤 a of jeans5) 一篮子花 a of 7) 一些亲戚 relatives =9) 许多参观者 visitors =_2)二件茄克衫 4)四组学生 four of students6)五篮子花 five of _ relatives 8) 几乎没有朋友 visitors = visitors10) 最好的学生之一 the best students11)三百年 years12)几百年 years13) 二千个工人 workers14) 成千上万的工人 workers3. 不可数名词的数量表达:eg. a bottle of water / two bottles ofwater little fooda piece of advice / five pieces ofadvice some work = a little worka lot of information = lots of information = huge amounts of information = much information练一练:(用英语写出下列词语)1 一片面包 a read 2 二片面包 two of 3 一些食物 food = food4 几乎没有钱 money5 许多雨水 rain = rain = rain6.许多时间 time = time = timeIII. 名词所有格:1.表示有生命的名词的所有格: (单数表达法) my sisters friends, (复数表达法) the farmershouses2. 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词的所有格:New Years Day3. 表示无生命名词的所有格: the front gate of the hall4. 有些名词可以作形容词用: telephone number 练一练:(用英语写出下列词语)1) 爱丽斯的生日 birthday2) 我弟弟的书包 my bag4)学生们的书桌 the 6)少年宫 the Palace9)在格林先生家 at the 11)在医生诊所 at the _13) 昨天的报纸 _ newspaper14)二十分钟步行的路程twenty _ walk3) 教师的办公室 the office5) 人民公园 the Park7) 麦克和杰克各自的房间 and8) 麦克和杰克共有的房间 and10) 在我叔叔家 at my 12)在裁缝店 at the 15) 上海的今天 today16) 鲍勃的一个朋友 a of = one of _17) 房间的号码 18) 牙刷 19) 学校的大门 20) 三班的学生 students / the students 练一练:(一些名词和介词的固定搭配)1,the ticket tomorrow2,thetickets the football3,the money _ the computer4,the medicine _ his cough5,the key _ to the door6,the answer _ the questionmatchIV ,构词法:(写出下列词的名词)1,writeflymanage2,visitinventprofessional3,waitact4,happykindill sick5,polluteinventinvitecollectoperatediscussdecide6,luckyhealthyfunnynoisy7,difficultdifferentsilent8,beginsayrelax9,truedie10,devepopeenjoyannounce11, freewise12,GermanBritishFrenchGreek13,surprisedinteresting wooden nationaldangerous14,savehonestelectrical15, longhighweigh16,serveenter17,plasticgood18,chemicalphysical19,medicalmix sit speak sellencourage7,the solution the problemsuggestapologize8,Germans9,men teachers boy players10,sheep fishdeer Chinese11,compassesclothes glassesJapanese Swissstockings trousers英语词类复习(名词)答案I.普通名词和专有名词:II. 可数名词和不可数名词:1.可数名词复数形式构成的主要变化规则: 练一练:(写出下列可数名词的复数形式)1,coinsmonthsploughslakes2,classesboxeschurchesbrushes3,heroespotatoestomatoesmangoesphotospianosradioskiloszoosbambooszerosvolcanoes/ volcanos4,citiesbabiesfactoriesbatteries5,daysboystoys6,shelveshalvesleaveskniveschiefsgulfsproofsroofssafesscarfs/eshandkerchiefs/es7,menwomenpolicewomenbusinessmenfeetteeth children micegeesehumans walkmans women cooks worker writers12,CDs VIPs in the 1990s2.可数名词的数量表达: 练一练:(用英语写出下列词语)1) 一件茄克衫 a jacket3)一条牛仔裤 a pair of jeans5)一篮子花 a basket of flowers7)一些亲戚 some/a few relatives2)二件茄克衫 two jackets4)四组学生 four groups of students6)五篮子花 five baskets of flowers8)很少(几乎没有 )朋友 few friends9)许多参观者 many/lots of/a lot of/a number of/quite a few visitorsmuch/lots of/a lot of/plenty of rain much/lots of/a lot of/a great amount of time10)最好的学生之一 one of the best students11)三百年 three hundred years13) 二千个工人 two thousand workers3. 不可数名词的数量表达: 练一练:(用英语写出下列词语)1 一片面包 a piece of bread3 一些食物 some/a little food5 许多雨水6.许多时间12)几百年 hundreds of years14) 成千上万的工人 thousands of workers2 二片面包 two pieces of bread4 很少 (几乎没有 ) 钱 little moneyIII. 名词所有格:练一练:(用英语写出下列词语)I)爱丽斯的生日 Alice birthday3)教师的办公室 the teachers office5)人民公园 the PeoplePark2)我弟弟的书包my brother bag4)学生们的书桌 the students desks6)少年宫 the Children Palace7)麦克和杰克各自的房间Mike and Jacksrooms8)麦克和杰克共有的房间Mike and Jack room9)在格林先生家II)在医生诊所13)昨天的报纸15)上海的今天at the Greens at the doctor yesterdays n ewspaper Shan ghaitoday10)在我叔叔家 at my uncle 12)在裁缝店 at the tailor 14)二十分钟步行的路程twenty minutes walk16)鲍勃的一个朋友a friend of Bob / one of Bob friends17)房间的号码 room number 18)牙刷 tooth brush19)学校的大门 school gate20)三班的学生 Class Three stude nts / the stude nts of Class Three练一练:(一些名词和介词的固定搭配)1,the ticket for tomorrow2,the tickets for the football match3,the money for the computer 4,the medici ne for his cough5,the key to the door6,the an swer to the questi on 7,the soluti on to the problemIV, 构词法:(写出下列词的名词)1, writerflyer man ager2, visitor inven torprofessor3, waiter/waitressactor / actress4, happ in ess kindn essill ness5, polluti on inven ti on in vitati onoperati on discussi on decisi on6,luck health fun no ise7, difficulty differe nee sile nee8, beg inning say ing9, truthdeath10, developme nt enjoyme nt/joy11, freedom wisdom12, Germa nyBrita in13, surprise in terest14, safety hon esty15, lengthheight16, service/serva nt17, plasticsgoods18, chemistry physics19, medic ine mixture seat speaker/speech salesick nesssuggesti on collect ionrelax ingannoun ceme nt / announcerFranceGreecewood n ati on ality/nati on dan ger electricity apologyweightentranceen courageme nt/ courage


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