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阶段仿真检测 必修二A卷【说明】本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(Text 1)M: What can I do for you, madam?W:Id like to have a look at books on science. I want to buy some.1Where are the two speakers talking?AIn a shop.BIn a bookstore.CIn a library.答案:B(Text 2)W:I am hoping to get some bread from the shop before it closes.M:My watch says 650, so we have around 40 minutes left to get there.2When does the shop close?AAt 730.BAt 630.CAt 700.答案:A(Text 3)W:Excuse me, would you mind if I used your phone?M:Help yourself; it is on the table over there.3What does the man tell the woman to do?AHelp herself to some food.BUse the phone on the table.CBring some food to the table.答案:B(Text 4)M: Do you have to leave already? Its only nine oclock.W:Im sorry, but I must. My parents are expecting me.4What does the woman mean?AShe can stay a little longer.BShe must go home now.CHer parents like her very much.答案:B(Text 5)W: Excuse me, does it say $4.5 for the bananas?M:Oh, no. You bought no more than 4 pounds. The bananas were a dollar five per pound.5How much should the woman pay for the bananas?A$4.50.B$4.20.C$1.05.答案:B第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。(Text 6)M:Helen, what do you think of this advertisement in todays newspaper?W:Didnt I tell you? It was also in last weeks newspaper. I saw it there and so I inquired by letter. I had a phone call today from the company and Ive got an interview tomorrow.M:Thats exciting. Do you think youve got the job?W:Well, they seemed very eager on the phone. I do think that theyll probably offer me the job.M:So, youre going to California?W:I didnt say that.I may be offered the job, but I wont take the job unless they agree to pay for my return ticket.It would be hard work looking after two boys and three girls, so I want a proper salary, too. Even though living in California would probably be great fun.6What is the job that the woman applied for?ATo serve in a phone company.BTo work for a newspaper.CTo look after children.答案:C7On what conditions would the woman accept the job?AThe return ticket is paid and the salary is good.BShe could be free to go shopping.CThe work is fun.答案:A8How did the woman contact the company?AThrough a newspaper.BOver the phone.CBy a letter.答案:C听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。(Text 7)W:You know, Larry. Weve got a new manager in our department.M:Oh?You hoped to get the job, didnt you?W:Yes, I did.M:Im sorry.Thats too bad. Who is it? Who got the job, I mean?W:Someone called Drexel, Carl Drexel. Hes been with the company only two years. Ive been here longer. And I know more about the job, too. M:Hmm.Why do you think they gave it to him and not you?W:Because Im the wrong sex, of course!M:You mean you didnt get the job because youre a woman?W:Yes, that was probably it.It isnt fair!M:What sorts of clothes does he wear?W:A dark suit, white shirt, and a tie. Why?M:Listen, Sylvia. Perhaps that had something to do with it.W:You mean you think I didnt get the job because I come to work in jeans and a sweater?M:Its possible, isnt it?W:Do you really think I should wear a skirt or a dress?M:Im not saying you should. Im saying you should think about it.Thats all!W:Why should I do that? Im good at my job! Thats the only important thing.M:Hmm. Perhaps it should be the only important thing. But it isnt. Not in this company.9Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?ABoss and employee.BColleagues.CTeacher and student.答案:B10What clothes does the woman usually wear at work?AA dark suit and a white shirt.BJeans and a sweater.CA skirt or a dress.答案:B11Whats the woman complaining about?AHer boss is unfair.BThe man is not listening to her carefully.CAnother woman in the company has taken the job that was supposed to have been given to her.答案:A听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。(Text 8)M:Hi,Lily,where are you going this weekend?W:Hi, Tiger.Im going to the beach with some friends. Do you want to come,too?M:Yeah, that sounds like fun. Which beach are you going to?W:We were thinking about driving north to the Big Beach. I like to watch the sea birds and wildlife there.M:That sounds great! When do you plan to leave?W:Well, I think its at about 400 pm. on Friday.M:Do you have space for me in one of the cars?W:Sure, well fit you into a car.M:Great! Where should we meet?W:Meet on Friday in front of my house. M:OK, Ill see you then. Bye.12What is the main topic of the conversation?AFriends.BSea birds.CA trip.答案:C13Why does the woman like going to the beach?ABecause she wants to sit in the sun.BBecause she is fond of watching the waves.CBecause she enjoys watching sea birds and wildlife there.答案:C14When do they plan to meet?ASaturday.BOne year later.CFriday.答案:C听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。(Text 9)M: Lets go and get a Coke.W:How many Cokes have you had today?M:This is my third, I have 3 or 4 Cokes every day. I really like Cokes.W:You should really try to cut down some.M:Why? I love it, Okay. I admit it. Im crazy about Cokes.W:But the amount of sugar in Coke cant be good for you.M:Oh, I know. But I just cant stop. Ive had this habit for years.W:Have you ever tried to cut down?M:Actually I have. But if I go a day without a Coke, my body gets weak and I feel nervous.W:It sounds like youve really got a problem.Have you ever gone to see a doctor or tried to get help?M:No. Ive never thought about it. But I just havent got the time.W:What are you going to do after work? Ill take you to a place that may help you.M:You sure seem to know a lot about how to give up bad habits.W:I do. I used to drink 5 Cokes a day!M:Hey, I appreciate your help. I really do.W:My pleasure. Thats what friends are for.15What is the mans problem?AHe drinks too many Cokes.BHe cant stop taking drugs.CHe has got a serious disease.答案:A16What does the woman suggest that the man do at last?ATry to cut down on Cokes.BSee a doctor after work.CFind a place together to get help.答案:C17What is the relationship between the two speakers?AClassmates.BGood friends.CDoctor and patient.答案:B听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。(Text 10)If you are studying English, the Language Study Fair that will be held this month will certainly interest you. The show will take place between the 17th and 19th of March at the National Education Center.It aims to answer all your questions about selfstudy, whatever your level is.The Language Study Fair provides a perfect opportunity for you to see, compare and get advice on everything that helps you improve the way you study. Over 350 leading producers of educational materials will be present.Weve got lots of different things for you to see and hear.There will be stands showing different types of selfstudy textbooks, and talks by educational speakers on the best ways to study by yourself.Youll be able to see the latest furniture available for people who study at home. Were sure youll also enjoy watching people using the latest computer programs, which can make English learning much easier.This is your chance to make good decisions about what you buy. You can attend the fair between ninethirty and five from Monday to Friday,and from ninethirty to four on Saturday. Tickets cost 5 each, or 3 if you are a fulltime student. All tickets can be booked by ringing the ticket hotline. The number is 9847711. Parking can be really difficult around the National Education Center. However, an allday space can be booked for only 2.50 per vehicle. So, we look forward to seeing you there!18Who is the man speaking to?APeople who are interested in computers.BStudents who like designing furniture.CPeople who enjoy learning languages.答案:C19What can we benefit from the Language Study Fair?AWe can get free books and free tickets.BWell get a lot of information about new jobs.CExperts will talk about the best way to learn languages by ourselves.答案:C20How much will a fulltime student pay for the Fair?A 3.B5.C2.50.答案:A第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21I cant remember when I first met Mrs.White,but I am sure it was _ Sunday because everyone was at _ church.A不填;aBthe;不填C不填;the Da;不填解析:考查冠词。a Sunday表示“某个星期天”;at church意为“在做礼拜”。答案:D22Could you turn the radio down a little bit?_.Is it disturbing you?ANot a bit BIm sorryCTake it easy DNever mind解析:考查交际用语。根据句意应该用表示道歉的用语Im sorry。句意:“你能把收音机调小一点儿吗?”“对不起。打扰你了吗?”答案:B23The couple look very excited,because their only son has been _ to Hong Kong University.Aentered Bpermitted Cagreed Dadmitted解析:考查动词辨析。admit接纳;容许。be admitted to被接纳。句意:这对夫妇看起来非常激动,因为他们的独生子已被香港大学录取了。enter进入;permit允许,容许;agree同意,赞成。答案:D24Its well known that the world economic situation will get worse _.Anot if dealt carefully withBif not carefully dealt withCif dealt not carefully withDnot if carefully dealt with解析:考查省略。该状语从句的完整形式是:if it is not carefully dealt with。答案:B25Lucy,look! I bought this MP4 for only two hundred yuan.Really?You got a wonderful _.Aoffer Bprice Cbargain Ddeal解析:考查名词辨析。bargain便宜货。offer出价,提供;price价格;deal协议,交易。答案:C26_ time goes by,Mothers hair has turned grey and the wrinkles on her face deeper.AAs BWith CWhile DBecause解析:考查连词。as time goes by意为“随着时间的流逝”。若用with,要将goes改为going。答案:A27He had been _ absorbed in watching the car passing by that he didnt notice his friends coming.Asuch Btoo Cthat Dso解析:考查固定句型so.that.。so.that.意为“如此以致于”。答案:D28Its better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning.I think your suggestion deserves _.Atry Btried Cto be tried Dto try解析:考查动词的用法。deserve意为“值得”,后常跟to do/to be done。suggestion与try之间为被动关系,故选C。答案:C29He gave us a lot of help when we were in trouble,but we have nothing to give him _.Ain danger Bin need Cin return Din fact解析:考查短语辨析。句意:他在我们有难时给了我们极大的帮助,但我们却无以回报。in return作为报答;in danger处境危险;in need需要;in fact实际上。答案:C30I still doubt _ the price of houses in Beijing will go down,but just wait and see.Athat Bwhy Cwhether Dwhen解析:在肯定句中,doubt后面一般接whether或if引导的宾语从句。句意:我仍然在怀疑北京的房价是否会下降,但还是等等看吧。答案:C31Can I have the document right now?Of course.Wait a minute and Ill have my secretary _ it for you.Ato print Bprinting Cprinted Dprint解析:本句的意思是“请稍等,我让秘书把文件给你打印出来”。此处是have sb.do sth.结构,表示“让某人做某事”。答案:D32Jeff,you look so excited today.Sure I am.I _ a good job in a big company,you know.Aoffered Bwill offerChave been offered Dwas offered解析:考查时态和语态。结合对方的话以及答语的前半部分可知此处强调的是过去发生的事情对现在造成了影响,而I与offer之间又是被动关系,因此用现在完成时的被动形式。答案:C33In his letter was his promise _ he would spend the Christmas Eve with me.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhether解析:考查同位语从句。句意:他在信中写了要与我共度平安夜的诺言。空格后为同位语从句,意义完整,故用that引导。答案:A34After months of voyage,Columbus arrived in _ later proved a new continent.Awhere Bwhat Cwhich Dthat解析:考查名词性从句。从句中可以看出介词in后面的从句中缺少主语,因此选择what,并充当介词in的宾语。答案:B35It was careless of you to have left the house without turning off the cooker.My God!_.ASo were you BSo was I CSo did I DSo I did解析:考查特殊结构。根据答语的前面部分可知说话人离开房子时的确没有关掉炊具,“so主语助动词”表示“确实如此”。“so助动词主语”表示“也如此”,因此C项不正确。答案:D第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,在短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2010杭州检测)One misfortune led to another,and thats how Alexandra came to live with my family.Within days,she packed and _36_ her family behind to live with us.She walked into our house as a _37_,nervous and uncomfortable,smiling _38_ but finally feeling safe.At first,she spent most of her time in her room,only showing her face at dinnertime.But each night she became more a _39_ of our family.Soon enough,I met the real Alexandra,a _40_ girl who jumped at unexpected noises,had an unforgettable laugh,and was somewhat misunderstood.She _41_ right in with the weird mix of personalities of my family,bringing her own sparkle (活力) to our _42_.After a while,I became very _43_ to her.We painted each others nails and texted inside jokes only a few feet away from _44_.She would even tease me like an older sister.I admired her because she opened up to us _45_ she had suffered so much.Through it all she was still the _46_ person she had always been.She was not with us very long; she had dreams yet to realize.Her ambition was _47_,and she decided a local college was _48_ she would study English and Secondary Education.Because of my family she was able to follow through with her _49_.Without her,the house is quieter,lonelier,and _50_ something.She showed me things no other person could,lessons that cannot be taught but only understood through an _51_ like this.As I _52_ back on the shadow she left,I question whether I could endure what she had.People say that what my family did for her was a great act of unconditional _53_ and sacrifice (奉献),but in my eyes what she did for me was even greater.Though she is not _54_ to me,she is a person I will always remember,not as an adopted sister but as a _55_ one.语篇解读:本文记述Alexandra因为家庭遭遇不幸而被寄养在作者家里,由于自身的努力再加上寄养家庭的资助和关爱,Alexandra实现了自己的梦想。36A.left Bput Ckept Dmoved解析:由于Alexandra家庭接二连三发生不幸,她整好行李,离开家来和我们住在一起。leave.behind离开。答案:A37A.loser Bfool Cstranger Dtroublemaker解析:根据该空白后形容词“nervous and uncomfortable”暗示可知Alexandra是一个陌生人,和我们素不相识。答案:C38A.willingly Boccasionally Cbroadly Dfalsely解析:可能感觉寄人篱下,Alexandra只是偶露笑容。答案:B39A.piece Bkind Crole D part解析:承接前一句,起初Alexandra只是待在自己房间里,仅在吃饭时露面,但时间一长,便和作者一家就越来越熟悉了,她就成了这个家庭的一个成员(部分)。答案:D40A.pretty Bsweet Cworried Dconfident解析:我见到Alexandra的真面目,她样子甜美,这里用sweet与下文说到她正适应我们一家人性格不一的离奇组合相一致。答案:B41A.joined Bmatched Cset Dfit解析:fit (right) in是固定短语,表示相处融洽,适应。答案:D42A.combination Bconversation Ctradition Dexpectation解析:Alexandra来到我们家,把她的活力带给我们这个家庭(组合)。答案:A43A.friendly Bmodest Cclose Dinnocent解析:过了一阵我和Alexandra关系亲近了(相互熟悉)。答案:C44A.one another Bus Cthem Dher解析:我们相互嬉闹,这里是说Alexandra和我关系融洽,所以空白处应填入相互代词one another。答案:A45A.ever since Bas if Cas far as Deven though解析:Alexandra虽然遭受了不幸,还对我们展开心扉,这一点令我钦佩。答案:D46A.only Bsame Clikely Dother解析:经历了这一切不幸,她还依然保持开朗的性格。答案:B47A.engineering Bacting Cteaching Dlearning解析:根据本句末“she would study English and Secondary Education”暗示可知,她的抱负是教书,故C项正确。答案:C48A.when Bwhich Cwhether Dwhere解析:where连接表语从句。答案:D49A.goals Bopinions Cmanners Dhabits解析:由于我们家人的帮助,Alexandra能够实现她的目标。答案:A50A.covering Bmissing Cholding Ddestroying解析:Alexandra给我们家带来了巨大变化,没有她,屋内便缺少点什么,更冷清,更寂寞。答案:B51A.opportunity Badventure Cexperience Dexplanation解析:Alexandra教给我的东西不是学校的课堂里所能学到的,而只能通过类似这样的经历去感受、去理解的。答案:C52A.bring Bcall Cfeel Dlook解析:当我回头看看她留下的背影,我就怀疑我能否承受住她经历的那些不幸。look back on回顾。答案:D53A.love Bhappiness Chelp Ddignity解析:人们称赞我家人为Alexandra提供了无条件的爱和奉献。答案:A54A.familiar Brelated Cexposed Dordinary解析:虽然Alexandra和我没有血缘关系,但她是我永远记住的人。答案:B55A.last Bfull Creal Dmoral解析:Alexandra对我来说,已不是收养的姐妹,而是真正的姐妹。答案:C第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2010届英语周报第2期)It was the hardest thing I ever had to do as a mother.But I knew I had to let my daughter,my only child,go.In a few months,Sophie was going to college.We had so much to be happy about,but I was nervous,too.I knew I had to do something to help myself through the summer.Sophie had a pack of Tshirts that she wouldnt wear and didnt want to get rid of, so I decided to make a quilt out of them for her bed at college. It focused my energy, and also let me relive some memories. I tried to work on the quilt when Sophie wasnt homewhich turned out to be often. She was very busy with her friends. Even when she was around, her door was shut more than usual. I felt a bit hurt. After all, we didnt have much time together before she went to college. I was already missing her, but she hadnt even left yet!The day finally came. When we arrived at the college, a wave of emotion swept over me. I tried to hold it back, but Sophie saw it in my face. She took out a beautiful book from her bag. “I made this for you,Mom,” she said. Then I knew why she had been staying behind a closed door that summer. It was an album of photographs documenting the life of our family over the last 17 years.I broke into tears. Some of it was sadness at having to let her go, but there was joy, too. I knew that our connection was more powerful than ever, and that wed always be connected by the love that went into every stitch(针脚) of her quilt and every photo in my album.When we helped Sophie settle in her dorm, I unfolded the quilt on her bed. For a moment she was speechless. Then she threw her arms around me. “Mom,I love you,” she said.One of her new friends was calling her outside.Sophie turned, and I let her go.语篇解读:作者通过自己女儿离家上大学的故事告诉我们,有时候父母要学会放手。56. The author decided to make a quilt for her daughter to _.Amake her daughters bed comfortableBmake her daughter remember herCstore her daughters TshirtsDshift her attention and ease her anxiety解析:细节理解题。作者在第二段指出,女儿要上大学了,她既高兴又紧张,需要找些事情做来度过这个夏天,由此可知,作者是为了转移注意力、排除担忧才做被子的,故选D项。答案:D57According to Paragraph 4, the author felt hurt because her daughter _.Awas not interested in what she was doingBhad little time for herCwas going to leave home for a long timeDdid not help her to make the quilt解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段的内容可知,让作者感到伤心的是Sophie马上就要离开家了,母女俩在一起的时间所剩无几,但女儿却很少和自己交流,要么出去和朋友们在一起,要么把自己关在屋子里,故选B项。答案:B58How did the author feel when they arrived at the college?AShe was excited.BShe felt at ease.CShe was sorry to be leaving her daughter.DShe felt proud of her daughter.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第一、二句可知,送女儿到学校时,作者因为舍不得离开她而难过,因此选C项。答案:C59Why did the author finally let her daughter go?AShe realized that her daughter had to go to college by herself.BShe realized that the love between them would never be cut off.CSophies present made her forget her sorrow.D Sophies new friends were calling her outside the dorm.解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段的内容可知,作者意识到她和女儿之间的感情将她们紧紧连接在一起,这是最坚韧的,空间的分离并不能将之割断,所以作者释怀了,故选B项。答案:BB(2010灵武一调)While researchers have long shown that tall people earn more than their shorter counterparts, its not only social discrimination that accounts for this inequalitytall people are just smarter than their heightchallenged peers,a new study finds.“As early as age threebefore schooling has had a chance t


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