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#include#include#includeint memoryStartAddress = -1;int memorySize = -1;struct jobListint id; /* 作业ID */int size; /* 作业大小(需要的存储空间大小) */int status; /* 作业状态 0 : new job ,1 : in the memory , 2 : finished . */struct jobList *next; /* 作业链表指针 */;struct freeListint startAddress; /* 分区起始地址 */int size; /* 分区大小 */struct freeList *next; /* 分区链表指针 */;struct usedList int startAddress; /* 分区起始地址 */int jobID; /* 分区中存放作业ID */struct usedList *next; /* 分区链表指针 */;void errorMessage(void) /*出现严重错误时显示信息并结束程序*/printf(ntError !a);printf(nPress any key to exit !);getch();exit(1);void openFile(FILE *fp,char *filename,char *mode) /*以要求的方式打开文件*/if(*fp = fopen(filename,mode) = NULL)printf(nCant open %s in mode %s.,filename,mode);errorMessage();整理为word格式void makeFreeNode(struct freeList *empty,int startAddress,int size) /*根据参数startAddress、size创建空闲节点,由empty指针返回*/if(*empty = malloc(sizeof(struct freeList) = NULL)printf(nNot enough to allocate for the free node .);errorMessage();(*empty)-startAddress = startAddress;(*empty)-size = size;(*empty)-next = NULL;void iniMemory(void) /*初始化存储空间起始地址、大小*/char MSA10,MS10;printf(nPlease input the start address of the memory !);scanf(%s,MSA);memoryStartAddress = atoi(MSA);printf(nPlease input the size of the memory !);scanf(%s,MS);memorySize = atoi(MS);char selectFitMethod(void) /*选择适应算法*/FILE *fp;char fitMethod;doprintf(nnPlease input a char as fallow to select the fit method !n 1 (Best fit) n 2 (Worst fit) n 3 (First fit) n 4 (Last fit)n);fitMethod = getche();while(fitMethod 4); openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);switch(fitMethod)整理为word格式case 1: fprintf(fp,nnnntBest fit); fprintf(fp,n*); break;case 2: fprintf(fp,nnnntWorst fit); fprintf(fp,n*); break;case 3: fprintf(fp,nnnntFirst fit); fprintf(fp,n*); break;case 4: fprintf(fp,nnnntLast fit); fprintf(fp,n*); break;fclose(fp);return fitMethod;void inputJob(void) /*从键盘输入作业到D盘的JOB文件*/int /*id,size, */status = 0,jobnum = 0;FILE *fp;char id10,size10;openFile(&fp,d:job.cl,w);fprintf(fp,job_IDtsizetstatus);printf(nnnnPlease input the jobs as fallow !nEnter a integer smaller than 1 to quit .njob_IDtsizen);do/*scanf(%d%d,&id,&size); */scanf(%st%s,id,size);if(atoi(id) 0 & atoi(size) 0)fprintf(fp,n%st%st%d,id,size,status);/*fprintf(fp,n%dt%dt%d,id,size,status); */jobnum+;整理为word格式elsebreak;while(1);if(jobnum)printf(nFinished to input the jobs !);elseprintf(nNo job was given .);errorMessage();fclose(fp);int makeJobList(struct jobList *jobs) /*从JOB文件中读出作业并创建作业链表*/char jobID10,size10,status10;struct jobList *rear;FILE *fp;openFile(&fp,d:job.cl,r);fscanf(fp,%s%s%s,jobID,size,status);if(*jobs = malloc(sizeof(struct jobList) = NULL)printf(nNot enough to allocate for the job .);fclose(fp);errorMessage();rear = *jobs;(*jobs)-next = NULL;while(!feof(fp)struct jobList *p;fscanf(fp,%s%s%s,jobID,size,status);if(p = malloc(sizeof(struct jobList) = NULL)printf(nNot enough to allocate for the job .);fclose(fp);errorMessage();p - next = rear - next;rear - next = p;整理为word格式rear = rear - next;rear - id = atoi(jobID);rear - size = atoi(size);rear - status = atoi(status);fclose(fp);return 0;int updateJobFile(struct jobList *jobs) /*更新作业链表中作业的状态*/FILE *fp;struct jobList *p;openFile(&fp,d:job.cl,w);fprintf(fp,job_IDtsizetstatus);for(p = jobs - next;p;p = p - next)fprintf(fp,n%dt%dt%d,p-id,p-size,p-status);fclose(fp);return 0;int showFreeList(struct freeList *empty) /*空闲分区队列显示*/FILE *fp;struct freeList *p = empty - next;int count = 0;openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nnNow show the free list.);printf(nnNow show the free list.);if(p)fprintf(fp,nnumbertsizetstartAddress);printf(nnumbertsizetstartAddress);for(;p;p = p - next)fprintf(fp,n%dt%dt%d,+count,p - size,p - startAddress);printf(n%dt%dt%d,count,p - size,p - startAddress);fclose(fp);return 1;整理为word格式elsefprintf(fp,nThe memory was used out !);printf(nThe memory was used out !); fclose(fp);return 0;void getJobInfo(struct jobList *jobs,int id,int *size,int *status) /*获取作业的信息*/struct jobList *p = jobs-next;while(p & p-id != id)p = p-next;if(p = NULL)printf(nCant find the job which id is : %d .,id);errorMessage();else*size = p - size;*status = p - status;void updateJobStatus(struct jobList *jobs,int id,int status)struct jobList *p = (*jobs)-next;while(p & p-id != id)p = p-next;if(p = NULL)printf(nCant find the job which id is : %d .,id);errorMessage();elsep - status = status;int showUsedList(struct jobList *jobs,struct usedList *used) 整理为word格式 /*作业占用链表显示*/FILE *fp;struct usedList *p = used - next;int count = 0,size,status;openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nnNow show the used list.);printf(nnNow show the used list.);if(p)fprintf(fp,nnumbertjobIDtsizetstartAddress);printf(nnumbertjobIDtsizetstartAddress);for(;p;p = p - next)getJobInfo(jobs,p - jobID,&size,&status);fprintf(fp,n%dt%dt%dt%d,+count,p-jobID,size,p- startAddress);printf(n%dt%dt%dt%d,count,p-jobID,size,p- startAddress);fclose(fp);return 1;elsefprintf(fp,nNo job in the memory ! You should input some jobs to it.);printf(nNo job in the memory ! You should input some jobs to it.);fclose(fp);return 0;int showJobList(struct jobList *jobs) /*显示作业链表*/struct jobList *p;p = jobs-next;if(p = NULL)printf(nNo job in the list ! Try again next time.);整理为word格式return 0;printf(nnThe job list is as fallow :njob_IDtsizetstatus);while(p)printf(n%dt%dt%d,p-id,p-size,p-status);p = p-next;return 1;void moveFragment(struct jobList *jobs,struct freeList *empty,struct usedList *used)int size,status;struct usedList *p;int address = memoryStartAddress; /*全局变量,初始化时分配存储空间始址*/if(*empty)-next = NULL) /* 空闲分区链表为空,提示并返回 */printf(nThe memory was used out at all.nMay be you should finish some jobs first or press any key to try again !);getch();return;for(p = (*used) - next;p;p = p- next) /* 循环的修改占用分区的始址 */p - startAddress = address;getJobInfo(jobs,p - jobID,&size,&status); /* 由作业ID获得作业大小 */address += size;(*empty)-next-startAddress = address;/*修改空闲分区的首节点始址、大小*/(*empty) - next - size = memorySize - (address - memoryStartAddress);(*empty) - next - next = NULL; /* 删除首节点后的所有节点 */整理为word格式void order(struct freeList *empty,int bySize,int inc)struct freeList *p,*q,*temp;int startAddress,size;for(p = (*empty) - next;p;p = p - next) /* 按bySize和inc两个参数寻找合适的节点,用temp指向它 */for(temp = q = p;q;q = q - next)switch(bySize)case 0 : switch(inc)case 0:if(q-size size)temp = q;break;default:if(q-size temp-size)temp = q;break; break;default: switch(inc)case 0:if(q-startAddress startAddress)temp = q;break;default:if(q-startAddress temp-startAddress)temp = q;break; break; /* 交换节点的成员值 */ if(temp != p) startAddress = p-startAddress;size = p-size;p-startAddress = temp-startAddress;p-size = temp-size;temp-startAddress = startAddress;temp-size = size;int allocate(struct freeList *empty,int size) 整理为word格式 /*为作业分配存储空间、状态必须为0*/struct freeList *p,*prep;int startAddress = -1;p = (*empty) - next;while(p & p-size next;if(p != NULL)if(p - size size)startAddress = p - startAddress;p - startAddress += size;p - size -= size;else startAddress = p - startAddress;prep = *empty;while(prep - next != p)prep = prep - next;prep - next = p - next;free(p);elseprintf(nMay be you should move the fragment together .); /* Unsuccessful ! */return startAddress;void insertUsedNode(struct usedList *used,int id,int startAddress) /*插入释放的空间到used链表中(作业号为id,startAddress由函数13返回)*/struct usedList *q,*r,*prer;if(q = malloc(sizeof(struct usedList) = NULL)printf(nNot enough to allocate for the used node .);errorMessage();q - startAddress = startAddress;整理为word格式q - jobID = id;prer = *used;r = (*used) - next;while(r & r-startAddress next;q - next = prer - next;prer - next = q;int finishJob(struct usedList *used,int id,int *startAddress) /*结束一个作业号为id的作业,释放存储空间(由*startAddress返回空间的起始地址)*/struct usedList *p,*prep;prep = *used;p = prep - next;while(p & p - jobID != id)prep = p;p = p - next;if(p = NULL)printf(nThe job which id is : %d is not in the memory !,id);return 0;else*startAddress = p-startAddress;prep - next = p - next;free(p);return 1;void insertFreeNode(struct freeList *empty,int startAddress,int size)/*插入回收的空节点分区,处理回收分区与空闲分区的四种邻接关系。*/整理为word格式struct freeList *p,*q,*r; for(p = *empty;p - next;p = p - next) ; /* 处理链表尾部的邻接情况 */if(p = *empty | p - startAddress + p - size next = p - next; /* 插入独立的空闲节点 */p - next = r;return ;if(p - startAddress + p - size = startAddress) /* 与尾部上邻 */p - size += size; /* 合并尾部节点 */return ;q = (*empty) - next; /* 处理链表首节点的邻接情况 */if(startAddress + size = q - startAddress) /* 与首节点下邻 */q - startAddress = startAddress; /* 合并首节点 */q - size += size;else if(startAddress + size startAddress) /* 与首节点不相邻 */makeFreeNode(&r,startAddress,size);r - next = (*empty) - next;(*empty) - next = r;else /* 处理链表中间的邻接情况 */while(q - next & q-startAddress next;if(p-startAddress+p-size = startAddress &整理为word格式 q-startAddress = startAddress+size) /* 上下邻,合并节点 */p-size+= size+q-size;p-next =q-next;free(q); /* 删除多余节点 */else if(p - startAddress + p - size = startAddress & q - startAddress != startAddress + size) /*上邻,增加节点的大小*/p - size += size;else if(p - startAddress + p - size != startAddress & q - startAddress = startAddress + size) /* 下邻 */q - startAddress = startAddress; /* 修改节点起始地址 */q - size += size; /* 修改节点的大小 */else /* 上下不相邻 */makeFreeNode(&r,startAddress,size);r - next = p - next;p - next = r;void main(void)char fitMethod;FILE *fp;struct jobList *jobs;struct freeList *empty;struct usedList *used;if(used = malloc(sizeof(struct usedList) = NULL)printf(nNot enough to allocate for the used node.);整理为word格式errorMessage();used - next = NULL;remove(d:result.cl);makeFreeNode(&empty,0,0);while(1)char ch,step;int id,size,startAddress,status;struct jobList *q;printf(n1-Initializiation.n2-Put job into memory(allocate memory).n3-Finish job(reuse memory).n4-Show current free list.n5-Show current memory used by jobs.n6-Move fragment together.n7-Exit.);printf(nPlease select a digit to continue.n);step = getche();printf(n);switch(step)case 1:openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nntInitializiation :);used - next = NULL;empty-next = NULL;iniMemory();makeFreeNode(&(empty-next),memoryStartAddress,memorySize);fprintf(fp,nnnDo you want to use your job file directly ?nDefault is N . Y/N : );printf(nnnDo you want to use your job file directly ?nDefault is N . Y/N : n);ch = getche();fprintf(fp,n%c,ch);fclose(fp);if(ch != Y& ch != y)整理为word格式inputJob();makeJobList(&jobs);if(ch = Y| ch = y) for(q = jobs-next;q;q = q-next)if(q-status = 1)startAddress = allocate(&empty,q-size);if(startAddress != -1)insertUsedNode(&used,q-id,startAddress);fitMethod = selectFitMethod();break;case 2:if(memoryStartAddress 0 | memorySize next;q;q = q-next)if(q-status = 0)switch(fitMethod)case 1: order(&empty,0,0);break;case 2: order(&empty,0,1);break; case 3: order(&empty,1,0);break;case 4: order(&empty,1,1);break;startAddress = allocate(&empty,q-size);if(startAddress != -1)insertUsedNode(&used,q-id,startAddress);updateJobStatus(&jobs,q-id,1);updateJobFile(jobs);elseshowJobList(jobs);openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nPlease input a job id from above .);printf(nPlease input a job id from above .);scanf(%d,&id);fprintf(fp,%dn,id);getJobInfo(jobs,id,&size,&status);switch(status)case 0: printf(nOk !The jobs status is correct !);fprintf(fp,nOk !The jobs status is correct !);fclose(fp);break;case 1: printf(nThe job was in the memory !);整理为word格式fprintf(fp,nThe job was in the memory !);fclose(fp);goto label;case 2: printf(nThe job was finished !);fprintf(fp,nThe job was finished !);fclose(fp);goto label;default:printf(nUnexpected job status .Please check you job file.);fprintf(fp,nUnexpected job status .Please check you job file.);fclose(fp);errorMessage();switch(fitMethod)case 1: order(&empty,0,0);break;case 2: order(&empty,0,1);break;case 3: order(&empty,1,0);break;case 4: order(&empty,1,1);break;startAddress = allocate(&empty,size);if(startAddress != -1)insertUsedNode(&used,id,startAddress);updateJobStatus(&jobs,id,1); updateJobFile(jobs);label : ;break;case 3:if(memoryStartAddress 0 | memorySize 1)printf(nnBad memory allocated !a);break;doint i;openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nntFinish job(reuse memory). .);fclose(fp);整理为word格式 if(showUsedList(jobs,used) = 0)break;openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nPlease input the id from above .nInput -1 to end the finish job task .);printf(nPlease input the id from above .nInput -1 to end the finish job task .);scanf(%d,&id);fprintf(fp,%dn,id);fclose(fp);if(id = -1)break;getJobInfo(jobs,id,&size,&status);if(status = 1)i = finishJob(&used,id,&startAddress);if(i)insertFreeNode(&empty,startAddress,size);updateJobStatus(&jobs,id,2);updateJobFile(jobs);elseif(status = 0 | status = 2)if(status = 0)printf(nThe job was not in the memory !);else printf(nThe job was finished !);else printf(nUnexpected job status .Please check you job file.); errorMessage();整理为word格式while(1);break;case 4:openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nntShow current free list. .);fclose(fp);showFreeList(empty);break;case 5:openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nntShow current memory used by jobs. .);fclose(fp);showUsedList(jobs,used);break;case 6:openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nntMove fragment together. .);fclose(fp);moveFragment(jobs,&empty,&used);break;case 7:openFile(&fp,d:result.cl,a);fprintf(fp,nntExit :();fclose(fp);exit(0);default: printf(nWrong choice !);getch(); 友情提示:本资料代表个人观点,如有帮助请下载,谢谢您的浏览! 整理为word格式


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